HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-02-01, Page 1Vols XXXIV No30 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1. (934. Patronize the local Merchant OUR CORNER. A man hauling- wood ta Sault Ste Marie had a lit -tie stove rigged up in the sleigh to keep warm.. He could also pop hot coals in their mouths when •the wolves came out 'to bite him. In these difficult days it is rather refreshing to hear of ianclIard who cancelled the back rents of no less aaight hundred familiesa! this =count- ed to $185,000. Most of the tenants were colored people who, were hon- est enough, but who had fallen on -evil times. During the latest session of the United States Congress, no less than 8,100 bills were introduced; of these 81 passed and became taw_ Tice oth- this hat would not be sufficient to ers failed to get through the Houses 'of • Congress. Whether they deserve -their fate or not we do not undertake -to say. Whitefish eggs, 18,000,000 of them are being put in Lake Huron. Poor little fellows starting out in the world with no knowledge or train- ing on how to avoid fish hooks or nets. 44--+ The Huron county council decid- ed after all to continue the system of electing the warden which has been in vogue in this county for ov- er thirty years. It is a -good system— that of electing Liberal and Conser- vative a4ernately—and will not lig- htly be discarded.—God. Signal. A Liverpool hatter has invented hat with a sliding roof and ventil- ator. There are two crowns, one of which i removable. If a man feels his head getting hot, he removes the upper crown and. leaves only the lower, which is ventilated. It might wok, but when the thermometer reaches 100 Fahr. we fear even that keep the ordinary man cool.' Gasoline Prices Down The effects of the gasoline price 4—ret I . mar in the cities has reached Ex- eter and gasoline has been sold there last week as low as 24 cents a gallon including tax. The price reduction started Sat. eve. last when one of the dealers brought in 250 gallons 'from London and retailed it at 25 cents a gallon, then another dealer re- duced the price to 24 cents. Cost of Piping The colored preacher was talking i to his congregation about free I salva- tion. Finally he asked brother Smith . to take up the collection. At this i point an old darkey got to his feet and said: "Parsoirk,. I thought you • said that salvation was free—freeas , the water 'we drink!" "Salvation is Man in Athertoa killed a speckled hen and .inside was found a three - ounce nugget. It was taken to the jeweler who said it was nothing but -copper. The mait who found it thought it Vas goId,,, but we lave no idea what the speckled thought it was. Property' FittedGi • es free,'bothreplied tlie.'preacaer. — free and the water is free, but when we pipes it to 'you, you have to pay for the "piping'. C. E. ZURBRICA, 111./0. . • 4^-+ 'Win he ats Hem' Jevaelew :8tore,1 In Police Court iEvery Wednesday Afternorea!begin-• Goderich, Jan. 28—"Not Guilty" Ring at 2 o'clock to fit you with glasses. PRICES IVIGDERAMC 41:1211.113111910.9.46110611COMICIIIIIIRMINA ST.-. PETERS Motion, that the resignation of CARD OF THANKS! The bereft son and daughter Of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Truemner who departed this life on January 21st, wish to greatly thank the nei- ghbors and friends for the kindness shown during the illness and !burial of their mother. was held up awaiting the appearance as a witness of Const. P. E. McCoy, who was unable to appear on the previous •Saturday owing to illness. Mag. Reid stated that a speed of 20 miles an hour, the alleged rate at which Overholt was travelling, was too fast for the condition of the. weather. Accused was found guilty of reckless driving and fined $10 and casts amounting to $4.95. Dam- ages will be a more costly matter, as the cutter was completely demol- ished and the harness broken, and - both fenders on one side of the car, a window and the roof were damag- ed on Overholt's machine, • Chester L. Smith, Eltd •• 11.25 a year, U.S. #1.5N ildoutsilir." .1.5i IN 4.16/EXARS, 12 MAT MC Cit&RAWINIS. and Read the Home Paper Last Thursday evening the mem- bers of the Short Course in town en- joyed a fine skating party. •Rev. Peter Naftsinger of St. Ag- atha, conducted devine services in the Amish 1VIehnonite church, Bron- son Line, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Klopp of •the Bronson line, entertained a number of their friends to a supper, on Friday night. Mr. Philip Hartman has recently moved on the farm on the Bronson Line recently vacated by Mr. Ted. Denemme, •1 The %men's Institute will meet When Arthur Kirkpatrick appear- ed before Mag. Reid, Goderich,, he was released on suspended sentence, on condition that he leave town im- mediately. He