HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-15, Page 7Two Medals To Be Awarded For Work in Mathematics Toronto:—Every four years there is Old a gathering of mathematicians, known as the International Congress of Mathematicians. At the next meet - fug and each one thereafter twc gold medals will be awarded to the mathe- enaticians selected for their outstand- ing contributions to mathematics by an international committee appointed 'tor the purpose. The next meeting i•will be held in Oslo in 1536, The late Dr. J. O. Fields, Research Professor of Mathematics at the Uni- versity of Toronto, was responsible for assembling the Mathematical Cons gress in Toronto in. 1924—the only meeting which has been held on this continent—and was president of the congress and the editor of its proceed- ings, which constituted two large vol- umes, published by the University of Toronto Press. With funds remaining after th.e completion of the work Dr. Fields suggested the foundation of these medals, The task of designing a suitable medal was entrusted to a prominent Canadian sculptor, Dr. R. Tait McKen- zie, who has now completed his work. Dr, McKenzie got his impressions' from reading the life and works of Archimedes. The medal is two and a half inches in diameter, The obverse shows the head of Archimedes facing right. Dr. McKenziedepicts the sage as a man of mature age, vigorous, with curly hair and beard, straight Greek nose and prominent brow. In the field is the word "Archimedous" (portrait) or Archimedes in Greek Capitals, and tile artist's mongram, "RTM," and "MCMXXXIII," The inscription from the Roman poet Manilius surrounding it is: "Tran - sire suum pectus ,.mundoque potidi," which may be freely translated: "To transcend one's human limitations and master the universe.' The reverse has a label bearing the inscription: "Con- gregati ex toto orbs tribuere," which may be freely translated: "Mathema- ticians gathered together from the whole world honor noteworthy contri- butions to knowledge." Latest Fi dings In Scie ce World IIOW MUCH LIGHT? Measuring light is not especially new. It is usually done by a photo- meter, which even in its portable foam, is more of a laboratory than a )workaday instrument. Now there is available a light measurer which any one can use and which can be read as easily as a clock or thermometer. "Hall Stairs," "Very Coarse Work," "Average Work and Reading," "Fine Work, Print and Sewing," "Fine Vis- ual Work over Long Periods" are the legends above a scale over which a finger plays. Beneath the scale are figures—foot candles. A glance at the dial said it is easy to see that for "Very Coarse Work" only ten candles to the square foot are necessary, but that "Sewing" demands between 20 ' and 30. We have here the outcome of a dis- covery which was simultaneously made in Germany by Dr. Lange and In this country by the Westinghouse research engineers. The sensitive core of the instrument is merely a copper disk which has been coated With copper oxide. Expose copper ox - Me to light and r, feeble electric cur- rent is generated. The current swings the indicating finger over the dial bearing the very practical legends. In other words, light is converted into electricity. The more light the more electricity. With that simple fact to guide them the engineers of Pitts- burgh found no difficulty in making the swinging finger state how many FREE TRIAL OFFER a» AGRUBCHEN If you have never' tried Krusehen—ery it now at our expense. We have distributed ea great many special GIANT" packages which. make it easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new "` GIANT" 75c. 'package. This consists of our regular 76c. bottle "together With a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about one week. Open the trial bottle first, put It to . • the test, and then, if not entirely convinced that Krusehcn does eve thing.we claim it to do, the regular bottle Is still as good as new. Take it bank. Your druggist is authorised to return your 750, immediately and without question, You have tried Kruscllen free at our expense. What could bo fairer ? 7,ianufaciuurred by E. Griffiths Hughes, Ltd., Manchester, Eng. (stab, 1750. Importers t McGillivray Bros., Ltd., Toronto, eight or nine minutes to the bright fire, time minutes to the dull one- showed no difference in their reeactions. so far as nose -opening and nose -closing were concerned. "It remains foe us to state that we have found nose -closing to occur not only with a dull electric fire but also with a bright electric fire and, rni.ir- abiJle dicta, with the clinical gas lamp, which is especially commended by, Sir Leonard Hill," concludes the report. UNDER -SEA EYE -GLASSES. Dr. Robert E. Cornish of the In- stitute of Expermental B•ology of the University of California, finds no dif- ficulty in reading newsprint under rater, thanks to glasses of his awn oesign. Gaggles for divers are no- thing new; their glasses are simply small window panes without any re- fracting properties. Cornibh's, on the other hand, are true lenses that bend the light rays just as he wants them to bend to improve seeing. In The Journal of Scientific Instru- ments Dr. Cornish tells how he came to resort to lenses. Most of, our focus- ing for goad seeing is done with the cornea, or outer transparent coating of the eyeball and very little with the so-called "crystalline lens." Light usually