HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-12-28, Page 4tirMitn
.°P*44+ ++�II�+° ^@�^I`++ S�� +44++i'+ +Dw !I•+4 ,huh ++ i °�°` ".i•'F++'N* At l'� :
y4&ds Sales and Service
To Our Customers and Friends
We Extend
Season's Greetings
Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67
Auctioneering? — U. BET!
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Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF!
Buy Storm Windows and Doors
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The Installation
Will be as. Good
as the Furnace
AND when we tell you the furnace will be a
HECLA, that's all we need to say. Canada's
most famous furnace—the furnace that saves one ton
in seven over any other furnace the furnace with
fused, gas -and -dust -tight joints. If we install your
new furnace, it will be the correct size, properly
located, with the right size pipes and registers. And
the cost will be lower than for years to come.
Zurich, Ont. Telephone 92
their homes on the labylon Line,
Mr. and 1VLrs. Wes, I'layter 1741001'-
atered to Flint, Mich. on • Sunday.
On Saturday, December "doth Mr.
Albert Buchanan of Stanley and Miss
Alice Deitz of Zurich 'woe 'united in
marriage. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev, Mr, Stainton at the
James Street 'United Church Parson-
age, at Exeter. The young couple
will reside on the "Goshen Lino, Stan.
ley and have the best wishes of their
many friends,
A watch -night service will be held
in Goshen United Church next Sun-
day evening.
'Kiss dean Hey of London, spent
+iCIn stmas day at her home in the
3 i rage.,
Misses Gertie and Eva Beekler,
sand Laura Gascho spent Sunday with
;Ida Swartzentruber.
Miss Mary Clarke and friend of
°i;,loderich, spent Christmas day with
'mer .mother, Mrs. E. Clarke.
Mrs. Jake Swartzentruber spent
'Tuesday with her daughter, Mrs. Ed.
Oesch in the Village!.
Miss Gladys Douglas, R. N., and
Miss Susie Oesch, both of the Hen -
H Sanatdrium, spent Christmas
day under the parental roofs.
3tr. and Mrs. Edmund, Oesch -oand
ai0aughters spent Sunday with Mr. and
Stas. Johan Oesch on the Goshen line.
Monday visitors during Christmas
flay are: --31r. .and Mrs. A, Smith,
owl Marion of Brantford with Mr.
arra Mrs. J. Richardson.
Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane
a f Clitiion with Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle: and
children were recent visitors 'in 10-
getown, visiting with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Howard of Ex-
eter wer visitors with the former's
brother, Mrs Harry Howard,,
Mrs. John Bean was: in London,'
visiting her sister, Miss Huskins, who
has be•esi :operated on for appendieit-
Mr. Talbot and son of London we-
re visitors with Dr. ,and. Mrs. Collyer.
Mrsfl C. S. Hudson visited friends
in London for a few days recently.
The many friends of Mrs. T. C.
Joynt will be pleased to hear she has
returned: home from the Clinton hos-
pital where she has been for several
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and
children of the Beach -o -Pines, were
visitors with relatives in town.
Robert Higgins returnedhome af-
ter a two weeks' visit with his dau-
ghter, Mrs. O. Beaver of Farquhar.
The reception held in the town
hall on Thursday last in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Richardson,
bridal couple, was well attended and
a very enjoyable time spent. • The
young couple were presented with a
beautiful studio couch.
Mrs. Mark Drysdale was in London
one day recently.
Jas. A. Bell has been able to re-
turn home from the London Hospital
where he has been for several weeks
Mr. Bell is improving slowly.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith receiv-
ed word that their son, Alfred, who
with his wife and little daughter, re -
gide in Brantford, where Alf; has a
good position, was in. very peer hea-
lth, but his many • friends hope to
hear a good report of his condition
The Carolina Jubilee Singers of
Chicago, presented a splendid enter-
tainment in the auditorium of the
United Church on Thursday evening
under the auspices of the Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Kraft spent
the Holidays' with • firends in Sarnia,.
Milford Cook and sister. of De-
troit spent Christmas with. 'wlneir par-
The choir of the Lutheran enter-
tainment a number of the shut-ins' by
singing some Christmas Carols on.
Sunday evening whish was very much
Miss Fanny Preeter of Kitchener,
spent the week -end with her sister,
Rev. and Mrs. A,` W. Sauer are sp-
ending a few days in Preston this
The business places in town will be
closed every evening except Saturday
during the winter months,
A special musical program will be
given in :the Evangelical church' on.
