HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-03-08, Page 1• ....111.••••,,..••••••••••* Vol. )(XXIV No.35 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, i934. Chester L. F•lroittri, PubliateM $1.25 a year, U.S. 81.5111a Adras1oRL 11.50 L1 A.RREA.R,S, $2 MAY BtCHASSIV Patronize-th.e_ local Merchant and Read the Home Paper OUR CORNER A general election for the Ontario Legislature is said to be on the card for next June. Na matter what the weather, the campaign that precedes the polling will benlist, 4--4# President Booseevelt in asking that he be given power to make re- ciprocal trade arnangentents for three years. This hi amazing auth- ority to place ii the hands of the .executive head. rn the past tiie Sen :ate has had the rignt. to pass on all, treaties. Iii the fiscial year ending March 21, 1933, Canada paid into the Fed- eral Exchequer more than $62,000,- 4/00 in income taxes- The returns :since 1917 average morethan.$60,- '000,000 annually- This source of revenue is too good to be left am- -tapped. Last year Brifsh wheat product: "ion has boomed under the quotalaw by which a minimum price guarantee to the farmer. The increase in • wheat acreage in Britain and Whales is 17%. In Canatla there is a dea- - crease in the acreage of spring whe- at amounting- to 1,475,10 acres. But • there is still some 25,000„000 acres -devoted to spring wheat, and a good crop will mean a. gteater harvest Schools in many parts of the U.S. A. celebrate April 24th -at "Wild Flower Day", and the school child- ren were taught to spare the flowers and suffer them to grow in their natural habits rather than to pluck them and denude the countryside•of its chief beauty. That Bottle of Scotch Fred Regier (Rigier) claimed in police court last week that liquor dispensaries kept aceruate record of the whereabouts of bottles of liquor sold to customers by means of the maker's numbers' numbers on the label. The argument arose out of the discovery by the police of a bot- tle at Regier's home for which he could not give a satisfactory acco- yunting. The magistrate told him to go but and prove his point. The liquor stores in London say that the numbers on bottles mean nothing to them, and that any one trying to prove anything by them is Mit of Inck.—Goderich Star. 4-4 Interesting Hobby • R. Grosh, chemist with the St. Marys 'Cement Co., for a number of years bas taken a deep interest in astronomy. Mr. Grosh makes his own telescopes. The largest of the telescopes has a lense 101/2 Inches across ▪ It took many months of spare time in which to grind the lens. A variation Of even a million part of an inch would be disastrous as far as results were concerned. Such an instrument would cost, izf purchased from an opEciac4 firm, about $5,000. 1VIr. Grohhas five other telescopes of varying sizes and he is preparing to make one larger "'Properly Fitted Glasses, dm A Wonderful Operation C. E. ZURBR1GG. R. 0. ana t 'The anany friends•of L. V Hogarth "Win be at Hem' 're-Ii*krY•re for' several months has . been in a piaster cast at the Christie sVeet hospital, Toronto, following an operation on III:A 9p11C., bed lighted to know that the cast at last has been removed and. that an x-ray exthination -reveals a perfect g,ra The operation npon. Mr. Hogarth was one of the marvels of anrgery, and was performed TkTovetaber 20th. It' consisted of -removing- at small port - 'don o'f the -spine that had "becothe diseased and replaeeing it -with a pottion of 'bone removed from the leg. It -was 'then rteeessary to 'be. placed in a plaster • cast and a-walt the residtall. Owing, to his otherwise fine physique 'he has --made n -remark-. able recovery. If the present -pro- gress -keeps -up lir. Hogarth should be home' -in `Exeter in about three, xrionths. 'Dming his stay in the hese *nal he 'has been -visited by munter- atm 'friends from 'Exeter. TE'very Wednesday Afternoon, begin- ning at 2 o'clock to gan. with • glasses. PRICES MODERATE • tt 47.14=111==1:11=7-152112011011Relk: 411M. ST. PETERS Evangelical Lutheran Church • ZURICH — ONT. 'A Changeless Chase fear ar, in g WerleP' Friday, Sh:—Luther Magma. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Gerrnas Samba. 11.15 a.m.—Sum/lay Selneet. 7.80 p.m.—English Service. Everybody Welcomes Se Sereises., ; E. TUEREMEINL, ikaanie. ,• v. ••••114`..111lritnilillill,illlif1111111111111l1Ili1111111111li1111 1111111111111111111111R1111101511C11111lIllIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1;1.