Zurich Herald, 1934-03-01, Page 5iursd'ay,. r1VIare'ix' Ts% 19Wi"- BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY Eo'HOEMES MJ tRI>S'I1I2, SOLICITOR, NOT. ART PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE --.Hamilton Street, Just of tilio Square, GODERICH, Ontario. lgpeaefal Attention to Councel and Court Work. ILr, Holmes may be consulted at Irioderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed, Dr. H. 1. COWEN L.D.S. D.D S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ. BLOOK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday HARTLEIB' SJ BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1" AM IN A POSITION TO CON - suck any Auction Saye, regardless - as to &size or article to sell. I solicit :pour business, and if not satisfied will lsoake no charges for Services Ren- ld• .ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Il' me 18-57.. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yuiigblut & Sou SE - R VIDE Why We have the; Better Class of Customers WWI CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- "Hjc:ILUi3s: Oil-, GOODYEAit TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION ,parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work Acme to Micrometer Settings, No Asa work. Watch the cars that STOP at WE1N'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. Emir,s• DAERWOOD — ONTARIO Fern .Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE ., BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIA1N MUT-, .11AL COMPANY} DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 61st, 1932, $17,88.0,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221.,978.99. Sates ---$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years F. Klopp--Zurich *bat, Also Dealer is Liaising Rods asd all kis(ls el Fire Insurance LIVE OU LT R Y WANTED =dent every Day tins 2t oreloe], p.m. lila not teed Fowl ssrse morning when brought in. Hicipest Cask Prices —CASH FOIL— CREAIVI AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Rea. 9b, Zurich THE HER.ALIIS JOB DEPARTMENT is ever ready to serve the pub, Aic with Commercial and fine Notting. Get our pricaea be- m leaving your. order a+slse'"- i P s' T Gin Wants, For Salo., Loot, Found, Notio , t+ .m AC1s IN THAI WaJ Ga''a; NOTICE 1 ani authorized agent and dealer for the.Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Staves and ,Washing Machines. Also have .some used Separators a),ways on hand. If in peed of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see me. Hugh` Thiel, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 93 r 4. t43 HOUSE FOR SALE I am offering» my very desirable property in Zurich for sale. Consist- ' Ing of a fine brick dwelling house, 0 n a f ti te� 0f to 0 a ecuu uurii alta also "unree acres OI fand. Either the property or the land', can be bought separately. For further • particulars apply to the pro- prietor: Mr:John; Galiman, Sr., Zurich, each, weighing n or For Sale A No. 1'2 rebuilt DeLaval Cream separator, for sale, apply L. A. Prang, .& Son. FOR QUICK SALE 30 Leghorn hens well bred, at 50c will take poplar wood in ex- ;hange, or hard wood, reasons for 1 elling, overcrowded. Ferd Haberer, Zuuich. � NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We, the unudersigned barbers of '.urich have agreed to close on Monday and Thursday nights at 6 'clock, of each week i>'ntil further otice, beginning February 12th- Iarold Johnston, Herbert Krueger, Milton Oesch FOR SALE? A pair of well bred fresh Durham ows for quick sale. Apply to: Ed. Haberer, Zurich. FOR SALE ' • A. fine 4 -year-old gelding horse, 1500 lbs, well broke; alse heifer in calf. Apply tlx: John Hey, Jr-, Zurich,. =NOTICE TO LADIES! We are now ready to do business our New Beauty Parlor, in the escb Block. We have installed a ew large modern Hairdryer and will ppreciate your patronage. Call 130 appointments. Mrs. E. Gasoho, Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take .earn and eggs at my home at Zur- h, for which we will 'pay highest arket prices. We will grade your rgs as we receive them, and pay ac- ording to grading. give ns a trial. irst' house south of Dominion Hotel T. Ill. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD • Established 1900 'ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE ' Herald Office-. SUBSCRIrTION RATES—$1.it e gar, strictly in advance; $1.50 .:in of Marko* charged. U rears UM $1:62 in adVanter. NO paper Amon- anemia ars nn Med until' all paid is at apnea of publlsther. ' Tim date 1 which every Snbeeriptien Is paid donated on. th* Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made lnuwa i application. Miscellaneous articles of not mors an four limas, Per Sale, T• Rent, i 'anted, Lost, Feral, etc., One laser, on 25e, Sr ins. Mc., 0 W. Ile. Farm or Real Estate for sale 22.02 'r first month,, #1.00 for mach fel-, i wing month. Professional tads not exceeding N, inches, per year 26•00• In Memoriam one 'Venn file, 2k r each additional verse; Card of hanks, 60e. Auction Sales ---$E.69 per single �. sertion if not over four inches it nsth.. Address all. eon rriicatiotte to: The H' ZURACIA OW , Cc r LOCAL ,: Mr. Lee W. HotYman was called to Goderich the beginning of the week to act as juror. • The Lutheran Ladies' Aid have a name quilt at Krueger's barber shop which will be disposed of by a bean guessing contest. Each guess only 10 cents. Contest closes on April 5th, 1934.