Sunday evening Dec. 31st, consisting
of numbers from "Hander's Messiah
TheChoir will be assisted by Mr.
Walter Cutbush 'of Exeter tenor so-
loist. The offering will go, to-
wards the choir, treasury. A
Mr. and Mrs. A. .E. Oestreieher and
family are spending' a few days with
friends in London and Dorchester.
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Christ-
mas ;in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fassold and
Mr. Clarence Routledge of London,
were Christmas visitorsat the home
of Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther and
Miss Rose Guenther of Windsor, sp-
ent the holidays with -relatives.
Miss Ella Martinson is spending
the holidays with her parents in El-
Miss Thelma Elsi of Sarnia and
Mr. Samuel Elsie of Detroit, spent
Christmas with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zimmer of
Portland, Oregon, spent the past we-
ek with his facher and sisters.
Miss Zeta Nadiger, nurse in train-
ing of Victoria Hospital, London, sp-
ent a few -days with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
• Mr. Czar Steinhagen of Tavistock
spent Sunday at his home here.
- Miss Olga'Fisher of London, spent
the week -end with her parents.
Miss M. Cunningham and Miss An-
drews of Kitchener spent Christmas
With: the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs
L. Morenz.
- Misses Mary Mclsaac and Maxine
Bishop of Detroit are spending their
Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
P. Mclsaac.
Miss. Theda I•Iayter of Windsor is
Mrs. M. Elliott and family, and Mrs.
E. Anderson and Agnes all of Cen-
tralia with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love.
Mr. V. Dinnon with his parents
near Cromarty. '
Miss M. Woods at her• home in Mit-
Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister and
daughters, Mr. and Mrs. R. Consitt
with Mr. and Mrs. C. Parks, of the
Goshen Line.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cochrane and Aud
rey and Mr. and Mrs. H. McMurtrie
and Alex, of Kippen with Mr, Wm.
Jarrett, and Annie.
Mrs. C. Fuss and son David of
Zurich with Mr. 'and Mrs. 'W. Reich-,
ert. i
At the nomination held in the town.
ship Hall, Varna, on Friday, Decem-
ber 22nd, Mr. Wm. Douglas the Re-
eve for 1933 resigned and the fol-
lowing were elected by acclamation:
For Reeve, M. Hanley; For Council-
lors: W. Turner, Roy Lamont, Fred
Watson and J. Pepper.
Mr. Mervyn Keys of Western Un-
1ilis Mary Iiagan of London with .. ..
Ilia g aversity, London, and Mr. liter '4ter,. Miss Dolly' Hagan, Keys of Toronto Universit y � .are s -
spending a few weeks with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hayter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tiernan of Ham-
ilton spent Christmas with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan.:
Mr. Eugene Tiernan bf London is
spending the holidays with his par-
Dr. Lorne S Tiernan of Dublin,
spent Christmas at his home here.
The annual entertainment of the
Blackbush school was held last Thurs
day P.M. There was a good crowd
and after a pleasing concert Santa
Clause distributed presents from a
beautifully decorated tree. Miss Greb
deserves much credit as the' director
of the program.
Miss Margaret Willert of London,
is spending the holidays at her home
Master Willis Mclsaac is spending
his holidays in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Silas Adams of Lon-
don spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. E. G. Kraft.
,Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk of Guelph
spent the holidays here and in Zurich
Miss Myrta Holtman of Kitchener
spent Christmas with her parents;
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman.
Miss Rlda Kraft of London, spent
Christmas .at her home here.
Mr: Wm. Musser of Deirpit ip s -
ending a,.few nes with p.
.Y his family. ,
•Mer. James of Londonis visiting
at ,the home of Mr. J. Wein.
Mr. Arthur Goetz of St. Berne,
Sask., is visiting his • mother Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas of
Sarre€a visited relatives in town last,
Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia is visit-
ing her mother Mrs, Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Andersen
spent Christmas with friends in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Ogden of l ketel and.
14:9 ss Zeta' Nadiger of London -spent,
',reek -end nvi4li
',r it Mr, and Mrs. Win.
Mss Alice Willert and friend of
Fort Wayne are visiting with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willert.
The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran
Church, Dashwood, held their annual
meeting evening in the basement of
the church with 29 members present.
Mrs. W. Nadiger occupied the chair
for the program which included the
Scripture Lesson, a trio by Mrs.
Nadiger, Mrs. Schlunt and Mrs. F.
Guenther, a reading by Mrs. Nadiger
-which was followed by a short talk
by Rev. Luft. Mrs. H. Wein then
presided for the business session and
,electien of officers as follows; Pres-
.ident, Mrs. H. Wein, Vice -Pres., Mrs.
