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Zurich Herald, 1934-02-01, Page 5
ursd'fay,, Fethaary 11841934 • BUSINESS CARDS , DUDLEY .E. HoLn +" 'l UUSTER, ' SOLICITOR, ?IM- AM' PUBLIC, . ETC. VIFFICE—Ilamilton Street, J=ust ell The Square, GODEBICB, Ontario. *pedal Attention to Couneel and Court Works. i[a. Holmes may be lted n t reodericia by Phone, and t charges reversed, Dr. 11. H. COWEN L.D.S. D.D B. DENTAL SURGEON M DLITZ $LOOK ZUR,Ic'1 yekry Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday At IIARTIABIB' S B•L.'OM DASIlViOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and ;NV ednesday For Huron and Middlesex .AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit , velar business, and if not ea isfs Reed n make no charges for ierl' ARTHURWEBER--Dashwood teen's 13-67. nr:� y P�pU ar VAT MARKET I,et Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed (bleats, Bolognas, Sausages, w Wpm HiERAkio WM TOM Wants, For Sa1ho Loot, ;. Found, Notice, Eto.itdis} 51.515.16 GOLIfin FOR SALE A pair of well bred fresh Durham cows for . quick .sale. Apply to: Ed. Ilabercr, Zurich. FOR SALE A fine 4 -year-old gelding horse, weighing 1500 lhs, well broke; also a heifer in . calf: Apply to: John Hey, Jr., 'Zurich. For. Sale OR RENT 75 acres pasture land Lot 16, Con, 7, Hay, for sale or rent for a tern of years. Would like half broken and cropped a few years. Never failing water in the ditch. Write: W.. C. Pearce, Exeter. NOTICE TO LADIES: We are now ready to do business in our New Beauty Parlor, in the Oeseh Block. We have installed a new large modern Hairdryer and will appreciate your patronage. Call 130 for appointments. Mrs. E. Gascho, Zurich. .77 YVA..J TED PRODUCE WANTED e are now in a position to take Etc., always on hand... KeP1, creast( and eggs at my home at Zur- fresh in Electric Renrigeratan oieh, for which we willpay highest Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. yungbl.ut & Sou, E It VICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers ;MOH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. 'BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELLIBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES „AND TUBES, GENUINE 1GNIT10N 'Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work one to Micrometer Settings, No &guess work. Watch the cars that ISTOP at WE1N'S, They are al! H1G3 CLASS CLIENTELE. , ONTARIO DA5NdWOOD Western Farmers' Mutual leather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LAI:GEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. A=mount of n ura $e at Bisk 'L9n Dec. 31st, Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978,99. Rates --$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Kropp --Zurich .Use},• M o, Dealer in Lidhtaiind Rods mud all kinds of Fire insurance LIVE POULTRY WANTED itokint every Day un 1 e''de*>k, p.m. ;itio wet toed Fowl .fie morning ° *hen brought 1u: a . Cask Meet . -CA91 FOII . CREAIVI ANE ' EGGS W. Of- 3rie-n _ 1 Zu* cb 4 19u. , ,1�1 R market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading: give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers,Phone 116, Zurich, No Reduction Here While a gasoline price war is be- ing waged in the various cities, pri- ces being quote;( as .tow as 14 cents a gallon in Toronto, motorists in the rural places are still asked to paythe regular prices from 25c to •30c a gallon. Arid while it seems rather a tough break, yet who would like to do much driving on these icy roads. Jobless Single Men. for Rondeau. Park Seven Gctderich single unemployed men left recently via the C.N.R. for the Government work camp at Ron - dean Paark. Rondeau is one of the most beautiful parks in the Province It is situated on Lake Erie, south of Chatham, in Kent County. The gov- ernment is taking advantage of the. unemployment situation to widen roads, clear out underbrush and generally spruce up the district. It is not known how lona the men will be away from home, but it is likely that they will be required for sev- eral weeks.; Hog Prices Going Up! Continuance of ,the strong; demand lin the. United Kingdom for Canad- ,ian. bacon hogs lifted the price on the Toronto market on Monday off cars to $9.65, a jump of about 65 cents for the day for best grades. This carne on top of an advance of about 70' cents per cwt. last week. Prices now ruling are only about $.35 per cwt. below the quotations in January 1931, when they were the highest for some years. In January 1933 prices had drifted down to $3.50 off trucks on the Toronto ket, establishing a depression level. Nearly 1,700 hogs were iceted on Monday as compared about 1,400 a week previous. anticipated that hogs will go higher in the near future. 