Zurich Herald, 1934-01-04, Page 5' ### #,•,, ''''kktfo, • .ILJSINESS CARDS . DupLEIT1 .71Efougts iCalirrgR4 SOLICITOR, MOT. ARY PUBLIC. ETC. e alrFICE---Hanailton Street, ilust Off '41 eke Square, GODERICII, Ontario. peels' Attention to Councel and Court Work. Zr. Holmes nay be consulted at egederiele by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. 11.11. COWEN L. D. B. ftDS DENTAL SURGEON At DBITZ 13110CE-11-ZURICH Seery. Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOM\ DASH:WOOD 'Every Monday, Tuesday and ;Wednesday Licensed Auction For Huron and Middlesex .1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - et any Auction Sale, regardless to size or article to sell. I solicit /*Ur business, and if not satisfied will Woke no charges for Services Ren • Between Zurich and Hensall, a eared. Inge gasoline hose. Finder kindly ARTHUR WEBER--Daahwoed return the same to Stade & Weido, "tone 13-57. Zurich. woo Warsto, For. Sole. IL.00ti Foundeltiotioe,Eto.Ado ILIFI MIS OfIltiONNS NOTICE, To Lovers of The Grand Outdoor Sports. The Zurich Rink has made arrangements to have a 1Vfaccosin Dance:, on Saturday evertirig, Janu- ary 13th. Also a Carnival in the near future. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Ilique Farm - er's Club will be held 'an the evening of Friday, January 5th, in the 14th 'town, concession School House No. 12, Hay 1Vir. Gerald Bedard, who spent the holida All parties interested in this om- rgays with. Parents here, re- All ,are requested to e present turned to Toronto where he is a h at this meeting., E. Blake Horner, Secretary. Mies Kathern llilernee was a viSi10.4: o London on Tuesday. Rev,. and, Mrs. L. Kalbfleieeb ' ef Elmira, were holiday visitoes Zuelch relatives, • • _ Mr. P. Cede and Miss Ruth Zirk of London were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. ZIA, Bronson Line, Miss Stella Callfas, accompanied by Mr. Harold Goetz of Kitchener, 'sited with relatives here. Miss Ruth Turkheim of Waterloo Colleg,e, spent the holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolper of the southern States spent the grand Yuletide season. with their relatives For Sale A colony house, a ear. and an arch xle buggy for quick sale. Apply to E.d. Krueger, R. R.I. LOST Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- , ed Meats., Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for - Wool, Hides and Skins ./1..Yungh1.ut &Sou SE RY IOE' Why We have the Better Class of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. 1SA.TTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR. NELUBE 011., GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Tarte, Holosing and Mechanical Work -tibiae to Micrometer Settings, No spesse week. Watch the care that STOP it WEIN'S. They are an HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. nle a AI- IDASHWOOD -- ONTARIO 01' Western forums Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING JSNESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Aitactuut of Insurance at Risk on Dec. aist, 1932, $17,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. Rates -44.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E F. Klopp---Ztiii4Ch • gee 'kakiLgktn4 Rails and all kin& of Fire Insureke .L I VE PIOU-b LT R. Y WANtE Irma Air UU 1 i'eltiek, jese Abell ant feed Fowl same tnornini Won *nett M. "41 *lip EGGS W O'Brien' • 11111,, 1.1.ilk Zurich 111FRAWS Jca PtPARTIVIEITT As ever ready. to serve the pub ..WiticConursorciali and fine priccsa „he., g your t *Mei' Ana 0114,1Peo.altorkkisi,A; WANTED Saw Logs Wanted. Ash, Hickory, and Rock Elm. Act Quick. Apply to F. C. Kalbfleisch„ Zurieh. NOTICE TO LADIES5 We are now ready to do business in our New Beauty Parlor, in the Oesch Block. We have installed a new large .modern Hairdryer and will appreciatecyogr patronage. Call 130 foa, alvoixitraiits. Mrs. E. Gascho, Zurich. schoel teacher. Mr. Wallace ,Ross of Brucefield and Miss Helen Wilhelm ' of Milveee ton, were New Year's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Rev. E. Burn is holding RaVival. Meetings in the Evangelical chureh, this and next week. Serviceeery evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. and Min Sylv. 'Whitmore and family of the Babylon Lisle spent New %Year's Day at -the home of Mr and Mrs. James Allan of the Gosh- en Line, north of the village. The many friends of Mrs. Earl Weido are pleased to learn that she is getting along as well as can be expected, after being confined to her bed for nearly tbxee months. The holiday week this year was the coldest spell of weather that has been recorded in December for a goodly number of years, with the mercury well below zero most of the time. The users of Hydro in the Village are asked by Mr. Hess, the local Superintent, asks the users to co- operate and stay off the line as much as possible aroung 5.45 and 6 o'clock. Please try and. eooperate in this way. A very interesting game of hoc- key (lees played on the local rink on New Year's Day; 'when the. feet Hen-, sail teem was out and crossed sticks With the locals: .