HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-01-04, Page 8seanamonisti P..en EIGHT THE STORE WITH . THE STOCK (#1•0410;01a+ Inviwavammaaew•-••••••.....1.." WAIT FOR fiSC 09S Annuai • Begi ning on Saturday Jan. 6, 34 Our Sales are known far and wide as genuine Money Saving Events*: Do not miss this. Remember the date. For Two Weeks Only J. G SB1-10 SOk PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59•. INVEST WITH CONFID ENCE:' Savers in Canada, the United States and Great Britain Now have invested in Huron and Erie Debentures Over $29,000,000 These debentures are issued for $1 op and over for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Years; to earn 5% Per Annum, Payable Half -Yearly Applications are accepted by Andrew : F. :Hess; Huvon and Erie Representative for •over 15 Years. Andrew F. Hess, - Lind MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND 11.A.1121TY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1,000111101110401110101110•11410110111111410111101110,01110•1111101111111.1111111111111111141111010/ HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE • • .11- • 4.) mm1111111111111' `Al11111111,, inalE111111111Minalillialiallinamanis TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO re EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY , • BUSINESS RELATIONS :TADE E D ZURICH - QUALITY -- PRICE ONT. - SERVICE Tur Iper 0 so " ZURICH HERMD SHOT 80 JACKS • • • • town shoulded their, repeaters and On. Tuesday about thirty Miin of struck out a few miles .north of town, .on a jack rabbit hunt. The elements were not so good for this popular sport that day as there w hardly enough snow on the groundas I to plainly see the jacks. However, when they returned home they had a Mee bag:.' of 80 jacks, The total amount shot to date is 179. • .w. M. S...1VIEETS • . • • • • . ' The December meeting of the W; M: 'Sof St!'1?,e-ter's Lutheran church- 1.;iii'lehl was ' ' held IVIondaY,,eyening;: ,,, the-IsiiidyloOk "'Builders ,of a , w Isre chapter °: by sPall*neous combustion: ' Credit' for this, given. to the more general December 27th. The World!" by Robert, M..Eptiot. ilvs.s'w•I'l* a 'Val'. The adequate eiise 'of -taken by-'14rs:'t..'J. Datars, Jr., as- salt is,,the most certain way'of 're- sisted by Mrs. I. L. Kalbfleisch, Mrs. 4trding and preventing spontaneous E. Tuerkheim and Rev. Tuerkheim. ignition fires. . Mrs.I. Kelbfleisch 'presided for the .Early in spring is the best time to annual meeting which followed. Re- transplant most kinds of trees and ports for, the year were given by the shrubs,. evergreens included. Ever - president, secretary and treasurer. greens ' included. Evergreens may 'The officers were all re-elected: andbeetransplanted- in sutniner but gre- are as follows:'. President, Mrs: ' I. ater precautions must be taken. to do Ralbfleisch; Vice -President, Mrs. E. it successfully. Tnerkbeim; Secretary', Mrs. ' E. Oat: - ars Jr.; 'Treasurer, Mrs. H. MMus - eau; Magazine and Literature Sec- retary, Mrs. E. P. Klopp; Thank -off- ering -Secretary, Mrs. L. A. Prank;" Press Secretary, Miss Gertrude Web- er; Pianist, Mrs. J. Haberer; Asst. Pianist, Miss Clara Weber; Audit- ors, Miss Inez Yungblut and Miss LOCAL IYIAR17(ETS ,(Corrected every Weds'esday) lintter, lb. ' • . .25 Eggs ,, 25-22-20-16 Turkeys, dressed ...... .... 14 Turkeys, .old dressed t 10 Geese dressed ' .9 Ducks, dressed q Chickens dressed, 10-17 Hens 7-6-4 .Barley, bushel 40 I3upkwheat,,, bosh, ..... 40' Flour, cwt. . .. 2.00-2.90 ShOrts„ ton . ... ton • ' • 20.00 Gertrude Weber. LOSES ACTION S. F. Davidson, of Hensall, action. against Walter Rose of the same place in an effort by the for- mer to compel Mr. Rose to imple- ment a guarantee of the account of Robt. Pierson, also of Hensall. The case was heard by Judge T. M. Cos- tello in county court here and the verdict was handed down on Monday last., The plaintiff is to pay , the costs of the case. It appears that Rose operated. a poultry farm at Hen sail, dealing with the Davidson's Hardware, in: a large way. The prac- tice„had ,been,-;. -to ,allow the ,acootinti aec.lunulate in the ;vvintetlandi • Exports to 7 S. Jump