passes through air. When it strikes the watery liquid with which the eye is filled it is bent or focused But in water there is no propel bending or focusing. Water without water within, is the reason. There must be a difference between the two bending or refracting media. This explains why to swimmers who keep their eyes open under water every- thing is a blur. It also explains why ordinary goggles or window glass im- prove vision. Between the glass and the cornea is ai:. So long es 'we have air and water, seeing is fairly good But, reason_d Dr. Cornish, why not treat the eye under water, as if 'ts vision were defective and prescribe lenses for it just as an oculist would? He did so with the result noted.'"Bach lenses should have value in saving life where it is necessary to dive for a victim of dgawtning," says he. "Life- guards now have largely to grope for the victim." foot-candles are available in a given room. HEAT RAYS AND NOSES. Professor Sir Leonard Hill of Lon- don hes been telling the world that there are "nose -opening" and "nose - dozing" rays, both infra -red, The sun, bright lamps, coal fires and gas flames are "nese openers," while all dark sources of heat are "nose shut- ters. Hill even found a nose -closing effect at a distance of forty feet in a 300 -watt gas-filled incandescent lamp with a screen of cellophane interposed. He covered a hole in a piece of card- board ardboard with two square inches of the horny layer of the skin and found that it shut the side of the nose to which it was exposed even when held in front of the face at a distance of twenty-seven feet from this particular lamp. These conclusions were so startling that the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and the Medical Research Council of England decided' to repeat Hill's experiments. Hill proved to be :wrong. "Nature has fortunately provided us with two nostrils," says the author of the slightly . scornful report, "and it is possible to breathe through the one and at the sane time to utilize the other for measuring inspiratory and expiratory pressures." So the somewhat skeptical experimenters connected the second nostril by a rub- ber tube with a sensitive pressure - measuring instrument which made a record on a moving chart. In a dark roam blindfolded subjects sat close to a dull electric fire or an electrically heated panel that did not glow at all. They closed one nostril with the connection. leading to the in- strument and breathed through the other. In another room records were taken without their knowledge. Now and then an electric lamp, screened by glass, was s m itched on and off from outside the room to illuminate faces. No evidence was found that the lamp acted as a "nose opener." This was true even when some subjects were tested who had difficulty in breathing because of abnorinal air passages. Professor Hill objected. Blindfold- ing was wrong, he argued. It mi'ht have inhibited the subjects. The testing ei'nnnittee started a new series of experiments. Blind persons were now selected, because they were obviously uninhibited by light. More- over, they were tested in an air-con- ditioned room so that the temperature and humidity could be controlled. Seated in a comfortable armchair and screened from drafts and most of the room's light, each blind subject faced one of a pair of electric fires at a dis- tance of 6 feet 3 inches. The testers were diabolical enough to run the fires silently on a trolley behind screens of tin and wood contrived so that the subject could be irradiated by each fire in ' m.rn. Ona fire was very 'bright and the other very dull. Thirty blind hien thus ' exposed— Too Much "Party' Last Night Too Much Food, Late {;lours. Smoky Atmosphere YET—This ]Morning No "Acid Neadache"s No Upset Stonzacli Scientists say this is the QUICK- EST, SUREST and EASIEST way to combat FEELING THE `EFFECTS of over-indulgence—the most powerful acid neutralizer known to science. Just do this: • TAKE -2 tablespoonfuls of Phil- lips' Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water BEFORE bed. In the morning take 2 more tablespoonfuls with the juice of a WHOLE ORANGE. That's all! Tomorrow you'll feel great! Or take the equivalent -amount of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia tablets. Each tablet is equal to a teaspoonful of the liquid. Get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in the familiar liquid form, or the new, marvelously convenient tablets. Be sure it's PHILLIPS'... thekind doctors endorse. NOW IN TABLET OR LIQUID FORM MADE 1N CANADA An expert is a man who gets paid whether his advice turns out good or bad. you say that if a millionaire Should happen to propose to you You'd turn him down for love of me, You'd be that true? I'm sorry, dear, this is the end; I hate to cause you pain, But I can't love a woman who Admits that she's insane. We must prepare ourselves for con- stant change. Otherwise we'll be pushed aside to become mere spec- tators lusted of actors in the great game of life. Man—"The doctor says I change of climate," Neighbor—"What are you going to do?" Mau—Pray for an early Spring." Sandy MacPherson and his wife, Maggie, stopped in front of a restaur- ant window in which was bung a card bearing the words: LUNCHEON From 12 to 2 p.m. 35c r"We'll have our lunch here, Maggie," said Sandy. "Two hours steady eat- ing for 35 cents each is no' sae bad." need Children's Coughs and Colds Go Overnight Mother, don't worry when one of the little ones has a bad cough or cold—just get a bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE and mix with equal Parts of honey+ "It acts like a flash." 