HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-03-15, Page 5Thursday„ Ma.h .itis, 1934. SIMMS S CAR}., 9i .1 1N •49i. li o ii.d.iV ri ?nh*:Teri" : lt, L.UC3T17,rtta. NCuT• eaRY PUBLIC, ETC. " 0 F CF.- fla iitan Street, 'finest MI the Square, GOI)ERXCH, Ontario. dalpeeial Attention to Cobzncel and' Court Work, 0. 1(iemsec aloe be: censreatee stet Vederich by Phone, and Ii'hdon> thrarles reversed. Dr. 1 . H. COWE L. 1), S. I). D S. • .. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ .BLOOI--•ZUBICII "Wary Thursday, Friday, Batuadtiy A>s IARTL1+lII3' S BLOC1, DASHWO OD r! very Monday,' Tuesday and Wednesday „ionise✓ EAu:ct .1neer ldU aiU hAfa, (Poi' a7 e , tG Y Cit, it20 l7 dy i G19dfreesiay ate,. Agi MEM tom" .s illi HAY FOR SALE l3ale%t preened 'Itay, timothy anti •mire rl hay. I'ricec on application. e': li ger.;, gest in your stapply for the epring seeding before the roads brake: 0• Gi •e 11 Phone 59. herr: all, Ont. V I ANTED ED Work by an experienced farm hand by the yc•'ar, or would' consider share: renting on equipped farm. Apply to Chariots Sunde rcock, 1:Iensail. For Sale A good re -built i.3••tooth •eu'ltivatc also a re -built drag harrow L. Prang & Son. Zurich FOR SALE For Huron and Middlesex a brand new 1Vlelotte 500-1b. cap - II AM INA POSITION TO rd]c:i.ty Cream Separator, ' at 'a real CON - lace any Auction Sale, regardless ,r,1r aii)1. Apply to Jo onruan I solicl't ' la � QizO or article to 8811. .... gear business, and if not satisfied wxl stake no charges for Sereipes Ren- For Sale • ARTHUR WEP,ER,_Dealewood £slave as • - Miss Ethel 110ss ;his visiting, in 1;l Mira, Mr. .Il'erb, Mous'Seau made a bug. ices trip to Lundell on i+'iciciay. Mrs, John Kuntz, of Dashwood waa a vl i:vl• in town on Wednescia;; Mr, and Mrs. E P. Klapp' made motor trip to i,llniva xe.cently ivies peri 11 A.!Solinteetu ler?e taken o;" e,r the Kipa n t.,eree;o ?winch ha xa crntly las I eira! :t d#. M,r. and Mrs. Moses .Gerber have made a motor trip to Kitchener ia» week. They Miters recently tr c err themselves to x: new f,it vrot t eere, ., ttaLf'.E✓WS ►arta y Ind has Lotto ramie. but it 1,eine ,i lob .A Campbell, of li.l.. 1 c::' l.n��' 7 , rc:'. with a fuller„owes deer that follo:z• ese,Fern rn e .r'n. h:. chore f .. is ie a ;aho- t ds:+ttlllce free: aene 1;• •.T ' .;ti-. ••I +.1411 C' 0: hu As , lie: f.tlthl'x=, ' , ! ; ' 'r,.1. People tea; ,seri, ac - ,i 41,, (10I; 1r;io'v nW; 1114. .•n 11,ti ti UV'.l, and the twiin- f,ea Mr, .end Mrs. John Gerber of t":t It! ..1 ., el '_ (1(441 State Or I;1dia1 ,a It{rte Leen here Vi;, ) ,.c4 ' •epee•'. t; 'i;.l,c" is 1+ting, owing .to the •illnCss .of -hi., 'ring .!ee (.t appall fo,eid lee far', -n nlothex' • i net fel I. ibr»11 hos n :... \:i - i:• 1,' A 'numbe,r of dogs around tl)w"r, hail r' I+r +•3;. n ah s Iloru ' b i+. have thl destemper infection a,,. masher It v 1, onit a few days old those effected with it become quite and long-leo„<cr.d, fr•lrcr ,bundle at ill, while Rome have died as a recurs that til. e. IIc' tools i+ borne, nursed =sort that 'i'1.. it carefully and; obtei-•:;d a special We a; pr1 ttr>rl to re + permit to keep the. animal, For al - Filbert h nor•: u of St. Joseph, ane; who net i:411d � - Lur+ -•. ° 'C? -<", an opera i.4.mo;t t[F n ,'VTe•I r.4 now it has been a in Landon Tlopital, .hn retie raz.+vd familial grit in the district, hoer home and is improved nicely. „ Apparently spring is just azr.u.' HENSALL BALL CLUB the corner, at least the ralandee sae so, as next Wednesday is March 21st and the day when spring ie usheral : n ace :e ding 'to the ..,,ions of t}+rs A .' year. We saw stems flying on Tui':=. ` 4 day, Ieiti h was t 1. s V i.Fal rfl, and i` 1 t'') dist rave, the epring thrili Mr. ''' 1 d Fir/Teo of L :. Jo.enh ad'cra, ORGANIZE li•:1tlen meeting for the ee. e" .1924 was held i: r1 -. awl. due to t't, 11 careen were present T Vo Buckeye incubator,,' r1,1.l; :. '.. 