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Zurich Herald, 1934-01-18, Page 5
BUSINESS CARDS wow Yams • UD.AJ..1'lY RHOLMRWWII*, For $01100 Loot lamakurrEsi, sountrrroll MDT,. FOUD+ '.r NMI' i 1p l teow Ad AIRY PUBLIC, RTC, KR !AM =Nun ;;DITVICE----liaanilton Street, t ash Ike Square, GODERICH, Ontario. beam] Attention to Conntel and Court Work. ;fir. Piarlrzaes may be consr ,ted at '40m: k:rich by Phone, ared Pheme i harges reversed. Dr. IL H. COWEN L, D. S. D. ]p Fl. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK ---ZURICH. Zw*ry Thursday, Fridayr,, Saturday At HARTLEIB' S BLOCK, DASH O.O;D STsry Monday, Tuesday and .Wednesday Licensed Auct.terteer ;For Huron and Middlesex ;1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- �t any Auction Saie, regardless tto size or article to sell, 1 solicit heart business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ben- r d. ARTHUR WEBER-•-Drohwood Eaton* 13-67. Zurichs' MEAT MARKET Let 'Us supply you with the LOCAL, NEWS Mr. 'Earl Weido made a business trip to Goderich one day last week, A number of villagers attended the funeral of Mrs. Either at Cred- H'8ur'on ` County Council iton on Monday, Tho special meetings of the Evan- gelical church were brought to a close on. Friday evening, having be- en conducted for two weeks. Meeting The meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the County Council Chambers, Court House, God elicit, at 2 o'clock on the afternoon tiff January 23rd, 1934'. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions or applications and other im- portant businessrequiring attention at this meeting of the Council should be in the • hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous to the meeting of the. Council.. Dated at Goderich this 4th day of January, 1934. - J, M. Roberts, County Clerk. Arminriaoseemorm LOST Between Zurich and Heiasa11, a large gasoline hose.. Finder kindly return the same to Stade & Weido, Zurich. NOTICE TO LADIES! We are now ready to do business in our New Beauty :Parlor, in the Oesch Block. We have installed a new large modern Hairdryer and will popnl ar appreciate your patronage. Call 13D for appointments. very Choice of Fresh and Cur -1 ;.ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc.always.. on hand... Kept ..e :st, in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash PriCes for i Wool, Hides and Skins YSon llli�i7�11.� _ SERVICE Why We Iiave the Better Class of Customers 'mum CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. IlLATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR N.EL1JBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES 'AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Hohninf and Nlochanical Work Aware to Micrometer Settings, No warts* work. Watch the cora that 'STOP at WEIN'S, They ore cal HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. aASAWOOG .m (ONTARIO Western Farmers' ititatial :..lifeatlier insurance Ca_ ,OP WOODS TOCK ':THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE NCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ']IJAi.. COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND) IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Rik on Dec. 31st, 194A, $117,8S0,729. Total Cash hit Bank and Bonds $221,918.99. hates-- 4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years ,i. Klapp—Zurich Moat, Also Dealer inLiil ling Rods ssol oil kinds of Fire Insurance ! I.VE POU LT R V WANTED tifSitalt WOW Day tin $ *4 106 i.1r. lbw• lses food F w% •sso• 'anteing /dun brought lm: ',highest Cask Prices —CASH ; FOX : ,�. CRE.AN! .AND. •.EGGS • Ws V t :a•� nn'Teti B ••, . '� Ci 1 '!lime 191, Rite, ba.; '' Zola THU IIIERAUYS A TMENT & afty v road* to, serve the pub- lic -with Comtrowtial Ana filler alehatiut G ear primes bedomat-kwviits. "mow gait gille•• — Mrs, E. Gasoho, Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We w,i11 grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion 'Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phorte U6 Zurich, Fiftieth Anniversary On the second of January some 40 relatives and friends gathered at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coch- rane, of Stanley to celebrate the 50th anniversary of their wedding. At 3 o'clock to the strains of the wedding march played by Audrey Cochrane, all kat down to a very sumptuous