HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-22, Page 1Vol w )(XXIV No. 23 x ZU ICHD THURSDAY M HNI U3 FEBRUARY 22 1934. Cheater L Sea3*, leceialiehefe.. L25 a year, U.S. $1..5ii f Ar1v > 11.50 INARREARs,*2 MAT EN CEELBeitye Patronize the local Merchant arta Read the Hoiie Paper Soyabeans A MEETING OF THE FARIVMRS ..OF THIS OUR CORNER Th weatherman -seems to change his mind daily. It will take cool heads to keep Europe out of a general coniiagrat- ion. DISTRICT maim BE HELD AT TH1 'PLACES!: FOLLOWING The last Great War was supposed to have been a war to end wars, but it only seems to be a. starter. 4--4 The' parliamentary investigation into economic conditions can do a splendid piece of constructive work if the committee will leave out poli- tics. Since last March under the NRA the American authorities have de- stroyed 6,000,000 hogs. Yet even then the prices are less than half that being paid Canadian farmers today. VARNA—TOWNSHIP HALL February 23rd, at 2 p. m. ZURICH—TOWN HALL February 23rd, at 2 p in HENSALL—Cammnezcial Hotel Fbruary 23rd, at 8 p. m. CREDITON—TOWN HALL February 23rd,, at 8 p. zn. EXETER—TOWN HALL February 24th. at 2 p. xn. f—f In Police Court Magistrate Reid, at Goderich the • other day found Mrs. Elmer Bell `To discuss growing Soyabeaas under guilty of attempting to obtain 'civic Contract relief fraudulently and passed judg- �COME AND DISCUSS lSTTFKS. Fent of twelve months' suspended sentence. The charge against Mr. Bell was withdrawn. Thos. Goven- Canadia a., ;' lock was committed for trial on char - MILTON — . ONTARIOges preferred by a seventeen -year- old Egmondville girl. ,4— CASE `IS SETTLED It ` rs understood that the Cort last fall when the Dashwood bus ran into the rear of Me. W. E. Turnbull's milk delivery near Grand Bend have Properly Fitted Glasses been ami cabl y settled A C. E. ZUItBRIGG1, R.. CF 'Will be at Hers' Fewelery Store, :Every Wednesday Afternoon, begin- ning at 2 o'clock to fit you with ;glasses. PRICES MODERATE ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lateran Church ZURICH --- ONT. "A Changeless Christ far is Chang. lug World' Friday, 8h:—Lather Leagua. Saturday—Choir Prattitas. SUNDAY SERVICE 10 a. m.—German.. SeT-Ffcs_ 11.15 a.m.—Sunday SelsooL 7.30 p.m.—English. & — ke. Everybody WelcaPna,n Lwtr =II Semi m, E. TUERNHE Paster. SOUTH MEMBER IS CUR- IOUS .ABOUT CABLE COSTS 'Toronto, Felt. 8—W. G. Medd, :Progressive member in the Ontario Lem b dative for South Huron, has placed a question on he order paper of .the Legislature asking :low often the Government Iaaal telephoned :to Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Canadian high coxnmissioner in London and former Ontario premier. He eilae i 4 e , writ was issued against Mr. Earl B. Guenther as rowner and against Harry Hoffman, as driver of the bus for e10,000 damages and they entered a counter- claim for injuries sustained by Hoff- man and damage to the bus .on the ground •that Turnbull carried no rear light and in this way caused the accident. Ivey, Elliott & :Giilanders of London, acted for. Turnbull . and Gladman & S tanbury for Guenther .and Hoffman. nquires as to the number of cat:J° messages and the cost of phone and cable messages. NEW rocery LENTEN SIEC.IALS Figs (cello larIC wrapped) l-lalf Cascade &anion. I -lb. tins Ginger, l3:R .`ss. .. ..,.<.. ..- Lake t l- b. lr ress4a; l Sardines;, g Oscar Brand ...,-. Loaf Cheese„ 1 Ib....._ .... .. ....... . Lemons, 1 ioaen ,..:......,. . . Rice-,. 