•Proceeds will go towards the organ fund. Owing to the extremely steaajY cold weather some of our citizens are finding 'a shortage of water and are having the same hauled from the big supply tank of town, and haul mg water in zero weather is not the nicest thing going. During the past week we have a, - gain gain experienced very cold weather with the mercury well below zero practically every night, and the days are clear • and cold, but today, Wed- nesday there is signs of a break and it will indeed be welcomed, as we are all tired of this cold weather. --Tuesday night the Iocai Public Library held a concert and box so- cial in the town hall which was a big success, despite the bad roads and cold weather. The concert was very much enjoyed and many a good laugh was had. The boxes put up for auction were very nicely dressed up, the most of which brought a fair price considering the tires. The roads out of Zurich are not good, as the recent drifting in of snow, has made the roads very heavy and the auto can hardly get any- where. People are resorting back to old dobbin and the sleigh for trans- portation, and only those who have to go are out. Over a. week now since the old reliable -sleigh makes the mail and passenger connection .from here to Hensail. Mrs. C. Fritz and son Ward, ac- companied by Mrs. • A. Moritz and daughter of Guelph, returned from their five weeks motor trip to Flor- ida, lorida, and the sunny south, where the sun is always shining arta where people enjoy summer the year round They report a most beautiful outing covering about five thousani miles of travel, and when we think of the extremely cold weather we have had the past five weeks, one cannot help but envy those who enjoyed ,this time by the oceanside bathing and basking in the sun, and the .beauti- ful palms over head. A Bad Accident . ' A very painful accident occurred to little Albena Bedard, the eight- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. THINGS Theo. Bedard, of the 14th tepees sion, Hay on Saturday morning. It seems the previous day the children had found a piece of wire about six flow They Relate to Agriculture inches long lying in a tree and as United Varmer;s of Alberta went on record as ,favoring a mild form of inflation. Well, our • Canadian dollar, when compared with countries ziow on the gold standard, is worth about 05 cents, so that looks as though we already had inflation with out going to the trouble of bringing it to pass. BASEBALL MAN DIES PAM W's ••••••••••••eirsoopeese.oar.it sameesine! aeseoeeoae sessees STOCK FOODS 1 Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter b o Y' • . John Jo, "ph McGraw, pugnacious S !'Little Narereon" of many a base -j ball war, died peacefully in New aF York liospi+'al on Sunday after a ten day criticrel illness. Believed to � well on the road to recovery from g e e a severe attack of uremic poisoning, the veteran sports leader suffered .re- lapse and passed awify. He is con- sidered by many experts of the gre; atest man in baseball, was for 30 Continuous years manager of the New York Giants, and during that. time' won ten pennants and three World's Series, Was a hard man to beat, and his motto was "what is worth having is worth fighting for." Holidays of 1934 New Year's Dav, Jan. 1st. (rood Friday, March 30th: Easter Monday, April 2nd (Bank Holiday). Victoria Day. Thursdily, May 24. King's S'i"thday, -1t"'"'' °rd, which occurs on Sur lay. Monday will be observed to a holiday by governm- ental employees, banks, schools, .etc. It is not generally observed in Can- ada. Dominion Day, S'mday, :Tal-' ' ` llIels, r. ,�, 2nd will be observed. Cincvic, Holiday. Monday, Aug. rte. Labor Day. Me ' .• '-•,+ 2rd. Thanksgiving Day i•Ia i. . 8th, will probobly be proclaimed, Christmas Day, Tuesday, Dec. 25th BEER AND WINE NOT FOR HOTELS Whatever is,done in changing reg- ulations governing distribution of beer and wine in Ontario—and chan- ges are in prospect, he indicated— that distribution will remain under control of the Government Premier George S. Henry told a deputation of 300 from the Ontario Prohibition Union recently. "I recommend to you .further changes, particularly in the way of distribution of beer and wine in hotels," the PPremier said. Tiut he did not indicrte what form: the changes would tal-c, beyond dn- cla•ling definitely he had told a de- putation of hotelkeepers he was not prepared to "accede to their request that licenses be extended to them for beer and wine", and reaffrrning that "if something is done 'in extending, the sale of beer and wine", it would be under control of the Liquor Con- trol Board in a "very definite form." ATMOSPHERIC it was of unusual appearance they and Production. brought. it • In the house and played wile. it. However, everything was all right till Saturday morning the lit- tle girl took the wire and as there was something attached to the end, held this part in the stove in the fire with the result that an explosion followed, blowing a piece out of the stove door, and the little girl's hand was the biggest sufferer, as it blew of the,thumb to the second joint, al- so the first two fingers at the second joint, and the third finger at the first joint, also splitting the other finger and gashing the right hand badly. The piece of wire it is thou- ght had been the cap pari. to set off a stick of danymite and had been thoughtlessly been laid in the