dinner, . beautifully _serv- ,ed in a very nicely- decorated dining :room: The decorations were in gold and white to match the dinner ser- vice. In proposing, the toast to the T;bride and groom, the Rev. Mr. Chan- dler, . of Kippen, reviewed briefly the i anaterial accomplishments of the age, 7 the :telephone, the telegraph, the t adi:o, steam and the great liners of the ocean, the wonderful advances in .the farm machinery, then the gaso- line engine and the auto, but more wonderful than all these material miracles is the change in thoughts, both in pulpit and in the home. Then he referred briefly to how the pres- ent host and hostess had lived their lives in this rapidly changing world but always anchored safe and fast to the Rock of Ages. The toast to the honoured guests was drupe in Ad- am's Ale., likewise the toast to the ladies. John Cleve Cochrane replied on behalf of his father and another. Among those at the dinner may be mentioned Mr. and Mrs. Frank Far- quhar and son John Hensall; Mr.and J. C. Cochrane daughter Audrey, 2 con. Stanley; Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- Murtrie and .sou Alex. of Hay; Mrs. It. S. Hopkins of Hinsdale 111.; Mrs. L. S. Euler and son Donald of Fal- conbridge Mrd and Mrs. R. F. Dick son Douglas of Torbnto; Mr. Allan and Edna at home; Mr. Cochrane's sisters, Mrs. Jas. Love of Hillsgreen Mrs. Elizabeth Ande,uson of Centra- lia; Mrs. Cochrane's brother, Wm. Jarrett and daughter Annie of Hills - green; Sister Mrs. D. B. Sanders, of London. In the hosts of sousing on- ly Mr. and Mrs. L Jarrott, Kippen; Mrs. Mina Love, Hillsgreen. Many congratulations were received from friends and relatives by'post, teleph- one and telegram, including the fol- lowing: Robt. Hopkins and Will Co- chrane of .Hinsdale 111.; Mr. and I4Irs. E. Craig; Mr. and Mrss. H. C. Harvey, Mr. Tont .Filer all of Fal- conbridge; Mrs. Joanna Stacey, De- troit; Mrs. Sao ' :Robinson, Detroit; Miss' Jessie Dowsbn; Bindsdale 111; Mr. W. L. Forrest, Gadearieh. -She .hosts"'received'sone' very be- autiful presents, some . being rather unique: The'reeeptfori in Cliff Wat- son's .Hall, Kippen, `avis attended by some 150 guests, relatives, friends and neighbors, .and eyeryone• had a glorious time, After luncheon at midnight the guests tendered their thanks to the bride and groom ,and formed a `grand ring about them and filed by the orchestra sang, "He's a Jelly Good Fellow". Dandle con- +tidied for sante shone, The Natonal Anthem was sung whitb, concluded > ` _,. "" ♦ �i very pleaaard, event,. h The Staff and Girls of the Zur- ich Short Course will serve an - informal tea on Thursday January 18th, 1934, bee tween 3 and 5 p.m. 'The nice moderate weather was. rapidly .changed on Tuesday to much colder and some storm blowing, lt. is an old adage "when the days leng then, the cold strengthens.) Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Truemner, and Mr. and 1VIrs.-Wuhazn Truemnex entertained friends to fowl dinners last week. Needless to say every- thing was of the best. The annual meeting of the. Zurich Agricultural Society 'will be hell Pitkin;; Company ani, it was report - next Monday afternoon in the'ToWee ed that an extensive trade in hogs i; Hall, Zurich, to which all members foreseen, The new pair is directly and parties interested are invited to due to the e- tended I :t market .attend, which has developed within the past • few weeks. e ks. The trade in the West and the Enid States is a thing of the pa•t, it -ras ,reported, and the new Tarin lr .iris^ is re e••,rd^•t ,. , LOCAL NEWS .Mr, and Mrs, J. W. Merner and members of the family, attended the °;:neral or the tormer's sister, Mrs. Either In Crediton on Monday Mrs H. G. ,less, accompanied by Rev. E. Burn motored to Crediton on Monday where they attended the funeral of the late Mr, C. Eilber, :tnd alto taking part in the ;;twice: oy read ti. e et duet. .spec'ttl a1eq of i, techn•ul`; in our two local store.- iu town has met with good .-uce 's, and the pub- lic has made: many eatiefactory pur- cha,.c..•. Saturday of this wee,; 14 1 r!wroYeda441t►owom0ettio454r 0,00404084,04141.04101100800*****60 STOCK FOODS 0 Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods and Laying Mashes. None Better on the a Maarkets To -Day! q9► COA L COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY I• ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES the n t s the last day for these tai rain ane • implement ? a b y t .