-After e long per- iod of hard fighting, the score 'Stood 1,-0 in favor of the locals., Mr. Wilfred Reverie, better known WANTED as "Rudy" in the Grand :Bend" 'hoc- key team, got his foot caught 'be- tween the ice and the board _in the PRODUCE WANTED thur Sinclair. They left immediat- rink and broke a small bone in his ely on a honeymoon trip and on the - We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my horse at Zur- •ch, for which we will pay highest market pees. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. gilt' e us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers,. Phone 116, Zurich. LOCAL NEWS ,Ara.you writing it 1934, Mr.s-and M. Walter Hulse of De- troit, were visitors with her parents, and Mrs. P. Rau. Meda Surerus of the Toronto Teaching staff was a holiday visitor • at her horne on the Bronson line. • 00141000**********Issisiseesieeeneesiesissesineeissimenesiesuso00 • . ' Miss Myrtle Weber of Toronto, who spentl., the holidays:. here, re- turned to that. city. School opened on Wednesday morning, ,after being closed for elev- en day e for the christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Koehler and family of near Hensall spent Tees - day at the home of IVIze. John A. Manson. Miss J. E, McDonald, who spent her holidays with her relatives nt Kincardine, returned to town (De esday, and resumed I: .• dueles teacher of room 3, Zurich Sclioel. ELECET OFFICERS a • a 1 On Sunday morning at a congreg- ational - meeting ±os els parp „se 4, • re -organizing the Send. - - Sci) o s I the - • emeameeseeesioneesaierisoosteneesset.seseemaavemeaeisianisosseetstaie I f Oil owing,. offir ;.xs were el ecte ,I : Pres- ident, •.Garfielel Witmer;. Vice .Supt., 3. E. Cacho; Secretary, Miss Pearl M Czabel; Tna.-.,-er, Dr. el, H. Cowen. ._\*ItiMilsialWWWWItift.WVAN 4 AVM MAIM. WAM4 VAR', Mil r. Lep C.'i:' -,in, N -ho has been el- ' -.5P: efficient. Treaseree of tile school for the past seve 1 years, was asked to be relieved, and dc-erves =Ilea cred- 1 it for his faithful is. ''• - ars. The S. School as a wee........ e good year . and is in a flourishing condition. . it is in all Sincerety that we extend to one and all the most Hearty SEASON'S GREETINGS Wishing for You and Yours' an : overflowing abundance of the ple- asures, the joy, and the happiness which is Associated with this Sea- son, and may the corning YeAr bring to You the PRICELESS GIFTS OF HEALTH' PROSPERITY and CONTENTMENT Schilbe & .,1•••••11.4,171M.1.10.• ••••••••71•01.10,_:•......•••••MMINM%•••••••••YOMMN.M.S.••••••••••••••.M.1•••••••••••••••..moownigmellivid.......r.mmi.1.611.........•••••••••••11•411.1.1..•••••••••••M HENSALL Mattie Ellis is spending the holi- days with her sister, Mrs. Fred Smallacombe of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Higgins and sons, Harold and Billy aro spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer of the Beach -o -Pines. Harry Cook of Toronto Univer- sity, is spending his holidays -at his home here. Arnold Bell of Toronto, is visit- ing with his mother, Mrs. B. Bell. Mr. and Mrs, .Jame, Simpson are spending the holidays with .f.sionds at London, The wedding of John Shepherd to Eninia Dickson, daughter or Thos. Dickson of Hensel' took place on Saturday- morning at the United Chrech parsonage by the Rev. Ar - LAKE FISHERMEN TALK PROBLEMS The, seventh annual' meeting of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron Com- mercial Fishermerl's Association was held in Wiarton recently, and was. attended by upwards of 60 fisher- men from nearly every pert on the ;Georgian Bak from Collingwood on the, south to the Manitoulin ont.. the north. There were also representat- ives from Southampton and Kincar- dine and there were few angles of' the fishing industry that did not come in for some discussion. William i Simpson of .Tobermory, the presi- , dent, took the chair and called on IMayor Hunter who in a brief ad- dress of avelcsone handed to the me- mbers • of the Association the keys of the town and wished them success in their deliberations. • Death arrives on Dot!! Frank Cummings, 72, of Colon, • Mich., got a shave and a haircut, dressed himself in his best clothes, made arrangements for his funeral and dropped death "It'll. be ,ehpaper to have this done now than to wait ankle while playing a game of hoc, return they will reside in Hensall. key with Zurich on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy are The rapidly thawing snow on Sun- spending holidays with friends at day which was taken away 'by rain f•Otterville. made a let of water, and insteadeofre John.Huekin of Exeter was a vis - snow the roads are now a mass of itor the guest of hisdaughter, Mrs. ice, which Makes all traffic I danger- John Bean. ous at present. Also one must be Jean Bonthron of London, is spen- very careful