HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-12-21, Page 4*A'i *OUR.
'44++++4:4+++++++++++++4 44+4 +++++e+++++++++++++40
assey.liorris Sales and Service
Our Customers and fl'" y -a
4f°1J n
We Extend
Season's Greetings
A. Shop 149 O. KLOPP "031 SONS Res. 67
Auctioneering? — U. BET!
.4-+4-+a•+++4••ii•-a••e•++•k•,L•i•-:••a•+++•i• 4.4.++t+•r+++4.++•r•a•++e++t++f+r+
Kenneth Sippell, a student . at the cantly vii atec1 by Mr. Hayter.
Seminary at Naperville, roll'., le Sp-
ending the Christmas holidays. 'with
his parents at Crediton.
W.M.S.----The Women's Missionary`.
Society met on Wednesday aftcraeron
December 13th .with Mrs. R. McAI-:
lister presiding, .We• opened the ine-
etiug by singing .Hymn .5.8, prayer in
unison, Hymn -59 was sung; and the
responsive reading; the devotional
leaflet. The Touch of His Hand,
was given by Mrs. W. 'Turner. • The
offering and Treasurer's report was
'then given. The allocation non this.
year has not been reached. The, oft
eers' for 1934 are as follows: Hon.
President, Mrs. R. McAllister; Pres-
ident, Mrs. R. Stephenson, let vice -
Pres., Mrs. EH. Turner; 2nd vice -press,
Mrs. Ross; Treas., Mrs. W. Turner;
Secy., Mrs, R. Consitt; Ass't Secy.,
Miss A. Jarrott, Organist, Miss Annie
Jarrott; Aset Organist, Miss ,Irene
Turner; Miss Secy, Mrs. R. Love;
Supply Secy., I1rs. Chas. Stephenson
Ass't., Mrs. R. McAllister. The me-
eting closed with prayer.
Nates --Those visiting during the
week are: Mrs. A. Smith and dau-
ghter :liarion of Brantford, •Mrs. A.
3. 3 -' ti• - 4 hi rti' 4 d•q. i ..�.; ,+444,++++++4-1-1-1.
�'�"�-'3""'• Ashiitan and son Douglas of Tillson-
Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF!
uy Storm Windows and Doors
PONE 69 -
..;a• -I.4 -.3.3-3•.s.+ ++++++++ i•+ + i.++++ -It P -a-4 +..+++a; 44+++++.;» ;.4+^F.s"H
vow- needs
1—Steel Ribbed Firepot—gives more heat
from every pound of coal. Saves at least one
ton in seven.
2—Fused Joints—they end the nuisance of
gas and dust in the house.
The Clare Bros.' }IECLA is the only fur-
nace which has EITHER. of these features. It
has them BOTH. Let us tell you how inexpen-
sive a Hecla Furnace is.
Zurich, Ont.
Telephone 92
rB%x you all a Merry Christ-
- r.e?naa; :and qa .Happy New Year.
MIL Bennis Corriveau is wearing
:u.°s lade -wt's a girl.
I+ialii. and Mrs. Seth Amens of Zur-
Vi were Sunday visitors with Mr.
;$nil. Wfrs. Sol. Bechier.
Robert Boyce and Son, Alex.
s i k on friends in the village on
Monday ;afternoon.
Vim. Jim Johnston has returned to.
Viis ::mane in the Village after spend -
Ting ;a :few weeks with his sister, Mrs.
+.. E. Weido, of Zurich.
Vire tGladys Douglas, R. N., and
Ik113. s Susie Desch of Hensall Senator -
Serra ,spent one night lave week wi-
lder the parental roof's.
Vise Edna Gingerich of Scott's
. grim Hospital, Seaforth, spent
"eta. Say .under the 'parental roof,
aimd Mrs. Peter Manson spent
;al;t.aicizy with friends in London.
r rn and Mrs. M. Markle of iii -
el sided at the home of Mr. and
Redid, Marl.last Friday.,
burg with their per+ nts, Mr. anti Mrs
J. Richardson. rubs. Loss :Dick. and
son Douglas with Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Hensall; Miss Lorene Swaim of
Zurich with 2iiss Doreen Reichert.