gave his address as St. John, N.B., was arrested on a nominal charge of vagrancy on 'Jan- Mr. A. Melick, Reeve of Hay, and uary 9th, when he was found to be who has been laid up with an attack in possession of a bottle of antt-fre- of lumbago, has recovered sufficient- eze which he admitted having been ly to. attend county council meeting drinking. At the time of his arrest at Goderich, last week and able to he -was remanded until the Saturday attend his other local duties. previous while police looked uP,' his past record after finger -printing him. Other than several arrests . on vagrancy charges, nothing was fo- und against Kirkpatrick. • in the Connell Chamber on Monday evening, February 5th. There will be roll call on "The favorite recre- ation". All ladies are cordially in- vited. • The month's Short Course which has been in progress now about four weeks, will !close on Friday of this week, when some interesting ad- dresses will 'be given. The usutl banquet which goes with an occas - STEPHEN COUNCIL ion of this kind,' will be held on evening of this week, when it is estimated that about two hun- The Council of the Township of - dred seIected guests will. participate Stephen convened in the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, the 22nd of in the evening's program, which in- cludes a very daint menu. January 1934 at 2 p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the The unfavorable weather has some - previous meeting were read and what discouraged the hockey teams adopted. It was resolved that Her- over the weekend, as the weather was not fit to be out, but here's honing for the coming week. Two very imnortant games FLIT1 scheduled On Friday- evening. February ls+. the Exeter boys will be over to cross sticks' with the locals. and on Tuesday evening, Feb. 6th., the Park- hill boys are coming over. Be sure aid these games at the popular p was the emphatic answer which Zolin bert K. EiJbe be appointed Clerk at an annual salary of $375.00 with Bowman; Dashwood young man,gave LT extra allowance of $25 for sta- in police court when charged that 110.1 bonery; $25 for rent of vault and (did, walla the past three months have liquor in his possesion,in other than his private dwelling. Bowman ▪ •Ita'd .spent the night in jail, where another Stephen Township man na- Xvangelical Lutheran Church med Weak. is on remand awaiting trial for breach of the L.C.A. Prov- Herbert K. !Eilber Treassuxer be accepted to take effect $10 for reporting' the minutes to the press and mem members of the Co- uncil. on February ZURICH — !orty,r. :inial. Conitable Fax, whomade the 5, 1934, after his books have been arrest, asked for a week's remand in audited and that Charles' Zwicker be "A Changeless Cherie Isar . 1the .absence of Crown. Attorney D. E appointed in his stead at an annual ins Wears I Holmes,- who has been 111 for a week salary of $150 and that hie furnish c.Friday, 811:—Lber League. 1 B owman got in touch. -path friends 1 a ir Bond for 5,000 from a Bonding :Saturday—ChoPeadicaa., and was able to secure the !$'5-00 bail Company for the due periunnance / SUNDAY SERVICES (domande& of his duties. 10 a. m.—German. Servico., ) The case :against Francis Over- Motion, that a by-law ba passed '11.15 a.m.—Sunday SchnsiL holt, driver Of the auto th4t crashed appointing the following persons to LEvorybody Wildma& fie aill armaie.• l eember 27 into the cutter driven by ! rval R 'odge, was concluded in Pol- herein stated: 1.80 p.m.—English Hertrise. head-on during a snow -Storm an De- their respective offices at the salary - 'O ,_ Assessor and Truant Registrarr lace Ilona but &I -tin -day_ The liami-ring William Kleinstiver $75.00 and pos- tage; Auditoors: Daniel Weber and Chas. W. Christie $9.00 each; Weed Inspector: George Merner, 20c per. hour. Road Superintendent: Geo. E. Eilber 30c per hour. Caretaker of Hall: EE. Guettinger at salary of $20 per annum and $i extra. for each public meeting and concert •-•=a, where an admission has been charged' ----- E Sheep Valuator: Win. Klleinstiver,at '30c per hour; Board of Health: W. Sweitzec and C. Mawhinney at a sal- ary of $S per • annum : S»cretary -of' = :fa= Board of Health: Herbert K. Eilbar at a salaary of $15 and $8 peas. aanni: Jganaunyy rre2d9ritchk,a188ituai.dridwie.er‘ev ..--. .7-7,-- num for attending meetings; --. ..„_, tary Inspectors: ElEi Lawson, Geo. IpmBeiaellwiienododin btyh ethLentphaestraonr, Church mart . .P... Merrier, and W. 13. Oliver at a salary of $25c per horn% -licrl Attend - Schroeder, 'On Monday, January 29, inger Snaps 11113, ____ .. Mc .,!----. ....- ance Officers: E. Lawson schoola 1, 2, as 1934, in their home in Hay Town Prunes 0,846 2 lbs. . , .......,...,_ .... .25c. .-...