tree some years ago. The little girl is resting nicely and it is too bad to be minus parts of these fingers go- ing through life's jurney. THANK YOU, DOCTOR! We are indeed very grateful to 'eceive the following communication from Dr. B. A. Campbell, a former aurich physician, and now of Tor- >nto: "`" Toronto, Feby., 23, 1934 VIr. Chester Smith, Zurich. Dear Chester, I notice by your paper you have the same difficulty n collecting what is due you that e' !ave here, so I am sending you he enclosed cheque. I may say your paper is always a welcome vis - tor at our household and is read Before the - Toronto Dailies With Kindest regards to you and amily, I am, yours Sincerely—B. i. Campbell LAST WEEDS ITEMS In the final rush in making up fur paper last week we just discov- red the following items which were put into type but accidently did not ;et into ,the columns: The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of he Evangelical church will hold a ale of home made baking and candy n Saturday, Mareh 3rd- They will appreciate your patronage. Miss Melvina Schade has returned o London, after spending a week with her mother and brother on the Blue Water Highway. A number of ladies gathered at, .he hone of Mr. and Mrs. John ' ascho last Thursday evening to pre- ;ent their daughter Marjorie with a iiisce"llateaus shower. ` Old Sol Must Be Considered—Frosts a Little Late or Early Decrease Farm Profits—Moist Air a Better Blanket Than the Dry. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) TMOSPHERIC temperature has ever been a matter of mur,h concern to agricultur- ists. A high temperature, although necessary and beneticial in some cases, is detrimental in others, but in each case requires a liberal amount of precipitation. On the other hand the destructive frost of late spring and early autumn is a* unpleasant but frequent visitor t.v the agriculturist. Man has harnessed much of nature and made it his ser- vant, but as yet no one can say that man can control the atmospheric temperature, although he uiay modi- fy it in a few instances or overcome :oine of its disastrous effects. The primary source of all heat 1r :he sun. 01(1 Sol shines and heat.ana light travel the interv.eiing •92,000;iOQ miles of space with a velocity of 186,690 miles per second. Some of ,his heat is absorbed in its transit by , dust particles, water -vapor and :be air itself; thus increasing the ' empel'itture of the air. 'Tire remain. •1er is absorbed by the earth and thus eaises its temperature and the tem- perature of the air in contact with it. rhe lattter has the greatest effect ou lir temperature. Local conditions have a great effect, on temperature. Water require» about five times the quantity to rain.; its temperature one degree as docs soil, thus large water areas tead so prevent high temperatures. Also, as there is always slow evaporation anu It requires about 300 times as much heat to evaporate one gallon of water as to raise its temperature one degree, the temperature is kept more mod- erate. Large swamp and bush areas free large quantities of water to the atmosphere, .as well as retaining the spring water longer In the country and consequently have a moderating effect. Frosts are also prevented by water, swamp and bush areas because they produce a hih humidityy an.daro not so readily cooled as large land areas. Air of high humidity acts as a better blanket as it were, than th0 dry air. Also the te!nperature at which dew is formed is higher and the lowering of the temperature Mfg be sufficiently arrested to elitu.ina .tis any dander of fronts.;: ... , gand Poultry Foods, • using Our.- Various Brands of Stock and Laying Mashes. None Better on the A Maarkets To -Day! COAL COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Jmpiement Repairs WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME PRICES "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L._Schilbe & Son I ee+rsrwtserrarreeee+rtesee+eesees.see�eeeeeoa®et�etreeanaaita MI III 1 thwwwwhimmiwvmmammmiAsmimayhc.1 Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. arosee••••eoeso•soesimit see See Our Supply of ToiletH Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. a sseetteee•••••••aeeeeaeesaes FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. 1 We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich. 4,0vAmmAimpowwwwwwpopmmmmAp91, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••e••• • ZURICH HERALD'S 2 • • 1 • • ClubbingList • • • ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape - for one Year: t Kitchener Daily Record i $5.10 • • Toronto Daily Globe 56.00 • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire56.00 i • Toronto Daily Star 57.00 Toronto Weekly Star 56.00 London Free Press 56.00 London Advertiser 56.00 = London, Farmer's Advocate 52.25. S Farm and Dairy 52.75 i Farmers' Sun 52.50 • Family Herald and Weekly Star 52.25 I Family Herald for 3 years 53.00 • Canadian Countryman 52.25 I Weekly Witness X3.15 Farmers' Magazine 5.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth 52 75i Aatd a great tnaity niter* that we cannot .numerate he•. • We have the Agency for ovary. reputable Maga:ins n • I Canada and the United States, and can save you money •a Ike meat of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our d • Office and save Trouble and Money • HERALD OFFICE - Zurich • ** *.*•a►A•••••••••••••••••6e •.414,..••........•••••4•