HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-01-25, Page 5Tlitrrsdsa , :!mealy 2 tb 1934, BUSINESS CARDS B ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ART PUBLIC,' ETC. • C;E-Hamilton, Street, Jut* off the Square, GODERICI3, Ontario. Bipedal Attention to Cgpncei and Court Work. ,ittitr. Holmes may be consulted at of ederich by Phone, .,and Phone charges reversed, GW EN • 'I,, Dg. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCK—Z CH Mysry Thursday, Friday, Awa,t urdaY At EtAB,TLEI ;, BLOCS,. DA'O+OD Every Monday, Tieed;a • &md .,Wednesday Licensed Itiuclinneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - Duet any Auction Sale, Tegardless Us to size es article if to tsell. tisfred will Iys(ur business,es Ren - *sake no charges for Sex -vices Ren - red. WEBER --Dashwood ART •.UR WEBER-- kene 18-67. t urichs' P 0 p 1 ar MEAT MABRET 'Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ttid Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc,, always.. on hand..- Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration, Highest Cash Prices for O Wool, Hides and Skins • .4 YLffi!_.1gb.lut 6OU ion Tam Wants, For Sale, Loot, Found, Neck's, Ent Ads ita Rum cousits t For Sale -, OR • RENT ,• '75 acres pasjure land 'Lot 11.6, Coi:x. 'l, 'Hay, for sale or rent for a term of years. Would like half broken and propped a few years. Never ,failing water in the ditch. Write: W. C. 'Pearce, Exeter,,. • TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the Zurich Library Board for the following: Tenders 'should be made stn two ways; First, for the position of Librarian and. for room, light and heat for the Library, for two days per week. Secondly; for the posit- ion of Librarian and for room, ilea` and light for the library .for two days per week, and also for room, properly lighted and heated to be used as a reading room, to be kept open six days per week. Tenders to be in the hands of the President by January 31st, 1934. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. W. A. Siebert, President, Zurich Library. LOST Between Zurich and hiensall, a large gasoline hose. Finder 'kindly return the salve to 'Stade & Weido, Zurich. - NOTICE T0, LADIES! We are now ready to do business in aur New Beauty Parlor, in the esch Block. We have installed a new targe modern Hairdryer and will appreciate your patronage- 'G01. 130 for appointments. Mrs. E. Gascho, Zurich. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. 'TERMS, MOBILE CIL, MAR- NELUBE 01L, GOODYEAR TIRES AND „TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Warts, Moaning and ltdechanicel'Worki Arno to Micrometer Settings, No wens work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH, CLASS CLIENTELE. D• s iWOOD WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for wi•,iich we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, .Zurich. 111 ORCHARD EXPE IMENT ONTARIO —.tea Western Farmers' Mutual leather Insurance CD. OF WOODSTOCK °THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of 1932, n n Dec. $17,8,80,7'2nce at Risk9 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221.,978.99. Sates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 years E. F. K1opp--ZUrlch dent, Also Dealer in Lidhinind Rads land al kinds of,Fire Insurance L 1 VE' POULTRY WANTED Wakes every Day till * o'clock. rem: JM set feed Fowl sone zer•eninl: tykes brought i'a vilighest Cask Prices .---CASIII FOR— CREAM AND 'EGGS. W. O'Brien Pito= . 141, Rae. Rd, Udell wiz S JOB PEPAliTMENT la ever ready to, serve the pub So with. Con n t tilt argil line Printing., Wit- neer prices i Ing the bark. ' :have tested caltlT s Cultivation and Pruning Tests by Government Agents. It Pays to Enric:s the Soil — Late Cultivation "riot Advisable -prune ing and Spraying Advocated— Thrifty Ewes Mean a Big Lamb Crop. !Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) 7VE leased orchards in the Counties of Simcoe, Nor- folk, Prince Edward, Lambton and Ontario, all being in apple growing sections, were looked after by the Ontario Department of Avi- culture during the war. Four of these have been very profitable. In the Prince Edward county orchard it was successfully demonstrated that neva heads could be pat on. old trees. The Department found that leasing apple orchards is a profitable' busi- ness, but several thongs must be done Is ly is the al t- n - to make It so. On the :lighter soi many of the trees are positive starving while on heavier lands th may not be so apparent. In experiments very little commerce fertilizer was' used; but the Depar cuent depended on the use of bar yard manure, mostly secured fro Toronto. About seven tons per a are sufficient for one appiicatlo which gives about 400 pounds p tree and the total cost is about $2 per acre. The amount flooks big b there is no doubt that it will well to spread that much on lig land nearly every year. About six or seven years ago tw began,ploughing, in -the fall, sever rows Of trees; in a rl doe leased o chards' fa portion' being lett in so is test the sod mulch), ' 'This w done in.Order that. we Crinin answ trom•egperlence tRe rcrequanit 4ue.tio -What about fall•ptoughing! Wh tate land is fall ploughed contrail() can be begun much earlier in tis spring. It costs mach less to land in good condition whoa twos been ploughed before white but Are can see no advantage I ploughing closer than Live feet fro the tree. The troubleaorne part 1 orchard cultivation it close to th trunk and it Is frequently ditiicul to work near the tree Without injux ere n, ay ut pa hi The fine sleighing we were enjoy- ing came to grief on Monday, When we had our first January thaw. The roads are now quite icy and hard to ;get around. Mr, George l Il ott, ,i?eeve of Clip - ton and the popular auctioneer of the north: was on Tuesday elected as Warden of Huron for the year 193.4, Mr. Elliott should. fill this position very capably. A number of local residents are motoring. to London. on Thursday ev- ening to hear a sctalkie" in the Ger- man language entitled "Maedchen in niform" to be given at 11 p.m. a the Patricia Theatre. This film has been shown all ower the world. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist have the past week moved into their fine Stew home in connection with their baking business. The interrior ' 'of these living quarters are all new and freshly decorated, and a very modern hot water heating system has been installed with radiators. it took a intc lot of work to put this block n.c the present condition, an l we trots that Mr. and Mrs. Hoist will enjoy health and prosperity for many ye- ars in this fine new home. " W. M. S.:MEET. The W. M. S. of the Ev.; St. 1'et- c.r's Lutheran church, Zurich was held on Monday, January 15th. The Devotional program was in charge of Mrs. H. Mousseau, assisted by Mr: Ivan Yungblut, Mrs. George .,Ieich- rert, Req. E Tuerkhei.m. The toric was "Give us this day our daily Bread." A song was given by Misses, Norma, Betty and •Joyce Mousseau. which was enjoyed by all. The Pres ident then took overo the business pant of the meeting. It was, decide;• that the W.M.S. in conjunction:with the Luther League would put on a play and to be given ometime February. The meeting closed in the usual way. Word has been received here of the passing of a former. resident • `of the Zurich community, in the perste of Mr. David Schluchter, of Elkton Mich., who died at his home at that place on December 21st, 193.3•, an.. was been in. Zurich' cn Seepternber 20th, 1856. Mr. Schluehter was for many years a resident on the farm now awned by Mr. Wm. Davidson, LOCAL NEWS Morn—In Hai Township, on Janu- nt"Y 21st, to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Thiel • son. 1Vir Olin Foster of Kitchener. spent a few days last week at the; home of his parents, Mr; and Mrs. Alen Fos- ::: +'os- using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, ter' ` and -.La iVlrs t. and Mrs. John. Truelnner and 4 Laying Mashes, None Better o11 the Ayres of Detroit, ' are :sere at- A tending the burial of Mien' Eliza Tru- e emner on Wednesday afternoon. •y Monday afternoon will be the date of the annual meeting of the Hree Township Farmer's Mutual Fire In- urance Company in the Town Hall, ' ich: PAM Etrvit ••••••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, • cep your Stock .and Poultry 1-lealthy this Winter by ;�' 1 �TC?CK FOOD Hot,, the w in are slipping along. Only another week and We Will be into February, the shortest month of the year, and then March when the sun already gets warner, and things will again look towards the good old -summer time. Word was received here of the passing of Mrs: John Moshe: .