'One little pleasant dose will give unmistakable TO. lief. Two doses often end a bad cold. to 4 And don't forget — BUCKLVY'S MIX- TURE will rid you or daddy of a dough, cold, 'flu or bronchitis just as quickly. T13 lightning. quick action will astound you. Play safe. ke- fuse substitutes. Buckley's is sold everywhere. Test of Age Sir John MacFasland, Chancellor of the Melbourne University, suggests as a test of old age the ability or in- ability of a man to put on his trousers without sitting down. Another test is whether he can take off his trousers without sitting down, but, as trousers are usually taken off at night, and put on in the morning, much depends upon how and where the owner of the trou- sers has spent his evening. So that we niay keep to the first mentioned' point— "You are old, Father William," the young man said . "Indeed, I have not a grey hair in my head, And niy muscles are are sound, And I carol and dance the whole year round." -Iigh School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by law to establish Industrial, Technical and Art Schools With the approval of the Minister of Education bay and Evening Classes may be conducted in accordance with the regulations issued Department of Educatioa:. Theoretical and Praeticei Instruction is given in various trades. .Tlie schools and classes tare under the direr. tion of An Advisory Committee. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the sdhogl; Commercial Subjects, Manual Training, Household Science and Agriculture and Horticulture are provided for in the Courses of Study in ubile,SeSchool, Continuation and High schools, Collegiate Institutes, Vocational and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. by•the supple, my teeth ►,r Mince Pie About the only way you can get a fur coat out of some husbands is to out fox them. Because a man is old, he is not by any means sure to give, good advice. The turning point in a man's life is when he stop's trying to duck temptation and starts meeting it half way. Iii fishing you can see what you've hooked, but in marriage you never know what kind of a fish ybu've landed until you live with it. Would you call a lingerie salesman an undercover man? The way to a man's heart may be through the kitchen, but a short cut is through the beauty parlor. You don't know what trouble is. Sup- pose you had to pay tax for inheriting a farm. "You are old, I. tell you!" the young man cried. "No, a man is not old when he's young inside. . Could you see them, I'm sure you would send for my pram, things I can do.with nmy dia. phram." "It's no use, Old Bill!" the young fel• low declared, "You're teeth are sound golden -haired. Strong is your stomach your chanson, But I've seen you sit down when you're putting your pants on." —Scottish Newspaper. A ladymotorist was ,.riving along a country road when she saw a couple of repair men climbing telephone poles. "Fools!" she ex.laimed to bee companion. "They must think I' never drove a car before!" Many a man thinks bis character has been defamed when It has only been defined. The and you're and tender Man—"That was a fright of a wo- man I saw you with last night." Out -of -Town Friend — "Well, don't tell my wife." Man—"She didn't know about it, eh?" Out -of -Town Friend—"Oh, yes; she was the woman." Correct this sentence: "I own my ,,uc'ess to the fact that I happened to guesa right a couple of times," the millionaire admitted. Get Rid of Disfiguring Dr. D. 1). Dennis' Liquid Prescription, made and guaranteed by the Makers of Campana's Italian Balm. Trial bottle 35c at your druggist, 15 Suitor—"Sir, I have for Alma." Father—"Young man, when mY daughter needs accessories, I'll buy them for her." an attachment The burglar who used to slink around wearing a cap and red hand- kerchief around his neck now swag- gers up the street in spats and cane. A. man may be dumb, But he's never lonesome. The cub reporter was parting his hair. in front of the mirror in the wash room. The Office Grouch happened in. "Say, Sonny," said the Grouch, "you have a.fine alley on that block," Don't be too solemn. The only thing that never grows old and useless and unpopular is a joke. If you want more for your money, chew --W THE PERFECT PLUG Chewing Tobacco Charting the Seven Seas For a few shillings in London one can buy a chart of any corner of the Seven Seas. They are made by Ad- miralty copper engravers, and there are only forty men in Great Britain still plying the trade. Most of them work in a building in Cricklewood, and they are nearly all related to one another. The Holme's, the Carver's, and the Welland's have been cutting tiny marks on copper for centuries. As apprentices they had to live with their masters and frequently married "into the firm." A boy learns for five years to carve minute marks, perfectly formed lines, dots, and other marks on copper, work- ing with thin pointed tools and with a magnifying glass screwed into his eye. There is one chart' even Britain cannot supply—the chart of Gibraltar. Survey parties have found it impos- sibl'e to measure from the mainland, as the "Rock" affects the compass. Application for leave to work en Spanish