7t' '-x'-rtay evening that oil 1. Pa .1.:: ' 517 175 't d d t ah t 1 '1 ' t in. fir ••' c• . ;a. r -,c • .r�.ch;' Popular' MEAT AEKET Let Us supply you' with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- Sausages, �9':C� Meats, tsClkiP�`Yiaa, Etc., always.. on hand... Kep afresh an Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins -� Y ��iigbiut & Son SERV .._+CE. ogg' capacl y, xn goo coni ion. a' an; while wo;°.;Ing ou Very reasonably priced. Apply to ,,ush he had come across a gart,r .;;)80.e1, Mrs. Ben Elder, Hensall : hake which was just a little slot, in 00940a Se�a90.aefeateC)'. efe See ea Y;. STOCK F1oro .? ' Keep your Stock and Poultry Hemilly tis Wi aterr t using Our Various Brands ofoo a e)a yi : a•. i'ot.db i J � and Laying Mashes. None Better ori the Maar•kets To -Day! COAL COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY ARE AT THE ROCK DOTTOM P,R!CF .S shoe WHY BUY CAN BUY y JOBBERS RE? ` ) WHEN'Yet./ THE GENUWE AT TFIE SAME PRICES "We do Custom Seed Agency for McCormick -Deering chi e Cleaning" lachinery Repairs. 3 op oettetellaiele eetdosiover 3i;e fair.* *6nesa ereeeenavei. Fre?). Free! To each purchaser of ,lx sotting (15) of ow Watching Eggs Extras, arlothr r setting entirely free. Please come and see our stock. Also started chicks. Bruce: J. Kropp, Zurich. NOTICE I am authorized agent and dealer for thb Renfrew 'Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and Washing Better Machines. Also have .some used Why We have the Separators aiway, on hand. If in ..f Customersn.eed of any of above articles, kindly ;Iittgal CLASS GOODS, U. S. La arrange to see me. Hugh Thiel, II.Ii 2, Zurich. Itivri liXBtVi^DI31?i.E OIL, 1t'Phone € o r 4 ±43 ;1,1+E.LUlare. °la, GOODYEAR TIRES HOUSE FOR SALE ;;AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION rU strts4 I -lobules and lV[ecbanical W+a este to Micrometer Set fags, -guess work. Watch the cars that, STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH, CLASS CLIENTELE. Za, a DASHWOO fern Fanners' Mutual 01 ONTARIO • Natter Insurance Co OF WOODSTOC 7.1CHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. .+,Miniount of Insurance at Risk Ion'Dec. 31st, 1932, $17,830,7.1 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978,99. Itatea-$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. K1opP---2 t rich Mme, Also Dealer in Lillhtuiod liod� Lard all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE P p t1 L T RV ifi 1 WANTED fake* every Day till a o'clock, .p.m lire sot feed Fowl earn raornin} when brought in. illighest Cash. Prices --CASH FOR- CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien f1 Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurleb THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT boyar ready to serve the pub Se with Commercial and fine lIt�, Gee Our prices be - loom wing y %It Order elseItatniti - • ears offering• my very desirable property in Zurich for sale. Consist- ing of a fine brick dwelling house, a good barn and also three acres of land. Either the property or the land can be bought separately. For further particulars apply to the pro- prietor: Mr. John Gellman, Sr., Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at say home at Zur- ich, for which we will 'pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive thein, and pay.ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominioin Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. ZURICH - HERALD Eiitabtaeheel 8900 • ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 a' tear, strictly in advance; $1.50,. • i1n arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U 3. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- :inued until all arrears; are paid un• less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription le paid is denated on 4M racer. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made knows )n application,. Miscellaneckun suriielee of not more han ,four lines, Fct Sale, To Rent Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One baser ion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 18 %. SOc. Fara or Real Estate for sale $2.06 'or first month, $.L.10for each fol owing month, . Professional Cardnet exceeding inches, per year $6:00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25e for each additional Tar's.; Card ei thanks, 60e. Auction Sales -42.4A per ,single nsertion if not ore foga inches bi bngtita . Address all carameenieatione tot THE )ERAS n O.Nt, • •its The woodchuck:= have been ="i n out for over a week. but we will have to wait till the• warm weather comes before we me assured of epring. . Another wee' will likely make a big change.BTr' it does not look like an early rpriiio eofa•. Huiser-Hildebrandt • iThe wedding oceurr'�'d o1? 'T'11ez'• day r• ee ,.. . last of two well known young people; of Hensall,•,0 when Rev. Father Power of Zurich united marriage Mary Hniser, eraughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Huiser and Alex Wilrlebrandt, son of Mr. Will- iam Hildebrandt, all of Henson The bride was attended by her sister Miss Annie Huiser and the gr'ooi,: by James .Davis of the Babylon lint: 1l -+1 ' 't'.tllce on hand as being ' 1' ...'e. " lc• fo lows ee officers we - elected: Hon. President, J. W. iit,.I sit. Vi'. 11. c;oklina 117. P., :iii 1'1.. I:. W. J. Tones, W. ass) lake, W. O l3rein, W. Consitt; ()resident, T. E. f)rtrnn ond; Vice - i , F. Simi '1c -k; Sera- Treas. J. A. • 1 ateron; Manager E. L. Mickle; •1 After; the ceremony, the young couple retarned to Itensall ..where they will ,Hake their home. Founci Dead In Bed , Last Monday morning the lif 1.': remains of iss Addie Kerniek •', - 'rr found in bed at her home, Eerie. ,•' after a forceful entrance to the home had been made by Dr. Brown- ing and neighbors. Th1' deceased .heel pawed peacefully away, .death 1 being due to heart trouble. She re- 1 sided alone in the residence formerly i owned by the late Mrs. Willis. She had not been well of late and .was visited Friday' evening by Dr, Bro- wning, returning Sunday but did not gain entrance, howeveir when she. was not saon abort it was decided to in- vestigate, with the mentioned result. Coroner Dr. Weeks was called but deemed that an inquest was enncce• scary. Flourishing Company - At the annual meeting of tee 11ce Kiliop Mutual Fire Insucanee Co., held at Seaforth, the secy., M. A. Reid, • presented his first report since being appointed to the position. In doing so he expressed his gratifcat- ion that, in spite of a series of heavy fire losses, ,the Company was able to show a gain of approximately $7,- 200 7;200 in liquid assets over 1932 and $3,241.71 in surplus. There was al- so an increase of 55 in number of policy -holders and .an increase of $103,839 in insurance in farcy This was considered a very satisfactory showing especially when many com- anies had been forced to show a deficit. • The Company on De comber 31st, 1933, had '2526 policies in force, to a total of $8,040,191. Government Takes Over, BLUE WATER HIGHWAY Jubilation was expressed all the way from Goderich to Fort Lamb - ton at the announcement that the Ontario Government will take into the provincial highways system, with a view to eventual paving, spine 5.5 miles of county road in Lambtoil, including the St. Clair River road Frain Sarnia to Port Lalnbton, t1e Blue Water Highway from Goderich and Grand Bend to Thedford, rind :;he Forest townline. At present Lambton has only nine miles of pro- vincial road. Belief is expressed that the Government will this year pave the river road from Sarnia as far as Courtright, the Forest townline and ' a. the stretch of Blue Water Highway through the pinery. "We have work- ed for years to have this route taken over as a provincial road." Col. C.S. Woodrow, president of the Blue Water Association, .said. "It is the hest news -s e have ever received." was the .statement of Robert Simp- ;en, president of the St. Clair River mprovment Association Coach 12 W,1i. b1 r ; ?:: t. Coach, J. ,lees. The execetive to consist of President, Vice Pre: ident, Secy-treas nonlegal:, and coaches,' these 'salve were given power to add to their number.. The eecy wae .n;'tructed to get in