HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-15, Page 4• Vii3t4#31•F!"Y-*;••iii,. i.a. ;a + •i sFra+ i , „ l;i Fi 1ii•i'i.} ii d+ which commenced otmerGed oath libg�ortlma. xi• hymn "Gott ist die T »tiLINICA Amommen.. .•- + ,ale,J a I • �vi•nnnng si"de folio �,tiferd by �fi0,>rf►mun- �p HALF! led � Cid our 7i ii*1 Bill In 1p winners �agd a sang 'lyrtm "Pass ,[+ ity singing AN, lieu,. �eaft. The Me Net" wag followed by a solo b. BuyDoor then �,111Messner. Rev. Luft Windows .�.ve n on an interesting reading v LET US QUOTE YOU! e e jing a few lurid experiences In +t• a mission held. Messner and Mrs. Luft then favored with a • quartette,A hmoronsea- u ding by Mrs. Roeder on the town of Dashwood. The program closed with a hymn "'Lead Kindly Light"-t� • As the ladies had extended an inyltat ion to their husbands for. the ..even- iitg, everyone ,then participated, lin a pleasant contest, the prize yappers as follows: First, Mrs H ;,,Wein and Mrs. Fred Schlundt consolatton Mrs. • Messner and Mrs. J. Schroeder After the contest the losing side With Mrs. L. Restemeyer as captain did their part by serving a most delici- ous lunch. The meeting closed with the Doxology. (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steinhage13.at: tended the funeral of her brother the late Charles Lindenfield at 'Park hill' last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. EEd. Nadiger and daughter Helen attended the "At Home" at Stratford -Normal School last week. iltTHOSE WINDOW' PANES •NOW. 'VVE CARRY A 41 Mrs. Fassold, Mrs. Piaster, Mrs,. l ?LACE ",i„MtGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON .. BAN;D AT A; ,,, i Visas— AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE, 'gob 'WAIT. T. C. L&LBYLBISCB ?HONE 69 �. ZU RIC II sr.nrrrr� � t •41.4 3•i"i•.;..;.+F.t•+ + }•a. o`•r•i••i•++++Fiv++•t•*4• •rI•+•1••p•i•+ Fri•+++b•Fa••F•8•-i••A.t•.1•++ 44444.4.++++++++++++++4441 ss wr++i++ +++++++4444.++++ i Masse -Harris Sales and Service FARM PRODUCTS ADVANCE IN PRICE! This Means More Money in the Pockets of the Farmers; Greater Produn of Good Quality Pro- ducts. Meet these ,dere ;nds with the Best of Farm Machinery that Money ,can Buy. Always insist on MASSEY-HARRIS FARM MACHINERY • 41. Shop 10 KLOPP & SONS Rea. 67 Aucti a ring? — U. BET! 4 a t i p.**+++++++++++d+•F•!+•M++•i-k+ l*..44+.++•i•++"+++4++*#+*. HILLSGR'EEN Miss Dolly Hagan returned to skier home after spending a few days ziursing in Bengali. Messrs. Gordon and `Wm. :Love .at - t tended the banquet in Exeter given Iv Hatchery, '•. M, rs. W"a1fvd.Husitdlil'e.•of Central - :Spent a few days withehersparents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Miss Lizzie Forsythe is visiting her .,:last mak ee• F; STANLEY TOWNSHIP BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston are spending a few days with their dau- ghter Mrs. Fred Turner of Goder- ich Mrs. Wm. Nadiger spent -a few days in London last week. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver attended the "At Home" of the Stratford Nor mal School on Friday night. Thomas Klumpp who runs the pl- aning mill and . Chopping mill, met with a peculiar accident on ,Tuesday morning. While starting t threshing tractor used for chopping the valve suck owing to the cold weather and the compression blew out the valve stem striking Mr. Klumpp below the ribs. Part of a east which was at- tached to the valve stens prevented it from entering his body. Dr.