HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-03-01, Page 8• MGI'!' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Continued on all lines of Winter Underwear, Sweater Coats' Mitts, Leather Coats, Mackinaws, Etc. Etc. SEE TABLE AT REAR OF STORE FOR BAR- GAINS IN ROOM LOTS --- WALLPAPER New Stock of Wallpapers now opened up for Your Inspection. No trouble to show Goods GROCERIES! GROCERIES Circle Brand Coffee, lb. Pink Salmon, 1-1b. tin Peanut Butter, per lb. Soda Biscuits, 2 -lbs. for Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for Marshmallows, per lb,. Aylmer Pork and Beans, 35c 1 Oc 15c 23c 25c 25c 1 5c 2 tins for J. GASCHO SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 HESS INSURANCE AGENCY For u few & liars per year you can protect yourself against loss. Why take a Chance. Rates cheerfully quoted on Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Surety, Bonds, Etc Every motorist should have Public Liability and Prop- erty Damage Insurance. An accident may cost you thousands of dollars. Protect yourself by a Policy in a Canadian Company. For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR W1 ILL? HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Your Winter's Fuel WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY BEST OF •FUELS FOR THE COLD WINTER WEATHER; ANTHRACITE COAL IN THE VARIOUS SIZES.. ALSO HAVE A GOOD GRADE OF COKE. LET US FILL YOUR BIN! AND DON'T FORGET WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF HEAT- ING STOVES, JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR YOUR HOUSE. OR BETTER STILL, LET US PUT IN A NEW HECLA FURNACE WHICH MAKES A HOME EVEN MORE COMFORTABLE. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing,. Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .sf heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock.. , STADE & WEIDO ZURICH °Nara H QUALITY * PRICK SERVICE seesaw ee eeteeeeaees neeees* • ZUR/CH MAW Specials for •Thursday, Friday and Saturday, LARGE RINSO, per pkg.' . . DE LUX JELLY POWDER, 4 ply MARMALADE, large jar ... 19e ...,..•-19c 30c •$ HERE ARE A NUMBER OF..,rFENIS THAT CAN BE BOUGEIT FOR 19) CENTS: Rolledoats 4 lbs. ......,..19c Corn white tweet, 2 tins 19c Aylmer pork & beans, 16 -oz tin, .3 for 19c Corn starch, 2 pkgs 19e Bnmw 'hake ammonia, 3 pk 19c Toilet papas, 5 rolls 19c Kippered Snacks, 4 tins 19c O.K. wrapped soap, 7 bars 19c Cew.aus cocoa, 1 -lb. tin 19c Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. 19c Pearl Atha, soap 5 bars 19c Infant's Delight soap 3 fo rr9c Campbell's soup, 2 tins ..19c Tomatoes large 2% size tin, 2 for lSc Lux„ 2 pkgs.. for ,..19e OId Dutch cleanser, 2 for 19s St. Croix c astiie soap, 6 cakes 19e Club House olives stuffed .19e Fig bars and Sandwish cook- ies per lb. 19c Christies Soda wafers, 2 pkgs. 19e J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 1! ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST To Celebrate in Exeter The annual meeting of the County Loyal Orange Lodge was held in Exeter the other evening at which practically every lodge in the dist- rict was represented. Reeve W D. Sanders was present and extended an invitation to the Order to cele- brate the Twelfth of July in Exeter The invitation was unanimously ac- cepted. In vitations were sent to North Huron, South Perth and Mid- dlesex to unite with the celebration in Exeter. County Master, E. Faul- der of Ailsa Craig, was in the chair. Splendid reports were received from the various lodges. The election of officers resulted as follows: County Master, E. Faulder, Aliso. Craig; Deputy County Master Elmer Web- ster, Varna; Chaplain, E. M. Dign- an, Exeter; Rec. Secy., H. M. Han- ley, Clinton; Fin. Secy., M. J. Sch- oenhals, Clinton; Treas., Geo. Davis; Woodham; 1st lecturer, Asa Deeves, Clinton; 2nd lecturer, G. Cornish, Clinton; Marshall, Jas. S. Patton, Clinton. BUSY FARMER NEWS Huge Market_ Reported for Ontario Soya Beans Canadian Soyabeans Limited, of Milton, Ont., reports to the Ontario Marketing Board that there is a de- finite market for at least 250,000 to 300,000 bushels of Ontario grown soya beans, exclusive of the export demand. How Much Shall I Seed Per Acre? The following rates per acre for seeding are generally recommended based on experiments by the Field Husbandry Division of the Dominion Experimental Farms Branch Oats 214. bushels, fall and spring wheat 11/2 bushels, barley 2 bushels, mixed g. •ain, barley 1 bush, oats 1 bush; peas small size 2 to 212 bushels, buckwheat 114 to 11/2 bush., corn 1/2 bushel, potatoes 18 to 2Q bushels rnangels 6 to 8 pounds,' turnips 8 pounds, rape 3 to 4 pounds Care of the Hen Natural incubation is still used extensively on the farm, for the hen can do good if she is properly looked after However, if the hen is to be used for incubation, see that she gets a fair chance. Set several at a time in clean nests, preferably in a separ- ate room or colony house. See that they they are free from lice, put feed and water in the pens, and give them well selected eggs. By testing out the unfertilc eggs it may he pos- sible to transfer the remainder from LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ...., 30 Eggs 32-30-28-24 Wheat, bush 81 Barley, bushel ... - 40 Buckwheat, hush. . 40 Fleur, cwt. ........... 2.00-2.90 Shorts, ton ..... 