HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-03-01, Page 7We Know ©f a GOL.D STOCK listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange that in our opinion is in a technical position for An Ithmediate Advance Send us your name and address to receive our semi-weekly "Market News" giving current information concerning leading stocks. Also send us a list of your stocks you now hold to receive reports and opinions. GEOFFREY' STOCK BROKERS 1001 Royal Bank Bldg. Toronto, Ont. Orders ]"executed on Ali Exchanges Women of di Make Progress Canadian Doctor is Head of Hospital of 100 Beds That the women of India are swift- ly ridding themselves of the old sys- tems that for centuries have prevent- ed them from making progress in healthful conditions is the opinion of Dr, Jessie Allyn, graduate in surgery from the University of Toronto, who ,has worked among them 27 years, and is at present on a year's fur- lough in Edmonton: Dr,•.Ally is the head of a women's hospital of 100 beds in the Madras presidency, among the Telugu -speak- ing people, a language fourth in im- portance among the 222 dialects of India. Miss Laura Allyn who joined her sister in 1912, after training in the Royal Alexandra hospital in Ed- monton, is in charge of a nurses' training school tor Indian girls at the hospital, "The women of India still object strongly to male doctors," Dr. Allyn said. "This is, of course, a result of the purdah—a system fast •disap- pearing, along with caste. Although only two per cent of the' Indian wo- men are literate, these are wonder- fully progrssive—they vote, and hold public offices. We have nine drug- gists ruggists trained in the hospital, and three Indian women doctors on the staff." Dr. Ally,t is the personal doctor for the family of the Maharajah of Pitta- puram, a progressive, cultured man— who, though the son of a father who had seven wives is modern in thought and living, The Maharajah enter- tains many distinguished European visitors,.' including the governors of the Indian province,. and last year, Lord and Lady Wiliingdon. After the birth of the Yuvarajah, his sun and heir in 1910, at which Dr, Allyn attended, the Maharajah, gave 10,000 rupees as a gift with which to start the build- ing of the hospital for women. Dr. Allyn planned and supervised the building of the hospital herself, with an Indian "driver" to manage the laborers. Additions of surgical extensions and private wards have been made, from time to time, large- ly through the generosity of the Ma- i AGENTS WANTED to handle censertutiv mining issue. This property adjoins large producer and has heretofore been privately fin- anced. Details given upon request. NICOL, PRATT & CO., Investment Securities 110 McKinnon Building, Toronto 1 ast 45 and "Low" acid Upset Look fair Acid Stomach HERE ARE THE SIGNS ]Nervousness Frequent IJeaclaches Neuralgia Peeling of Weakness Indigestion Sleeplessness Loss of Appetite Mouth Acidity Nausea Sour Stomach Auto -intoxication WHAT TO DO FOR iT: TAKE -2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia in a glass of water every morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. OR Take the new Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets -- one tatkt for each teaspoonful as di- rected above. It you have Mid Stomach, don't 'worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above, This small dosage of Phillips )Milk of Magnesia acts al once to neutralize the acids that cause headache stomach pains and other distress. rry rt. You'll feel like a DOW person. But --be careful you get genuine Philips' Milk of ]Magnesia, or Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets when you buy 25c and 50e sizes. ALSO IN 'TABLE]' FORM iEac,l tiny tabiet is nF equivalent or a traspaantu of Genuine +Wil. Of Magnrsu, Mho .r ..ANAnA fps' 3. Z of Magnesias harajah—a maternity ward, in 1915, becoming a memorial to his wife, the Maharani, who died subsequent to being burnt through her sari taking fire from the burning camphor at Hindu worship. Brevities Few busier things titan idle gossip. Character is the sum of the ;Mee - tions. Don't tell your favorite story too often, The most trusting are the most trustworthy. Doubt makes mountains faith re- moves them. Persons of least merit demand most in others. Who feels .for the poor should, 'feel in .his pocket, Bank references are not needed to borrow trouble. Good resolutions must find quick employment' or spoil. The less a man knows, the longer it takes him to tell. In all 'ages thinking men have been clever, whether learned or not. What sort of a. world would this world be, if everybody were just like me? The old Jew was right; there is al- ways sin back of sickness, a violation of law. Watch For Fire Blight Cankers When Pruning Growers will recall last season the sudden appearance in their pear and apple orchards of dead twigs and branches with the browned or black- ened leaves clinging to affected parts. This disease, known as fire blight, is caused by a bacterial organism which, under