HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-01, Page 8-'u, `ill 11 nag morrt • THE STORE WITH TI -IE STOCK 10ES Continued on all lines of Winter Underwear, Sweater Coats' Mitts, Leather Coats, Mackinaws, Etc. Etc. Conte and see Our New Goods A SHIPMENT OF . •NEW ' PRINTS NOW OPENED UP, AT 20c and 25 cents a Yard GROCERIES! GROCERIES Tomato Catsup, per bottle Canned Tomatoes, large tins at Try Calumet Soap Chips, per ib. Cowan's Cocoa, Half -lb. tins at 1 pound tins at Macaroni, 4 lbs. for Old Nippy Cheese, per lb. 1 Oc Oe 10c 10c 14c 25c 25c 25c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 LoolarVimar + 4. + e 4. 'Thursday) Miter horst , ist, 1934' >>0 a 14 N.4.4, .4.+++44+++4424 Y WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday • and Saturday . Aylmer Golden Bantam cora per tin . ,.. 10r_ Aylmer Tomatoes large tin, per tin 1Oc Singapore Sliced pure pine apple per tin I Oc Superior Baking Powder 167oz tin, at 23c Heinz's large bottle Catsup 19c Heinz's Tomato Soup 3 tins 25c Heinz's pork and beans large tin, 2 for 35c King's Plate Cohoe Salmon, choice Quality per tin23c Kippered Snacks per tin 5c Corother's Soda Biscuits 1-1b. pkg. 2 pkgs 25c Coconut wafer Cookies•,, per 'lb. 14c Heavy all wool white 72x86 blankets per pr $6.25 Wool and cotton Blankets, Iarge size, pr 3.25 J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 — n IrrEMs oF.LocnL INTEREST INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE Savers in Canada, the United States and Great Britain Now have invested in Huron and Erie Debentures Over • $29,000,000 These 'debentures are issued for $100 and over for 1, 2, l: 3, 4 or 5 Years, to earn 5% Per Annum, Payable Half -Yearly Applications are accepted by Andrew F. Hess, Huron and Erie Representative for over 15 Years. F. Andrew .Hess,, . - Zurich, MOTTO—SERVICE ,AND SAFETY.. Have You MADE YOUR W I LL? e 1 ulreeir4P. �rOQ41a4110M!N•!0•II111.*NMIa••• HARDWARE -- SEEDS and' FURNITURE Your Winter's Fuel WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY BEST OF FUELS FOR THE COLD WINTER WEATHER; ANTHRACITE COAL IN THE VARIOUS SIZES.. ALSO HAVE `A GOOD GRADE OF COKE. LET US FILL YOUR BIN! AND DON'T FORGET WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF HEAT- ING STOVES, JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR YOUR HOUSE. OR BETTER STILL, LET US PUT IN A NEW HECLA FURNACE WHICH MAKES A HOME EVEN MORE COMFORTABLE. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line _)f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock, TgalDE & pEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE -- SERVICE • • Fair Days Changed { The annual meeting of the Exeter Agricultural Society was held on Friday afternoon, January 19th in the Town Hall. There was a goad attendance. R. N. Creech was• ap- pointed to the chair. The financial statement was read and showed a balance of $65.00 in the treanrury..' $190 was spent during the 3 ear on; repairs. Considering the wet wea- ther on Fair Day and the decrease in government grant this was con- sidered very satisfactory. The dates set for this year's fair are 1Vfonday and Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 15. The dates were changed from Tuesday and Wednesday sa as not to conflict with some of the other fOirs in the district. . Agricultural Society Meets The annual meeting of the B field Agricultural Society was het at the town hall on Wednesday a ternoon, January 17th. The chaff nian of the'meeting was Sparks. The president, Jolyi IyleClu, gave; a•'very 'good address,,regardin !last. year's e fair:' `'The set;retary,'s x port showed• that a total ,d. �,1t7,16,e tries, were' ri le;':Offered''#or ;prize .$722:85•;) amount awarded in prize $610.60.. TheYre are several wh make a large number of entries an win a considerable amount and th system of making a charge for ent ries over a certain number (as ha been the custom in several societies will likely be adopted here. It was decided not to send a delegate to th fair board convention at Toront Officers and Directors for 1934 wer appointed as follows: President, J McClure; 1st vice-pres., Robert Pen hale; 2nd vice-pres., John Rathwell Directors: Wm. J. Stinson, Fred Mid dleton, Samuel Houston, Wm. Spark Thos. Snowden, T. M. Woods, E. Fos ter, Frank Keegan, Wm. Stevenson, W. W. Wise, Carl Diehl, Robert Mc- Murray, Mrs. Fred Middleton, Mrs. T. Snowden, Mrs, Seeds, Mrs, N, W. Woods, Mrs. Fred McEwan; Auditors John R. Cameron, James II. Reid; Secretary, A. E. Erwin; Treasurer, F. A. Edwards. The annual fancy dress carnival is to be held Wednes- day of Easter week. It was sug- gested that a play or concert be given in February or March and a committee was appointed to make arrangements. BUSY FARMER NEWS LOCAL' MARKETS (Corrected' every Wednesday) Butter 1.. ::.- 30 Eggs »•i ..22-20-18-14 Chickens dressed, 10-17 Hens 7-5-4 Wheat.......... ..... 77 Barley, bushel 40 Buckwheat, bush. 40 Flour cwt. , .. _ . 2.00-2.90 Shorts, .ton .. 