„4 3, 4, 4, 5, 14 and unions 6 and .its; ship they celebratedtheir golden an Geo Meaner, schnal6, -a-_•7 = 7, 11 a:n(1. un niversary, receiving 'the felicitations . is Thistleltalnivc" t Ponsder,,11- ilk can 15c -_,--.. .-----_ ions 15 and 16 'kid S. S. No. 6; W. of a host of friends. In the evening ions 8, 17 and 18, a.t a salary of 25e et lilrecY1 e ,w :tie] l ...--...- sitlinrbrroouknedne,d binycittilideinfgammilly.. PalesMate Grauqes, , -I ilozen .4.....................,_,L23.5 ' ..,----- . .B. Oliver Schools 10 and 12 and Un - Grape Fink ,;-,4.3"ge. !racjit .........,..;..................,..*.......5t . .-T- ff. per hour. Athletic; Field Committee: and Mrs. Henry Bierling, Exeter;Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bierli'ng, Stephen Fresh. Lake IttrOnt i lb. ....,_ ...... _ - A 5e. ..--- _ Wm. Sweitzer and C. .P1-awhinney, Ei Township: Mr. and Mrs, William (No salary) ; Milk Inspeetor: E. Bierling, Blue Water Arghway, Hay Pure Gold jellet 4 ler ...._ ..... ._-___-__.23c Guettinger-it = -----! inger at a salary of 40e per lir; In each casethe bove appointees Township; Christoper of the home - Fresh Fruits and Groceries./..Always on Han& -:-.,,„ ir.-----. , a are to furnish their own transportat- Lockport, New York.; Mr. and Mrs. stead; Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, of Arm Threa&, Pins, laces Etc. ion. Jacob Walper, of Orand Bend and -Z-- :Motion that the. IVIanicipal 'World ev two greatgrand be ordered for each member of the 30 grandchildren and cbildrod. The bridal couple of fifty Menne Oesch ,.., a • Zzla ich Comuil and the.. Township Clerk. g• 14 . 'I ho Council adjoa rho 1 ie moot a- i years 11 fY0 were presentod by their ,f = iis and daughters with an a0,11•,,,'A :gain in the Town Hall, Cimditon, on so EGGS WAN , ;41* Mom 165 • mortday, the 5th daY of February ' accompanying! a gift of two gold .104 at 1 o'clock pm. rings. The celebrating, couplo have ., resided in Hay Township Torculgh IT --,•1,01-1- TZ' Pli Ihet, OW th,,ir e,i,i iro married 11f(,, TUERICHEMN. INaaser.. 111111111111111111111111111i11111111Minillailitit 'iltkigilikii1111hIli111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111tillilltitillIM1111101111111111111111111lik MW rotery Store WEEK—END SPECIALS -The annual meeting. of the Hay Township Farmer's Mutual' Fire In- surance Company was held in the Town Hall, Zerich, on Monday with a rather small attendance. owing to the inclement weather. Mr. Herbert IC. Either, the new Secretary -Treas- urer, gave a fine report of the past - year's activities. The President of the past -year was Mr. Oscar Klopp. The directors' term of office who had expired were W. H. Switzer, John Armstrong and Wm. Consitt. The two former were re-elected and Mr. Fred Haberer, of the BlindLine Hav Township was elected in place of Mr, Wm. Consitt of Hensalr, who has been a director of the comnany for nearly forty years. The elect- ion of two auditors resulted in favor of Kenneth . Routledge and Jacob Haberer, both of Zurich. Fiftieth Anniversary 1/11,3;:41:t For The Home Cuckoo Clocks $6.95 and $8.95 VERY ORNAMENTAL An Ideal Clock for the Kitchen (Den) or Living • Room COME IN AND SEE THEW. Ness, The Phone 74 Blue Scranton Coal ALL SIZES Petroleum Coke, Semet Solvay- Cokek, Genuine Rosedale Alberta Lung Pocahontas and Miller Creek, away* on hand. AGRICULTURAL TILE and B Highest CASH price paid for Eggs= Grs.ded Basis. DltrEti APPLES WANTElill (Must be dry and bright) jeweller W. R. DAVIDSON 1 Zurich Phone No. 10 HENSAiLL, ti ./.•••••••••••••••••••••• 4-arer,eno ******** esnann ann., e 0. • • • • • • WE - • • • • • • • • . HAVE IN STOCK • • • Several • • • • • • ••• LEATFIER COATS • 4 ?t. • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SWEATERS OVRERCOATS UDNERWEIM LEATHER CAPS And Other Winter Goods WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT Less Than Cost 41; 2 if We E. lioffman ZMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS as , • •..4.640•16•640.400.4,*,..041>00tt.......44)41....*4.4.4,4,4b4 ea 41 .0 AY e„ 4.. ar••••••••••••••••10111•1100111N1011•1=0.1%, Cold Weather Nee We have the Goods in stock that you require for the Cold Weather, Such as Woolen Windbreakers, Woof Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Dress Goods, Flannl- ettes, Military Flannels, Etc., Etc. Also) Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays arta Chilklrens. Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats and NZ - Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Harnesz Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shirts. Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried Applia FRESFI GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND., R. N. IDOUGL. S GNERA1itT,CRCH A Ati PHONE it -97 EiLitet R! wavozeM6M2Z,V;,,,,lltrr,Z=17...r,f427.5=42ZIMMY.Mnra*.'