HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-15, Page 1ee XXXWti :044 .)47°' U CH6 TH C -4Y R.11 0 F4.. F PUAy u19 3 croniz , 11 Scyabear A TPA; • OF THIS DISTI1CT NV ILL HELD AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES: 'VARNA—TOWNSHIP HALL February 23rd, at 2 p. n. ZURICH—TOWN HALL February 23rd, at 2 p. m. HENSALL—Connercial }Tote! Fbruary 23rd, at 8 p. ms, CREDITON—TOWN HALL February 23rd, at 8 EXETER—TOWN HALL 'February 24th at 2 p. 'To discuss growing Soyabeans under • Contract COME AND DISCUSS MATTERS. Canadian Soyabean Limited MILTON —. „ONTARIO Properly Fitted Gasses C. E. ZUR13lIGG at Oa. Will be at Hess' j'eweIery Store, Every Wednesday AN -A -noon, betrin- ning at 2 o'clock to Ct yv. with glasses. OUR CORNER • The Ford Company of Detroit, has increased he wages of, 20,000 men ton per cent. . utomobil,, owners aro • given un- til t' „ March t,) -;••, iu • .);;„ ,•• • 4,1,1 ;.1.1; 1Iigitwa.y3 asks those who can do so to purchase them or., 011CO. '11*—+ • A new federal park is being pro- posed in the Arctic for the. protect- ion of fish: and game resources of the north. It is suggested that it be. located near Churchill. +—t+ • Rioting has been serious in Paris, France, and the police and soldiers opened fire on the mobs in order to keep them under control. Many people were killed and injured. A Calgary woman cut her finger the other day on a fish bone while preparing dinner. Blood -poisoning set in and he died from the effects. +—+ Eight carloads of Middlesex Co- unty apples were shipped to foreign markets last season, mostly to Eng- land. This market is due in the first place to the Imperial trade agree- ments, and secondly to the co-oper- ation of the -Ontario Dept. of Agri- culture.—Ex. In Canada during the pas e six fiscal years tobacco, including cigar- ettes, has provided 71% of the rev- enue derived from excise duties. This is remarkable and to some of us, startling. During the last decade the consumption of cigaretteshas risen from 2,440,982,912 to 5,082,314,- 590. lust what effect this may have upon the health of the community one can only guess. , iLii it f. IN MEMORIAM Schumacher—In loviug meniory of lolser dear Huebwed and Father, Mr. "1.3 i. • Sell rf1^,1:1,?'",e1 , %Ito '(lied ono age The Houseof is instituting an spread of prices and Consumers, buying by chain stores, methods tock, and pro' thole generally. • .. V.. 1. o Corrnn'..ons 0,t Ottawa, enquiery into the; between producers the effects of mass and departmental of marketing live nt-day business me - The results of such ' • • . 11933. •: • 1u' 11 1 -ie iLi .1i.1:31; 11%waY. Itilth •a clleely smile and a wave of his hand He just wandered into the better land The flowery we place upon his grave May wither and decay But the love for him who sleeps be - ah Will never fade away. Sadly missed by his loving )4:l:e • and Daughters. —4 Commons on Feb. 7th. The -total nu- mber of persons in respect of which pensions were paid was 264,840.The number of dependent pensioners, was 18,745, and of disability pensioners 77,967. - Dominion Will pay $375,367 To Ontario for Reilief • • Authority has been gle'lea by order in -council for the payment of 1375- 307 to the Province of Ontario in connection with direct relief in 'a long list of organized and unorganiZe eel districts. A program of ,read work and improvements in various parts of Ontario, for which -the 'Doe minion contrilaution will not exceed $93,480, alit) has been approved e , • 4.--+ FAMILY OF 21 (Toronto Star Weekly, Feb. 334.4 Two cradles and two high chairs are an essential part of the house furnishings of the home of • James Itlasse 'on a farm two miles south of St.- Joseph, which is 'on the Lake shore, a short run down. from God- eiich. In the family of Jews and Mabel aThareetteil 12 years of ego-, „:• PRICES MODER • • .4 ' • • Mes. Jeff Dickerson of Detroit, is ,S1.e.,nding a few weeks with her para - fly .Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster C. Price of London was a. vis- itor in town last week, also attending the funeral of her son -M -law, M. Frank Kockerns. Miss Leila Witmore of Kitchener, was a week -end visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmore of he Babylon line. ?lay. Clare Merner, who has been for!, some time with his uncle, Mr. J. W. Merner of town, has returned to his .home in Windsor. Mr. John A. Hartman of .Zurich, Spent a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartman, in torn, and left,ou a business trip to London,— Seaforth News. Tle funeral of the late Frank Koch-.mast Thursday afternoon, Td1SHarg,•1y attended de.il,ite the 0°,-.- trentely cold weather, and after the funeral service in the Lutheean ch - arch, the remains were laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery, Goshen Li/10south of town. 1-- ' ,The large steam boiler of St. Boni-- face,R. C. Church, in Zurich, had to for -epairs, and the members of the be t' ell out and taken to the city parih experienced some chilly air eaphurch 'for worship the last iwo—Salulayse A rather unusual ac- cident occurred, as when the fire is -burned Out and no heat required for that day, the water in the steam •boiler is let back into a resivor well : to prevent freezing in the boiler, on! * this particular time the velve that : : lets this *watee back le the well had , ep erne ice -Frl-r:rd :r• ,.....1-* Cliael*.trL taitla,,; Ptablhbot ktI..115 a year, U.S. $4.614' la *1.5U IN 4,1tRZA3S, dd 111.4:r /3B aTi.d)4(ilinkr f,„21 '4 4 t• • For The Horne Cuckoo (JP.-1,eer,, 6.95 and VERY ORNAMENTAL An Ideal Clock for the 'Kitchen (Den) or Living Room COME IN AND SEE THEM! ess The /man Phone 74 Zurich " tr • ',',Fkr.V;;0* Blue Scranton 1 ALL SIZES Petroleum Coke, Semet Solvay eoks% Genuine Rosedale Alberta Lump Pocahontas and Miller Creek, awa. on hand.. AGRICULTURAL TILE and BRXM. Highest CASH price paid for Eggs a Graded Basis. DRIED APPLES WANTED (Must be dry and bright) W. R. DAVIDSON Phone No, 1l HENSALL, 1L• eeeeteeeeeetGeke*#0-eek+ereaeiaeO eeeee-e-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-*dateeeeree • • • 1 • • • • HAVE IN .• • d, WE .0 .13? 'Elk•L"111." • :',Z.,""" • •,"" • 1 / :f.10y . 1 :;1 1; ,1 tethe w(.11 arn-j• . • n . . ; . • ton,. • ST. PETERS EvantreEical Lutheran Ciurich ZURICH — oNT. "A Changeless Christ bear a Ch•rang.1 • Ing World"' • I11 a ret g;,tt;., lir...! or rei "Thir " 11,W • ' , : .ese. an the sl givei gently when the . ' to sit down, and then returne to it original shape. The secret lies in t1ie. elastic wool used in the neces— sary areas. ,But will m9n looy :bet- ter in such suits? That isri.Lther serious question. ' •+-1.• 'War Pensions Cost • Friday, Eh :—Luther Le.dtaMfd. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES ' 10 a. n.—German Service. • 11.15 a.m.—Sunday &hoot • 7.S• Stretelt, • Evoryhody Wekezie is all &Ferrite*, E. TUERKHEIK rig* tip& 1 e 1:: !. re; •fe •• i• z;1•1 iifl.ta, 7; ..%ee'esis! Canada paid $48.141,138 for wi'r penSions during 1932, according to Information given in the IiJuse of •'4111 •Jilit1101111111111111111 1111111110 • rit Atii 11 11111111111111111M111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111' . NEW ro...er Store WEEK -END SPECIALS Ready cut MaCroni,', 4 lbs. Broken Sodas,. 2 lbs. Rio Coffee Chicken Haddie, t tin . .. .. 18c 'Graham Wafers flb: 25c .Corn and peas at . 10c Salted Peanuts, •2 lbs. Perrin Sodas,, 2 Ibs. for Fresh Fruitv end. P,roteries .Always en II era Also Thmads, Pins, Laces, Etc, len•no each Zurich EGGS WARTED. „•• Phrn• arte: 765 ,141 144i1P11111111111 411111014 « ;- • - ; ." , r : ... • " • • i1virig -t1 LI Li: a „*lly•, • tHl.arro that ha: 0'a' 1s not a queetion of lie:' add , sley whwq. ,,,!11. in still :Masse. "1 am thankful to he strong 'hopped to from :30 to 35 below enough to give life to all those little zero, and this spell lasted for about it ones." 3,1r -s. ;•Iasse bakes bread IV • four days, with from zero to 35 -rr45 Tripi : 1 ta n 1 e eVelea 07;TKERC4..7.}A173•• "!. 71: A • .A AA VAA • • y J.