•, of Casterland, N. Y., u- Lh took place on Sunday. Mrs.s Mosher being a sister to Mr.,. Inose Erb and - Mrs. Chris. Swaitzcntruber, of the Bran son - line. The de'ceasecl was ill only a week with pnetlroni:r, an' they funeral wee Geld on Weinesua_v_. Mr. Gidioe Koehler has made some improvements to the interrior of his dti: e:l' ..1r + part of the house for- merly rein 4+, ? o' t as living cluavte e - has been put into a fine large'd,v,T: living loom, +'rench doors ha..; been put from this living Toone to their dining roo•.i. Indeed Mr. and Mrs. Koehler now 1... -tractive and comfortable dwei,ing. DASHW OOD• )ler. and Mrs.. Mervyn Tieman sp- elt the week -end with friends in f hedford, Mr, Eugene- Tiernan of London, spent the week -end with his' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Moore of Seaforth, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wild end other re- latives. iVirs. L. Bender is spending a few weeks in St. Thomas. Mr. Horatio Reynolds is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy re- covery. Messrs. E. G. Kraft and L. H. of Cie Goshen Line, south, before fader spent a few days in Toronto going to Elkton, where he ' farmer: cast .week. for many years, retiring a foil/ years i1Ir•. Wm. Kleinstiver has been. ap- ago. in 1882 he was married t(• pointed assessor for Stephen Town - Eliza Wing, and this union Was bles- ship. sed with -ten children, of which • a I Mrs. Ross ha again moved in with present two. sons and five daughter Mr. L. Bender where she is empley- survive. Twelve years ago .his life partner passed away, and • he 1: later .married to Mrs. Minnie'Benet., (nee Zinn) who survives with the ;,:t,;,.,,, mentioned children.' eat. luchter was converted into the Eve angelical faith when 14 year; of e .. and has always been a great man Co. his church. TRAPS WOLVES IN BACKYARD Just why sportsmen sho:.'1:l tray • miles to the Northern Ontario forests to shoot big game is a puzzle to ldi'. Burley, of Klondike, sout:T of Gr e,, . Bend, who recently caught two wol- ves in his own back yard. Seeing the savage visitors prowling about on his farm, he set traps and «as rewarded with the capture of both animals. It is thought that the animals ma; have tome south from Georgian Bay district to escape from; the vigorous anti -wolf campaign which has been under way there. The Pinery, whe- re it is believed the two capture(" wolves had made their home for some time, is a deep virgin forest extend- ing along Lake Huron for about 30 miles. It is heavy populated with small game, whish would provide the wolves with a plentiful food supply It is pointed out that the wolves might prefer to feed upon the live stock on neighboring farms and so cause a serious problem similar to that existing. in the Georgian Bay and Manitoulin districts. Annual Report The Fifty -Ninth Annual Report of The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the year ending December 31st, 1933 has re- cently been printed, and is being mailed to the policyholders. The Co- mpany had a very prosperous year again the past year. The total a- mount of losses being only $9187.34,. as compared with $3265.30 in 1932, which was the lowest in many years. e The total receipts for the year were at $14266.70, while the expenses of r, management' and losses was $11,843.- 29, which leaves a nice net balance as er for the year's operation. There are ei in force 1950 covering an insurance on of $7,699,970. The total assets of n the Company with investments, etc., e is $52,096.16, and the amount of get premium notes residue is $196,662.20 ✓ The annual meeting of the company n will be held in the Town Hall, Zur- nt ich, on Monday, January 29th, at 2 st o'dock p.nr. The following Direct- s ors' term of Oleo will expire,: W. H. Sweitzer, William Consitt and J. Armstrong, all of whom are eligible t for re-election. Oscar K.lopp, of ,tion againe T est ent tree - J ; ntulth,,. tsn ? Tea:! `e+niclutled , tl*t Zu;rs h 1k#s been . the: pi ti "',' .. talctrw win De AK* post; yeas. ed. �iiiss L. Brown of Greenway was d:e gues, of Miss Ruth Kleinstiver ). er the week -end. Rea Hayter who spent see- • •al 'cooks in Centralia has returned horne. A grand Carnival will be held on our local skating rink on Saturday evening, January 27th, wren vale -1 able prizes will be