HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1934-01-04, Page 4HflJSGFEEN
117fm Robert Hopkins et, '-Ailcago,
torneEiler and sbu-Teceiald of
-.Suabney are, spending a fi-ey day S at
the horee
of tiler parents, Mr. and
:Mrs, J. Coolerarie and 1,so attending
;the Galen Wedding ;Anniversary of
tizeit parents.
Ross Dick rf Toronto spent
the week -end with his wife's parents
here, also attending the gulden wed-
. ding.
Mr. and Mr, Thos. Consitt of Hen
eel' spent New Year's day with Mr,.
and Mts. R. ?McAllister.
Mr- and Mrs. Harold Bell of lien-
sall with Mr. and Mrs. John Love,
'Rev. NITS. Iteith Love of Kintore and
Mr. Russell Love of Hensall with
+heir permits, Mr. and M. W.
iness and went "ielfb his present bes,.
iness, the la,a0afacturing of toilet
Wlnter 'Wedding
. . aeon the groom was called 'uveon to
A very pretty wedding leek -place eespond to a toast "to the bride.. Mr,
tit Christ Church, Forest, -on Sater- and. M. Medd. lett on a. weddings
-day efternooe last, at Wee o'clock -trip to New York. Tliey. 'arriVed in
when the Rector, Rev, W. B. Haw- Exeter Wed. last and left the same
kins united in marriage Miss Carrie day foe Forest.
Bossenbeary; daughter of 1Vir. and
Mrs. Bruce Boseenbeere and Mr. A. Belongs T Ontario
Bruce 1VIedd; son of Mr. W. G. Medd
M.L.A., and Mrs. Medd, of Exeter..A. despatch from Ottawa states;
The church was beutifully decorated Judgment has juet been handed dewn
with ferns and white chrysanthem-
ums while white %din bows and sine
: miostesiksy. Assgar,y 193; •
lUs of bolly InfatkEell.. the pews of the 'Exchequer Otrarts of nada trn De- feriae of burning off Viet tiireatenedl by a blow torch, carried. games into,
a gown of ilyery satin cut en prin- Ship island In Goderich harbor be- .chemicals.
fled tulle, roil o-sv in g a dty
longs to the Crown in right of the •
Province ef Ontario, rather than the Mee spreaq through a partition wan
Crown in right of the Dominion of and across a few -rafters, almost reae
Met' "ad Mrs. Gordon Love and
latnilY with Mr. and Mrs. W. Love
visited in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Stephan
and daughter Elda with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane cele -
'heated a very happy event on Tues -
it being the 50th Anniversary of
'eheie wedding on January 2nd.
Mr. John Farquhar of Hensall is
spending -a few days in the vicinity.
Miss Grace Guenther of Stratford
,spent the Week -end with her brother
'Mr. and Mrs. E. R: Guenther.
Mr. T. Haperoft is spending this
week with friends in Woodbridge'
and Toronto.
Pleased to report that Karen Ped-
ersen who has been very sick is im-
proving nicely.
Floyd Wein and Miss Flossie
Baker and Mr. R. Bak& spent New
'Year's with friends in Windsor, Mrs
R. Baker returning home with them
after spending some time with her
-daughter Mrs. Wm. Smith.
Mee Walter Cutbush of Exeter.
as the guest of Harry Hoffman on
„Sunday also assisting in the pro-
-- gram gven by the choir on Sunday
• e svening.
The remains of the late Mr. Hen-
ry Ehlers who died in Detroit was
:brought here on Tuesday evening.
• The funeral will take place on Wed-
• riesday afternoon from the home of
his sister Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eng -
and. Further particulars next week
The annual meeting of the Dash-
wood public School was held in the
,echool last Wednesday morning. with
Mr. R. Goetz in the chair. Mr. R.
Hayter was re-elected trustee for a
these year term. The caretaking
was again awarded to Fred Guent-
lass Verna Kraft who has spent
some time here returned to London
last week.
The special musical program giv-
ten la the Evangelical church on Sun-
day evening consisting of nuinbers
Irene "Handel's Messiah" and the
choir was assisted by Mr. Walter
Cirtbush of Exeter. Solos were sung
by Walter Cutbush tenor, Harry
.Bloffiaan bass, Gertrude Hoffman,
Contralta and Mrs. M. Tiernan sop-
Leano and were wonderfully rendered
:and much enjoyed.
