HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-01-18, Page 4i E .t.+.4 + 4e:4.,I.+4-leeee.e 'i++ .+ 'i"ree eel .eyeeeo lv,;nee+-; •e -e.,• -e a eee +F' ti ut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! uy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! EPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A ' °i.•,,RC,E ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT, +4 4. C. L!LLBFLEISCRfi PHONE o9 , ZLJRICH t 4. 4+++++++++++ ++44444%+44444++ -I -+++44444+444 -E -44++F+ -4•++-I44 .4. _i 4 4 4 8 4 4 +++++44++++++++++++4 0+&+41+++++++++++i!++++++i++ 4+4 l asset' 4err1s Sales and Service To Our Customers and Friends We Extend Season's Greetings 7 n TeL Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 Auctioneering? U. BET! 4.++++++++++-4--4••4•-1--4-.4.++4+44 0444•44,444.444•++++44•44.444 BLAKE -Jlr. and Mrs, Arthur Weber of 'nectar Dashwood, - were Sunday visit•' ,Drs with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Swartz- tentruber. Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Gascho and Iamily and Miss Laura Gascho spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Oesch n ..he village. (suite a number of the young .'folia of the Bronson Line spent Sun- day evening -at the home of Mr. and Xr's, Amos. Gascho. 111.r. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck of the .11.4th con., were Sunday visitors with 'Tr- and Mrs. Sam. Hey. Mr. Harold Johnston of Zurich, •: pent Sunday afternoon under the iarental roof in the village. Mr. Jini Johnston called on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey and family on Sunday afternoon DASHWOOD /Irs. Jane Guenther of Stratford, 'gent last wee k with her son, 1tilr. aand Mrs. E. R. Guenther and family Barry Hoffman is spending a few -weeks in London. His sister Gartie is relieving at the telephone cen- 4'Lra1 during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hoperoft motor- ema to Clifford and Walkerton on Fri - Mr. Earl Geiser is confined to his carne through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merner and 'amily attended the funeral of his Iver, the late Mrs. Chas. Eilber in 4Drediton on Monday. 3blr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther and Family were Sunday visitors with fri lends in Zurich. Dashwood Hockey team played a rfast game in Zurich on Monday night Rev. J. B. Dengis of Kitchener, eeccupied the pulpit in the Evangel- flcal church on Sunday evening. Miss Grace Kellerman returned to tForonto on Sunday. '.Mr. S Elsie of Detroit, spent the week -end with relatives. '.h1Ir. and Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Wiles have returned to town after pending the holidays in Sarnia. Rev. A. W. Sauer is attending evangelistic serviees in Kitchener his week. H[LLSCREEN V. M. S:--"rhea,Womcns r+Iission- .rry Societe; was held in the church • vin Wednesday January 10,..1934. 1• enth the Iii'esident • Mrs. 1t.''rfeA1=' '? lister presidpv, , 'he„ eeting,rols bed by singing Hymn 571. Mrs. MTV ItIOve led in prayer, bible lesson war mead responsively front St. Luke 18. Vile Trees and Secy reports were /read and. odopted. Hymn 441. Mrs. ''. Turner then gave the Devotion& nafIet. "His Busy Feet. The bus- iness was then dismissed. Tt was de- edited e..a a&d to hold the meeting In the a . urelx+ A 'letter asking for sup - ;i, ,-< was read, A. vote of thanks was tendered by Mrs. J. Cochrane to the members of W. M. S. for the plant she received on her Golden Wedding Day Hymn 383. The meeting closed with prayer. • Notes—Miss Elda and Herby Ste- phan, Miss Truth Richardson and Clifford Weide are 'attending the Educational Course held in Zurich. Mr. Milne Rader of the 14th con. of Hay Township, purchased the vacant house owned by Mr. W. J. Jarrott and has it moved now. The moving .being done by ]Vfr. W. Har- vey of Kippen with his truck. • Mr. John 'Osborne and Misses Ed- ith and Dorothy Stamp of Babylon Line visited on the Parr Line oon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. }Iuxtable of Centralia visited With Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jarrott and Annie visited with Mr. and Mss. W. Heart. