HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-12-21, Page 5=day, l<3eeeertiber '514 1933.eanneenne t i , • .: BUSINESS CARDS "' 7OLE+ "S '.E.HOLIVIES i itaRIS'TER, SOLICITOR, NOT - AIRY PUBLIC, ETC. ;B 1PICE- Reuni1io'n Stmt, oust oil i e Square, GOD]'CRICX , Ontario. Baeceal Atteaition " to GMBVIMI and Court Wesel. fir. Holmes may be consulted at %r*dericla by Mom, veld i hone; charges ravened. Dr. EL H. COWS' N L. D. S. D. D `3• DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK Z1J1 It R ltrYnnY Thursday, Friday, Saturday At 13ARTLEIB'S BWQL e DASHWOO'D Every Monday, TLfesda'my and Wednesday Licensed ittictIoneef for Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION EO7 O- nittet any Auction Sale, Ba ess to size or article to sell. I solicit ;your business, and if not satisfied wen -make no charges for Serviced Ren-', dared. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood phone 1a-57. i i'ichS' Popular SEAT MARKET WON Tools Warito, for Sale, .le t, FOU nd.1101dtre,v iretz.Ado ;tai taw %Wile* DANCE A publico Dance will be held at THE ST. ',10SEPH HALL On TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 2 6th . Everybody Welcome LOST I3etwe.en. Zurichand :Elensall, a large gasoline hose. Finder kindly returnthe sasele to Stade & Weido, Zurich. FOUND On the Zurich road a `Tire chain. Owner can have same at Revel office by paying this adv, WANTED Saw Logs Wanted. Ash, Hickory, and Rock Elm. Act Quick. Apply to F. C. Kalbfieiseb, Zmich. NOTICE TO LADIES -s We are now ready to do business in our New Beauty :Prior, in the Oesch Block. We have installed a new large modern Hairdryer and will • i t our iatrona e Cali 130 Let Us supply you with the for appointment,. 112rs. E. Gasoho,. Zurich. 'very Choice of Fresh and Cur -1 eel. Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, j-. _ tc., always... on hand..: Kept fresh in Elect -tic Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and 'Skins II. YUJ6, billt & Bon SERVICE 'Why. ,We have the Better', Class of Customers *UGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. ISKITERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - EL UBE -011e, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES; GENUINE IGNITION iParts, Hohning and Mechanical Work o30111 , to Micrometer Settings, No manse work. Watch the cars that ,‘BTOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGh CLASS CLIENTELE. LrtaiB®1 e '9.ASHWOOD ... , ONT.r'R10 sestet n Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODS TOCK 'TIM 'LARGEST RHSERV.E B - ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN 11UT- AL L'10:,IPAN'Y DOING BUSINESS , 0F. THIS KIND IN cm:LA./no. ;Amount of InsuranceaRisk oDec. 31st,. 1932,. '.I'aotal Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,973.99. :1Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klopp,Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in l.iigbta,iaii Rods round all kinds of Fire Insurance L I LT OLam . U , T Y WANTED Wilton every Day P•ra• east fowl Feed aeras relisting when brought in., niiligbest Case hien --CASH Flit CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ?Ione 101, Res. N, •aie>► THEHERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT • ever ready to serve the pub - with Commercial and fine FARM FOR SALE On Blind Line, Hay Township, con- sisting of 100 acres; 15 acres are sown to fall wheat, 30 acres plow- ing done. There is on the farm good buildings, two nevcrfaiiing spring wells, farm is well fenced and well drained. Also Part Lot 26, Concession 10, Hay Township, containing 25 acres, partly under cultivation, balance in grass. Above farms can be pur- chased separately if desired. Apply to Proprietor, John McBride, R.R. 1, .Zurich., . WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. II. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. The Local News The main nim of the weekly news• paper as the name implies, is to give news of its own district. It may have other aims, such as to give the mer- chants a chance to tell of their goods in its columns or to try to influence public opinion through its editor- ials; but first of all it must give the news. Some of this news is not easily obtained and no editor can cover it all without assistance. Especially is chis true when you have -visitors. Many of the ladies think that per- sonals are the most ialteresting read- ing in the whole paper. Your visitors are usually glad -to have their names appear, so send them in. Sometimes people come in and give the impres- sion that they are asking a favor when they wantus. to insert the names of their fr=iends alio have beep spending a .few days :with 'them: No person need feel thaintiay about gni ing us news items for we are indeed glad to get them all, . ----.--+-- LIAL NE!S New auto markers and permits •'for 1934 oan now be applied for at ofiiee of A. F. Hess, Zwick • Judge T. Ma Costello, of Coderi.ah, presided at the 'Tenth. Division Cert in the Town Hall, en Tuesday', u iorn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry dates/An Of the Blind Line, gave a party `to their fir/ends one evening recently; • The Gelinas orchestra su iplieii the music Mr. and Mrs. Mgert Hendrick and son Lorne and Miss Becker, of the Blue Water . Highway, south,. were recent visitors with friends in De- troit .and other Michigan points. Mr. Ferd: H:aberer, manager of the local skating rink,, started last week. in making. ' the winter's bed of ice. Mr. Haberer did a lot of hard work only to have a. thaw follow' up and melt most of it away, but since the weather has been better ,and with the -rain and sleet, if itis now foll- owed up with cold weather, a:good bed of ice should soon be had, ' The weatherman has made many changes in the past week; frolics ex- tremely cold to springlike warm, and now rain is followed by frost, and a white frost nearly every night. A large crowd was in town on Friday, fl>e occasion being the auc- tion sale of Mr. M. Geiger's effects. Everything was sold very successful- ly, and good prices were realized :con- sidering. the times. ` Mr. Edward Deters eSr., of town has recently received the intelligence of the departure from' this life • of Mrs. Martha IEennerly, daughter of Rev. and M;rs..Struempfer, • former residents of Zurich, where Rev. Stru- empfer was pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church for a number of years. M's. - Kennerly, who was a returned missionary from India,. died at her parent's home in Denver, Col Tirado. Her husband, Rev. Mr. iCen- -lerly having predeceased about three months ago. Stratford Couple -Awarded Damages Mr.-. Tieien Pott, of 13ayfield,: evi pay $131.13 and costa of the aCticvn brought against ler he he-- form": gardner and housekeeper, Mr. and Mrs. William Hough, now of Strat- ford. . This was the decision handed down by Jiylge. Co: Cello in conn" - court here. Mrs. Si"ott i, one of the best known women in Haron County. She employed Mr. and Mrs. Hough ew yeare ago to assist in the han- dling of hex substantial property in Bayfield.. i)isseesien, arose and were discharged at a time when she still owed then a considerable sura; for wages and for moneys expended by them on her behalf and on behalf, of her son, Oliver Goldthorpe, whom she adopted when he was about 30 years of age. A colt whose hind kg was fract- ured just below the sstille,-has been', saved for his owner by an experti veterinarian of Kitchener Ont. Placed under an anaesthetic :and the `bones forced back into place, the injured limb was enacted in a heavy plaster cant. After a month it was removed and the Ieg found to be almost- as strong as ever_ BORN Ran --•At. Stoney Township, M Dec- ember. 12th, to Mr, and 'Mrs. John Rau a son. Snider—At Stanley "Fowas''hip, on December 18th, to I,tr. ,and Mrs.. st erald Snider, a daughter. Haberer—At Leine', on December ,15th to, Mr. and Mae. Jacob Rab- e/at, a son. 1'rarncee-At Hay 'Township, on Dec- ember 18th, to Mr. end Mrs. B».r- old trance, a daughter.. r" l satins iA • 'Get air P r.ices be _ Adl:i+ s--•-At law 'cownshil>, two Dec - .re. l slavish g yc r mats elJNi- ember 1:6th5, to Mre and Mrs.. li rsy • d dldiils, a soli. Infection From Rabbit Hay Township Farmer Suffered from Tularema. Zurich, Dec. 12—Nelson Dueharme twenty-one. Ray Tonmenip feess'r" suffering from a strange • and severe illness. In dressing a diseased wild