HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-08, Page 547 l'hhtsday, F4runrr so, 29114. rr LUSINESS. DUDLEY Fla 1:10LMiS •zo.mtrasTER, soucrron, NOT- ARY IPUBUC, ETC. AiPliflICE--railtou Street, Ju et oft ltlee Square, GODERICH, Ontar10, filese4a1 Attention to Counsel and Court Work, Oft. Holmes may be consulted at reederich by Phone, Bad Plume chargee reversed. Dr. H. 11. GO E L. D. a. P. D- S. DENTAL SURGEON kt DEITZ. BLOOR--iIIRSCU •Syery Thursday, Friday, thhitutdaY At BARTLEIWS BLOOR, Dan:WOOD Every ,l4lionday,, Tuesday sDa 6.WeaD8BaBI LittliSed Auetioneer For Huron and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON - tact tiny Auction Sale, regardlese tee to size or article to sell. 1 salon VOUT business, and 5f not satiefiedevel11 traike no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood risme 13-57. Z Popul ar IVIE A T MARKET Let 'Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept ifresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungbl & Son SERVICE Why We have be Better Class. of Customers Una CLASS GOODS, U. S. 15ATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- 11ELUBE.0,11..., GOODYEAR T1REZ AVID TUBES, GE.NUINE,IGNITION' ?Art*, Holining and Mechanical Work Anne to Micrometer Sottings, No Ataele work. Watch the care. that %MOP at WEIN'S, They are al! }IIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. DASPIWOOD — ONTARIO seva=zreali‘ Western Farmers' Mutual 'Weather Insurance Co., 'OF WOODSTOCK l`HE LADGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- :UAL COLPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS RIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk. on Dec. Zlst, 1932, $17,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds Itates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. K1opp7-Zurich Abel, his°, Dealer in Lidlituind Reds and all kinds of Fire Insurssuce „r•goomoormosso.1.,.............ovreemmommokenmetm, LIVE POU LT WANTED illnkera every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m Me not bed Fowl same morning • when brought in. .hest Cask Prices ....CAM FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien 111. RH: 4 -Saric THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT ever ready to serve the pub5 lit with Commercial and Line 'Mating. Get our prices be, ie‘ leaving, your order TOM Wants, for Selle$ Loot, Found, N 011009 Eter. Ads tvolo mums NOTICE "TO THE pustic We, the unuticwigned barbels of Zurich have agreed to close on Monday and Thursday nights at 6 olock, of 'each week until further notice, beginning February 12th. Ilfirs. Wm. Koehler ot the Gosheri Line, South, is quite ill. Mr. „Aaron Weber of the 'BrellSoll Line is confined to his bed with ill - fleas. Ilern—At Zurich, on February 5, to Mr. and IVIrs. Alex. Foster, a daughter. • ' Mm. W. IL Hoffman „spent a week with friends at Kitchener, Galt and Stratford. Mr. Dennis Charrette, son of Mee John Charette, -a the Mee Watex Harold •Johnston, HerbertX.ruegef, Highway, soi41. of St. Joseph, heel lVfilton Oesch the misfortune on Suaday rimming, while cranking the auto, to 'break his ani at the wrlst, 1\ti Josiah Sararas and on Leoa- ard, and brother Emanuel Sdrarae of the Blue Water HighwaY, Motor- ed to Goderich on Saturday, where they attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs, Haliday, At a special meeting the othee evening the executive of the Zurich Library Board it was decided to hold a box 'social and a big social ev- ening some time in the near future. Watch for further annOuncements. NarICE, Notice is. hereby given to parties using the Evangelfeal church sheds and are non -supporters of the church, that such parties should make ar- rangements to pay a small annual fee, which will go towards the up- keep of thee hal:fang. • Kindly make this arrangemeat with Mr. Roland Geigee. • NOTICE TO MEMBERS OF LIBRARY On •Satueday, Febeamar 10th,' the library will be closed, on account of moving the same to new quarters. It is expected however, to re -open a- gain on Tuesday at the Hess Jew- ellery Store. Persons having