20.00 Bran, ton 20.00 Live hogs, cwt. ' 8,00 s anantnifure E WE HAVE JUST FINISHED TAKING STOCK AND FIND THAT OUR STOCK OF HARDWARE T AND FURNITURE IS TOO HEAVY, AND IN. ORDER The RED UCE !T` :VERY RAPIDLY WE ARE OF ER NG THE SAME AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.... SPECIAL; PRICES ON CREAM Awl, GREEN ENAMEL,' ''UTENSILS We also have some very 1 Furniture. See Our Attractive Prices int New ` Beds, Springs and Mattresses. + USED FURNITURE Good Used Dressers, Dining For Some .Real Bargains, mg Tables, Kitchen Chairs„ Etc., that We will sell We have a Number of very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a Good Supply of Smoke Cure on Hand„ Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt Johnston, &Kalbflejsch . . i Hardware 8c Furniture. Phone3 that he has the ability to pass on the desired character's• for the high pro- duction of large' sized eggs. The se- cond choice. should be a cockerel; se- lectedd�fop-vigour, size and breed type from, a;, heavy laying .large egg dam and a srre:.srrglilarly bred, whose dau- ghters, the. cocke'rel's sisters, have shown their ability for high product- Y-aion. • Wheret •pedigree breeding is d not followed, it will pay to purchase f- males such'as these. am Reforeitietion Encouraged ;,, re Corhtinuing its ' carnpaig . to stiPm g' late -the reforestation of waste areas, e in the,provinlde''an dto encourage the, n planting ,of .trdes' by' farmers, the On- tarso .ii•Forestiy Branch announces, s that owing to'the fact that it has on o hand a surplus -Of trees this year, the e former limit' of 3500 trees for re - e forestation purposes to one person will not be adhered to and that no charge will be made for additional quantities; over; 'this number. For windbreak purposes, however, no in- crease in number will be made, 500 o. being the limit to each applicant. It is interesting in this connection , ,to note that the Ontario Statutes de- clare that "any part of a farm used ' for forestry purposes or being 'wood s land' is exempt.from taxes, provided Reduced Freight Rate An important reduction in freight rates on' certain export cattle from feeder points in Eastern Canada to Montreal, St. John and Halifax, is announced in advices to the Ontario Marketing Board. • The reduction ap- plies only to cattle in transit, that is cattle to which the railways had previously carried to the feeder points. - The rate will be cut in half land will mean a saving to the farm 1 er shipping, for example, from a $ point in Ontario to St. John or Hall- I fax, of approximately $30 a carload. Choosing the Breeding sinal • Where pedigree breeding of poul- try is followed, the first choice male ;,:multi be one that has passed thro- vigil a )erre) dint season and iia= shown by tag'. 1, ,u6 ,,`;.+,po9 of ;., .l. ,.,li `%.. 5 • (1lRWIfflifllflltHlilifllfilli H 1111IIH1JIII111111 1111111118$1lleililllli llllll(i(ILIIMMU/11HIlyg1yl8iIill4111IIIIIIIIIR1111111It111111$1lllNl111111 ll111181li THESE PRICES subject to change Iterimm� -Wagonbout ' Notice Wagon Axle eachs, per set ..518.00 Wagon Tongue each ......................... .....-.. $5.OQ Tongue, Harrows , each Bolster with Stakes at..................... ........... $1.50 Wagon Reach)--, ...., .....:.............- ,i3.Op Spokes, each at long.. 1.50, short ........~........ ...$1.25 Double Tr .. Whibl T '- each -................................ .50 UES, the Repair M an... .., ............. 50 11/1411111110HGNI talullf, alt,limilu1igprHmuat r+ar"Idnuullr`;(fifBllfkilIflairiWil 14.114' '++++++++t++++++++++4114+++++++++++++++4++++++,114 t niaz 1,G . • . Is 'Nam,* Here. SEASON . ;;IIs re ybu looked after our"A bile ; In', preparation ; for the Cold Weaather?' a uionio- lighter `Oil, and hadyour Changes `d . Radiator : filled � with sit � ood Anti`Freeze? . Run in'your car'g • and /et us do this very Important thing Right Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels orContainers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very 11. Afousseau Zurich t such exemption shall not be gr- ++ farm and not more than twenty eater than 'one acre in ten acres of "�110.4444414.4164.441/414.444+4+114444444400, such acres• hold ander .. ssingle .ownership. Choosing a Fertilizer M aur% While it is customary to select a 1$ d''*.^i1;********.4, fertilizer mixture which has been found specially adopted to the crop to be grown, the nature and past treatment of the soil should also be taken into consideration. For ex- ample, if soil is ofa very light sandy nature th fertilizer h a er r izer should contain HERALD OFFICE a good percentage of potash but ort, Do You Know? heavy clay loams only a small aril 1, C- ount softhis element may be requir- ed by the plant for early growth. On soils which have recently been well manured and are well supprred with organic matter, a fertilizer relative- ly high, in phosphoric acid be re- quired far maximum crop product- ion. Time For Farmers to Take Stock The .impoVtant work -of taking stock and making a plan for farming oper- ations during the coming crop sea son should not be delayed any longer The farmer who does this will be able to order his fertilizers, spraying materials insecticides, etc., in good time. It will enable him to cut ' ont unprofitable cows, and hens, and ot- her animals, and show him where by • better farming methods more adequ- 'a ate fertilization, etc., he can cnt 1 a 1 t� • + + 1 <,;> .I. ..:, (P. tion, 1 That I am tie Master Salesman) 1 am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untold mi i ons into their coffers. I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got 4: 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! I am Masater, Salesman at You Service, and my (Name is: ADVERT:ISEI Sys'! v. fi