711E HERALD'S OB PEPA RTMENT ,Sa =rear ready to serve the puh- a* with Commercial and fine ) Chri Caet ;•Ouz prices Uric,, Tote leap"rn roue or else.. jar HOCKEY' NEWS. mar iow mar - with It is even L AL Mr. Herbert K. Either of Cred- iton; was in town Monday, attending the annual fire insurance meeting. Mr. J. lYt. Southcott, editor of the Exeter Times -Advocate gave us a friendly call one day last week, Miss Ethel Hess, who spent several weeks with relatives in South I3enct; Ind., and Pontiac, Mich., has return- ed to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Craig of Goderieh; were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Weido. Mr. Sol Baechler of the Bronson Line, left on. Wednesday morning for Tavistock,where he is attending an executive meeting of the Amish Mennonite Ohurch. Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch, proprietor of the local ties mills, advises • us, that he is planning to put out about ne hunal • d acres of flax this o mer, which ( will mean considerable the most points and Mrs. Wm. employment to a number of working Haugh boobee special. people. LOCAL 'NEWS i,lessrs. Ray Weber and George Hess of Hensall made a business can in town on Friday, Mr, lialery Howard of ;iiensall, Called on friends. in town on Satur- day. . . • Mr. Boland Geiger was at Hensall on Weclno:-day attending the An- nual meeting of the Huron Weather Insurance coMpany. Judge T. M. Costello, of Goderieh presided at a sitting of the Tenth Division Court at Zurich on Tuesday last. No eases were a: gued out and the ' business was practically all jud- gment summonses. On Saturday evening the neighbors and friends took Mr. and Mr M•iIne Rader of the 14th concession by sur- prise in honors• of Robert Buell, it being his birthday. A pleasant ev- ening was spent in games and Music aleo a progressive game of Bengo was played and resulted that Mi. Urban Pfile received the prize for H C r 1 Ilion nu ±.f:y ...Duni. Mr. Wm. Consitt of Hensall was in town Monday, calling on a few With a net.' clerk and a nee.r tre- of his friends. Mr. Consitt also at- asurer installed in their respective tended the annual Fire Insurance offices, and With 21 of the 1933 meeting in the town hall. Re has members +e^in taking their places. l� the distinction of being the -oldest along with new members. Hurt-- W1��s' Miliil'a'€ director on the board, it .is neatly county councl con. lned Ia t -, forty years since Mr. Consitt start-, afternoon. January 23rd for its Jan- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44•00010 an- •••r*M* •••rNN••••.••as',+►•• •••••••••••O •••••44.00010 • 1 I 00 • STOCK FOODS 0 Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Bran=ds of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mashes. None Better on the Maarkets To -Day! sr I • ei CO,ti IL. COAL 3 PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY • ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES • Imple: e t .e .:airs : WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU 2 i CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME PRICES "We do Custom Seed • Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. O , • • • 0 lit, esc L a Scte ed in this capacity m and now retires nary see Bion. The setting ing with a most splendid and creditable calm as the pr +"i. 1711 record with this company. sharp contrast to the ....... tic scenes which featured the 1988 My, how the weeks do .roll along regardless of the cold weather.meetings. The 'first business was the eb- selection of a Warden, the honor fall day, Thursday, is the first of Feb- ing to Reeve George H. Elliott of ruary, and to -morrow, is -.February Clinton. The_ time-honored custom end, or bettee- known as Candlereass making the of a Liberal Day, when the bear or groundhog is of and a Conservate selectione, year about, was supposed to. come out and look for again adhered to, the Corel ltivt';' his shadow, and then return to .his making their choice, in tacos. Follow- .