= • NEW oocery LENTEN SPECIALS Figs (cellophane ,wrapped) Hilf 4b. .._._.5c Cascade Snioz* 14Ib tins Ginger Cookies, 1 Ib. . . . . Fressh Lake Trout, 1 -lb 5c Sardines„, tang lOscar Brand 1 5c Loaf Cheese,, 141,. .. Lemons,, I dozen . . .. Rice,, 4 lbs. for Fresh Fruits and Groceries Always CirsUarnt Agsq 'Threads, Pins, Laces, Etc. Merino 4esch EGGS WANTED. 'Phone. 165 • • . • • IN MEMORIAM " In Loving Memory of Ivan Oesch who departed this life one year ago, March 14th, 1933. Home to Jesus, Horne to glory Every wave of trouble o'er He is now with other loved ones. On that happy peaceful shore Sleep in peace, dear Ivan, Tis sweet to breath your name In life we loved you very dearly In death we do the same In your grave calmly sleeping While your spirit shines above. Safe in your Saviour's keeping Waiting for those you loved We'll trust in God to meet again Where parting has no name. Sadly missed by Parents, Brothers and Sisters. IN MEMORIAM Willert—In loving memory of our dear wife nnd Ia4then Melanin, whom, God called home fiveyearg The annual Evangelical Y. P. Ral- ago to -day, March 13, 1929. . •ly service will be held in the Evan - Dear Mother, you are not forgotten gelical Church next Sunday evening. Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us , As you always were before. Take up thy cross and follow Him. Nor think, till death, to lay it down; For only he who bears the cross May hope to bear the glorious crown In that bright, eternal city, Where no tears e'er dim tne eye; In the home of many mansions, We will meet her bye and bye. • • Mr. T L. Wurm of Toronto made a business visit in Zurich this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp and daughter were visitors at Detroit the past week. • Mrs. H. H. Cowen and Miss Inez Yungblut are visiting with relatives in Detroit for a few days this week. • Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman of Dash- wood were Sunday visitors with Miss Anna Hess. Mr. Calvin and Miss Ethel Williams Mrs. Milford Schilbe and Mrs, W. C. Wagner • motored to London ob Wednesday, Ever remembered by her husband and family. loving HAY COUNCIL. Come and enjoy a good programme with us. IVLrs. William Truemner of the 14th concession is spending a_ week at Milverton. Shebeing called there to attend the funeral of her father, the late Peter Cook, who died at the age of 96 years. Mr. Lorne Howald, who has been employed in the Hunt Milling Co. of London, has returned home, owing to thc:J.liege. $4001,000 fire suffered by t . °npany last Satuiday night. In fighting this fire two firemen we- re killed and several injured when •an unexpeted explosion occurred. The regular -monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the .Town Hall, Zurich, on lgondaYi March 5th, 1934, with all the members present. The min, utesof the . previous meeting were adopted as read. A!'t(r disposing of the communi- cations the following resolutions we- re passed:: That By-law No: 5-34, providing for hhe rental and fixing fees for same for the Township Hall be read three times 'and finally passsed, and Reeve and Clerk be authorized to 'sign same and Clerk to affix Town- ship seal thereto. That By-law No. 6-34, providing for estimated expenditures on Tp.. Roads .for the year 1934 to the a- mount of $3100.00 be read throe times and finally passed and Reeve and Clerk be authorizd to sign the same, and the Clerk affix the seal of the Corporation thereto and forw- ard copy to the Depatment. of High- ways of Onario. That the Rules and Regulations governing the operation of the Hay ,Municipal Telephone System be ap proved and revised and amended and the Clerk forward a copy to the Ontario Municipal Board for appro- val and if approved have 100 copies printed for use of the subacribees. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads, Telephone and General accounts be passed as per vouchers• : Township Roads—T. Steinbach rd. 8 1.60; S. Martin rd 6 2.50; U. A. Pfile rd 15 2.94; W. J. Jarrott, ex- penses to convention 14.00; Tele- phone Accounts—Zurich Hydro, li- ghts 2 months central office 5.22; Zurich Central, switching 5 weeks, 85.00; Bell Telephone Go., tolls, De- cember. to January 63,87;Northerft Electric Co. material 74.27; Strom - berg -Carlson • Co. material 5.01; L. Schilbe & Son, coal central office 16.46; II G. Hess, labor, etc. 77.40; General Accounts—Zurich. Hydro, lights town hall 2 months 5.01; Ges- tetner 'Co. paper 2.44; S. Martin, milk, indigent .95; Tuckersmith Tolo • System rates • 1931-2-3 156.90;' L. Sohilbe..