The local merchants are holding
their annual reduction sales this
enorith which will •give the public tin
opportunity -to purchase their goods
at greatly reduced prices. On Thurs-
slay of this week the sale of J. W.
Aterner is starting and then on Sat-
urday the store of J. Gascho &
Son will commence their annual ev-
Smallpox Checked
No more cases of smallpox have
broken out in Listowel and the one
ease is progressing favorably. Pup -
Ms Who have not been vacinated will
be allowed back to school. The at-
tendance was greatly reduced this
past week, only 60 per cent. being.
siresent in the public school. .14)1
wards of one thousand persons were
evacinated- since the case was report -
On Friday evening a horse and
Cotter and an automobile collided
gm the IVIain. St., Exeter, in front of
the Central: Betel, and the- horse
warm injured and the car darnage4. ,
IP.. Vreszcator, of Stephen Tp., was
peell.ing, • out from the curb on the
side of the road and had crossed to
the other side of the street when the
lorse he was driving was struck by
an auto coming from the south. A '
!: abaft of the cutter went tlitough the' •t;
altbadshield of the auto and, one -
The lights was broken. The -hoilge-,
li,rras cut about the legs severing one
leaf'"itheries wide ed lIfOrtorlYr
ft vials e :r' l' n to Dr., gimefi
s tsotce
l'or tO int., ,,.' • 4-'7; •
• Forty Year's in Goderich
110Weil, of Misner Menu-
icturing Co., recalled this week
• that it is just forty years since he
Ae.,snire to Goderich and commencer%
gwork in the hardware stote of his
- • xmele, the late R. W. McKenzie. IP
has a memorandum of the first sale
• nocket-ke fe. ne teeth o
qrbe1.808., Some years tater
e wok over his uncle's, business and
Canada, and that William L. Forest, oiling the outside by the time assist.
as Jeseee of the Ontario Governm- =pee arrived, A car was suspended
be determined, for being put off the over the ail pit and owing to the fact
Ment, is entitled to damages, still to
island. • ,, ,
Egmondville Fire
Blazing oil, gave,,the Seafoith Vire
Brigade a, MI last luesday for the hs.ve t.eeri more serious. ti'asoline
and tbe 'ear top slightly damaged. •
Celehre4e'Sisst ..keniversary
Mr. and Mrs'. 'William Vrooman
celebralt..e.efetheir 61st wedding anniv-•
that the rear of the car had been er!ary quietly at their home, m God -
wired te the tackle to prevent it slip-erich. on December 19th. Mr. and
ping off, great difficulty was experi-
lire. Vaoonan have lived in Goderie1t
were covering. the oil pit except at the greater ..part of their lives and
enced in releasing it. Heavy boards
both quiet hale • and hearty and
one end, otherwise the fire would are'
able to do their own daily tasks. Mrs
Vrooman is 85 years of age, and he.
ith 88 *ewes old.
by the Supreme Court or Canada seeoncl. thne in the past two weeks, used for cleaning a car part, ignited
'confirming judgment given by the The Eginondville Garage was. an in-
' A dam's.;
••••4 .
Or Mem
-7: Again we are offering the Public a January SALE
-..,-.: isagnsestuzLET This -time it will be unusual as
= n erchandise is the Cheapest it has
IThurs. Jan. 4, been in Years. And possibly cheaper than
— it will again be for sorne time. In fact, there
has been an advance. So with the great
= SALE ENDS . reduetions:we are offering ----you,, will surely ‘,; ‘, ctf, ,ISALE ENDS
_ • • . • • • 1 IV' • ..,' - •
- -7-- Sat. Jan. 20 - " ''
, .. ,:;-'ho, well advised to buy. • • hit. . 201111 1934 2 -
BE 1.. Coiniieathese Prices and see if We are Right.
. 3 .
'-!-'Military Flannel Shirts, all Vests, Reg. 75c, Sale ......59c
Reg_ 25c... yd.,. Sale 19c
size., 59, 69 and 98c. Bloomers, Rieg. 75c, Sale 59c
Red Ba&-, 91% ounce,
- Reg.$1.59
-&.-.--.- _ 1.95, Sale ' Shifts,' 69,c..:+ancl ;t59.c; Bloomers, Reg. , 50c; Sale '35c ,
Fancy Checked. Flannelette . Vests, Reg. ,50c, Sale ..:...35 .