books out or persons wishing to get books will please take notice. FOR SALE A pair of well bred fresh Durham cows for quick eale. Apply to: Ed. Haberer, Zurich. FOR SALE e,,A fine 4 -year-old gelding, horse, weighing 1500 lbs, well broke; also a heifer in calf. Apply to: John. Hey, Jr., Zurich.' For Sale OR RENT' '75 acres pasture Tend Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay, for sale orrent for a teem of years. Would like half broken and. cropped a few years. Never failing water in the ditch. Wfite: W. C. Pearce,, Exeter. • NOTICE TO LADIESI • We are now ready to elo business in our New Beauty Parlor, in the Oesch Block. We have installed a new large modern Hairdryer and will appreciate yout patronage. Call 130 for appointments. Mrs. E. Gaseho, Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED ' We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion'Hotel T. IL Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION BATES—$1.25 a 'year, strictly in advance; $1.50 ta arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 1) S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon. timed until all arrears are paid un Less at option of publisher. The dot* a which every Sulescription is paid 11.1 delisted. on. the Label. • • ADVERTISING RATES Display advertbang made known on application.. Miscellaneous articles of not more 3.r.ban four lines, For Sale, Ts Rent, }Wanted, Lest, Found, etc., One inter 1.ion 25t; 2 ins..40c., 3 Ins. sem, Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.0G for Ant men* 1b..04 for each Sol- ! owing month. Professional Cards not exceeding inches, per year $2,011. • In Memoriam, isse Irmo 50a, 25c icor each additional 'verso; Card of Chanko, 50e. Auction Salee---42.00 per Idaglt nsertion if not over four inches in :length. Addressall cormanaisations to: • THS HERALD A happy surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Battler, Babylon Line, last Wednes- day evening', in honor of Mr..Garfield Witmore's birthday. The everting was spent in singing and games And contests, also a delicious lieb was served including a birthday Cake.; • Province -To Take Over Blue Water Highway Predictions that the Ontario Gov- ernment would shortly take over the I3lue Water Highway was made by County Engineer T. R. Patterson in his report to the county council re- cently. "f believe that the Depart- ment of Highways, for many • years opposed to the taking over of this road, has ,changed its attitude and is now favorable to it. In my report, I .have not included the Blue Water Highway in the list of those on -which work might be und.ertaken under the relief scheme. Considerable woekis needed on this road, but no section mankr..d in, view of the possib- ility that the Government will assil- !h.de road in the near future" said the engineer. After giving es- timates on the cutting down, straigh- tening and building of new bridge over the Maitland at Faitfoed • and Apburn, involving all_ told about $200,000. Mr. Paterson says: "I recommend that al.: -et -a foe as- sistance under the ielief measure be authorized at this session to permit proceedings to be started, , and if -it be decided later to cancel or curtail the work 'it can be done."'• PA 'Frog LOCAL NEWS solossosemfroomore*sefroop000nieogoompooeiwoosof000sio Mr, Blear Mouseeau motored t I London on Friday. BEAR SEES SHADOW Keep your Stock and Poultryeay ibis Winter by STOCK FOODS Hlth If the Shedow of the bear and the 12141-40'0De Itilarious Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods' groundhog have 'anything to do with 2 • it, and the Weather prophets know 3 and Laying Mashes. None F on the • six more weeks ,ef winter. The p0P- Maarkets ToDay! their stair, then we are pine: to have tiler s• uperstition about the bear ancf 0 .the groundhog is that if teey corm • out of winter hiding itny time be- e fore neon on Feb, 2nd, an: 4 PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW .WHEN THEY • COAL COAL h eee their shadow they hike back in • ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES appens to be shining