4 lbs. for., :...., ..., 1b ,.... ..5c :10c ,.....K w CIX: ... . t1, 15c :3'Oc FreshFr i`' and Groceries ,Alwaysl on Han L Mtn Treads, Pins, Lakes, Etc. enno EGGS V ,e ch 755 IN MEMORIAM Bender—In loving memory of Mil- dred Geiger Bender, who died ono year ago, February 21st, 1933. Even death has a wonderful mission Though it robs us of those welove It lifts our hearts from our surround-' ings To long for that meeting above. No matter how heavy the burden, No natter how great the .despair: Heaven seems nearer and dearer. . To know that our loved one is there "Be still sad heart, and cease repin- ing, Behind the clou ds is the sun, still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall Some days mus t be dark and dreary" Mr. Melmo Steckle Steckle, Sr., Sadly missed by husband, Father of ,the Bronson. line, Stanley, was a Mother and Sister. recent visitor with his daughter in . ,, Mr. Olin Foster of Kitchener is spending a few days at his home in town. Mr. Leo Charlesworth, of Ailsa ;Craig was a visitor with Mr. William Decker one day recently. Mt. and Mrs. E. F. Klopp were recent visitors with relatives in El- mira- NOTICE 1 am authorized agent and dealer for the Renfrew Products of Cream Separators, Stoves and. Washing Machines. Also have some used Separators always on hand. . If in need of any of above articles, kindly arrange to see • me. Hugh Thiel, R.R. 2, Zurich. Phone 98 r 4. t43 . MARRIED Be. Rev. E Burn in Evangelical Parsonage, in Zurich; en February 17t11. Ort'illr. Witmer and ti=.z'iorie EXTENTION OP CHURCH UNION IS UNDER WAY Toronto, Feb. 14,`33—Conferences between representatives of the Unit- ed Church of Canada and the Evan- gelical Church. of •Canada are bein held looking to the ultimate merge of the two denominations, Negota ions so far have been mainly in th nature of informal discussions from time to time between leaders of th two bodies, an official. of the Evangel ical Church informed the Canadia Press and as far as that church i concerned the matter has yet to b considered by the full committee o union and finally the whole member ship before any definite decision.is s arrived at.Theological standards of tee two e _�,�'c: cs are in doss agree- ment and relations between them have been .tru1it y for eraia '1i1 Evangelical Church has a menaber:- 'hip of appso:am,ltely 12,000, wink. some 14,000 pupils are enrolled in its two conferences, kno*'n as the Canada and Northwest Canada con- ferences. .N'umerically the church is strongest in Western Ontario, while there are more than 2,000 members in Alberta and Sask. The. Sunday school membership lin the Northwest is nearly 4,000. There are about 80 ir1 th, a'eteinion tend ewe than 100 churches. The United Ch- urch of Canada has a membership of (478„445 and 588;410 pupils on the Sunday school roll The Evangelical Church of Can- ada i.' a denomination largely comp- osed of those of German extraction e (aereeasel its e1w c•hcs in West- ern Ontario are numerous in distri- tcts where there are G.Grmann. settle- inenis..tt has been known but official 'ly as the "German Methodist” Church There are many of the cienornination' in the Kitchener district, 'where there al.e :,s;veral churches, also congregat- ions of strength in•Rodney and Cre-1 diton district, and oteei° sections in' v r4 br' there it: e •Gofman settlement. The1!vangelical ciiu,.�;ii o� t;anada is close* slued with the E'vangelical Association of! America, which saw' its iucep�i.ion at lr l,eg:enin of tl',( i trth, co'.'ntitry in P ennsyly ania v. ith Jacob .k11:3, •t1t te! founder. He was a. Gelman Luther-' an, who became an itinerant minist-' el', preaching among members of his race in various centres. The denom illation spread into Canada. and later i. it .a ,. .tYi 9 1.:''t Y ''. < t e :t :lt:irxrtto Identity apart from the Am- .Yriea.:i association. Gi',?'m.'n was CM, Y1,i.t ti -•1' ' ,.,t .iii ,•„tr,. ye "r6 bee recently both fi+,taatatt. end g r t e n e n s e n .',V wtr ,620 111 (' 1likii0iit01144,ii2J. iblxw% r..i;>—, ,•'viwe.nfi} a�i;�•,�t,�•,•w$.1�+.,(illi.ilH:x3�xti,%%WiSit..wr..