soil is refused. Greatest Fear of Women • SOURED ON THE WORLD? --THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel necessary Many people who feel sour, sluggish and generally wretched make the mistake of taking salts, oil, mineral water, laxative oandy or chewing gum, or roughage which only move the bowels and ignore the liver. What you need is to wake up your liver bile. Start your liver pouring the daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Get your etomach and intestines working as they should, once more. Carter's Little Liver Pills will soon fix you up, Purely vegetable. Safe. Sure. Quick. Ask for them by name. Refuse substitutes. no. at all druggists. fit Apples On the Prairie From the wild Siberian crab apple, which is only a little larger than a pea, Dr. William Saunders 40 years ago started to develop a variety which would produce fruit of high quality and yet be hardy enough to survive the prairie winters. Dr. Saunders died in 1914. At that time only a few of the "second cross" trees—grand-children of the Siberians, were old enough to bear fruit. His work was carried forward by Dr. W. T. Macoun, who had been associated with him since 1898, and who died in 1933. Some of the "third cross" trees of these experimental strains have now come to the fruit -bearing stage. There is a big contrast between the rosy, juicy apples, over three inches in dia- meter and their tiny, bitter and sour great-grandmothrs. Hardness, as is the case with many characters developed through millions of years M nature's grim laboratory, is a "dominant" characteristic. It per- sists with remarkable tenacity down the line of crosses. Fortunately cer- tain of the characters which give qual- ity are also dominant. When these characters are jumbled by cross -breed- ing some of the crosses show both hardiness and quality, in a genetically stable combination. Classified Advertising PATENTS. LOtofanineEVERY OFFER inventions and full!, information sent free. The nameay Com+ Reny, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. WANTED. MPERIAL RUSSIAN, GERMAl' 111 Austrian Government Bonds and Curb} rendes wanted. Previous prices ail doubled. David Davis, 137 Queen St. West, Toronto. A PSW DESIRABLE TERRITORIES still open for representatives for Silhotka ette Foundation Garment, the most poplin lar and fastest selling garment on titrl market. Applicants must be serious, matur* women in a position to work hard in res turn for an opportunity of building up a lucrative business. Apply by letter to Silhouette bounds'+.' tion Garment of Canada, 1010 St. Cath.' erine Street West, Montreal. PROTECT YOUR CHILD If the children gained health and strenth,' through the summer SCOTT'S EMULSION will help them keep well through the winter. ▪ 14-33 • ICKINEsetITAfriINS__ u ai*g.-. t...-s_..t waz e.4 Some of the second-class apples— namely Rosilda, Trail, Printosh and Piotosh, are fully hardy and are bear- ing fruit as far north as Prince Albert. The third crosses have yet to be tested for hardiness, but there is good ground for the assurance that within the next ten years it will be possible to grow apples wherever wheat can be grown. This is smatter of tremendous im- portance for Western Canada. The time is not far distant when every farm in Western Canada can have its old apple tree, just as many already have their plums, berries and other small fruits. George F. Chipman, edi- tor of the Country Guide, and other promoters of fruit -growing in the West, are fully entitled to wax en- thusiastic over the approaching fulfill- ment of Dr. Saunders' dream.—Win- nipeg Tribune. "In a 'model society busines men will not be tired, because working hours will be short."—Aldous Huxley. nee "We are finding out that there is neither time nor room for old habits of thought and action."—King George. Students is Unpopularity Rockford; M.—First year students at, Rockford Women's College are 8 rraid of unpopularity more than any-. thing else. This was disclosed by a vchological examination, Other "chief fears" were suspici,mu. looking men, dark streets, mice, snakes, spiders, living too long, and what happens after death. A wife e who is given Insley of rope is liable. to skip CHEST COLDS — Relieves Congestion --Does Not Blister At first sign of a cold on the chest apply a fleece Poultice with the addition of mustard. The warmth in combination with marvellous healing properties of Mecca Ointment will give quick relief. Foil directions in each package. 39 Too many people spent yesterdal what they were going to save to -mon row. Although contortion nists are general ly decent people, each one is a bit of a twister. -,043. Tek -.a-.-.-..-.- For PIUS Indigestionn Biliousness The World's Family Remedy earness &ADM) MO IN OP £Aase.nisEny aro tt0$1URRl ..M LIR O 11.2141Fruglsty, _Naltrtirs Iger owed ed Alio excellent for Temporary Deafness sand Rend Noises dee to congestion caused by colds, Flu and swimming. A. O. LEONARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York City rrOraiallarananaarEatiOSNMernanittlISONSIONOO Ask Mother— , She Knows Mother took this medicine be- fore and after the babies camea It gave her more strength and energy whet( she was news ous and rundown ... kept her on the job all through the Change. No wonder she rec. omelends it. LYDIA E:PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND rimximmiumsimmeasumwmpoimm ISSUE No. 6—'34