so they ni car I to the hole for six more weeks. If ((al+ 1:11(,." ff,pt ror4 bout the4r sleep, stay up and cheep array T.al,A Friday ther was no sun in the early moraingebul 'net before noon Old Sol pecker.: briefly through the cloned.; and in the afternoon shone elearly. It is stated that animals are not like human be- • ings, they get up first thing in -the =ruin; and if so they did not so their shadow. lioWever Dr. Dearie of the University of Weetern Ont arno points out that the bear and the groundhog have nothing to do with the duration of winter. The seasons come and go and winter stayer as long as it likes. and we can do nothing about it. Forme:: Resident Passes August Tone of Saskatoon; Sask. died in the I- ospitel at that place having 'beta] 0, lent of the'. for the past 27 years. Deceased eva: .78 years of aue. )'.Ir. and Mrs, Toe - celebrated neje r —Ming a-. niversary about twowee.. , to his death. Mrs. Tone was form, erly Miss Kathleen Hinbecker and they were married at Zurich. For a number .of years Mr. Tone used to drive the . stage from Dashwood to Exeter. • LIBRARY MEETING Last Friday night the board Of managment of the Zurich Public Library; held a meeting in the Coun- cil • Chambers of the town hall to eonsider tenders sent in for the pos- ition of Librarian. After very care- ful and uripredjuiced consideration the total of eight tendees was cut down to three. A vote by ballot was then taken to determine W110 81,10111(1, be librarian for 1034, and Mr. Al- tert Hess 'ens the one choeen fot the position. The librae; will be locedead in the rear of the Hoes Jewellery 'one end will be opened to the pub - h7 on ?.day, :ary 13'h ieelg the future the library- will be open three clays a week, Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday during the months of November, December, January, -February and March. During the • hiqpientent-Repairs. WHY BUY ICAN BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS U WHEN YO THE SAME I 1 Agency THE "We for do GENUINE Custom Seed McCormick -Deering L. Schithe 4,4P010,043444,4imeaseitaraquiteMititetsieS AT PRICES Cleaning" Machinery en Repairs. So 6004000i142) GOO riMIWIAMMANWAWaliMPs- AWit WWWg WiAr(, tees eta '712 • JUNIOR FARMERS -FORM remaining months it will be open to CLUB IN •HAY •, Jjthe 'public two days a week, namely, 'T,tiesday and Saturday. Only on During the Past four, weeks about ee-enings 90 of the young people at Hay 7 when the stores are open ship and vicinity .have been at-tn-e7d_lii fOr business will the libravy be open. ing a short course held in Zurich bylPosters will be put in various places -the department of aartetature. in. in town f.7.iving the full particulars of strut:eau...is eau anneeee, tueeetat le- library hours, which ;are from 2 p. m. to 6 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. to 10 presentative of Clinton; Norman Me auily, ar at. iyiarys; iaise, :ULM', 0.1 Woodstock; Miss Misner, of Port Dover; Mrs. McDonald, of Ripley, and other special speakers were in charge. At the close of the course the boys organized a Junior Farne- ers Association, the following oai- p.m. HOCKEY NEWS On Saturday nigh t Zurich and Grand Bend played a 2-2 tie game at the Brenner rink in Grand Bend The entire game was played .in a cers being elected: lion. presidents real snowstorm, and as a result neith Ben Elder, Hensel]. and David er team could get going. A large' charme, Zurich; president., MAI:lett crowd was present to witness the Geiger, Zurich; vice -pre..,, Lorne game which was a benifit affair for Chapman, Exeter; bee.y-Arreas., Isar - old Elder, Hensall; e xec Lx, e cu raittee, George Duchartne. and Cla- ude (+minas, Zurich. On February 5th, tne executive met and decided to hold the first meeting of the South good and proper, it was said. How- Huene eumor armors Association ever, it proved to be the pipe -dream on Thursday evening, JJ'eoruary 15, and the Flying -Dutchmen as usual in the Town Hall, Zurich, et 8 p. cane out on the top side of a 9-7: .following program was then score The local boys were far drawn up: Pdesident- to open the from full strength, as Ivan l'ungblut meeting; Reading of minutes; eln.