rabbit he pricked the thumb of one hand with a broken leg bole and scratched a finger of the atle • hand. Today, thirty-five days after his in- fection, he is pale and weak from the continued fever, the ;glar,is und- er his arms are swollen and p inifullt• sore and his finger and theme are still swollen and oozing slightly. A sample of Ducharme's blood was sent by Dr. O'Dwyer of Zurich to the Pro vincial laboratories at London, and the malady was pronounced tularemia Sequel to Ducharme's infection was the loss of his pet cat and a neigh• bon's dog. ' Three of Ducharme's cats and his dog feasted on ehe rab- bit's carcass. One of the twit died in• five or six, days and the other two and. the dog, after being violently sick .for a few days, are still in all heitefeated and weakened condition.— Gdderich Signal. Exeter I-lydro Supt. Disappears The citizens of Exeter were great-: ly shocked last week when it was learned that Herman W. Doerr, Sup- erintendent of the Public Utilities of that place, had dissappeared after having presumably gone to Toronto to consult a physician. Me. Doerr for the past 15 years has been sec- retary -treasurer of the Commission and was highly regarded hi the com- munity. He left Exeter on Tuesday last by auto for Toronto and after visiting with his brother its -law, Mr.D. Roberts, of that city, the latter was surprised to receive a letter from hint sent from Hamilton, stating that he had Left for parts unknown. Mr. Doerr had stored his car and forwar- ded his license and car keys to Rob- erts. The local commission immedi- ately started a check-up on the funds and it was at first believed that ev- erything was in good shape. A visit to the safety deposit boat at the bank told a different story as bonds are missing to the amount of $3,000 Mr. Doerr has not been in good he- alth for some time, and up to date no sign of hire bas been located, and papers.' have been .made out for his arrest. ' LOCAL NEWS To our many Readers and Friends we wish you all a Merry Christmas! Mr. George Grenier spent Sunday .; with his friend, Mr. Harvey Gelinas, aw•+ r•••••••••••••••••••••••*••••••••••• Home made Buns for Christmas.• leave your orders with Mrs. Hay, or phone 116, Zurich. • i4iie and aril •. Ain leen of Varna, ' were Week -end visitor.. a the home i . ot Mr. and Mrs. J: W. Horner. 2 e i The Brenner '. (nand Bend Boys 01 l arid 1 n *ish to advise the. public that they built a first clue skating rink and ass open for ` all hockey teams at any times. • 11'11x. and Mrs. Alex. McConncl, of Verna, were Monday a isitors with Mr. William Lamont of town. Mr. Lamont is still confined to the house with a cold. We notice in the press that Mr, Albert "Babe" Siebert, star hockey player, who has been for the p4: •t year or so with the New York Rang- ers team of the National League, has 2 been transferred to the Boston team on a deal involving some other play- .a ey. We hope "Babe" will like his to new managment. The Christmas entercuinmentq in 0 •t • • • 1 the local churches will be as follow. Sunday evening the Lutheran church will bold th it annual event„ and on Monday ,;':-e.:-lg, (;"hrhtr ttr) the ':. angelical cht h .ill eek occasion, in 1 e mc•o.nc.. The puri is cordially in -:.'ted to attend event:, and b, - - :y to get the rig:it holiday season. This is the big week of the fowl nio ing at the local produce cations. One can see hundreds of pounds of fowl daily finding its way on the mar et for the Christmas trade, and it looks very appetizing indeed, and the price is within reach of as -you will notice in the market reports of this week's issue. Dueh and rr ese at tic and turkeys at 14c, surely we can afford one good .Heal in the year, ,ely "Christmas iiirmer." r. Jul Block is quite busy these lt•..ye keeping c'i ck on the `;lieu: rsn zientq that wa,tly make it a 1 t.c : n. invite these chaps to run 77.e buck- saw for a while lie f o :e they ; •t iau ever popular "meal ticket How ever, these lads ill must cases :- believe on working for their living, 'and so move on.. The- janitor of the town hall advises that there is a con- sdPr+able 'sized •pile 'of wOod to be split in the town hall basement, ann we think that Constable JuI. should let some of these huskies in on the splitting• of this wood. This would ";harpers up their• appetite some- what and would make the meal ticket all the more appreciative. Change High School Grants The Department of Education an- nounces a change as regards high school support which goes into effect next year. 