% 4:41- Er ILI:T/1 aar''' ':"L a ory day. -1.7:-uP.lir to !lir(' and N't'41 Nrc_ve g1.1,1 0.11 id i g She does a family washins twice a ,S4tarday when it turned a little mil- V rtr week, churns once a eVeek, 25 lbs. of der, a goodly number of damages (1«! butter. A 100 -pound bag of flour is NVIIS experienced by pipes freezing, • 4 F..0413241„..MERL5 AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS bought each Saturday. Of the herd and in many cellars potatoes and co of 81 cows owned by the Masses, 6 apples were frozen. While this we - are reserved to provide milk and ek it is still cold, but we can get a - cream for the family. They have at long better with heating out homes the moment 18 pigs. They kill a and places Of business which was 200 -pound pig every two weeks ea- ee;t0 a problem last week. Some of • t. 10.1.Hca.#40.k#00+#1•4.#41•#4,.#4.4y4e#4 #4.04,44-44.4.o.drart-e?er.,›•4•4,44 Ct: tiely for home use. They have 12 tile older pioneercannot recall horses and a tractor to work th i experiencing such a continuous awes of rented farm which is requir- cold snap. Surely if the old adage Oa to suppoit the family of 21 souls. • holds out ef a good whiter, a rood Maurice, the, oldest son, and Flor- summer; we will lupe? a big C1 the ence, the oldest girl were both mar- 1 coming summer. lied last November. They live with- in shouting distance of the modest ' SOX. • SOCIAL frame farmhouse, on the flat level fields along Lake Huron. They do On February 27th, all loads lead their shopping in Zurich, and the to the .Zurich Town Htll, where a boot and shoe trade of Zurich is 'Box Social and a very fine concert kept busy. Dr. A. 3. 11,1acKirmon ef is to be. 'held under the auspices of 2.,Urich has officiated et an but one ethe Zurich Library Associetion. A of the births in the Masse rtnnly regular old time programme is being *They do not have the doctor foroffered ineludiag a short play, chor much else. Ther have a ear. • A 21-1 uses, readings, instrumentals, ete.; passenger sedan, of course the most it will hold is eleven. Mr. MaSSO said: he would not have the car ex- cept to go to church. It is three and a half miles up to church, ana where there :are two masses on Sunday we can all go. But usually there is only one. So eleven get in the `car. The older ,boys di?. not drive the car at an. What motel 'big they want they get on the tractor. This family are the 1011 the rtnest orchestra that can be produced in this section of • the countryce: The. price of admission is. 25 cents to the men- and also 25c to any letty,who does not bring a box to be ofiered for, sale. Any lady bringing a box is admitted free.' To any gentleman &lying a box the price of admission will be deducted. Children will be admitted for 15c. • if you evanteto spend a, really enjoy- 'cksa.:endents of ,Pier.re i'mtsse, who :ea. evoldng rome 41 the social, yoll darrle 1'itnn Franc.i and wa,.. married will not only be spending an eve -a- ka Qut!..n,..' , Cky in the y.,ar 1 044, ea. ;11 eeed clean end aeineing eft- - 1 to :"*Lll'io Pin,1 do la ch,inain, And . eteinelent but you will lie the . 4 f,. „,.4.•:... 1 ,:l..: .. . 4. If ri:V1.,1 ,15-1.111',. :-... nc .,.1 l,elplag the Public .1'.i. ra,%.• 0 Et:•.:in.,: 1: t.tio, .1,13.11 trt Poiet- 1, ;.;, h is. cauee . ereeeee, eel. 1., 4 3",:. ..k.1.5) Ftri•Via) 41 ail Tkait 0.0(1. ill , the city 014 to (,,n,h, ,out, 5044 iia,.„ t., sia. % of 'Quebec in 16'10 to Catherine Bin time. As Andrew H. Brown would sote th.c•ir little on became Skalr do ,,,y, "qui two or three birds with , Lanzon, one of he $•10gnetirs of that one stone, or somepin." tverybody Wvicoine. tainifframaziar AmirjEkl Dew w,t14.3 that was old Quame, AtraraFAMMIZIMSOMIEM k: • 44 Drcia7.43.7 T. , Cold Weather Needs We have the Goods in stock that you require for t41. Cold Weather, Such as Woolen Windbreaker, Wool: Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Dress Goods, Frannie4„ ettes, Military Flannels, Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays end Childrens' Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats and Pal Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Harness Repairs, Special Prices on_Overalls and Shirts. Highest Prices Paid for Good :Bright Dried Apples FRESH GROCERIES ALWANS ON HAN:1, 4411 .% ‘,„; , • NER maRoHAN 7' PHONE n .97 • , lehigiNgigirg*FAS& 131—A a<" ,r.h, • .0., • 1 • A 4.