touch with the folowing towns stn and find out tht.ii' in.f:ntions as re gards the 1934 g*.oupings: Ailsa Craig Lagan. Ilder' on, St. Mai:ys, Clinton. Goderich end report as soon as possible. Parsons intera,ted please get in touch with the. secretary J. A. Paterson. liaaulaullesm Here and There Panama canal tolls for Ap •il amounted to $1,878,987. About $2,300,000 is to be Lpent on the construction of roads and bridges in the province of British Columbia this year. The Customs and Excise revenue for April amounted to $20,500,000, an increase of $5,000,000 over the receipts of April of last year. - Emigrants numbering 15,000 left Scotland for Canada during the first four months of the year, according to consular estimates in Glasgow. Canadian flour has at last been placed on the Panama market. One boat has just loaded the first con- signment of any size, 1,000 barrels being. taken. Seventy-five per cent. of the cop- per produced in Canada in 1022 was the output of British Columbia mines. The Canadian production for the year was 43,321,402 pounds, of which British Columbia accounted for 32,432,521 pounds. The famous Chateau Frontenae husky dog team, remembered by visitors during last winter's sports season, is being perpetuated. One of the dogs ..has just given birth to three pups, and if the youngsters turn out to be like their parents the Chateau Frontenac team is likely to continue winning 'dog derbys. l''rshing licenses In the Maritime Provinces have 'leen reduced. The special fishery regulations for Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island have been amended to provide that in many instances where the license has been more than a dollar it will now be one I dollar. No limit will be set to the help to be offered to new settlers in the agricultural sections of the province of Quebec, acoording to Premier Taschereau. The latest government provision is to pay colon?ste at the rate of $4.00 per acre for land cleared on their colon1 at1on lots since 1920, $7,000,000 have been voted for provincial colonization. The decision of the Canadian Pa. cific Railway Company to scrap agreements` of sale with 30,000 Can- adian fanners in the west and enter into new contracts with theta, ex- tending over 34 years on an amor- tization basis, will affect agree- neents of a value of approximately $100,000,000, and relieve many farm- ers of heavy, pressing debts. The new motor ferry operated, be. tween Victoria, B.C., and Belling- ham, Wash., develops a speed of 14 knots in adverse weather. This motor driven vessel, recently launch- ed, is the first of its class to be used in this seryiee and the first to be added to the Canadian Pacific fleet, It has a capacity for 50 auto. mobiles. Zurich 111 Store We have a f d u Ling all the requi ement Scheer Sup,lies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS IN STOCK. f� e i - KEPT 0990r a galeeeS1@Sa'ev#d65ennSBEss6xa4a See Out. Supplyof Toilet Pyre; orations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. ash•eilk 9e=+0A?0006000000411001104 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A, J. MaoKinnon Zurio Aa iMl>-U' MMS'\MP RWM i 1iUl RP MMMM51 P i "`, 0 e d 8 e • 0 0 i 0 d • 1 • •a'• • • a s • • 44 ZURICH HERALD'S Club.thg List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.1 0 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ¶6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star , $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2. 7 5 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star Farmers' Magazine $ $222.25 Family Herald for 3 years $22.00 Canadian Countryman 25 Weekly Witness ; ;.15 .......,.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 *Rd a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every, reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States,, and can save you money, en the meet of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zii,riicb .'DA'b0*90*404Pb F*O'> a 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 t e • e R e6 a w • • • •