20.00 Bran, ton 20.00 Line Hogs 9.00 latest in formation regarding the dis ease ar4 offers the assistance of the Department in its eradication. All Dominion Experin ental Farm herds are now practically free . of this dre- ad disease and allied troubles as a result of the application of the blood test and isolation or -elimination of reactors as recommended in this bul- letin. Hog Producers Organize Representative swine raisers from all Ontario counties west of Lennox and Adington met in Toronto re- cently and undertook the formation of' Ontario Swine Producers' As- sociation. Officials state the organ- ization is purely for the benefit of hog raisers themselves and the or- ganization will be entirely In the hands of the farmers. Aims of the assoriation are to encourage the pro- duction of high quality market hogs to endeavor to stabilize production and marketing throughout the year and over periods of years and to pro mote better' marketing conditions. Mr. W. P. Watson, Livestock Branch has been loaned to the association to do organization work. It is planned to hold meetings in each hog produc- ing county for the purpose of form- ing local associations. Re -organize `Cheese Production Announcement has recently been made by Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minis- ter of Agriculture for Ontario, that a general Ontario Cheese Factory Patrons' ' Association is now being formed, which "promises to restore OUT cheese exports and largely ud-. crease domestic consumption and production." Mr. Kennedy said that the new organization has the sup- port of the Government, which will aid it financially in its early stages. The/ movement, he added, would be backed by the whole energy of the 'Ontario Marketing lilaoard and the Dairy Branch of the Department. Central offices of the association, he said, would be established in Belle- ville. He declared that about 20 On- tario counties have committed them- selves to the scheme. Ontario Pasture* three hens to two and :rn tale* Over. 28% or one acre out of ev third to the laying quarters. When ery four of the improved lands in the chicks are hatched it may be that Ontario, is in pasture, says Prof. N. one hen can take care of them alt. j. Thomas of the O. A. C. The es Keep the mother and her brood a- tirnated total returns onpasture in way from the rest of the flock, in a the form of live stock and their pro - military coop, on clean ground. ducts from the month of June to Abortion In Cottle October is approximately $40,000,-, It is possible that some :farmeers 000. Of this, $34,000,000 is deriv-' Ore having trouble about this season ed front dairy produce. itesulting with cases of bovine infeetioous ab- experiments have shown that by pro- ortion in their herds. If so they iter nranagenient.and improvement ,hould write to the Health of Alar- the fertility of the 'soil, returns can • mals$ Branch Department of Agric- be increased from 109 to 200, per •t' ulture, Ottawa, for Bullotin No, 1610 cent on 'via, V 2TY large pr'opc rtion of as ' N Z. in this subject, which. gives the iptistUres, Thursday, Mani) 1st, 1934 44044f4+414.'iib•D4.444i •v4,•0 tri 4.44•+q4,+t' 4.9,s.0•4 et Y Hardware and Furniture STORE1 WE HAVE JUST FINISHED TAKING, STOCK AND FIND THAT e OUR STOCK . OF HARDWARE ° + AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN ' ORDER TO REDUCE 1T VERY RAPIDLY WE ARE OFFERING THE SAME, AT GREATLY + REDUCED PRICES... SPECIAL PRICES ON tCREAM AND GREEN ENAMEL UTENSILS' i We also have some veryt 1 im 11 Furniture. See Our New Attractive Spriingss a Mattresses. • • USED FURNITURE Good Used Dressers, Dining Tables, Kaatchen Chairs,. For Some Real Bargains, We have a Number of Etc., that We will sell hcheap. Be sure and see Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand. Also OId Hickory Smoke Salt Johnston do Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 *++++++i•+++++++++++41444.11.*++++++++sem,++; ;*0 4 Na tl1f i , lkl{IlNiltlfllIIIIH1 INIIIIMI NIININ(1.01111illi1lt 11111lpkV!!A rlt (aISMy gp 1111111:011111IINItullglllARfG(tl"I(IIll i tl* - THESE PRICES subject to age without Notice ig Wagon Wheels, -par set $18.00 Wagon Axle, each Wagon Tongue each $5.00 Tongue, Harrows, each .......... 53.00 Bolster with Stakes at 5.1'50 • Wagon Reach, long 1.50, Short $.25 Spokes, each at $11 .25 50 Double Tree,.. each ... .75 Whipple Tree .5 • .50 HESS, the Repair Man p la1NNINlNil{llNNiaNi fll NNlfNffN liillNlllN!EI+ gNINNG#NH"INL' .r, �, � a.. t w at 81NI'i�l a It tLm N t'* MM' '**i++++++++++++++t 4**+•i•+++++++++++++fig ***** IC, 77 THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good. Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do this very Invariant thing Right Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and smelt quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs can all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. H. Rousseau Zurich i•fNf+I++f4 I.+. f *****+++.*+l 44,.1 t 4. • HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?- That I an,. the Master Salesman! 1 am the herald of Success for all then, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the 'message of service and Sound Merchatedisingtt And the World when1 listens • speak! For those who have used the as their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers. 1 command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever.I .got 1 sow fields for you to reap aGolden Harvest! I am I iasater Salesman at Your - Service, and my NOM M AlVERTfSEI • v4 ++ 00 + rr ++ 4 ii4 a 1