favorable conditions, is capable of very rapid multiplication and spread. The bacteria remain alive over winter ..t the margin of the cankers resulting from the infection, and with the return of growing con- ditions in the spring they renew their activity and produce a gtunmy sub- stance known as bacterial ooze. This ooze appears as small globules over the marginal sv;:face of cankers and provides the source of, new infections. This bacterial ooze, which contains many thousands of bacteria, is very readily spread by wind-blown rain as well as by insects which come in con- tact with it. The above facts concerning this dis- ease serve to emphasize .the, import- ance of the careful and thorough re- moval of all blighted parts. It is ad- visable to make several inspections of your orchards to spot the presence of the cankers which, are serving to har- bor the fire blight organism over win- ter. Removal and destruction of such cankers reduces the possible sources of infection and this is an essential point in disease control. The appear- ances of the cankers might be briefly described. They may vary consider- ably in size, are purplish to black in color, somewhat sunken, often crack- ed racked and blistered. Generally the cank- ers are well delimited by .a distinct line of demarcation - separating healthy from diseased wood. When cut into, diseased bark will appear brown, while nenithy bark surround- ing it will be pale green or creamy white in color In pruning out fire blight cankers n is necessary to remember that the organism may extend some distance .below the visible boundary of the canker. Tliis iieans that the pruning must be done at least four or five inches below tha apparent limit of the canker. On young wood eight or ten inches is preferable. Very frequently fire blight will enter suculent, tender watersprouts and produce cankers on the supporting limbs o': trunks. These should be watche,d for carefully. Such cankers should be cleaned out, being particular to cul well into healthy t ssue. All pruning wounds and tools should be disinfected. The most satis- factory material for this purpose is one made up as follows: x/.i, oz. _mer- curic chloride, and ?!t oz. mercuric cyanide dissolved in 1 quart of water and 3 quarts of glycerine at a temper- ature of 175 dog. F. While pruninf, pears and- apples keep a watch Tor fire blight cankers, remembering that much can be accom- plished at this time of the year in reducing the possibility of infection in the coning season by destroying the sources of infection. For further in- formation on the fire Blight disease, write to the Dominion Laboratory of Pled: Pathologt , Si. a_.atharines, Ont. ARM IN SLING ITT NEURITIS A "token of gratification" this wo- man says she Is giving when she writes of her relief from neurltis:— "For twelve months I have bad, neuritis in my arm, and up till the last two weeks have had to carry it in a sling, Since then I have aband- oned my sling, am able to sleep undis- turbed, and can perform household duties !that previously I would not have done. These benefits I have re- ceived from Kruschen Salts. This has all happened in two weeks, and I am optimistic enough to think that in an- other fortnight I shall have said good- bye to neuritis once and for all. Call this a testimonial if you choose—to me it is a token of gratification."— (Mrs.) N.E. L. Neuritis is a result of impurities in the blood, Mid it is impure blood, circulating all over the system and seting up inflammation in the tissues, that causes those excruciating pains. Kruschen Salts can be safely trusted to set the matter right. Because Kruschen contains just what Nature needs to persuade your internal or- gans back into a healthy, normal con- dition. FREE TRIAL OFFER 1ff you have never tried Kruschen—try it now at our expense. We have distributed a great many epeeist " GIANT " packages which make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANT " 76c. �ackage. hta consists o our regu• lar o re ar 76c. bottle together • with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about ono week. Open the trial bottle first, put it to the teat, and then, if not entirely convinced that Kruschen does everything we claim It to do, the regular bottle le still as good as new. Take it back. Your druggist le authorised •to return. your 76o. immediately and without question. Yon have tried Kruschen free at our expense. t could be fairer f . Manufactured by N. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (Estab. 