HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-22, Page 8g 1!TGrt'r THE STORE WITH THE STOCK tl�V�'tx:^rivr•.[,1='i u4i_'Lw1R+Yx.w+(+ii'.a:+?.. •".•• vn�yy .•••• •••••�••"•••^•^.•"'••••••.-'9WntaaWWnCw.aa^ 4tlMawN11��'WYNpAmYcsM' E' t..�W-.n� Continued on all lines of Winter Underwear, Sweater Coats' Mitts, Leather Coats, Mackinaws, Etc. Etc. SEE TABLE AT REAR OF STORE FOR BAR- GAINS IN ROOM LOTS --- WALLPAPER. New Stock of Wallpapers now opened up for Your Inspection. No trouble to show Goods GROCERIES! GROCERIES Circle Brand Coffee, lb. Pink Salmon, 1 -ib. tin Peanut Butter, per lb: Soda Biscuits, 2 -lbs. for Cooking Figs, 3 lbs. for Marshmallows, per lb,. Aylmer Pork and Beans 35c 10c 15c 23c 25c 25c 15c Sc�4N &SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 2 tins for J. GASCHO — f' ..yy�r��■■. MUCH , " Thursday, .Ftiebi:'oi y 2' 17i1f :1.9: ' 44110404004.0.04egefeteteR++++4+4444444stele4eieseieCnRsietetekefieReeResieleaeR sire Seasonable Foods at Reasonable Prices Week -end Specials.. That Save You Money Cross and Blackwell's Catsup 14-0z. bottle, 2 for....29c Choice Aylmer Corn, 2 tins i 9c Gold or P. and G. Naptha. Soap, 7 cakes 25c Kellogg's all Bran, per pkg. 19c Fresh Western Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. 25c Salada Tea, special new• pack, Half -lb.. 28c Good weight Broom Five strings each 39c Ingersoll malted cheese, half -lb. pkg: _.._ 10c Fancy Pink Cascade Salmon per 1 -Ib. tin 12c Heinz's Tomato, beef broth, vegetable soup, 3 for25c Clark's Pork and Beans No. 2, tin, per tin 9c Choice 'Quality Tomatoes, large tin 11c Palm Olive Soap, 3 cakes 1 9c • New Prints in Newest Patterns 15, 20, 25, 28c yd J. W. MENER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST HESS IISURANCE AGENCY For c: .few d7 Mars per year you can protect yourself %lt kw.. Why take a Chance. Automobile, Plate Rats. cheerfully quoted on Fire, Glass, Accident, Sickness, Burglary, Surety, Bonds, Etc 11 Every motorist should have Public Liability and Prop- erty Damage Insurance. An accident may' cost you t: 1�1 jf L' 11.! $1 thousands of dollars. Protect yourself by a Policy in a Canadian Company. For Rates Apply to: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 41,41 .. w .�:'reZe3ziea hell HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE our Winter's Fuel WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY BEST OF FUELS FOR -THE COLD WINTER WEATHER; ANTHRACITE COAL IN '1'` •Le.RIOUS SIZES.. ALSO HAVE A GOOD GRADE OF COKE. LET US FILL YOUR BIN! AND DON'T FORGET WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF HEAT- IS ING STOVES, JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR YOUR HOUSE. On IVE.TTER STILL, LET US PUT IN A NEW HECLA FURNACE WHICH MAKES A HOME EVEN MORE COMFORTABLE. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes 4141 WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, 'Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses + Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetrota hin g and Tinsmith- g g ing our Specialty. Full line .af heavy and shelf Hard- i ware always in stock. e • iris av UR 1CH - ON IL R.JCE �nJ Good News For Motorists Automobile owners and operators have been granted until March 31 to buy their new licenses and per- mits, Hon. Leopold Maculay, Ontar- io Minister of Highways announced. "In view of the fact that the winter has put householders and others un- der unusual expense for extra fuel and clothing, I am convinced that to require motorists to procure their LOCAL MARKETS . (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter 30 Eggs 32-30-28-24 Wheat„ bush. 81 Barley, bushel 40 Buckwheat, bush. 40 Flour, cwt. 2.00-2.90 Shorts, ton 20.00 Bran; ton 20.00 Live' Hogs 9.00 1934 permits end licensee inrned- tately 'Blight work Onfe _ta„tisitip, ' tauLL t J4 zruY he said. "In addition I feel that, with times growing brighter, it would be unwise to place- and oh - stades in the way of improvement or to handicap anyone who Was, striving o take advantage of the bet - me an a well ventilated room or cel- lar which is kept at a uniform tem- perature. The eggs used should be of normal shape and appearance and at least 24 ounces to the dozen. Con- trol the moisture according to the ter conditions. The additional two appearance of .the egg's after they months will give those who might ale . sset.. On. the seventh -day test find the immediate purchase' of the the air cell should be about 1-8 the necessary license or permit a burden size of the egg -and on the 8th day an opportunity to ease the strain of accumulating the necessary ' sum more slowly." The minister asked, however, those who could purchase the plates' and permits to do so im- mediately. BUSY FARMER NEWS Planting Early Cabbage Early cabbage is a very good mon ey crop. More value may be obtained from an acre of it than from the screw area devoted to many other cdops. Seed sowing should be done early in March and the plants grown in fiats or thumb pots and later put in four inch. pots. Hardened off be- fore planting in the field is very im- portant. This will make the plants frost hardy. As soon as the plants show signs of growth in the open field; apply a side dressing o i iiia- ante of soda. Celts, Hog Cams While hogs have been climbing to the best price reached since 1931 Clark Young of Milliken Ontario has been busy establishing a world's record for cheap production. He re ports a hundred pounds gain for ev- ery 281 pounds of feed used, which is eight pounds better than the re- cord of the lndnian State College previous holder of the record. Auth- orities at the Ontario Agricultural College consider one pound of pork gain for every four and one half pounds of :feed decidedly above the average. Mr. Young gives his tot- al cost per cwt. of pork for the en- tire six• months feeding period as $4.78 which represents more than 13.00 net pron.' per 200 pound hog present price:_. : w' only have Mr 1'oiu g's hogs been .Lo;' .' ..