� iC% at,'C?invitedinvitedi :) ::'t thee., r, c+.; i�f i•, stores the latter days o: this week di and make sure that you have taken a WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU Affedvantred. a. ge of all the big reductions et o• to CAN BUY THE GENUINE • AT THE SAME PRICES HOGS ANVANCE TO a $7.15 CWT. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Hogs ona , g the Mtrat or 1 market o„ a Agency for McCormick-DeeringMachinery p Tuesday morning .reached a new high Repairs. price since 1931. The price was quoted as $7.15 a cwt by the Whyte The. annual congregational meeting of St. Peter's Lutheran church, Zur- ich was held on Saturday* afternoon with a. fairly good attendance. The laf •-r, er foe Wee!ern On -neo hie trustees term of office which hadelee raisers.. The prices throughout Wes- pired were Hy. Eickmeiexa Pied: Hab- tern Ontario have :'c' L in proportion erer, and P„,�Deichert, Jr. The two to the local prices. t former requested not to he re-elect- . Sehitbe as 1 66 easmootesusaeastse esseeasaea3a rr Staeassa 8%aca z) ed, which was granted, and in their PROVINCE OFFERS place the following were elected: H. Clausius and S. Schroeder. The pres- ent church council board at present consists of: F. C. Kaibileiscii, chair- man; 0. Klopp, E. F. Klopp, Theo. Steinbach, Hy. Clausius, S..Schro'ed-, sial Treasurer is his announcement er, •Theo. Haberer Rec. Secy; Peter of a new $40,000,000 Province of Deichert Jr., Fin. Secy; Albert Kalb- • Ontario Debenture Issue dated Janu- fleisch, Treasurer: Luring thepast ary 16th 1:134 and offered in three year .the • congregation had six "bap- maturities, choice of which is op' ion- tisms, eight confirmations, and ane al with the subscribers. I. Three -yr. death, the oldest member, the late 3, ; Debentures due Jan. 16 1937. Mr. Thomas Johnson. come disscus- Denominations, $1,000; price X99 and sion was made regards the purchase interest; yielding 4.30'•4 to matur- of a new pipe organ. ity. 2. Six -yr. 41e C/c Debentures due Jan. 10, 1940. Denominations $40,000,000 LOAN Toronto, Jan. 15, 1934. One of the first acts of Premier G. S. Henry on assuming the portfolio of Provin- HOCKEY DEWS 8500 and $1,000; price 100 and in- =ate 55 • terest; yielding 4.50 i. to ntcturi:,,. A meeting of the hockeyfans of Fifteen -ye. 1949. Deb ation g due Jan. 1 Gth Denonrinatia:rs Zurich and -vicinity was held in the $100, $500 and $1,000; price 97 and skating rink on Tuesday afternoon, interest; yielding 4.78% to maturity ' January 10th, when the following Subscriptions for the debentures will officers were elected:. be eeceived at all branches of the President, Wm. O'Breih; Vice- Chartered Banks, at all branches of !Pres., L. W. Hoffman; Secy-Treas., the Province of Ont. Savings Offices Milton Oesch; Manager, Leroy • :0'- and by recognized bond dealers and Brein; Captain, Eddie Gascho. With :thick brokers. this strong organization the Zurich I Hockey team should go over big DEATH CLAIMS: HURON , this season. Several of the loci boys are going to Dashwood this EDITOR Friday to try and arrange a hockey league of the rollowing: Crediton, Walter F. A. Naftel, editor and Hensall, Dashwood, (xren;i Bend and proprietor of the Goderich Star, died Zurich. ealy Monday. evening in his 55th • year. He had been in ill health for On Monday night a hockey tour- some years and confined to his bed t nament was held at the local rink since early last July, when he suffer-' before a large crowd of fans. In' ed a heart affliction which developed the opener i-iensall opposed Dash- complications. He had been engaged wood and were defeated in a fast in newspaper work since graduating gone uy 8-2. The game was tied from collegiate institute and at the till halt of the final period was play- time of his death was president of the cd when aallerman of Dashwood did Huron County Press Assocration, an led a long shot past the Hensall goat honor conferred on him last June. tender which proved to be the ciecid Mr. Naftel was an only son of Dan- ing counter. Foster and iucDonald fel J. Naftel, and was born on the played good hockey Lee riensail, Lake Shore road nine miles south of while Baynham in goal tor Dashwood Goderich, his parents retiring to was a sstumbling efoce to the Hen- Goderich while he was quite young. salt at.ackers. Graduating