1766). Importers: McGillivray Eros., Ltd., Toronto. ...SMILES In bragging about the good old dayrr it dN well to remember that they date back to the time before screens were in vogue and that a part of the morn- ing ritual at breakfast was to retrieve the flies from the cream pitcher and the semi -fluid butter. To Helpful Ones It's inspiration I want, not aid;' Stimulus, not assistance; I can move any mountain made, To a most amazing distance. If only you'll fire my soul with strength, If only you'll nerve my hand; Oh, I can go to any length— But you never will understand. Golfer (to partner)—"Just look at that girl dressed like a man. What are her parents thinking of anyway? I think it is disgraceful." Partner—"That, sir, is my daugh- ter." aughter." Golfer—"I beg your pardon. I didn't know you were her father." Partner—"I'm not. I'm her mother." The preacher's son, who was small, was being quizzed by an elderly visit- or one day. Visitor — "Does your father ever preach the same sermon twice?" Preacher's Son—"Sure he does, but he hollers in different places." We are forever being urged to face the facts. If somebody will only mus- ter a few pleasant ones we will try an experimental peep, Jacob—"Don't you know her? Why, she lives in the same square as you." Ruth—"Yes, but she is not in the same circle." The best part of a day of pleasure is the beginning. The most alluring time in a day's work is when it is well finished, Business Girl Often Carries Heavy Load New York. -If the average business woman should reveal the burden of family responsibility which she has been carrying through the past few years, the picture would be startling to most people, according to Miss Elsie McRobb of New York, who sees at first hand the financial problems of many self-supporting • young wo- men, as secretary, of the retirement fund of the Young Women's Christian Association. "It is surprising how much of a business woman's income goes to the support of parents, sisters and broth- ers, and many times to friends," Miss McRobb says. "Naturally, these girls are frightfully worried, for their own savings have been drastically curtail- ed and omitted entirely in most cases. "It is interesting to note that those people who have some form of in- suranee, annuity or pension to look forward to, have been better able to carry heavy responsibility witho' t showing so much the strain on their nerves and physical energies." Chinese Girls Pay Dearly For Using Curlers on Hair Isinan, China,—lJnhappy girls who succumbed to the western influence and curled their hair, trod the streets of busy Tsinan shame-facedly recent- ly, their head shaved to a final de- gree of baldness. General Ilan 1+'u -Chu, :provincial governor of Shantung Proviuce, or• derecl the arrest of all women who have curled their hair, . ]Many young girls bene were arrested. Police shaved their tresses and turned them loose as "examples." General Ilan insisted that curled, hair has a bad effect on youth. It was this same provincial governor; who recently "improved" the courts of Shantung Province by ordering all Every step of progress which the world has made has been from scaf- fold, to scaffold, and from stake to stake, -.'Wendell Phillips. Fingers of the Soil Between the cabbage rows, Gray -shadowed as a hawk in summer sun, She hoes through afternoons that stand like horses switching flies, And all her thoughts are blades of steel That shave away the fingers of the soil. For ground has hungry fingers that reach out and drag a farmer in, And leave a wife the silent rattles of a dream,, —L. Dale Ahern in Poetry World. There are opinions which come from the heart, and whoever has no fixed opinions bas no constant feelings.— Joubert. IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake lip your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary For you to feel healthy find happy, your liver must pour two pounds of liquid. bile into your. bowels, every day.Without that bile, trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poisons in the body. General wretchedness. Row can you expect to clear up a bituetion like this completely With mere bowel -moving salts,, nil, mineral -waist, laxative candy Or ohewing gum, or roughage? They don't wake up your beer. You need Carter's ) ttle' Liver Pills. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Ask for them by name, Refuge subetitutte. 26s, at all druggists. Captain—"Answer me—why did you desert under fire?" Private Rastus—"Cap'n, hit's de gos- pel trufe, Ah wuz jes' backin' up foh to get a good start to charge." ' Green paint may be removed from the seat of a pair of white duck trous- ers with a bottle of ordinary turpen- tine, a stiff brush, and a pair of scis- sors. Man—"My wife says that if I were to die she would remain a widow." Neighbor — "Evidently she thinks there's not another man in the world like you." Man—"On the contrary, she's afraid there may be, and that she'd get him." Comes now the electric razor. If they succeed in attaching a loud speaker to it, the barber is doomed. Teacher (sternly)—"This essay on 'Our Dog' is word for word the same as your brother's." Small Boy—"Yes, same dog." ma'am; it's the It would be well to understand that recovery means getting over a bad spell—not getting jazzed up again. Junior—"What made you sister so mad?" 4 Bobbie (in disgust)—` .w, she don't know what she wants. She sent me to the drug store to get some cold cream. I got ice cream because that's the coldest hind they had and now she's sore about it." Ivir. Justwed—"What did you do to this