A tremendous increase in the ex- port of farm products to the United States was noted for the year ending Jan. 31st, 1933 as against the prev- ious year according to a statement by Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture. Priem some of the Can' ah,items which mounted in export trade referred to canned fruits, to- bacco; lea4 honey, cheese, condensed milk and canned meats. In the last named item the increase was 2,443 per cat, there being 15.388 pounds exported in 1931, andi 391,354 po- und§ in 1932. " Sow Good Seed One of the best 'services rendered by the. experimental farms is the testing varieties ckf grain to determ- ine their suitability to particular ar- eas. -.That this work has been exten- sive and satis' factory is indicated by the general adoption of varieties that were first distributed from the farm Outstanding reiidinPres' 'are Tdarqiiis ande Garnet Wheat iiit'h'*,*' d 0 ,sprnig.and to liquidate 'it in the aiim-t A..0.1',Not• 44 .and. OIA!C. No.: 12 'Oats nier. Rese -sold out to. Pierson "with I inlOntario. •In the fa.'Ce -Of all this:, whom; • Davidson continued the, pract- *tempts" are Iniade piish ie T_Infortunately, Pierson Was not theesale 'al Seed froni the Unite'd St- able to. make a success of the venture i ates of so4alled :nem?' Varieties at although assisted by his aunt, Mrs. at fancy prices on, the claim that 'Holborn. Rose it appears did provide fabulous: yields niay be obtainej for a provisional guarantee of Pier- About 1a year ago a carload of an in - son's account but declined to pay, ferior sort was sold in central Oat - as the provisions did not become op- axue at $1.3.5 to $2 per bushel, even erative. The amount at issue was though it graded No. 3. This leads well over $700. J. W. Bushfield re-- A. II. .Martin of the Crop and Mai -- presented the plaintiff, while D. E., keU.4.1:441011, to state that not one Holmes; Crewn Attorney, appeared To:tie* eVer introduced into the for the defendant. BUSY FARMER NEWS Ventilated Trap -Nests Open trap -nests are being advocat- ed in some quarters for summer:use Tire sides are constructed • of lathsur o.tler%sbnilar material, e admitting cool air ,freely, and these arectet- e,red vAitli.wire screening to keepuat other .hens, •mice and other nuisanc- es. The usual trap-door is situated ,at the front and the top is boarded over,. but three. sides are ventilated: Barn Fires The Ontoria Fire Marshals' record show that more barns are destroyed by fire originating from spontaneous combustion in hay than from any other cause except lightning' in un- roded barns. Harvest weather cond- itions in 1932 were so dangerous that more barn fires than ever were expected. Instead there were 278 province by' high pressure salesmen has ever been'equal to the J La ad ar d varieties already grown. Another matter 'to Are kept in mind at the se- eding season is that 'quality counts, either in harem gkown or purchased seed. Experiments at the O.A.C., prove that. large plutriP kerrial yields 20„,per cent more than light or shriiii- ken:seed.1; These experiments also showi thaty 'additional outlay for plump seed: win increase the yield from 10 Ito 15 bushels per acre.. Electric Ligkis'in the:: • ' 1' • p'ouItry House It has. 'been proved conclusively that, as the nights become longer, the use of. artificial light in the laying pens will help the winter egg pro- ductibn considerably. The use of lights during the winter will not influence' the year's total yield to any great extent. However, they will increase production during the season of good prices and a greater profit will result. The high yields fewer barns burned in Ontario and some times obtained in the Canadian a decrease of 17 per cent. in the Laying Contests where, for the rea- number of fires known to be caused sson , of uniformity and comparison, no lights are allowed, compare very favourably in the total number of egri5 /aid in one year with similsi flocks that have had the advantage of ugnts during the winter, but the peak of production occurs much later when no lights are used. Bond Commission Agents Hon. Thomas L. 'Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture has announced that under regulations of the Fruit Act of 1933 it will be necessary for all commission, agents handling Ontario - grown fruits and vegetables to fur- nish security company by the bond THE ELECTION One of the most quietest elections held in Hay Township in many a day was experienced on Monday, when the electors were called upon to el- ect Councillors for 1934. Only a- bout 40% of the voters were out to give their decision, and when the reports of the -various polls were in the old traditional method was fol- lowed. of "election is for new men". Mr. E. Walper is the only old coun- cillor left, and only by a small mar- gin. After the returns were all in a public meeting was held in the town Hall when the reeve, Mr. Mel - ick was the first speaker, and he tho- ught that the newly elected council Ives .the best four men that could be elebted for the position. The four 'councillors were then called hi. turn 1 x "e. • 4:anuavw 094 V3r4.'" elif.40444-fr+44444.104.44+IsVf14.4444++444+41,+++40.4.400441444410* re We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our -Appreciaion- at the Patronage that has been accorded us dun. ingAepast Year and Wish one and all for A MERRY CHRISTMAS ,i26213 a Happy and Prosperous .NEW YEAR ET ohnsi4n. Se :Kalbileisch Hardware ;" Fuznittue. Phoe 8 giUMItiallgiNIUMMINIIIINIMINIIMENNWMENTNIIIMMINIMR.MilltattlekENAGRAILMILLItt f . ----, ...THESE PRICEs,stEhiectt&Aang. 'e -without Notice Wimming Wages What'll, per set - .............. agon Axeach ............. , ... . . ,..,..„:„... . . ........ $5.00 . 1 Wagon Tongue 4611(1 . ..... , . ,;:.,. .. .:.._.... .... ....... '' Tongue, Harrows each .. .... '... . . ..... ._ ........ . .......... $1.50 Bolster wide Stakes at .... .• ........ ...1----- . . ......... $3.00 Wagon Reach, long 1.50, Sitoi‘ rt -.--.- ..... ... I RESS; the Repair 1VIam I Spokes, eada at ............ . ............... —.- .......... .50 Double Tree.. each ........................ _ ......... . .... .75 N Whipple Tree ........... .. . , ... . .......... . .. . .......... . ... „.... .50 .. - loollifiSENAMENNIMMAMMIZIMENIIIMINIMIA iblinftWAIINIIIIIIIIIIINVIAWORFOIWISMIlt ,t+1144444444t**14t4,,44++++++++.4644+1444 • . • •: , 4 .4 :u:"'"41 THE vviNTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you ,looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to lighter oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze?.: Run in your car and let us do this veay - Important thing Right Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in toga and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Werfamanshhi on Repair Wrk and Overhaid Jobs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Way Reasonalbs. Mousseau Zurich .... of a surety cOmpany: in not less it• i • Departiiient has been advised by I. I sum than $10,000.' Trucksters a • - fruit and vegetables will not be re- t. . To Our Customers and Friends required to furnish the bond. The t the ,Oasualty Underwriters' As -sock -1 l• tion tlutt the charge for bonds will be at the rate a $10 per thousand, in t 1 We Extend andthey al gave a good account of place of $20 per thousand, the for - themselves. Following is the re- In" rate` The new rate will be re- sult of the polls: troctive 'to June 20, and apply to all At the public meeting, the Clerk,' bonds already written. All commis - Mr. A. F. Hess announced the strong, Wm. Haugh, Max. Turnbull, 1934 si" houses will be required to seem- golations on or before Jan; 1, 1934. councillors as follows: George Arm- re bonds in accordance with the re - and Edmund Wolper: ' •-• -''. Poll No. 1 2 3 3 5 6 '7 8 Massey -Harris Sales and Service Total Becker Armstrong 83 73 107 81 35 91 45 26 543 6 8 27 52 26 106'8 9 , 287 C orb et t 34 46 ,0 73 11 18 36 17 Ducharme 10 22 81 53 30 24 12. 30 262 Geoffrey 7 33 33 43 12 4 47 Haugh nbull 35 29 91 /8 56 123 17 81 '. 16 13 46 55 , 24 100 14 '2a 24 24 I 05 98 68.. 127 19 37 502 ' 291 S0$ 179 011.111016111011(01114010900•011144,0********.W.**********/**810 Wa • • Season's Greetings 1: T. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Auctioneering? — � BET! *** Res. 7 il******44.1+1.4144.