€i R.H. Taylor rendered medical assistance and unless complications arise- ` from the injury it is expected he will soon be around .again. a On Monday evening the choir • of Zion Lutheran church spent a•-socoal evening together in Pfile's Hall. Pro- gressive bunco was played. Miss Kath leen Merner and Mr. C. F. Pfile' be- ing the prize winners. After. lunch was served by the committee; the evening was brought to a close with songs. Master Hubert Miller deli - Mr. and Mrs. Jake Swartzentrub ghted those present with a solo. A er and Ida were Sunday Visitors vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb. Mrs. Pfile for the use of the hall and Miss Edtfa 'Gil gi=rich of Scott Me -for their hospitality. Those on the Miss committee were Mrs. F. Preeter,M mesial, Haspitat ;�Seafortlt, spoilt Sun terda_ l3umeister, liars. ,, .Na'diver, 1 rent: `-- n Y e to d "` ar an &. :the, � filer �g` a ..' der Albert M day un pes and Messrs. A ii Mr. Merino Martin is_avearmg a Restemeyer. smile _ The Ladies A d� :- smile—It's a girl. 1 iaiid W.M.S. of 14Izs. Ed. Stele. spent Sunday Dashwood 'Evangelitial church'. held with Mr. and ' Mrs.• Sant Hey and their February meeting in the church famiry. basement last Thursday. Mrs. A. E. byMr. Aaron Gi Gascho accompanied Oestreicher presided for the program Gerber Clarenceending and Mabelowhich included the topic by Mrs. G. atBaare attending Bible school Wildfong, a guitar duet by Miss Baden. Verna and V. Schatz and Mir. and lvirs. !Geo. `Anderson and Messrs. Milton and William Oesch a a Birk memory Mrs. the lateSh Mrs.td family spent Sunday with ]YIrs. Mar- Miss Susie Oesch and Mr. and Mrs. a solo in e Mrs. Mervyn Tieman. garet Erratt nd M. 'Robinson. Sr. , .Edmund Oesch and daughters, were Mrs. D. Tiernan conducted the Mr. Geo.. -• irmstrong, "Sr:' who has Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M s. D.ess Tirsession at then eon .0.sick 'been staying for some 'time with his Wm. MacGregor, of Kippen. visitsuwere at Mrs. 114Elaugk -slaughter, Mrs. (Geo. 'MeLinchey , of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas of and Mrs. EE. Bender were ',chosen Varna, has ,come faro aaalce 'ills home I •Brucefield; • accompanied by Mr. Band as visiting con., for next month. with life sem 'Lorne Armstrong and , wife. Mrs. Lindsay Eyre and little au- Arrangements were made for a pork 'elder, Nora, visited at the home of and bean supper to be held sometime of Tuck- Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas one day ):!!x. Wilson Armstrongg ,ersmith spent Tuesday -With 'Mrs. W. last week. in March with Mrs. D. Haugh con - Miss Marybel Carnie called onhex venor; 1VIrs. M. Haugh, Miss S. Kraft Mrs. W. Wolfe, Mrs. E. Bender. The ••eemadry a e ;TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 075O,000,00G i'S do'v "elmigel lath, 1984 Aping to Solve r Business ProbIeiu.s When a customer of the Bank of Montreal handles a transaction through this old -established institu- tion, he has at his command unsure ' Passed facilities in every department of banking. But there is another advantage that is his --the wealth of seasoned expe. deucein business, accumulated dm - , the Bank's long history of aat6 years, that works for his benefit at each contact with our officers. We invite you to consult us freely on your business and financial problems. BAN, OF MONTREAL. Established 1317 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett spent the week -end visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz of Dashwood. Rev. W. A. Young is spending a few days visiting friends in Ottawa and also took the services in one of Ottawa churches .Sunday last. Mark Drysdale was confined to his home a few days last week thr- ough illness. Mrs. Lyle Cassidy has been quite poorly lately and is being visited by her another, Mrs. McMullen of Ot- terville. Wedding -;bells are, ringing in Hen- . salt this week. The Hensa'1l firemen put on a da- nce and euchre party in the town hall last 1•lriday. ' evening. The hall was filled to the doors and everyone had a good time. There were 36 tables for euchre with Jas. Sangster in charge. Mrs. Sangster won the 1st prize for ladies, Mrs. T. Kyle 2nd, • and Mrs. C. Blackwell consolation. For the men, David