--•,*" a',ede for another six •or more t this day will ing statutory procedure, Clerk Rob- erts presided up to the time of the • Warden's • election and his instalation weeks. Lets see was US. Another spell' of very than in office, a ceremony performed in weather greeted us over the week impressive fashion by Judge T. M. •md. Sunday morning we had real Costello. The new clerk too made a nice rid mild we•+fler vdhen in r favorable impression. Wald n elect few minutes it changed to a real; Elliott was escorted to the chair by itliz7at-•1 from the •�,et. and this ex -Warden Ballantyne and the oath -kind of weather hes e.e?mtinteed til+ of office was administeered by Judge ; ALLthis We'inesday mneening when it Costello. On Wednesday afternoon The mer session, a resolution was pess'=d j'7' 101 • Zurich Drug Store We have a full Line of all the requi t erents of SchoolSupplies changed to much nmil.der eery fell to around the zero =nark at everal timr>. While n:, q"nda� morning there was considerable ice •.rgtifl.i t -+—en. this however was soon eov'--4"1 with snow which froze fast and made walking much easier. The roads in the , country are . practical(': bare with little snow and gettine: a- round with the car is quite a eon venience. Hensall Man Honored animously, instructing the County Solicitor to take steps to secure books and records, allegedly held by G. W. Holman, loruler county clr • t 1 when he vacated office on Jan- a :on �v nary lst. Until these books are re- covered the new clerk is considerably handicapped in his work. The school inspectors gave ther reports. In West Iiuron there are 101 teachers in rural districts and 25 in urban cen- tres with more men entering the pro- fession and an increase in the num- E P. Heaton, Ontario fire; lnardits, ber balding first class certificates. started the Ontario Brotherhood of Due to cutting of grants by the De- T'hreshermen's Convention at Lrn.:o ' paxtment the legislative and county on Jan 19th., when. he asserted that grants this -year were $17,893,25 as the manufacturers by their active compared with $23,872.35 in 1932. effort, did a great deal to kill a bill Mention was made by both .inspect - that would have made the use of ors of the new law that schools with that by tiireslmeing hands aroun;l less than upilwill be closed a barn a' criminal offence. And the did that because it is in their inter y may of ect Soeightmepschoolss in the eo unty in the near Futuro. A large ests to have as many fires as poser:- number of Fifth Classes have been ble, the veteran official said quietly maintained in the county. Last year three years ago Mr Heaton. said he 595 of the entrance candidates were had drafted a bill with provisions successful, a great improvement 07er :overing snioleng-at _thrashings; but previous years. Four school Fairs we- t was not entertained because there r e +tc1d in East Huron and one in was no one to support it.'1•hi::s, co- West. Huron. The financial state- ingwith the work of hadactur- meet of the treasurer showed the ing concerns against it, been +.otal receirts of $357,480.88; disburs enough to have the measure blocked ments $370,717.97; carryover of The threshermen concluded a two bank loan at Jan. 1, 1933, $50,000; day convention by banquet at Hotel bank loans during 1953 $148,000; Clerandon Th.eir business sessions bank loans repaid $147,000; carry - officers carried on in the city hall. New over at Jan. 1, 1934, $51,000; note officers elected were: President. W xepaid $7,000; carryover, $45,000; B Elder.) Hensall; succeeding R e- McDonald, Thames -ford; ist Vice- county highwtys carryover at Jan. 1 1933, $80.000; bank loans for Pres, Ge.o Hunter, Hagersville ; 2nd' 1933 $99,000; total $179,000; notes Vice, Herb •Mallet, Kingsville; Secy tress, Joseph Cushman, London. repaid 'to bank $125,000; carryover at Jan. 1, $54,000; estimated subsidy - from the Government, $45,000; bal- out Huron nee '� 000 which practically y - a tiwood Jan 22 -=Grand � B'end at D s Crediton= at Zurich . 24--Crediten..at, Dashwood. 