HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-03-15, Page 1%ol.. XXXIV NFr 3a U ! C H, THURSDAY M O -: N I F4 , MARCH 15, 1934. Chester Le Bary P7eFiliiZ g.25ayear, U.S.$1.r r cone/t i • 1 3 local erchant . Read the Home OUR CORNER Found Not Guilty " --- Not Guilty' was the verdict an- nounced by the jury after little over an hour's deliberation" at :• Goderich High Comet •on Wednesday morning, last of the evidences presented in a ten -hair hearing, before Mr. Justice Kingstane, on the charge of indecent year from these universities? assault Iodged against Thomas 'Gov-' 1 enlock, twentyttree-year-old Lamb - The immigrant popu3on of Can -1 ton county schbol teacher, by 'Muriel .ada in 1931 numbered? 5,307,525; of i Finnigan, seventeen -year-old Egerton- -these 51.3 per cent. were cif British dville girl. "No bill," was previous •orgin. But one out of about four 13r reported by -the grand jury on a. •of our people were not (born in this more :serious. charge also preferred) country We need to Ileal kindly and against the young man. In bring'mg tenderly with these strargers within our gates. ••—, A new train is being tested out •win this continent. It consists of 3 cars hinged together into a long,tu- bular, rocket -shaped train, which weighs no more that. , a pullnsan ,coach. The train: is, furnished with a 600-h.p. engine, faceted in the front car, and it can develop a spe- witted in the early morning of Nov - 1 ed of 110 mires per. hone:, r ember 11, '1933, when after a dance We had in Caned in 1532 studen- ts of university grade numbering more than 45,000•„ an increase of 2,500 over the previous year. But what is the prospect for the 10,000 students which we will turn out each CARD OF TANKS Mrs. Earl Wei.do desires to 'express her sincere thanks to the neighbors and many friends for the kindness and sympathy extended her during. her lenthy illness. IN MEMORIAM In fond memory of our dear son, Lewis Disjardine, who passed away on March 10th, 1933. There is beyond the sky A Heaven of joy and love in the verdict of not guilty, the jury And little Lewis when he died was apparently little affected by His Went to that home above. Lordship's address which—he ap- We loved him, yes we loved him braidedthe pLisoner at some Length But Jesus loved him more. and referred to the "degraded state And He has sweetly called him of mind and morals" a person must To yonder shining shore: have in order to perpetrate such an The golden gates were open act, particularly in the presence of A gentle voice said come, a gird person, as was admitted the An Angel from the other side case. The alleged assault was con Welcomed our darling home. From mother and family Fin - February 1934 will at Kippen, accused, with Muriel Fin Ygo on record nigan and Margaret Montgomery in as the coldest month in Huron Co- I,the back -seat of his car, parked in unity for a great many: years at least: the lane to the Cooper house while During the 28 days the mercury dip- • waiting for Conrad Eckert to return ped below zero on: 23 mornings, after escorting Beatrice Cooper to ranging anywhere from. a to 52 de - her tame. Miss Finni . • grees below during the month.. The gan, although she said she knew Govenlock was continual frigid conditions were ke- l =like that" as sheg t rin the enly felt by the citizens;, and' every- front seat that',', hiputthinking that one is ready to accept, warmer sea- she could •"handle him". It was then tiller at once. ;Properly Fitted Glasses C. E. ZURBRLGG., R. Ct. ' Will be at Hess' JTeweIery Store, 1 Every Wednesday Afternoon, begin- • ming at 2 o'clock to; .fit yen with ;.Masses. PRICES MODERATE E ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church. ZURICH — ONT., "A Changeless Christ fsr z ang- ina Wary Friday, Sh e --Luther; Lege. Saturday—Choir Pragethre.. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Crete, Swale—ea. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday' Selma. 7.30 p.m.—l`ngls'sh ffereima Everybody Welenmes iib el'a Services. E. TUERK IEf „ Pa.eae. 111111111Illlr o Illllllllii ]III@il!@llflll3lll 7 minion of Canada General Ins. Co.. to the Municipality as Treasurer be accepted and same filed with the Clerk of the Peace of the County and that the said Clerk be asked to. return the Bond of the former Trea- surer for cancillation, The Evangelical Rally service last Sunday evening• was a great success. Mr. and Mrs. Feed Haberer, Miss Anita Datars, and Mrs. E. Gascho motored to London on Tuesday. Mr, Aaron Gingerich attended the Mennonite Bible School rn Baden on, .Thursday and Friday last week. Mr, Earl E. Weido is taking a few days off his week, visiting at .Goderich. .Mr. Wallace Ross of near Bruce - field was a Monday visitor at the home of Me'. and. Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mrs. Morley Witmer' and two children of Detroit, are visiting with the former's mother,'1VIrs. J. Decker of town. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0.. Smith and two Sons, Gordon .and Stanley, of St. Joseph, motored to Baden and Kit- chener on Monday. Mr. T. L. Wurm of Toronto spent Motion, that by-law No. 478 to the week end with relatives in town. { that the alleged assault took place. appoint Road Foreman, Pound -keep- It seems like days gone by to have ,els and Fenceviewers having been Tally in our midst. Teed three times be passed and sign - ed and sealed, Mr: and Mrs. Mose Erb and Miss Unique Event as Jail Empty Goderich, March 9—an interesting Ceremony was held in the :office of Sheriff Middleton at the count. buil- ding today to "Mita- -the occasion of the county jail being without a pris- oner' for the first time in 93 years. At the instance of the sheriff, War- den Geo, Elliott presented the trad- itional pair of white kid gloves to the Deputy Sheriff, Jean Clements, believed to be .the only lardy holding that position in the province. It is believed also to be the first time a warden has had the :pleasure of making a presentation of this nature Ater expressing thanks of himself and his deputy, Sheriff Middleton asked and received permission to rend an account of proceedings to Bishop Seager of the Diocese of Hur- on. A copy will also be sent to Charles Seager, father of the Bishop, who for many years was Crown At- torney of Huron County. • E-- 'STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall, Cred- iton on Monday, the 5th of March, at 1 p.m. All members were present • The minutes of the previous meet - big were read and adopted. Motion, that the bond of C. Zwi- cker for $5,000 'issneii by The :Do - r •xt.l til IIIA II(Illlif NIIIINI IBM I N 111111111111111111111111111111 t MIIM1111111111111111111111 NEW ice Y re Baking; Powder 1,witlh Goblet) 1: .,.25c Borden's. condensed milk . ...... .. 1 c Circle Bxanc Coffee .. _._...,.... -----.._:-.-35c Cluh, Hous. Olives .. . a Eddy Swan INtIatches,, 3 for . .. Princess Soap Ekes b,.,b..M_ ..... ..,...,-... 15c Oranges:,per dozen ...w.. ...... .,-e...: 19C Ripe Tomatoes, - ., ,..._...:... ...... . .., I:5c Caustic 'Soda -in Bulk a7tcf ' Cans Fresh, Fruits and Groceries. Always on m Als,rk Threads, tirts, Laces, Eli*,, 15c enno • e ,. ...iu,Zur EGGS: W. .TF. r:,l ui!t1E,!fllf llli iil , truck tri Ahc4- Erb. and Mabel Swartzentrubee Motion, that by-law. No. 479 to ifiixt red to kitchener for a few days provide for expendture on roads in last Week. - the Townshp of Stephen during the year 1943, having been read three times be passed' and signed and seal. It was resolved that by-law. No. 350 passed May 26, 1927 to provide for certain .animals running at large on the Township Highways and am- communion service. ending by-laws be repealed and. that The Zurich Junior Farmers' Assoc - a by' -law be prepared to prohibit iation held ,their monthly meeting in ]s.. from Town Hall, Zurich on Monday evening last with a good attendance Arrangements were made to form a grain club for competition among the members,. Registered seed will be secured and good prizes awarded As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. Catharine Gerber, relict of the late Valentine Gerber Ilea, . J. P. Hauch, Stratford will prea.Jrh: in the Evangelical fhurch this week on Thursday evening. E vemybody welcome. Then on Sun- dy M orning, 9.45 there will be holy 517 alum d rorty running at large on the Township Roads. 'The Clerk read a letter received from the County -Clerk stating that at the January Session of the Huron County Council, a motion was pas- sed that all indigent patients going to all Hospitals, the Mr rticipality •(where the patient resides), shall pay one-half of the cost and the Co; unty the rest and the Reeves of who died on March 13, aged 80 yrs. such Municipality be notified. Filed, '2 months and 9 days. The funeral 'The :Clerk was instructed to write ' wiIl be held to the A. M. cemetery, •the County Clerk regarding certain Bronson line; .Hay, on March 16th. accounts rendered for In ligents Pat- ients who are now in The Queen Alexandra Sanitarium in London, that this Council objects to pay them as their information is that they are not indigents. A letter was read from the Chief Engineer of Municipal Roads as to grants from Federal and Provincial Governments towards unemployment relief 'in Counties and Townships, Filed. The following accounts were pas- sed; .Hydro Electric acet 7.24; Geo. A McCubbin, blue prints of plan 24, 1.50; Waterloo Mut. Fire Ins, Co. for Hall 24.00; Municipal World, supplies 4:59; F. J. Wickwire, grin - ting 38.16; W., H. Sweitzer, expense re /Williams 15.00; lien McCann rl 12, 4.50; John Morrissey rd 22 8,85; P. Regier rd 10, 7,65; Albert ?.,.gkr rd 9 1.20. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain in .the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, Auril 2nd at 1 pan. Minutes of a Special Meeting of 'he Council on Saturday; the 10th of March 1934, with all members present. F. •W..M'orlock, collector. of ':taxes, appeared before t;ie Coun uil and gave a report of his collect- ions to date •rtnd in view of -him '.t wing been unable to return .the all by the day appointed 1n by-law No. 471 passed by this Council on the 28th day ,of October, 1933, it was resolved that the Collector was to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in .the manner and with power provided by law fdr the general levy and collection of taxes, and that the said Collector wes to notify 'all persons in arrears to pay their taxes to hire not later then the 2nd of April next and that the roll was to be finally' returned to the 'fi^owntlrfp .°-Treasurer not latlrr then the 10th. of April 1934, OBITUARY Peter Cook, Mlverton's oldest re- sident, died at his home there in his 96th year. on Thursday, March lot, following an illness which has kept him confined to his room for the p:at few weeks. Born in bush co- urtry, which is now New Hamburg in 1838, the deceased man had been a continuous resident of that part of the country. About 30 years ago he moved to Milverton, following the death of his wife. The late Mr. Cook was the son of the late Reinhard Cook, who came from Lingelbach, About 76. years ago he Married to Annie Kuntzi, a native of Germany. • They took up residence in Elora the year after their rear- riago whee'they owned a fine 150 acre farm. From the time he was 9 years old Mr. Cool drove oxen teams He was a good axe -man and his ser- vices were always. in demand. In his young days- he awned a threshing outfit, the first open cylinder thresh- ing; oc.tfit in Elvia township; for 20 yeare he thrashed. Up until a few month ago Mee Cook was quite act- ive and was up about Milverton every day. He was one of 'the keen- est sportsmen • to be found. It is over 80 years since he shot his first :leer .end Many have fallen. under his aim since that +timee There were five daughters and one son in, the family, (Katie) Mrs. Writ. T. True- mner, Zurich; (Illizabeth), Mrs. G. nzr;rq o7os, Toronto; Miss Carrie at home; (Mary) Mrs. Wm: Truemner, 7rric, ; and (Ida) Mrs. Wm. Spencer Spencer, Miivcrton, His son Levi, died in Milverton some ycers ago. There are .also thirteen grandchild- ren ;;;Ed nine great ;nandehildren surviving. The funeral was held on Saturday March 3rd with service iii the Evangelical church, internment n Greenwood Cemetery, Rev. W. 1.'. is WHEN YOU THINK OF Gifts THINK OF HESS FANCY CHINA SILVERWARE GLASSWARE CLOCKS and WATCHES Gifts as low as 25c. Above all they are Gifts that Last. Ness, The Jeweller 4, • • •• WE • • • HAVE • • • • Severaj • • • • • i LEATHER COATS SWEATERS l Eli;S • OVRERCOATS UDNERWEAkr LEATHER CAPS • And Other Winter Good • WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT •• •• • • • i WIaTrwe Phone 74 Zurich BLUE COAD: ALL GRADES Genuine Sernet - ,Solvay eta; Miller's Creek WE CARRY ONLY TNF H1$ " QUALITY FUEL AgricultueaI Tile and Brier: CASH paid for Eggs out. CaaaReela Basis. W. R. DAVIDSO Phone No. 10 HENSALL„ WE,. tt+fis 'iri 9'P•f1.•.0 y ah.atl' ntPt-fsfa) aat 'fb lse Less Tho COst tis ( uQiv'Q "tlsli yn' .nYi iL'^.^I' } • ti lir,.+ . .•' 4.i• • EMBALMERS AND ST •• ••••e .i.O* 44,19.3.44z,oTo..s-2••4s.dyads4,149,•uYPrqY?• as ,v .d. .,,..,;..ts >;> ,e• FtJN 1RAL DIRECTOR Cold her We have the Goods in stock that you require for the Cold Weather, Such as Woolen Wzndbreakers1, Woo Blankets, Flannelette .Blankets, Dress Goods, Fra et.: ettes, Military Flannels,, :Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays vaS Childrens` Heavy Rubbers, • Sweater Coats and Pull.. Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Hammy Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shits. Highest Prices Paid for Good , Bright Dried Apilios.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HANl::s.. R. N. U G'EWEEA• MERONAeVT ON1'-A' .xTM - 97 131.+AkE .a+u.n..4:;.u... aY:futlw 4 .1