-• and Franz Kockems were absent, eoumene ot inemoen; Address on. and Harold Stade our spectacular -Our Organization" by members of "kid goalie" was not in the nets. the executive; Address oy eat. tau But Stade played a fine ganie on the MacLeod, B.S.A., Dist., Rep; Com- munity Singing and Music; Meutirig Rudy Revell°, one of the Bend boys who broke a bone in his ankle early in the season. Monday night Exeter came to town _with the idea of trimming the locals men aunate.teu Lt UGH regular niece- ing night Feb. 15th. Presentation • recognition of the leethful ser- vices rendered to the Zurich Library by Miss L. Faust, the president, Mr. W. Siebert presented her with the following appreciated letter: ,Zurich, Ont., Feb. 5, 1934 Dear Miss Faust: .As you are about to discon- tinue your 'duties as Librarian of the Zurich Library, the Library Board has requested mpre to express yu'o our appreciation for past services rendered. During the loan years you serv- ed as Librarian, the officers and me- mbers of the' • Zurich Library have found you a very capable, conscient- ious and faithful worker, always wil ling to serve and assist the members ;in your congenial, cheerful and help- ful manner. We have the kindest !thoughts for you in our hearts, and , hope that the Lord, 'whom you so ;faithfully serve and worship, vilI Mese and spare you for many more years to come. •• Most respectfully yours, W. A., geberte TreSident of 1934 Library Board - line, and Mihail Oesch his undea- atudy in goal played a good game. Cornish a Ei.eter wing man wits cut in the face by e skate which requir- ed two stitches to close. The game was the fasters played here this year and the crowd which was not large as usual had plenty to cheer about. The game also was productive of more goals than any other this sea- sOrt, 16 being registered in ali. The lineup• ; Exeter—Goal, I. Ford; Def. Wells, Creech; Centre, Berdux; Wings, .Snell, Cornish; Subs. Pxyde, Cochrane, Hockey. Zurich—Goal, M. Oesch; Defence, O'Brein, Willert; Centre, Burn; Wings, Gascho E. Yungblut; Subs., Stade, Pra;ng, Willert. On Tuesday evening at the Zur- ich rink, the fast travelling Flying Dutchtnen of Zurich added another win to their unbroken record of the 'season at the expense of the Park- hill Bloodhounds by 'defeating them 7-4. Again the Zurich team play- ed minus three of their star players nantely„ L Yungblut, Lee 0'12rein, and P. Kochems, but the team that they gathered together which was first deseribed as a scrub team play- ed like veterans. The game was fast and clean with few penalties and M. • Schilbe refereed the game to the sat- isfaction of both teams and the faris Zurich Dr:g Store We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies nosisetsecausycoomi-ez.Hpebaec000cs PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ee,z4co eee iit'r564.00040eeeeekOetie p p3 y Seeof Toil et Pre para ioi Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. sec eetOQJVZ34:01,00tWeeedt,CeSeeet. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. 1 Dr. A, J. MacKitriOn, Zurich ACWARRAMFEWAM WARP WCWWMP RAMMKRPrJ 4 4 4 4 0 4 4, • 4 • . • • • • 4• • 4 • 4 .4 i) 4 *4 4. 4 • 44,6 * -*o0-4. 4 • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record Toronto Daily Globe Toronto Daily Mail and Empire Toronto Daily Star Toronto Weekly Star London Free Press London Advertiser London, Farmer's Advocate Farm and Dairy Farmers' Sun..... 6 _00600•••• $2.50 ... . . Family Herald and Weekly Star .. ••••1....• $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 Canadian Countryman .. — $2.25 Weekly 'Witness •t1.15 Farmers Farmers' Magazine $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 Ana a great many snore that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money en the most el them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Monty .1.11•• ...... • .. $5.10 $6.00 $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $2,25 $2.75 HERALD OFFICE Zurich • • • • • 44 -4 1 -4 --4 44 se,