25—Zurich at: Grand Bend- Dasfrwood;..at ,Credtiton. '29—Grand: Ben=d alt Crediton Dashwood, a Znrieh. Fell ••1--Zuric! at Crediton. Dashwood. at Grand Bend 5—Zurich at Dashwood. Crediton at • Grand Bend. 7—Grand ,pend at. Zurich. 9—Hensall at 2nd. place team. 12 -2nd place team at Hensall. If IIensall defeats 2nd place team on 1 Goals, Round; Total G 14—Hensall at • 1st place team. lst place team at Hensall. I , Play Off ScheJ!ute ;Fears t9 :gnd place tea tt at .tst pFat . it: place; team, at 2nd' -kitten tegnia __ _ _n s: �i•:. w .. ,South a $ t' ll bar Agricultural Society Meets antes county highways account. A g discussion followed the treasurer's The South Huron Agricultural So- port on the property of issuing de- ciety held its annual meeting at the bentures to take are of outstanding Commercial Hotel, Hensall, on Fri - loans, The standing committee foe day afternoon., January 19th, and in 1934 is as follows: spite of the hard times and reduced; Executive—P. W. Scott, B. C. 1\Zun grants, the Treasurer's statement showed the Society had cone thro- pings, A. Melick, L. Demerling, A. -ugh a most difficult year with a sub- Goldthorpe. , stantial balance in the bank. The Legislative—W D Sanders, W. G. meeting was well attended and there McNall, C. Mawhinney, R. Turner, seemed to be more interest and en- W W. "'L"rosier, . thusiasin than is usually manifested: Finance—J. M. Eckert, F L David - The president, .Dr. A. R. Campbell, son,' M. - Matherson, J. Ballantyne, J, occupied the chair. The Society will W. Gamble. hold a Seed Fair at Hensall an 1+ri Education—W. Archibald, J. Leip- day, February 23rd, when a govern or, M. Hanley, R. Johnston, W. J. nrent judgeand speaker will be on Jones. hand. The Society also decided to Property—R. Turner, F. L. David- make an entry at the Guelph Seed son, W. D. Sanders) L. Denierling, 3. Show in the fall and will make a McNabb. special endeavor to sesna;e tl:e best (House of Refuge --J. W. Gamble, possible samples of seed. The an= J. Ballantyne, Ja Leiper, W. Archi- nual Spring Fair will be held in bald, R. Johnston. Amil, but a definite date has following 'Children's Shelter—G. H. Elliott, i been decided upon,. The J. McNabb, P. W. Scott. !officers were electe l: President, Dr Agricultural Advisory—L. E. Car - A. R. CartmpbelI; #.,t Vice, W. R. Doll- diff, A. Melick, 0. Hemingway, M. gall; 2nd Vice, Owen Gc i, or; Sec- Matheson, J. W. Gamble. reary-Treas., K. M. i'.`i I,t ..r: •, Direct- Old Age PPension--R. J. Bowman, ors: W. -Forrest, H. Truenmer, Jelin W. W. Sweitzer, W. G. McNeil, J. Robertson, Sani Dougal, llev W. A. M. Eckert,B. C. Munnings. Young,hos Sh•:ii:tt, B. i Peck, H. Warden's --.l. Ballantyne, W., D. C Soari W. -;,,5 tt ie<ri, ' .1 cl ct;:;, Sanders,, .'W;•. 13anclre,,, L. Ea Cardio,, W Alexrludere4.1 le Burch .maid, C n< J'• Leiper W91➢•&+Ut4! k1WWAtaCWe3ias�s�ase ies9k;•0;z1 PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 6611 JiarS4Ze 4%,is 13C't€t'zn1 *4Die.8OOO'm45t14 See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes (briti+u ON)00000006W4l0►00.0A FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. .,. �r . vier oustrrnM, Roy Loani :et= Good lu>icts_-l: 3. Wright, W rsitt "•1'Haac:¢W,.T Stewart. t•••••••••••••••••0•0.0.0• ••••••••••0•1.l,0 ..40•4 f.1..41.10� 4 � We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Die Al J, IV[acKinnon, Zurich ♦Oe•O•M004)0 sa•au•ato �at-aF a•69••D+,0,0 a •t.•w.baT:+•e,aav•e,*IC.loy a 4 • • • •• • • • • • • • • •d • • 0 • 1 • • •• • •• •• ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe... $6.00 Toronto Daily' Mail and Empire ..., $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press ...................... $6.00 London Advertiser . - $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $x,75 Farmers' Sun o X2.50 Heraldand \Jcc'l• .Star $2.25 Family 1-' '' t 3.00 Family Herald for 3 years :,:� Canadian Countryman $ ' • 25 Weekly Witness $3.15 Farmers' Magazine .32.5© Huron Expositor, Seaforth A*iI a great many mora that We We Wm. the Agency for every. States and can save yew wiener United oU COMMIS mad t6 An thi moat of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money ......... $2.75 cannot enumerate hire. reputable Magazine , iu • QLD• . QFFiCE• ZUrricb HES 0 • 0 0 • • 8 8 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •s • s • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • s• • .