HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-15, Page 5l to is T, • Fp4ruary I YQ MA, •_,» CARD ThWLE-vE. Holm * **I TER, 201,ICI'T R, MOT, *KY PU1L.UC, IET ICE--Harnilts Street, ,fieri *ii' am Square, GODERMISI, Ontario. likpraial Attention to Coceavel axed Court War:. ;1> I•Inees =ay ba ciorionited at 'Sodariek by Pima, and Ph•xre okargea rammed, . N. H. COWEN L. D. tib. I'➢. l7 S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCS-ZUB CEI lhoory Thursday, Friday. Raturday 1ARTLEIB'S BLOC:fs;, DASFIWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and W ednosday leigeused Ilea fur ftaron and Middleaex I ,,tilt IN A POSITION TO CON - Moot a any Auction Sale, ret lass t• deo sr article to DIAL I solicit :;yxr business, and if not satiated w 1I nook* no charges for Servia ea Ben- TUUR UNBER-Doalaanned e 06* 1147. W.10 VMS rsrrtiav Per eerier Lest, Founc4Notioloi Etc. Ads 'AR wow ammics ..... For Sade A No, 12 rebuilt DeLaval Cream Separator; for sane;. mills L, A. Prang, Sr Son, FOR • QUICK SALE 30 Leghorn hens well bred, .at 50c each, will 'take poplar wood in ex- change, or hard wood, reasons for selling, overcrowded. Ferd Haberer, 2urieh. NOTICE WHAT A NIGHT THIS WILL BE Broom Ball Tournament. Blake tigers; Bronson Wild Cats; Goshen Bruens,; Zurich Bull Dogs. On Fri- day night, February 16th. Game starts at 7.30. Tickets will be drawn for who is to play first. $2.00 for winning team. All players are to bring their brooms. Admission 10c. Zurichs' Popular' MEAT MARKET ,lit. Us supply - you with the uery Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meats, Bolognas, S sage$, ::Etc., always.. on hand•... Kept 412sfit in Electric Refrigeration "Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skim aunhlti& Son SER -V IC lay IAje have the Better Class of Customers AMORCLASS GOODS, U. 3. L. .ATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAK - -*WAR 'OIL, • GOODYEAR _TURES .31010 TUBES, GENUINE- IGNI'T3Oi`i 'Pm &., KAKI** aid Pl•e`anisat Work :loin; " Misr wsac Smelting*,I1• 4eosos w.rk. Watch lite cars Wit AVM' at WELN'S, They ars all 11IG*4 CLA5i CLIENTELE, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We, the unudersigned barbers of Zurich have agreed to close on Monday and Thursday nights at 6 o'clock, of each week until further notice, beginning February 12th. Harold Johnston, Herbert Krueger, Milton Oesch tDhiStiWOOD ONTARIO -reTasssiessasiirs littstern Farmers' Mutual heather insurance to OF WOODSTOCK *HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAi'al MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Itanount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. NOTICE, LOCAL Mx. Milton Oesch motored Kippen on Sunday. Good Friday fabs on March 30th and Boaster Sunday on April 1st. The first day of Lent this year fall on February 14th, St. Velen- tine's Day. Found in Zurich a hammer Own- er can have same at Herald 'Office by proving .property. To -day, Wednesday is St. Valen- tine's Day. Did you get a . "nice" one?• , Mr.. and: Mrs. N. Gascho and Mrs. • E. Gasello motored to London ea Monday' , Yen. Wes. Surerus of Detroit, 4n*a_s a visitor in town last week, and at- tended the funeral of Mr.'Frank Kochems :to Notice is hereby given to parties using the Evangelical church sheds and are non -supporters of the church, that such parties should make ar- rangements to pay a small annual fee, which will go towards the ak keep of the building. Kindly me this arrangement with Mr. Roland Geiger. A pair cows for pi Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and son Archie of Dashwood, were Suit••: day visitors with Mrs. L. Pfile and Pearl, and at the home of Mr. ` and Mrs. Garnet Jasobe, Parr line. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis and daughter Audry of Holmesville, were week -end visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer, Babylon Line. - FOR SALE of well bred fresh Durham quick sale. Apply to: Ed. Haberer, Zurich. FOR SALE A fine 4 -year-old gelding horse, weighing 1500 lbs, well broke; also a heifer in calf. Apply to: John Hey, Jr., Zurich. r850, a $1Z 31st, 1932, 'total Cash in Blank and Bonds $ 221,.978.9.9. R*tep-$4.50 per $1,400 Dor 3 years E. F. Klapp --Zurich Masi, Also Dealer lea Lisbtnind hods and all kiaads el Fire Insurance 29 NOTICE' ,TO LADIES!,+ A real blizzard hit town on Mon- day oly n -- day evening and sent the real fol - len snow flying around in g shape and the next morning the old reliab- le snow shovel was again brought•in action. We are now ready to do business in our ,New • Beauty Parlor, in the Oesch Block. We have installed Mrs. (Rev.) Crediton, who eph's Hospital, three weeks Wednesday. proving. Her soon be out a new large modern Hairdryer and wil appreciate your patronage. Call 130 for appointments. LIVE POU LT RY WANTED lianas ovary Dai till 0 o'clock, p.an. prig mot toad Yowl sans sh•rning t :,1. • who* inseam '• . best Cask Noes • •� _..cw�l •rat: CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Psalm 114., at.. Zurich We Mrs. E. Gascho, Zurich. WANTED boys' At -Horne The 34th Annual At -Home of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Tor- onto was held in the Arcadian Court on Friday evening last and was a grand success from every point of view. Although the weather was very severe, the attendance was a- way in advance of last year. The guests were received by. pile Presi- dent, Dr. H. J klodgsin„ and Mrs. Hodgins. Dancing occupied the Main Floor while Euchre and Bridge occupied the different galleries. Retires from Offce During the past week W. A. Turn- bull" of Exeter; has tendered his re- Signation as secretary of . tlae:ULb- erne" and Hibbert Fire Insurance 'Co. on account of ill health. He had held the position for the ,past 22 yrs For some time he has been in failing ieaith, and just recently, to add 'to his ailments, he fell and sprained his ankle and is now confined to his home. His books were always in good shape and his judgment the nest.He will be succeded by B. W. F. Beav- ers, who over thirty years ago held the position when the cornpany was in its infancy. W. M. Sippell, •of has been in St. Jos - London, for nearly returned home last Her condition is im- friends hope she will gain. High Court Sittings `Sittings of the High Court -of Justice in Goderich are announced as follows: With jury, Monday,' February 26, before Mr. Justice May non -jury, Tuesday, 15, before Mr. Justice Kelly. FUNERAL LARGELY ATTENDED The funeral of the late '.James Johnson Chruch, one of Waterford's oldest residents, was held front his late home F' iday afternoon :ataia.0• p.m. On January 8th, he and Mrs. Church observed the coinnletiore of 69 years wedded life. Mr. Chu eh had reached his 95th milestone :KV Church is not far behind in the mar- athon of years. Her 90th birthday comes next September. Besides his v ed by PRODUCE WANTED are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. sorrowing widow he is amu• four children, twelve grandchildren, poll tax collector as to theproper ro er The steps to take re same. Hensall Council Minutes Regular meeting of the village Co- uncil was held on Monday evening- ,;110 Feb. 5th, at 8 p.m. in council cha- mber with all members present.Min- utes of previous r.eetind read. Mot-• ion that minutes be . read :.P F. G. Bonthon, tax collector, - ed re tax arrears as being $1,447.05 Motion, that we extend the tax roll until the regular meeting in April, and the tax collector to complete the roll on or before that date. Amend- ment, That we extend the tax roll with no penalty until the regular March meeting and the penalty to be added after said meeting. Voting on amendment as follows: For, Petty, Shepherd, Jones; against, Robinson S.a'ngster. Amendment carried. E. Shaddick and A. Soldan, the audit- ors, read their report. Petty and Shepherd, that the auditors' report as read be adopted and the auditors paid. . Motion that the clerk have 150 copies • 'of the' auditor's report printed and that thechool board be charged $1 0.00, Hydro $10. libary $5, being their share of auditing ex- penses. Geo. Hudson, poll tax coll- ector„ reported re same also report- ed 64 meals served to transients. Motion that the Reeve instruce the STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winterby by using Our "Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mashes. None Better on the Maarkets To -Day! COAL COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ` Implement Repairs , JOBBERS.