from collegiate, the late Mr. Naftel entered hpon cis news- paper career with the Huron Signal later he was identified with an adv- ertising agency in Montreal and for a time edited the Perth Courier. For a time he was with the St. Thomas Journal and in 1915 he returned to Goderich to acquire, with the late J. W. Vannatter, control of the Goder- ich Star. On the latter's death in 1925 deceased took full control of the newspaper. Mr.. Naftel was an infatigable worker, rigidly honest in his business dealings and a firm be- liever in and exponent of the Golden Rule. Surviving are his wife, for- merly Cora Sinclair, of Perth, and a sister, Miss Emily Naftol, of Goder- ich. The funerrl is being held on Thursday afternoon from the family residence on Brittania road, at 2 o'- clock Interment made in Maitland; Cemetery. Services will be conduct- ed by Rev. Watts, of North Street United Church, of which deceased was a member and an actve worker as one of the board of managers and a member of the choir. Zurich vs Crediton In the second game Zurich oppos- ed . Crediton and emerged victors by the score of 5-1. The Crediton boys are fast skaters and gave Stade in goal a few anxious moments, but he rose to the occasion each time out- side of the one goal that went past his defence. FINAL GAME Zurich vs•Dashwood • As Zurich won from Crediton and Dashwood from Hensall, a final game was played to determine the cham- pionship of which Zurich winning from Dashwood score. 4-1. There- by winning the tournament. The game started off fast and af- ter a few minutes of play Zurich scored the first goal and then scored again a few minutes later, after which Dashwood scored their lone tally, Zurich adding two more in the next period. In this game the Dash- wood boys all played good hockey while Baynham in goal again played good goal. For Zurich they all pla- yed good hockey. However, special mention could be made of "Kid Line' of I. Willert, L. Prang, F. Kockems or L. Willett for their defensive as well as their offensive piay. While the older players, Gasoho, O'Brein, Burg, L Yungblut and E. Yungblit played their usual game. Montague of Drysdale played his first game for Zurich and gave a good account of himself. Will Siebert of Zurich re- fereed all the games to the satisfact- ion of both the players and fans and proved his ability as a referee. The Zurich lineups Goal, H. Stade; r.d. T. Yungblut, 1.d. Lee O'Breln; Centre C. Burn; Lw., E. Gascho; r.w.E. '•ungblut, Sinus. L. Prang, L. W,iller` Kockems; L. Montague BORN McAllister—At Parr Line, Hay Tp. On January 2, to Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister, a daughter. Weber At Dashwood, on January llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold We- ber, a daughter. Schultz—At Hay Township, on Jan- uary 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lud- wig d - wig Schultz, a daughter. Armstrong—At Stanley Township, on January 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong, a son, Campbell --At Hay Township, on De- cember 31st, to Mn`. and Mrs. Earl Caltipbell, a son. ' Zurichirug Store I We have a full Line of all the requhiernents of School Supplies .. v Y5 **POP 411.1 vig:u re, C' ,e,& PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. iPOCA,t030e:l•a0601)4DQVa®li) 60610) See Our Supply of Toilet Preparation Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. 1140 taa1;40©®ee®9a!eseoowe ►•;:; FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. a - r5 A. J, MacKinnon , Zurich Allimikwwwvciipkwwwwwwm, mkJ 90.0••@4►+P*®•04oa*c1.oa.00tw tufo®••DVF•b*•oagk+••4.,0.04. M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • a • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5. 1 0 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farni and Dairy , $2.75 Farmers Sun..... ..... .....eeo..onae$2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years so..., $3 00 Canadian Countryman $2.25 Weekly Witness 3.13 Farmers` Magazine . $d.SA Neuron Expositor,'S.aferth ..... 2.7 Aad a greet +.•■y mere that we 4 tet enaetisaate hese. We have tk• Agency for every, reputable Magazin. .len Canada sad the Unites Staten, and can cave you money •u the sheat sl theta. etat ou and Magazines r Renew your Papers as g Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich 410.41.0A040000 046040 A AAA*** • • 1 • • • • • •• 4 • 4 4