meat? It has such a peculiar taste.." Mrs. Justwed—"Oh, nothing. It did get a bit burnt, but I fixed that—I ap- plied soda right away." Calker—"Can I interest you boys' club, madam?" Woman—"No, thanks, a razor strop." You simply can't fight a person who refuses to bit back. , To One Dead It is pleasant to me to ):now that I have done with you. If I owed you a debt, I have paid it; If I mistook you, I have set it right; If you wronged me, I have obliterated. the wrong. And so we are quits and at peace. You can not say that I have betrayed you, For what in yon was sharp rippling flame 1 have fostered, and what was dark smoke 01 evil and hatred and suspicion I have ignored. I have dealt with you more kindly than I would be dealt by— Is there any purer justice? Nevertheless I am glad to be done with you, To say: "It is all finishers," And to wave a last, but ti,vei indif- ferent farewell. --Richard Alditigton, in The Coruln. For economy and #&action, choose the tobacco that burns longer In your plpe and that you + ,n cut coarse or flakey to suit your own particular taste. xI PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO 7 ib,07490 c'14' 494:04.4 4441 t0400ir4e f3tgd��r n d4 ..�,� eP 4e to a d: oarOfj� Ot'4' �J�', 1J' 4s A In a I always use See Doctor If Cold Doesn't Clear Quickly Among the infective types of illness that occur during the winter months, the ordinary cold is the most common. As a rule these infections merely cause discomfort and annoyance, and pass off in ten days or so. During the active stages they se up inflammation in the throat and nose, in the larynx where the voice is produced, in the lungs and sometimes in the joints and muscles. Thus we get congestion in the nose, relaxed throats, cough and vague pains in th muscles and joints. Unless there is fever as well, there is generally no need to lie up—ofte by so doing one feels a great des worse. But this does not mean tha the cold should be neglected. Neglec may lead to all sorts of trouble. Cough may persist and cause seri ous mischief in the lungs. Nasa catarrh may spread to the canals i the neighboring bones. If the cold does not clear up in to days' time, a doctor should be co suited. Believes 17 Children Less Trouble Than On Omaha, Nets, --L. H. Kinsel has theory that the parents of a sings child have a burdensome task in brie ing up their youngster, but that large family brings up itself. He i not without experience to back up hi theory, for recently the seventeent youngster arrived in his home. He explains it this way; "Yo won't find much selfishness amon these kids. They act as a check a each other and each one watches a the rest. The result is a fine bum of citizens" And lest father ghoul seem to be overboastful, he is carr borated by the principal of Benso High School, in which three Bins youngsters have already won good cit zenship awards. Blind Girl Organist Makes a Recor Miss Lilian Ripley, a blind girl, London, Eng., has headed the list 84 candidates in theory work in tl Fellowship examination of the Ray College of Organists, and is the fir, girl, sighted or blind, to do so. AND SKiN RASHES -USE De. D, D. Dennis' Liquid P'reserip- tiod, made and guaranteed by the makers of Campana's Italian Balm. Trial bottle 35e at your druggist. is Cl ssified Advertising t e t t n.' n' eli- ,t. List of wER anted EVERY and 2 lei information sent free. The Banseay Cont" seeWorld waPatentAttorneys, 6741 Bank street, OttCanada. Win= viaonsts, 13 RINT AND BMX CUTTINGS FO JL quilts, eto, Write Newbold's, York Street, Toronto. Folks lalectrie ly a 20 WANTED Strictly NE '-LmD t '' Take advantage of the prevailing high prices. We pay a premium for poultry farm eggs. Remittances made promptly. Cases returned prepaid. LOBLAW GROCETERIAS Co., Limited Fleet and Bathurst Sta., TOItO1tTO HARD of HEARING can now enjoy life with our Searing Aid. Operates entire- without the use of batteries. Lasts lifetime. Write to— GEORGE CRAWFORD John St. N. Hamilton, Ont. is her it ly iReview. i I A WASTE OF TIME A Canadian court has ruled that it wrong for a wife to go through. husband's pockets. Not only is wrong, but in these days it is near- always useless.—North Hastings REL/EVE CONGESTION POULTICE with, li ti , 11 r,.. 1 t e OINTMENTe AND MUSTARD ,5 a s C l) n g 1 h dTAKE n d .f >f .e LI it � ., ,Vi• u ,•f.;, Paid 14.50, mention- e*iV.. color And whether -` tYiricht, lett eye, re- i� melve sample assortment of 11, -. postpaid. we save you moue& x+.�ilr�ya PITMAN OPTICAL sTr?h IIOI:ISE eft 69. Emetines St.. VA nen,lver. Canada_, y is h Ills FORww�$ L VER1S NE S SLUGGISHNESS STOMACH PAINS A dose or Beecham" P,liq eaci, tight Win heeep vett Smiling Healthy t1 Ugh, isustasnaussogmasulansumumassumanwas MATURITY—MATERNITY MIDDLE AGE At these three critical periods a woman needs. a medicine she can depend on. That's why so many take Lydia 1U. Pinkham's Vegetable Cote.- pound. 98 out of 100 say, "It helps mei" Let it help you, too. t LYDIA E. PINi(HAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND ISSUE No, 8—'34