�...,.2;yWULLudttt;iliLt I i ' (l ji -� . Stouffville, north of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krait of De- troit are here attending he funteral of the former's father, the late Louis J. Kraft, Eggs on the local markets have taken a very substantial raise in price .this undoubtedly is due to the keen demand for fresh eggs. Assessor W. H. Edighoffer is mak- ing:his rounds again and that means that tax day will be here again only too soon. Dr and Mrs A. J. MacKinnon and son .Archie and Mrs. A. C. Kalb- fleis , motored to London on Satur- day.f Are all you ladies getting a box 1o.'it•1ti for the Stade'? Don't forgot husband along. Mrs. Filbert Denomane of St. Jos- eph, was last week taken to London Hospital and operated an for ap- pendicitis.. ;Pleased to estate that) she is improving nicely. Friday. afternoon, February 23rd, is the date set for the Zurich meet- ing -of the . Soyabean growers nreet- ing. A representative will be pres- ent and explain the proposition. Mr. Ed. Gascho is carrying his arm in a sling, --as a result of the "fast and furious” game of hockey played' at Exeter when they met a team of "tough owes" from London. But Ed. says "you ought to see the other fellow. There will be no services in the Evangelical church on Sunday even- ing, and Mr. Newell Geiger will ;740:4%.4 charge in the morning service. The pastor, Rev. E. Burn, will be Chesley and Bold the services at the ;place, owing to the illness of the Chesley pastor, Rev, G. J. Burn, who has been confined to his bed +.' heart trouble, he cannot do his m!.. and Chesley is depending on supply pastors. OBITUARY Louis J. Kraft is Called The village and community was gteady sliociced on Tuea,d.ty e v ening to learn of the vary sudden passing of Mr. Louis J. Kraft of Zurich, who passed peacefully away after a few days ,of serious illness with pneumonia. On. Thursday. Mr. Kraft ep and around doing his work' about the place, but the disease soon overtook him and regardless of what medical aid and good nursing could I do he passed way on Tuesday aged 06 years, 4 months and le day:.. Before corning to Zurich Mr. Kraft had farmed on the old Kraft home- stead, about seven miles south of 2v.i.L'h, eii the Goshen Line, Stephen Township, till about twenty years ago when he cane to Zurich and 1•, r:? rn t,i.•nself and Mrs. itt t°t fine dwelling they occupied and en- joyed together all these years. He was a very likeable and pleasant man to be around, always cheerful sea , nes ltir with a .sense of humor, be greatly niisshd by his more intirn:ate friends in town. Be- sides his sorrowing widow he is sr^rv- ,., .,,t Yw or son, Herbert "Kraft of. Detroit; Two brothers, Henry and 1'crtc:r Kraft of Dashwood, and sev- c r t' sisstt''u. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon from his home in Zurich , to the Lutheran eliiirAl for service, and to the 't11-1 WHEN YOU THINK OF Gifts THINK OF HESS FANCY CHINA SILVERWARE GLASSWARE CLOCKS and WATCHES Gifts as low as 25c. Above all they are Gifts that Last. Ness, The Phone 74 Jeweller t /Zurich Phone No. Id Blue Scranton Coal ALL SIZES. Petroleum Coke, sexnet Solvay cekeii,. Genuine Rosedale Alberta D.trn Pocaho»tas and Miller •Geek, abvc . on hand.. AGRICULTURAL TTLF, aztd BRICK. Highest CASH price paid.for Eggs eat: a Graded Basis_ DRIED APPLES WANTED (Must be dry, and bright) W. R. DAVIDSON 1riENSALL, 0-- ass 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • 0 • • • • • LEATHER COATS • • OVRERCOATS o LEATHER • e • • • • • • • O • • g.,pa...•><r d�+7>ac�,'1 r.=0i0 4. 4,44, mss, +g .$ 5,47., .i'*'•. 0. >rs..4.._ oo•a._.r o -e uaea>•ShcPr0-44e0¢3•a•C+ HAVE IN STOO Several SWEATER'S, UDNERWEAR CAPS And Other Winter Goods WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT Less Than Cost EIvISALMEL S AN t�? 410, rt lr • Fit NERAL •4044+.41, nit 44,4r4a444,44AAI 1440 old Weatd We have the Goods in stock that you require for the Cold Weather, Such as W-xe;r;! Windbreakers, Woo Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Dress Goods, Flannel- ettes, -ettes, Military Flannels, :Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitt.o?, Cloves, Mens, !?amus; a7.t;r�% Childrens' Heavy R'ubber's, Sweater Coats and Ps& Over . Sweaters. Hardware„ Halters and Harness Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shirts Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried App ; FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND., 'J -nm a R. N. i;,,, .':tc,,,., GENERAL IVER fAN , ?5 1.W Tana u i A rim 7 ;w; Re 4.44