Cantelon won first with Will Soldan second and Fred Brock the consolation. Mrs. ` tr Geo. Hess won the lunch prize. The music for the dance was given by the Grant orchestra of Exeter. Har- ry Horton acted as floor manager The firemen intend putting on an- other dance an euchre on Feb. 23. Miss Dolly Hagan, R.N., who has been nursing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook, left for her home on the Parr Line: Armstrong. The Blake -Goshen Y. S.' intend i friend, Miss Margaret Douglas re- program is in charge of the Kings' Molding a Valentine Social at the Gently. p Daughters S. S. Class. parsonage, Varma, ^art Friday even- Mr. Jim Johnston spent Saturday Saturday night during the snow ing with friends m B 11 Mr. Joseph 1vfaxtiin, swho •recently purchased the farm'o'f 'W. J. Tough is visiting friend's on 'the ,Bronson. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Scotehmer went to Goderich on Satnrttlay ,last -tio at- tend the funeral of Ilk/vs. Halliday. The friends of Miss Beatrice Hous- ton are glad to hear she is recover- ing Zurich. Mrs. E. E. Clarke andSon Bill, spent Monday evening with friends at Goderich. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter at- ing from pneumonia* Mx. Bruce McClinclrey and Miss tended the funeral of his brother -in - Grace Robinson were `selals.ena visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald, Goderieh BAYFIELD flay the late Mr. R. Brothers in St - Watford last week. Miss Anna Tiernan spent a few days in Guelph. The Junior League had a very enjoyable skating party on the rink on *Saturday afternoon. All report a. good time under the leadership of Mrs. llgl arvyn Tiernan. Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto, spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Witzel. The Gilioir of Dashwood Evangel- ical church held their election of ofll cers, Thuxszday evening with Rev. A. W. ' Sauer.., n? residing. The Secretary Treasurer reported a balance• hi the treasury' of 0l''�•00 The new officers Ere: Pres:; 'Cairn Finkbeit er; Viae 'Pres., :Mcs.. R. 1H1. 'Taylor; Secy -Tres. Vas. Tom Bailey, the first ",voman 4p be elected to the boated of -vi trustee of Bayfield, is already mak- ing her official, presence felt. At a ..stormy meeting of the trustees Mon- -day night, she is reported 'to have snore than held her own. aenth the two male members, Muzdoeh Ross'; _.. 4nid Sam Hueston. Reports trickled ,trough to Goderich of an uproarious; session of the trustees, . at•arelsn�ch the pillage constable, John Pease, was• peremptorily fired, allegedly because lie refused to eject a noisy ratepayer Chairman Murdoch Ross is repotted to have refused to put the motion sliistni.ssang Pease, but Mrs. Biley is said to have won the support of "Trcistee Iluestort, and putting the =lotion. herself, declared it carried. xi anyevent,, certain it is that Geo- rge Little, the new village Appeared Before, the Magistrate at lip +�adericli try lie sworn_ in as a full - ��.�,�ssssss.sssssr etira>Nroosimosessssseeetkos fx. 1 1 • storm did its best to dampen the enthusiasm of the merry makers- at the Carnival held at the skating rink. The result of the speed skating were as follows: Boys under 12, .Gordon Eagleson, Walter Ness; Boys under. 15 Fred Hoperoft, Willis McIsaae; Men over 15, Howard Klump, Ken- neth Wein; Ladies open, Florence Baker, Mrs. L M. Tiernan., The costumes were judged as follows: Mens' fancy, Orville Ford, Harry Hoffman; Ladies' fancy, Florence Baker, {Ruth Tieman; National, •Flo- yd Wein, Mrs. I. M. Tiernan; Comic Ed. Anderson, Gertrude • Hoffman and Willis Mcisaac. The judges were Miss E.E Martinson, Mrs. A.E. Oestreicher and Earl Geiser. 