^ply• and quickly (they were markt d at 6 months) bat, the quality accoi'dint; to the grading at 'Toronto and the bacon reports from Great Britain, where the pork was marketed, has been the best. Mr. Young figures his costs from weaning to six mon- ths -as follows: 2,050 pounds of mix- ed home grown grain, 400 pounds of shorts, 1,650 pounds of .,peciol eon- eentrate.d feed, total Lost $69.57 for me lot of eight hogs. "J;sre"eirae b� Ietelesee• l:> e eta,. hleehe1er ere o, about one quarter. The eggs sho- uld lie turned twice a day. Test for fertility .on .the 7th - and Sth days, closing the machine ''on The 18th. A- bove bove all follow the instructions giv- en with the machine when purchas- ed. Proper Finishing Will Rep yaOntario Shippers "The cattle feeder who ships only properly -finished "cattle," said Garnet H. Duncan, livestock investigator, Ont. Marketing Board, "is very defi- nitely helping himeelf. "The liqu- idation of unfinished cattle wilI meet a poor sale, under present condit- ions. This is due IargeIy to the fact that packers have such huge quantit- ies in storage. On the other hand, Ontario has considerably Iess cattle feeding than normal consumtion de- mands. The rise in hog prices will reflect itself on cattle prices, and finishing ' cattle properly will repay the feeder, and reduce this excess .storage of beef. The result of mar- keting unfinished Battle at present will be an increase in the storage supply. Further than this, feeders will •find themselves with no cattle to ship when prices advance. - In my opinion, the wise shipper will feed to finish his stock, and distibute the supply over the next few months." The Mutton Sheep The production of mutton has be- come largely a question of furnish- ing lambs to the markets. As in beef or pork, the demands of the market call for young' meat and com partitively light weights in carcass. The -protium .paid for baby beef and bacon hogs applies with even gre'tter force to sheep. Thick, flashy but rather, light joints are what the cook calls for wheher for the home table or the resturant. The tastes of tha cosumer, have been cultivated to discriminate In favor or the tasty,. 4 tender, lamb until ,we i'1 nd that froth 70 to 80 par cent of the sheep that reach the market are less than one year old. The age of heavy mutton is passing—a condition most favor- able to the sheep raiser, who is thus enabled to reap quick returns tions his flock The increasing demand for t lamb mutton this season augurs well . •^sF t'.:'ie. '�iai nae +'t 1/telE.:i:x';C, id'. • .:: "r�fll.. C•41, I'F A3 1" �Cr`4a ' 1,0(•p un rsse: 1,41 VOUR wave Y� „lid }` 1 11. PIS 1 WE HAVE JUST FINISHED TAKING STOCK 4, AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE 4. AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT VERY RAPIDLY- WE ARE OFFERING THE SAME AT GREATLY REDUCER PRICES... SPECIAL PRICES ON • CREAM AND GREEN ENAMEL UTENSILS • We also .have some very Attractive Prices in 4. Furniture- See Our New Beds, Springs and Mattresses. USED FURNITURE Good Used Dressers, Dining Tables, Kitchen Chairs, For Sortie Real Bargains, We have a Number of Etc., that We will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand. • Also OId Hickory Smoke Salt Johnston Sc Kalbflejseh Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +++++44444.++++++++ 4.44 .++ .1.4*.+++s,+++++++4,400e W186{IIpUM 1MkVflIJMI!IllflI IIB!!!!BIIIIIIMI! I111llllu111111111111 111!!1011111111111 1111!1111411!111611111U1Igl !!ppplkp IIIIlNNIHIkNIRINIllltlIIIII mNINMIIIgHMIIM THESE PRICES subject to change hange without Notice Wagon mg Wa each gonWhy, per set ..: .............$18.00 I Wagon Tongue each Tongue, Harrows, each Bolster with Stakes at Wagon Reach, long 150, Short Spokes, each at Double fi roe,.. each WhippleTree ............."....... ....,.......... $5.00 $1.50 $3.00 ...41.6.0 $1.25 .50 • IIESSJ theBepair o50' �' •�.. lean 1 �AYIE�ARIt1NB4!flNlflliif�tl11ill!IIIIBIIilil4Hlllll4!1414I!441111+i14II11B4NCkl4�.y�41y4UI(Ilflt'��111iI.�I111�iy'Ef�Mp3lifl?4ihl!114BII{I4lllifl!h("!CN„I( fB�.�Mlil illl!I'ilpl4lf(ffi il. 't t `444 d ,+*r++ +++.a.+++,p+,y4+ i +,,,M+++++++++++++++0.44 ICYi ' G A RAGE THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed t lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled withd Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Right Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand an and srna.11 quantities. • Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul .fob* on Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. 0 ULIVIousseau Zurich Moo,tel+++4+++44++4,++.444 .4 4 44+4 p+44-2 1.-1 • + ettees ----"`"`^'4141,.-,^^e-•^.-'--.....,..,.-...�,. FI( Do You Know? - w That I am the Master SaIisman! - I am the herald of Success for all- men, Merchants Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak!'• For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have k :4141, gathered untold mil/loans into their coffers 1 command the Iegeonns of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! :l am Masater Salesman at Your Service, sand my Nara is D V `aC k. 'i