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane and Edna Alan visited relatives in Cen- tralia. Miss Mildred Workman of Kippen visited with Miss Dolly and Frank Hagan. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Smith and family visited with 1lr. and Mrs. R. Mous- seau in Exeter. HENSALL James Stark was taken to Seafor- th Hospital where an operation was performed, and is getting along as well as could be expected. Considerable grain is being brou- ght into market and meets with re- ady demand and the best prices go- ing. Mrs. Newell, of Foam Lake, Sask. is here visiting cher relatives and friends, being called through the ill- ness and death of her late mother, Mrs. Peter Robertsoon. Nathan Peck and Henry Horton ;Sr., have been for some time in very poor health despite what medical skill and home nursing can do ` for them, Jack Carmichael and Joe Hagan spent a very enjoyable week -end with relatives and friends in Detroit. Annie Maxwell who has been sp- ending the holidays with her sister Mrs. Janet Peck and family has re- turned to her school at Whitby. There passed away at her home it Brucefield, David Rouatt, aged 7r years. Mr. Rouatt was a former re sident of ilensall, having livedfor a number: of °years :inzthe house ;on the Dr. Bell farm, .;,London Road; Th, £uneral;,w<ls held_ to 13ieird's cenrletery on Monday last. ' r.. n r•. Ha e � a + 41 �. s:- ,}z`y G. Hes, ; q' Zurich were recent visitors with re latives in town. Orville Twitchell and Robert Pat erson attended a Shell dealers me' ing at London, last week. - STEPHEN—COUNCIL The newly elected Council of th Township of Stephen met i•r t` own 1L:11, Ciedit•on, ori Moeda- .. Iir'�FlYSiGtlkdN36iV, uaa 1314t, 014 •1 A DinECT OBLIGATION O&' THE seneombraoaclapamac P t VINCE C Off° O. r' ".. RIO ISSUED UNDER AUTI•I0RITY OF .It+S.O. 3927, CHAPTERS 23 AND 57, AND 23 GEORGE V, (ONTARYO), CHAPTER 49, AND A CHARGE AS TO PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST UPON THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE PROVINCE New Issue ONTARIO THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO OFFERS FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION $40,000,000 Government of the ince Non -Callable Co pen Bearer . ebentures Dated January 16, 1934, and offered in three nrtatanities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows: Three -Year 4%` Debentures Due January 16, 1937 Denomination, $1,000 Price 99.00 and interest, yielding 4.36% to maturity. Six -Year 41/2% Debentures Due January 16, 1940 Denominations, $500 and $1,000 Prrice: 100 and interest, yielding 4.50% to maturity. Fifteen -Year 41/2% Debentures .Due January 16, 1949 Denominations, $100, $500aud $3,000 Price: 97.00 and interest, • yielding 4.78% to maturity. Coupons payable January 16 andJuly 16. Debentures registerable as to principal only. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada, at the holder's opt -ion in the cities of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver,. Halifax or Saint John, N.B. •r Legal opinion of E. G. Long, Esq., K.C. The proceeds of this issue will be used to rehire short-term indebtedness incurred for capital expenditures of the Hydro-kJlectric Power Commission and of the Tenislcaming and Northern Ontario .Railway Commission, for advances to tete Agricultural .Development Board and for Unemployment Belief. APPLICATIONS TO THE ABOVE LOAN WILL BE RECEIVED Br ANY BRANCH OF ANY CHARTERED BANK IN CANADA, ANY BRANCH OP THE PROVINCE OF. ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE, AND BY RECOG- NIZED BOND DEALERS AND STOCK BROKERS, FROM WHOM MAY BE OBTAINED COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL ,PROSPECTUS CON- TAINING COMPLETE DETAILS OF THE LOAN. .SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THIS LOAN WILT; BE SUBJECT TO -1L- LOTIIENT AND THE LIsI' WILL CLOSE AT THE DIS- ' C'RETION OF THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO. INTERIM DEBENTURES IN BEARER FORM IJ'ILL: BE AVAILABLE' FOR DELIVERY ON OR ABOUT JANUARY 22, 1934.. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, . PARLIAMENT T BUILDINGS, TORONTO, JANUARY 115,193 . the 8th of January 1934 at 11 o'cl- ock la.M. All members were present After each had subscribed to his De- claration of Office and took his seat the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Motion that •the Reeve and r8lerle make application to the Department if Highways of the Province of On- ario for the statutory grant towards the expenditure ,incurred by the 'l'o wnship on' it's Highways during; the year 1933. The following orders were passed 'and directed to be Paid; I', 'Huxt<iblc, iiofurio dog tax;'$2; sundry Person,,, exp, of Munic. Action $151.55; F. J. Wickwire, prin- ting account 78.50; Ont. Hospital, Woodstock, Exp:, re: Alma Williams 19.50; Bank of Commerce, tax coli leotions 75.75; ditto, coni. on chequ- es .90; Exeter Times -Advocate; prin- ting 7.60; Tp. Clerk for by-law And fees re Dolwill Drain 25.00; C. Mor - lock, 8 lamps, .75. The business of 1933 having been concluded, Henry Eilber, clerk, han- ded the Reeve a written resignation of his office as clerk of the Ivlunicip- ality and retired with the request that if any books or other informat- ion were required to ask for it un- til such time as his successor was appointed. The meeting then ad- journed until two o'clock, p.m. Motion that the Reeve record the minutes of this council meeting and until a duly .appointed clerk .be el- ected. ,. Motion, that since Henry Either has resigned , as clerk, we accept , the .same , and advertise • for applications for.;.it'he position, of: Clerk, Treasurer, '. Road Superinten- dent, Assessor and Janitor to be re- ceived by the Reeve no later than, the 22nd of January 134 at, 2 prim. .Motion, that We retain .the present. Hgghway System for the present year It was resolved that we, as the council, of the Township of Ste- phen wish to extend our app,, ,, eclat - ion to our retiring dent, Henri DX- ber, for the fifty-five years of serv- • ice he has given this Township. Dur- ing this ur-ingthis time, his ability and far- sightedne.ss, he has been a greet help to the Township and it is with great regret that we receive his resignat- ion. Motion, that the council authorize the Reeve to go to. Woodstock and interview the Superintendent of the Ontario Hospital re the case of Alexa Williams. . Motion, that we now' ad- journ., to meet .+ again in: tire. Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday.' the 22nd day, of •January 1934 _at.2, ,p.nn,; , . .1,,,. SCHOOL IMPORT The ,folll wing is the result of the Christmas .exams. held at U.S.S. NO. 9', Hay and Stanll:+ (Blake) . Pass 60, Honouzu CJS: Sr: IV --Joan S,eltn,irs 74; 2teta Jr-eirey72, TJ1tme Toffee7'Z0r 1(atli-1 Nutrrber on raft "3r -Average ate- lk'en Iity 62,e Motart. Geliaas 5,7 Aur -1 •a)uiat ct xiU� f+r ' Harhn> SG..- Beattie, Teacher... Jr- IV-11M'ar area Gingerich 65,. Dorothy 1E6 S4, Lee Roy Erb 41r,, Anthony Hartman 36. Sr. 1 '7erdla Eaechier 75, Grace • Mc1tride 70, .iElva Rey 70, Earl Desch 63„ Curtis Gingerich 59, Irene *Ger-: icer 54, Ilene Gerber 48. Swartzentruber 76,, Ella, ' , :13o1n i 75, Anna ,Foster 72, Yvonne Gellinas 56, Emery Baeckler• • 51, derdrue ••Denonune 50. ' 7- stay Desch 79, Anilarose Hart- 11314u arir-u 74, :Ua non+,Oech., 97, Doris De minutia. S5,3'eiaa Gingerich 53, Har - ;Ty ,0:1.erkler 441. l— Ilona Hey 82, 1M1oiiica Hart---. man 80, Gladys Baeckler 80, Mary- Fo r+':'74;, Lainnen Oesch 71, Cecilia. IJ�nc nme $ . Oolir)as 1'r — `75 eddy Jeffrey 81; Arthur- •