'Fol- lowing the skating an exciting game of broom ball was played with Louis Fisher and Wallace Wein as captains resulting in a score of two in favor of the hatter team. R RENSALL"rt Alex. Anderson and two song``'of Mgs..Pchatz, Lea•!ter, Mrs. Merv" the the Thames Road ,were recent vis Tiea:aan; Asst. Leader, Harry Hoff- _tors in town. man,,. Organist, Anna ''Tiernan; Asst. Kathryn Drysdaleentertaineda Organi"at, Gertrude ifioiiman• •It i number of girl friends at her home was decided ..to prepare a three act in honor of Ruth Coles, who is le - play "lbe Deacon" and owe con- axing for her new home in Listowell mittees were appointed. The prod, Jessie Hodgert of Exeter, -was a uction Cot,, Mrs. Tay1e4', Mrs. rt.. week -end visitor- -with Mr. ,and. Mrs. Oestreicher, Ella Witmer, Anna :I'i.^-.- Herman Hayman. man Management Com., Mervyn Dorothy Kyle of London, is :visit- Tieman; Harry Hoffman; Hower(' fag' at the home of her parents, Mr. Klurapp and Albert Goetz. r s. T. Kyle. and�Mr On Wednesday evening, Feb. + dear" Saundercock of Clinton -is 3914 a membership drive of th spendin,g•. a few days visiting with her mother' area, Saundereock. , Mrs, Chas. j tcDo:iald sp•Y rtt a, f •ew days last week Visiting friends fat T 'oilto. ": 1u . ski*. Miss .Amy Yuill, of Toronto, was a recent visitor at the home of Mrs T. Murdock. The radio program given in the United Church recengly and which was very much enjoyed, wiil be re- peated in Chiselhursst United Church on Wed. evening, Feb. 14th, Mrs. W. H. Reid, of Port Rowan is spending a few days -with her perents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sheffer. G. C Petty recently made a bus- iness trip to Toronto and where he alae visited relatives -and friends. Rev. A. Sinclair, pastor of the United Church, is giving .a special course of evening sermons between now and Easter. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer, Perth, Ont:, was the scene d edged inti osi. of the taw. The magDut Bran ladies' �titi was brouglr '_,trate, hos 'ye}�, Asked for time to to a pleasant ending. The winning lO 1 before . as captalit sup• i(oo� trtttr' wing's a$ gayfie.•d side with Mrs, Luft • • ministering tote 4M,t1+ plied a most eltdpyable program r SUPERIOR BABY CICKS Season 1934 Ten Reasons Why We Call Our Chicke Superior. 1.—All high class males, about 90% R. 0. P. 2.—High class females, Government culled and banded. 3.—All bloodtested breeding stock and no other hens kept on the farm. 4. -Large eggs set. These eggs' must be up to the standard set by the Dominion Dept. of Agriculture. 5.—Clean sanitary hatchery occupying :a room in our stone farm house. 6.—No danger of infection from mature hens getting into the hatchery as he who cares for the hene dyes not work in the hatchery. r _ . ? the first�.18 daX s =•The' cage -are • incubated. for „ is: e•. steam heated incubator easily kept clean 8.—All hatching done in a separate hatcher tihder conditions speciallysuited to the. last•'three days,.Lower temper- ature, higher humidity •Witha aomplete.;, cleanup each. hatch. 9.—Chicks delivered to . your door if" •reasonably possible in good new boxes and in first class condition. 10.—Whatever service we can give gladly given. Please call if you want us to help. J. ELGIN McKINLEY -- ZURICH, ONTARIO Phone: 97 r 11, Hensen - e0e1,0e0.41145.ss0s041008.6.44 sselee� ►lees+l►sar�rssss�� considerable amount of corn, wheat barley and chop was destroyed by fire last week The loss is estimated at $5,000 Died in London Walter E. Batten, of London and a former resident of Exeter, died on Sunday last, following an illness of several years. He is survived by his wife and four sons, three broth- ers and four sisters. Died at Clinton Death came very suddenly to Em- ma Jane Blake, Clinton, widow of Wm. Marshall last week, when her son went into her room before leav- ing for work in the morning and finding that life,. had fled. Returned From England Fred Ellerington and Alex, Stew- art, Exeter returned Saturday last from