given. Following; the Carnival a Broom Ball game will take place. Conte out and encour-" age the boys, a good time is expected The rate payers of S. 5. No. 11,1 Stephen Township (commonly called! Blackbush) are having a lively con- ±roversery resulting from an alleg- edly illegal election at the annual School Meeting on Dec. 27th, 1933. At the meeting Henry Link wa•; el- ected trustee and afterwar.: his el- ection was declared illegal owing to some •tecnicaiity. Inspector E. C. Beacom of Goderich was consulted and declared Henry Link =qualifi- ed. Another meeting of the rate- payers was then called on Jan. 20th and a second election took place re- * sulting in Henry Link obtaining 15 votes and his opponent George .i.ink 24. Arguments then -became Iively and the supporters of Henry Link demanded. a poll which was kept open until 4 p.m. The result of the poll was George Link 44 and Henry Link 25. The other trustees or the section are Placid Desjardine and Noah Dieterich The Sunda School of Dashwood Evangelical Church held their elect- ion of officers recently which result- ed as follows: Pres., Ezra Bender; Vice -Pres., Adam Birk; Secy, Mer- vyn Tiernan; Asst. Secy., Vernon Schatz; Tress, D. Weber; Pianist, Miss Gertrude Hoffman; Asst pianist Miss Verna Birk; Chorister, Rev. A. W. •Sauer; Librarians, Mrs. G. Wild- fong's Class; The teachers and their assistants were chosed as xollows-- Excelsior, G. Oestreicher, D. Weber; Soldiers of the Cross, L. Morenz, llev.. A. W. Sauer; Bethany Sisters, 'Mrs, D. Tiernan, Rev, Sauer; Princess Pats, Addison Tiernan, Earl Geiser; King's Daughters, Mrs, R. H. Taylor Miss A. Robertson; Busy Bees, M;ss D. Martinson, Mrs. L. Bender; Star 'Class, A. E. Oestreicher, G. Link; int Girls, Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher, Miss Verna Birk; Int. Boys, Mrs., G. Wild- fong, Arthur Haugh; Juniors, Mes.V. Schatz, Miss P, Kraft; Priniar-y,Mrs. G. Link, Miss Gertrude Hofi'man; Beginners, Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan,Misa' Anna Tiernan ;Cradle Roll Secy., Miss Pearl Kraft; Miss. coin.: Mrs. G Wildfong, A. E. Oestroichor, Mrs. M. Tiernan, Adam Birk; Temperance Com:, Mrs, • A. E. Oestreieher, Mrs. G. Link, Mrs, R..13..Taylor, Lou s Mbrenz. 4 2 2 •• ss • COAL COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. 1 ImplementRpairs er 1 WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE- GENUINE " AT THE SAME PRICES "We do Custom ` Seed Cleaning" t3 Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. b- LSc aaIma wast ams®eememm se• s• et000004te0 tr Sont moat *swat a 'dWa`11 i WW '` /urjch Drug Store e qave a full Line ' of r - all the req iii emen -L-is of School Supplies nns�, PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Al J. AUTI-IORiZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. e�ra(��:,~;��,�z,::a•d�r �cr�e;�aerl;�ms► See Our Supply Of Toilet Preparations Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, '1i uoth Pastes,- and Brushes. asae0000000000e0e001;0000e0* FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A, J, MacKinnon, Zurioh IMMARMRRWWW MAW WW1 MAP PRAMmAikkg4 s•0+s6ee.®4.ea0,e4,4,e,0•..,., a • • 2 • • • • • • • 2 • • • • • 2 t 2 • • • ^�`" •sv.,, OPPpA. 8A4�5,vwA0®8A@.T+306•C�Q.tq•b� ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List 0 • • ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ I for one Year: • Kitchener Daily Record • ... $5.10 2 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 •• Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6,00 • Toronto Daily Star $7.00 N Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 • London Free Press 6.00• • London Advertiser $6.00• London, Farmer's Advocate $1.23 • Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers Sun , $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star ,...... $2.25 2 Family Herald for 3 years ., X3,00 Canadian Countryrnan $2.23 Weekly Witness $3.15 Farmers.' Magazine :2:;0$ Huron. Expositor, Seaforth ,.0 Aid a greet *any at.re that wi cannot eaumerate titre. W• bay the Agency ser •eery. reputable Magazin* .in tweeds end the United States, and can saes yu money, eta OW droit *f then*. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our • Office and. save Trouble and Money• HERALD OFFICE - Zisrich • 400.00•04*** *4•g+ 0•40046•40. • +►ale* + *•**•*s**•U•1•arM