Ladies'.Hose , Reg; 39C . Sale ''.;.,..• ,..:. '27c
= Medium Weight, Reg. 1Men
's Heavy .: Work Socks,
' Price $1
Sale and 1.50
;10 Silk over w6o1; Reg. 7-.75Reg
9c• •
, .. 29c, ' Sale - • 25c. Reg. 50c, Sale 35c.
Smocks at Same Prices • Fancy Socks, 50c.„ ;Sale :...35c Special all wool Hose, Cash- Table Oil Cloth
---4. Socks, Reg. 25c., Sale ....18c43c
mere, Reg. 75c, Sale 35c . 1% yd. wide
--,5-7: - Ark7.7.0.21,7.41wm.7-40.,.....=.4-480=11,--__ _-,---2.--,0---,AamossonmampAsonsamcf,..--.4w.;-3-40mQ.-.-:.-ism,:dmiiiitrAk.meres._ 7 -••,./ams ..,.... '
'Mill Ends. in Factory -'Cotton 2 to 10 yds. ---; -
Regular Price up to 20c, Sale Price lic
A Real Heavy 40-irr. Wide, Reg. 25c
• Sale Price . ..16c
Other Pieces Reduced to Low Prices .
.. • .. • . :
Thrs. j
R.- Men's Fleecelined Underwear, Shirts and
—=: DrawerS,.-Per Garment 59c, .
a Combinations per Garment 1.1.0:
Men's allwool Shirts and Drawers, Heavy
Ribb. Sale per Garment $1.10
Elastic Ribb Combination, sizes 32, 34;
36. Reg. up to 2. 50, Sale $1.49
Men's all wool Jumbo Knit Sweater .
Coats, at $1.95
Men's Heavy Fancy Coats $2.25
Bbys' Sweaters and Pull Overs, all at
this Very low Price
One'yard wide,:white Heavy
weight Engtsh Flannelette,
Reg; ' 2 5 c, Sale 18c.
One Yard wide Striped Flan-
nelette Sale yd, 156. ,
• Heavy Weight Yama Cloth.
Sale Price 23.c
. a
FancY Wrapperette and Fancy
Cotton Tweed. Sale
•• Price per yard 23c..•
caocotIESI .G.gocuotsr.
. . . .
Ciarles or 'Libby's 21i-lb...Tin Pork said
• Beans„ 2 tins .for 19c .
Oxydol,,:lurge Pkg.
Handy. Ammonia, per Pkg.
, •
Royal Yorke Coffee,.. 1-1b. tin 39c
Blue Boy Coffee, 1-1b. pkg. 28c
Rolled Oats, 7 lbs. for Z5c
Cascade Pink Salmon, 1-1b. Tin 10c
Heinz's Tomato Soup,-- 2 Tins 14c
Huron Toilet Paper, 8 Rolls 25c
All: wool and Silk and Wocil, all Sizes,
Black, Fawn or White, at 29c pair
Regular 25c and 35c Prints, yil 19 c
Some New Prints, just in, at yd. 17c
Here is a feal Bargain1p 12-4 See Out Tables of Odds and
Ends in Uuderwear, Sweater
Coats, Sect* Ties4::,. Braces,
'Ladies' and ChildredsUnder-;
. wear, Ends of Prints,Thinriel- '
" ettes.
There,May be something on
Actble Yo.P--use .ana
if you.can y6u &t it
• _Cheap.;
Ibex Blankets, Only 25 pair
left. , At pr. $2,19 •
Woolette checkea-
W,o91 and Cotton, at .
. per Pait."'$3.25..
7-1b. all wool Blanket s 72x86.
.' SalePrice ,atp1.
• .. •
All Wool Checked Blankets, .
:Sale Price $6.25 e
• COTIMN.glkv. , ,,
Cottonadeit!.: -Black or Red
, .
Back, Sale 'Price 35c. ' 1. ,. .
; ‘ t
Striped. Fice4:'BaCkCO-!toril '•:,•,-srsir.v. .'' ,
ade, Sale- Price 35c. „.
' Heaviest A. -G. A.Tickii
Sale Price 33c. -
. .. Per Skein 1. 15c
648 MA,•
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Comeand See what We to . .6 •
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