on the icy walks. ding her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James On Wednesday evening the Rain- Bonthron. bow Class of the Evangelical church Wm. McMartin of Detroit spent of which Miss Lylyan IViartin is tea- the holidays with 'relatives in town. cher, had a very pleasant social ev- Miss Lin. Ortwein of Toronto, sp- ent the holidays here with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. .J. W. Ortwein. Mee' and Mrs. John Buchanan of London was a holiday visitor with hM parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Bu- chanan, Sr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Buchanan of Toronto spent Christmas with relati- ves in town. Milton Ortwein of London, spent ,Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Alice Dougall of Toronto spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Wm. Dougall. ' Amy Larnmie of Toronto spent the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Lammie. Mrs. T. Murdock and Miss Mur- dock spent the Christmas holidays with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson cef Forest are spending the holidays with relatives in town. Will Reynolds of Tillsonburg is visiting here with his sisters, Miss Reynolds and. Mrs. Robertson. • Eric -Kennedy of Toronto is spen- ding the holidays with his wife and fernily M town.' Mr. and' Mi -s. Ferris Cantelon of Strorriberg are spending the holidays With his parents, Mr. 'mid :Mrs. David Cantelon. 411*i and Mrs'. Lorne 'Thompson of ToeOntet pee visiting at eke home of Mr and Mrs. John Fisher:, ' • lyp.1-, and •MeS,' Jas. Eby and dau- ghter, of Collingvvood, spent the holi- day With Mr. and Mrs, White. . : A hoekey snatch was played at the Grand Bend on. Saturday evening be- tween the Grand Bend and Hen.sall teams, the latter winning -5-2. . )',VAIfte %Wile hue b.0,,Wiert. a aiatrat stara yors, is closing, up the hOlheen end 4th,111m MIAS will pd the win- ter withihair ClpghtNrs. J'as. tyb, CollingWood. ad Mrs. Ross Dick and little On, Toropto) are spending the holidays visiting relative in tovin and vicinity. A special train ante over the C. N.R. oh Saturday evening last crow- ded with people going to different p:Ittass on the eline for the holiday. About Mykot•:iiitat. differerit busses running intb &men ening along with their friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Witmer of the Babylon line. The evening was enjoyed by e pleasant sleigh ride. Mr Gladman Melick being the team- ster. The party was heartily re- ceived by the Witmer family. Con- tests and games were the main fea- tures of the evening a delicious lunch was served and relished, a vote of thanks was tendered by Mae Smith to Mr. and Mrs. Witmer and family for the kind hospitality shown to the young party. All returned honie feeling they had a good time. Mr. A. 0. Elliott, the popular Ford Dealer of Exeter, accompanied. by Mr. Elliott, district salesman, of London, -were in town on Tuesday showing us a new VS Ford model. The new cars are more along the line of streamline, and this New Ford Eight is practically the last word in modern automobiles, that is in the low prise class field It is till after I'm' dead" he told tlie bare=', 'advertised as the car of tomorrow ber. From the barber shop he walk- and W, would not know just where 0 to an undedrtker's establishmentit could be improved. Mr. 4.1. aria' arranged' a fuinerits, Then he l'rang it Son, of to-wn are the local . Went direettY across Abe street to a representatives in' connection with cafe operated by a friend of his. 20 'Mr: Elliott, of Exeter, and will be minutes Tater Ire. fell dead, in the only too glad to have one of these midst of coniersation -with the cal. new models demonstrated to anyone awner. • intereated.' • • -•a4÷-1.4.41-1444-I-444.4-e++4-14++++++4-144-Hsfee++++1' Cut Your Fuel Bilibi HALF! ItirSAitttiMinsiciivit4t04,1)0Qrs re; tET Qp9n-To p,"' . RE'LAE TflosE PANES WE 6,Rty it 2 aRGE A/50Mb StOCK Or :OM HAM) Al MI. ,* - TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE you WAIT. . O. li7AL I>FLEISCR f eet ieherkesisetirkiele$ eeeeelsiieriee o. -tied , , 1 1 Zurich Drug Store At this Grand Yuletide Season We cannot express our Gratitude in any more Tangible way than by Wishing our Many Friends and Customers a most PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Full of Happiness We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich!, wtmlykwwwwwwww,wwwwwwe inter's Comint, BeWarm This Winter IXTHAT -pr)fit is there in trying to get. along with- out a HECLA Furnace? You •are cold, your health suffers, .7ou work ti4ce as hard, and yon burn it More coal. A HECLA Furnace will keep your house warm, save • • • • work, save 0d. Isn't•it worthi 11,, 414/ :Cr fl!'#,t0 41i't the eupaparkilvely sniall east:7 ..! , • r )41 1ft *#; r Lt..4.;'s " r • .--1,-`",f1 t." stti r WAR4, AIR FURNACES 4 STADE. and WEIDO Zurich, Out. Telephone 92 e r t • 51: YlonatiAse eseee..a.see , ; • .4