T. Kraft; Secretary, MM. A. Kuntz,l
Treasurer, Mrs. J. Rader; Reporter,
Mrs. J. Schroeder. Librarian, Mrs.
Neuschwanger, Mrs, Schumacher;
Social come, Mrs. Hoperoft, Mrs. Eve
land Mrs. L. Rader; Entertaining
c mo.Msiir liaoaivl,o
conunittee, Mrs. Luft, Mrs. Preeter;,
Work.'Com., M•rs. F. Guenttner, Mrs.
d: 'Rinker, ,.Mrs. Nadiger; Visiting
com., Mrs. H. Restemeyer, Mrs. F.
Schlundt; Auditors, Mrs. E. Walper;,
Mrs. Luft, The Treasurers reports,
showed a nice balance on hand_
Mr; and Mrs. iluxtable, Mr. and ending the Christmas holidays at Nadiger.
Janies. Weeks, fire chief of Exeter,
is completing his fifty-fourth year in
the Are company. He has been chief
for thirty-nine years.
.Miss Hazel Hough, R. N., of Tor -
mite, arrived at her home at Bruce-
field last week, and is now at the
home of her uncle, Robt. Allen, wh-
ose little daughter, Betty, underwent
an operation and is quite ill.
Constable, a Horticul;'uralist
Constable Hehner Snell, of Sea -
forth has turned horticulturalist and
is producing winter roses. He has a
bush growing in his garden that is a
mass of buds and each bud, if it is
picked and brought into the house,•
opens in a day or so revealing a bee-
utifuh rose. And this is December.
Walkerton"s Population Up
While Kincardine's population has
been failing off, Walkerton's has be-
en increasing, so that for the first
time in many years the Bruce coun-
ty town has become the largest town
in that county. It is announced • that
Walkerton has 2461 people, an_incre-
ase of 91 over last year.
Ask Reduction of F. O. ?ox Rentals
The Seaforth town council is peti-
tioning the Dominion Government to
'reduce the rental of posteice boxes
Mayor Sutherland, who introduced
:the subject, pointed out that in cit-
ies and on rural mail routes delivery
was free, while ` the town residents
had to go to the postoffice and pay
for the privilege of having a box.
Produce Truck Turns Over
A 'thick belonging' to the Swift
Canada Cpnipany was, taking, a Toad
Of poultr2+, eggs, , cream,. to the Strat-
ford .plant from Exeter on Tuesday
last and in .Husking ,a turn a mile and
a quarter ;'south of Exeter skidded
find upset in the ditch. A nuiiiber of
live chickens were killed. A small
quantity of cream was spilled and
numerous eggs were broken. The
load was transferred to ene of B.
Tucky's trucks and taken to Strat-
ford. News To Dr. Savage
'Dixonville, Dec. 13th—Tnformati-
en that she had herself set a fract-
ured bone in her leg was :":trews" to
Dr. Margaret Strang Savage, medic-
al missionary, returned l ere `fienn: r
twoday trip to a remote mission. (out-
post in Northern Alberta., Shre ems
i' a udtotw De'eember 28th, MO'
JLVilK7l_r! _ %.J Ci l'6'�!k��l Slt �` c,'r t� "±,,i. `
Young Mn!eYoung_ 1 ` men!
The Huron County Bretton
Of the
Ontario Department ofTiture
Extends to you
and.. invites; you. to, attend the
Agriculture and Hone Economics
To be: held rite
Jan. 9th,, to, Feb. 2nd, 1934.
For further particulars and. a complete outline
of the. Course, write:
Ian: MacLeod
Agricultural Representative
Clinton, Ont.
hili aiiif `iW3Slf(aliPikrreeill a iallalilk ir/al` Pt ; Tile iMilikeralWir
quite well. Dr. Strang was a memb-
er of •needs, '29 Il.W.OE, and was born
near Hansall, in Usborne Township,
being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Strang. Despatches from Lon
don, Ont., told of the operation sup-
posedly performed by Dr. Savage,
missionary of the Presbyterian chur-
ch, in a lonely northland cabin.. A
letter received there from a settler
near North Star, 32 miles from Dr.
Savage's post, was cited as author-
ity for the infeeena,tion.