'Townships of 2,000 po- pulation and over and villages of 1,000 population and over will have to pay their own high school fees. The boards will continue to levy their charges against the county, but the county will in turn assess the charg- es against the tov:rshiiss an': mala The revenues of the boards will ^ot be affected, but the amount paid by some municipalities may be consid- erably increased or decreased, and more work may be entailed in secur- ing the necessary information for the county. Hensall Council Minutes The last regular meeting of the 1933 Village Council held on Friday eve., Dec. 15th at 8 p.m. in the Co- uncil Chambers,all members being present except Councillor Mickle. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. T. G. Bonthron, Tax Collector, re- ported unpaid 1932 taxes as being $376.21. Also reported re the 1988 taxes unpaid as being only 12.6 per cent. or $1655.21., which is consider- able better than last year. ' Motion, that the Collector send the 1932 arrears of Taxes to the County Treasurer. Motion, that we refund W. G. Thompson Ltd., the sum of $3.30 being error on tax roll. Cortimunications read from W. T. Thompson Ltd.; and F. Harding same filed. Bills and Accounts react as foll- ows: School Board, school rates 3675.15 Public Library Board, library rates 193,63; Huron Co., Treasurer, Co- unty rates 2014;80; F. G. Bonthron refund re Batten & Dunham 3.30; 0. Geiger, refund dog tax 2.00; W. G. Thompson Ltd., error on Tax roll 3.30; 3. Pfaff, removal of rub- bish 1.00 Motion, that the accounts as read be paid and C. Hudson account be held for further consideration. R.eevo Consitt reported that C• $; Wolfe had earned $5.50, Cooper $ , and Moir $4, and sante was placed to their credit for the relief given this year, • t .Motion, that.we, now adjourn. ,lames .A, Paterson, Clerk, It is in all Sincerety that we extend to one and all•the most Hearty SEASON'S GREETINGS Wishing for You and Yours" ` an overflowing abundance of the ple- asures, the joy, and the happiness which is Associated with this Sea- son, and may the corning Year bring to You the PRICELESS GIFTS OF HEALTH PROSPERITY and CONTENTMENT L. SchHbe *•+ •. sig,,"s,s84a9P490 aaaee4,tmemire +R1oi Isev21 tiwm-A X+tf aecytAs e4th Or e:-.5; '.fnob C.,, 9J Zurich 0 ChristmasPresents We have many Artic/ .n of r Store which vii.1 lir: a e very suitable Ch r simas gift WE HAVE A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FOUNTAIN PENS, CAMERAS AND GIFT STATIONERS PERFUMES. See Our Toilet Sets and Mani- cure Sets WE ALSO HAVE A BEAUTIFUL VAR- IETY OF CHRISTMAS CARDS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. jF Dr.J. MacKinnon, Darin, . ,gemmirmsmvp MAW WRAF RAMP Rs MM P enea 6%s eet to oe A. e taae accts s- e e e eleeeseeaseateeenolaseeeneeeeeeteeeee 4 0 ZURICH HEALD'S • •OlubbthgList .4:49• ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape- e for one Year:•• • Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 • Toronto Daily Globe • $6.00 • • Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ...... $6.00 • Toronto Daily Star $7,00 Z Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 •• 4 London Free Press $6 00 s London Advertiser , $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 i • Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 :mars $►3,O0 • e • Canadian Countryman ...••••dlk 2 25 ,. Weekly Witness 3.15 Farmers' Magazine $2.50 Huron Expositor, S•aforth .. • =2.75 Asad a groat many stow that we eannet •Re marts bare. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .ki Canada tied tins United Matas, and saw save yea • steep ea gm Nast w! theses. Renew adl your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouile' and Money • 9 • • 9 . • • * • A • i ••• • b A • • • e • • r Z Y • 1 • •• ♦ • • ;••••••••••••••••••1►410w•41000 •••••••••••••••••••••••• HERALD OFFICE w Zurich