- REPAIRS WHEN YOUCAN SOY THE ' GEYiTUINE • AT THE SAME PRICES "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. • • L Sc itbe & So f1ewE+a02142. 212**** d60ar alasit0l • H'. 9S JOB DEPARTMENT :!e twos ready to serve the pull - Ho with Commercial and flare Atiesting. Out our prices Ise- isikiliers rear sags* *1** -i x.. and three great grand children. flowers were beautiful, includinga spray from Mr. Church's class in. the Baptist Sabbath School of which he had been a faithful member. Inter- ment. took place in . Greenwod' Leri- etery. ; . Good News For Motorists Announcement was made on Tu- esday by the Ontario Minister of Highways, that motorists would not be required to purchase their new license plates until March 31S t.That is good news for motorists. Sees Merger of old Parties A despatch from Voncouver stat- es that Capt. Elmore Philpott, ?Co- operative Commonwealth Federation leader in Ontario, predicted in an ad- dress that the Conservative and Lib- eral parties will soo:l merge anto n e. It is no secret, he continued, that the gret financial interests are transfer- ring their support from the Conser- vative to the Liberal party. There are, however, good men in both par- ties.parBut it is a well-known t that whoever pays the piper calls the are receiving ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES -$1.25 a year, strictly in advhnce; 41.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U tune, and both parties their support from the wine source., 14 labor hes siker predicted the fall o Zurich, Communications read as follows: Treasurer of Huron, re list of lands liable for sale for taxes. Clerk to report on same Auditors' municipal return filed; Deputy Minister of Hospitals, re R. Caldwell, filed. Clerk of Blyth, re bylaws, filed; Ontario Agricultural College, re starlings re- por to be..filled out. and warwarded; National Stationers Ltd., filed; Ont- ario Township Association Salvation Army, Hospital for Sick Children, requests filed. Bills and accounts red as follows: G. M. Case, coal, fire hall $147.75 team on street $2.50-17.4u; W. Sa- ngster, soda, fire depe. $6.25; J. Sangster repairs, fire dept., $2.25; G. Hudson 64 meals, transients $16; sschool board current expenses $1; 000.00; A. D. McEwen, labor on stre ets 90c; F. W. Hess $36.00; 'Hensel). Corn., $8.22; G. Smale, snow plowing $10; J. A. Paterson, license for fire truck $2; Wendell Holmes Ltd., supplies $2; J. A. Paterson, election expenses R.O., $5; J. Hud- son D.R.O. $3.00; G. Parer P.C. 2.50; N. Blatchford 2 50 DRO 3.00; 2. Shaddick P.C. $2.50; on constable $2.50; A. Soldan, auditor $15.00; E• Shaddick auditors $15; Herald $3 • A. Soldan, 1 $1.20; Municipal World $16.60; Motion that accounts as read be paid. Motion that By -Law No. 3, Town Hall rents be given first and second readings. Motion that by- law No. 3 be given third and final reading and passed. Motion that the Clerk write the Municipal World re salaries of Reeve and CouncillorsReeve Jones reported request of Mrs Habkirk re the removal of tree in front of her property. Referring to the street corritee. Motion that we now adjourn. --Jas. A. Paterson, Clerk. f. P capitalisan and the future eslablis rent of a C.C.F. Goc1mment in Canada. The first job of the C.C.F. when it a Government in beOttawa ewould h to socialize the whole financial system of. Canada, ruthlessly, if necessary, Capt• Phil- pott declared. Ontario Forestry Branch The Ontario Forestry Branch will continue in 1934 the policy of sup- plying