Car Accident
Last Sunday evening at the heig-
ht of the snow storm, a light sedan
driven by Miss Janet McTaggart, of
Clinton, and containing a number of
Clinton young people, crashed into
the side of a car owned by Dale
Nixon, Seaforth. Mr. Nixon, coming
west, had stopped west of Silver cre-
ek bridge No, 8 Highway 1Q pick, 13.
some eMIdr.fl and the 11rieePaggart,1
car, going east, in avoiding 'wee chit- '
dren, tore the door from the Nixon
car. While the cars were standing
on the road, the driver of a large se-
dan coming west, on seeing the lights
.and people, jammed on his brakes,'.!
'with the result that his car turned
over in the ditch. Fortunately no
one: was hurt.
ed and brought the family back with.
shim: in a Egon. As a young man;:
Mr Madge took up farming in Logan..
,township, were he was united in.
!marriage to Sarah Ann Isaac and
1 tog:eller they spent a long and hap-:
' py nareied life, living to . celebrate.,
their golden wedding jubilee.
Usborne Resident Passes
Bayfield Resident Passes
:A rather sad death took place at
Bayfield on Nov. 16th, when Edith,
beloved wife of Walter .;oIinston,
'passed away. She had for some ye- pp
ars been a sufferer with asthma ands
had an attack that week followed by
'quinsy, but was feeling some tetter
land expected to be up Friday. Mr.
Johnston had been to see her at 8
'o'clock, and upon returning at ten
o'clock found her passed away. Her
maiden name was Edith May Jones
and was the daughter of the late
Rohit. Jones of Clinton and was born
in Seaforth in 1901 and in 1925 was
married to Walter Johnston, Bayfield
Besides her husband one son William
aged 7, survibes. also a family of
sisters and brothers.
Aged Seaforth Man Dies
Henry Golding, an aged aand hi-
ghly esteemed resident of Seaforth
died last Sunday morning at the
home of his son, W. H. Golding; M.
P., of that place. Deceased was a
native of England, cane to Canada
in 1874 with his wife, Sarah Annis,
to whom he was married in 1867.
They settled in Hibbert Tp., where
they spent the remainder of their,
lives until last spring, when they
came to Seaforth to live with their
son. Although Mr. Golding was al-
most 93 he enjoyed good health un-
til about a year ago. Since that time
he has suffered froip heart attacks,
but it was only the last weeks that
'he was confined to his home; up
to that. time he had retained the use
of all his faculties, and took an ac-
tive interest in world events. He was
a member of Staffh. United: Church
until he transferred his membership
to Seaforth. Mr. Goldinghad hoped
to celebrate the 67th anniversary.,:of
their marriage on Feb. 1.4th of the
coming year. Besides his widow, who
i now in her 96th year, he is surviv-
ed by three sons and two: daughters.
Philip. Madge, a man of sterling
character and ide'ntified with the
'early history of •Usborne Township,
passed away at Exeterthe• rine old
age of 86 years, He has been ailing
-Cor some time and towards the last
sank rapidly, He passed away at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. G. N.
Williams, with whom he has resided
isince the death of his wife three ye-
ars ago. The deceased was born in
England in 1846. AT the age of '2
years he tame to Canada with his
parents ina sailing' vessel' taking
from 9 to 10 weeks to,, cross the At -
,'antic: ..Thi: family. came as. faras
'Bownsanville and leaving there on
per annum
half -yearly
Huron &. Erie
issued for .-
OO,And over
Increase your
Interest return
H 11`n&Erie
Chartered 1864 •
Take advantage of this good
Rate wide Obtainable.
Estsaa,lishod 2900
Herald Printing' Office
year, strictly in advance; $1.50 in
arrears or ;2.00 may be charged. M.
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper: dissen-
'tinned until all arrears are paid nem -
less rat option of publisher. The date
of which every Subscription is paid,
is denoted on the Label. .
Displaly advertising made knew*i '
lllisceilanebau articles of not m iii e
.than foe. Nem* Fiar lisle, To ItUnto..
Wanted, Lost. Found, etc., One, !neer-
:tion 25; 2 inns. 40e,, 8 ins. 50e.
Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.011
for first month, ;1.00 for each fol-
lowing month.
Professional Cards not exceeding -
34 inches, per year $5.00.
fib Slieianariam, one verse , 50e, 0.$s'
for each additional, verse; Cud
Thanks, 5Sc.
Auetien .Sales -42.00 per singlov,.
assertion if not over four' inches lit
l.engtb. •
F; of this father came tb. Usborne i .1141 sit aid rearms nmicationg to
eh ;r a lie s,ecu.red' a farm beib lot t '
Turin. is ltd.. Later, he tet'nr n-1 The