a trip to England having •ship- ped some of their cattle to the old Country market. On their trip over they were 17 days on the water, hav- ing been delayed on the start by ice and hem by. storm, The delay how - was the scene of a fashionable wed= ding' Saturday at 2.3'0 • when Miss; Marion .Jenne Lee,. only daughter of Mayor C. C. Lee and Mrs. Lee, was united in 'marriage to .Harold : Ciusrtiia Willianm of &Aericli ' , The cere- mony was performed by Rt. Re. C. A. Seager, bishop. of. Htiron, assisted by- Rev. yRev. Mills, rector of the church. The, church was. beautifully decorated/ wilth lillies, carnations and stevia. Another Robbery While Jelin Hussey, Goderich was attending church with his family ore Sunday last, a sneak thief entered! his home via the front door,. using the key which he found in its hid- ing place, and ransacked the houses turning out desks and drawers in a search for money. ' A purse contain- ing a small amount of cash is the only article reported missing. This is the fourth ,robbery reported this winter and police, who have in their possession valuable clues, are. of the. opinion that one person is respons- of a pretty wedding on Saturday, ever, proved Beneficial as the mark- able for the several depredations. Feb. 3rd, when their daughter, Hsi` ets wets steadily advancing. Horse and Driver Take Plunge en Mary, was united in marriage to Appeal Munn of Hensel The Rev, A cal is Allowed Kincardine—A horse and delivery M C NIcI{innon pastor of St, 1Pau1'.s Daily papers last week in Osgood wagon crashed down a fifty foot hilt' United Church, performed the cerem Hall news refered to an appeal, re ony. The wedding music,;was played the R. Cooper estate, Seaforth. The thyor anist of the church and appeal, which came before 'Justice. Miss e "0 McEvoy was, by the, executor of the Florence '" Thomas. $ `,,sang rontise Me." Only a,; teyr friends' estate, Col. R. S. Hays, for an order P and immediate ' relatiYe,�;,�;ere".;pfes • 'of phis. -Honour Judge Costello, . Sur- given , i mat`s ?regale Court, Huron, allowing the crit. The. bride Was 1'executor $1,00 as compensation. The nags by her Esthete ;They appeal was allowed and • comp-, r " ``` 'ensation fixed at $2,000. Left Hospital for Home Thomas Kestle; the octogenarian Exeter resident who twice ' in the past few months underwent operat- COUNTY NEWS Receives Injuries Harry Parsons, Exeter, son of Mr and Mrs Earl Parsons, met with a nasty accident, while sliding on some iee he had the misfortune to fall, striking his face on the ice He lo- -osened one of his front teeth ' and veryserious but he made 'a remark- put many younger persons to shame cut his lir bruising hischeek ed skater of the district and is Still of T,ucait which contented a St. Georges ChIircli, ,Goderich, good. , ions in London Hospital, for ampu- tation of portions of his right leg, has recovered sufficently to leave the hospital and go to his home m Lx= eter. For several weeks the condit- ion of the aged man was considered. the other day. Neither -the animal nor its. driver, J Murray, were in- jured, The, bread wagon was being. • driven across a path which is a 511ori+.Cut: 'The road is narrow and yhh{e ,horsebecame .frightened when a r,, g ... embank- - �f�f'brok'e din :over the sla ,g g 'tents•'- • ,The .wagon was broken and the bread was strewn around the ground. =' - Skating at Seventy -Four Mrs. Andrew Currie of Brusses,,.. celebrater her 14th birthday, ors January 21st, by enjoying an hous's• skating at the rink. The Brussels` • Posit says: At 2 o'clock in the aft- • enoon, Mrs. Currie with three other people `arrived at the rink with their • skates and fox an hour they cut• figures in a: manner which would i �si�1e' ru sing c ea , youth, Mrs. Currie was a nota able recovery. t he?lire At 1 The grrani elevator of Rohr Fair-. Goderich Wedding less,