free of charge, a n<nxlmum of 500 trees for windbreak planting and 3,500 trees for reforestation purposes, to any farmer in the Pro- vince of Ontario. The only chargescotto l the farmer is the exp'his from the point of .shipment to nearest station. For windbreak ply- ting, white spruce, Norway spruce, and White Cedar is available. The following may be secured for De- forestation .purposes White Pine, Red Pine, Jack Pine; Scotch Pine, wh European Larch, Whitt spruce,Elm, cedar, • Walnut, Butternut, , White Ash, Soft 'Maple, Hard Maple Red 'Oak, Basswood, Carolina Pop- lar Cuttings, Carolina Poplar (root- ed) and White Willow Cuttings. Hur on farmers in 1933 obtained 26,0 4 trees for Windbreak planting d 99,630 trees for Reforestation, mak- ing a total of over 125 000 trees forms for the season. Appla 12 for these trees may be secured by writing to the Ontario Department of Agriculture at Clinton, and all applications must be in the hands of the Ontario Forestry Branch, Par liamet Buildings, Toronto 5, Ont S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- tintied until all arrears are paid un- less at option of publisher. Th. date of which every Subscription is paid is donated on the Label, ADVERTISING RATES Display advortisinp made Imam on application. Miscellaneous articles of not Mort than four lines, For Sala, T• Rina. Wanted, Lost, Found, sto., Oso inner them Us, 9 ins. dila., 1 ins. M s. • Farm or Real Estate for silo 42.00 for first month, 1}1.011 for each fl - lowing rYasntk. Professional Cards not oxcesdin, 34 inches, per year $6.00. In Memoriam, one votes ties, 25c for each additional vers.; Card of 'thanks, 10e. Auctisn Salea-$2.00 per single insertion if not over four hushes is fe'atti. Address communications ter ell THE FERAL. ZURICH' . Oh1T> YYYYLYVtiYW`rYVYLYYYhiVVPAVkSAt`+tMYVY1fYtYgfY'i�'s Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School supplies sss:...a aa,e0eesssassMisemsee PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. *•sats#s••el** ••i•••• •••sseesa3 See Ou_rupply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizzrs, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. erreouraeossowareerreetteeves FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS, We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. ac_ ► _inn° Zurich T��tmfNMwwsPll dire Dr. A. J. BORN Hartman -At Goshen Line, Hay Township, on February 12141, to Mr and . Mrs. Kuno Hartman, a son. Martin -At Bronsin Line, Stanley, r a i on February Lith, to Township, Mr. and Mrs. Menne Martin, a daughter. • •*ea.••••••••••wsa•sae+ ct••••••••••••••*4•,•+a,.ee*i • • •• Z • • • • • • • • • • 9 • 1 • • • 1 1 • • • • • HOUSE FOR SALE I am offering my very desirable property in Zurich for sale. Consist- ing of a fine brick dwelling house, a good barn and also three acres of land. Either the property or the For. land can be bought separately further particulars apply to the pro- prietor: Mr. John Gillman, Sr., Zurich, ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following ?cape for ono Year: • s • 5 • 4 a • Kitchener Daily Record $5.1 0 : Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 • Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 • 00 •6. London Free Press $• London Advertiser $6.00 • Lon don, Farmers Advocate X2.25 • Farm and Dairy ........ ................... $2.7 5 " Sun 42.50 F'ar1l�ara.>. ,.... Family Herald and Weekly' Star ............ 42.25 • Family Herald for 1 years ..oa,.p. �2.2g S.00 • Canadian Countryman Fatarmerai WeeklyW itnes9 ... ...... ....... ....,... a3.1S 2. Magazine HumExpositor, ads Expo i Self orth ................. ... $2.7.1 Asa a west eaaay .finera that we esutmo aadauuaSsereto here. We inane She Away for every. reputable Maiesiane .it d"lemi sisals the United Samoa, anal ea* save yeas eeeoaay es alae most of then. Magazines at our �w sell your Vapor* :aind l�lla Of* m Trouble and Money HERALD COMM betide • • 1 1 • :• 4•••••••0.0000040000400tar 40.0•40444004004•40•0•e411.11.,