& Son, account indigent • 1.25 11. Ortw'ein ditto 4.20; J. Gascho & Son, ditto 6.70.; J. W. Merner, ditto 1.92; J. Heinlein ditto 2.90; E. Tie- rnan & Son, ditto .75; J. 131oek, me- an ade ttansients 1140; 3. Gachstetter, • acourit e, . indigent'. 2,00 • remains were buried at London on That the Council adjettrii to Meet Friday morning, The parents aad . • . . again T)11 Tite:nlay, April 3rd, at 1.80 family have the heartfelt sympathy o ....link, id the afteenoon, oi their matty f clown i their and 1/- • • lee, On Tuesday afternoon about two o'clock Zurich almost experienced another fire; this time in the. garage of !Mr. Harry Rose. Some gasoline wasstanding in a can which in some unknown way became ignited and the blaze quickly spread in a small stock room pnrtitioncn off fromm the an i ropair room. Mr. Rose, was seem- ingly alone at the time and he hur- riedly ran to Mousseau's garage to give the alarm, and in a few minutes Elzar Mousseau and Ted Klopp were at the place of fire with the fire engine, and quickly played the chem- ical hose on the blaze, putting it • out in short order., This is once of several times that the engine was ,there with the goods, and saved a bad conflagration FIREMEN ORGANIZE On Tuesday evening in the office of Mr. A. F. Hess the Police Trus- tees caned together the appointed firemen and they soon formed an or- ganized body with the following officers appointed: Fire Chief, M. G. Deitz; Assistant Chief, W. A. Reith; In charge of chemicals, Milford Schilbe;. Motor mechanic, H. Mous- scan, Assistant, Len Prang; Other members: Lloyd O'Brein, Lee 0'- Brein, I. Yungblut and Earl Thiel. At the Nike Trustee meeting Mr. H. G. Hess was officially appointed to supervise the peak lod of the local Hydro System. Mr. Hess also urged the Pollee Trustees to get in communication with Toronto and ask for lower rates to the local con - miners in Zurich, and we surely would wekeine this. , Young Life Is Called After five Weeks of serious illness with a most -determined struggle a- gainst death, the' young life of Edsel Ducharme, the eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Ducharme of the Babylon Line, Hay Township, was called from this world of suffer- ing oil Tuesday, February 27th, at the age of eight years and three month. Edge). was a very height little fellow and was attending pub- lic sehool at Zurich previous to him taking sick with pneumonia. about five weeks ago, and three weeks pre - Inoue to his passing he was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, but at the last complications set in and he pamd away at that place The WHEN YOU THINK OF Gifts THINK OF .TA HESS FANCY CHINA SILVERWARE GLASSWARE • CLOCKS and WATCHES Gifts as low as 25c. Above 411 they are Gifts that Last. less, The Jeweller Phone 74 • Zurich MINIVER MIIMIgpv.,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EMBALMERS AND • • 4ge • do. * * 441a 41-41.,0,tb 46 .0 4,0 .04. 40 0,00 4,44,44'404r gra, 0, Blue Scranton Coal ALL SIZES Petroleum Coke, Semet Solvay Caren. Genuine Rosedale Alberta Lursp Pocahontas and Miller Creek, slwarr, on hand. AGRICULTURAL TILE and BRICE., Highest CASH price paid for Eggsont a Graded Basis. • DRIED APPLES WANTED (Must be chy and bright) • VirR PAVIDSON Phone No. 1d iiiiklittALI4 • .1***00 • ••••••••••••••• 4.4.4*,* 0.0•••••44.0.4. WE. HAVE IN STOOK Several LEATHER COATS OVRERCOATS LEATHER CAPS WHICH WE ARE SEL sw-EATERs UDNERWEAR And Other Winter Goods LING AT Less Than Cost WR 11. I-Toffman Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS A111111111111110iMMIM01010RIM ',4•Wk •••F<T,thk Cold WeatiLer Nee We have the Goods in stock that: you require for the Cold Weather, Such as Woolen Wmdbreakers, Nsifoot Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Dress Goods, Flannel- ettes, Military Flannels, Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays wad Childrens' Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats and Ball - Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Harness Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shirts, Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried Apples FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, R. N coueLAs PHOPJ 42ENE4AL MIERCHANT 11 - 97 3.• 4 I ,