.A. number from this vicinity at-
tended the reception in Hensall on
Thursday night for Mr. and Mrs.
Wes. Richardson, bridal couple.
Christian Finkbeiner, one of Ste-
phen Township's pioneers 'died on
December 12th in the 82nd year of
his age. Funeral services were held
.on Thursday afternoon at the Cred-
iton Evangelical church, conducted
by the pastor, Rev. W. M.. Sippell,
and assisted by Rev. A. W. Sauer;
Rev. E. Burn and Rev. J. Johnson,
;Prof. Thos. Finkbeiner of 'North Cen-
tral College, Naperville, Irl., a broth-
er of the deceased was present, and
took charge of the ceremony at the
grave, and also gave a brief address
at the church in which he mentioned
many sacred reminiscences or hi
brother's life. Many relatives an'l
friends were present from the .corn
munity and from Dashwood and Zur-
The Crediton Evangelicals will
hold their Christmas concert on the
evening of December 25th. A mis-
cellaneous program and an excellent
drama will be presented. The W.M
S. will conduct a watchnight service
front 8.00 to 10.00 p.m., December
Arthur A,ny, who underwent an
e eration' for appeaidicitie ;tt Viet
ot•ia, Hospital; returned home on Sun:.
Dee, .4,7111. •
Mr. W. Carlile of Hensall is in the
vicinity doing some work.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ad-
kins, in Hay • Township, a son, on
Thursday, Dec. 14th, 1933. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cassidy have
got nicely settled lin the house they
rented from Harvey Jacobi, on South
Richmond St '
Eldred Smith of London, is visit-
ing at his home here.
Mrs. Bertha . Pell is assisting. Mr.
and Mrs. W. J.White in their store.
Quite a number from Hensall at;
tended the funeral of Wm, McDonald
at Seaforth on Tuesday last. 112x',
McDonald was a former resident of
Kippen. •
Wm. Simpson of Detroit, spent a
week -end with relatives and 'friends
in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mclf..ay of
Tuckerssmith have moved into town.
and got nicely- settled in the house on
London rd, owned .by Eliza Woods,
and formerly occupied by the late R.
McLaren: , Mr. McKay teaches school
near Craniarty.
The bazaar and sale of home made
cooking which was put on by the Ar-
nold Circle and Mission Band. of Car-
mel Church last Saturday was a sp-
lendid success, the proceeds amount-
ing to over''$40.00.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and family
of St. Thomas are visiting for a few
weeks with relatives here.
Rev. W. A. Young was in Clinton
Tuesday last, attending the Presby-
Miss Karen Peder yen is suffering
Lore a severe attack of pneumonia
We hope for a speedy recovery. •
Mr. and Mrs. D. 'lienran and fam-
ily spent Monday in London
The many friends of Mrs. Addis-
on Tiernan will he sorry to learn that
she is confined. to her room through
illnes .s.
The King's Daughters Sunday
School Class motored to Thed£ord on
Saturday evening where Mrs. Gorda
on Elliott entertained the class •to a
Christmas party. The evening was
spent in reading . and discussing
Christmas in modern times.
Christmas gifts were given among
:the girls and very ,pleasant evening
was spent together.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Restemeyer of the
14th concession entertained a numb-
er of their friends on Thursday ev-
The Evangelical Christmas Enter-
tainment will be held on Friday ev-
ening, December 22nd, and the Luth-
eran festival will be on Sunday ev-
tery meeting.
Wrn.L- L. ivicLaren has not been in
his usual health for the past few
days, His many iriend- hope to so-
on see him able to be around again.
Miss Katheryn Drysdale br.oad-
easted from CFPL, London, on Fri-
day eve last under the direction. of
;Miss Edith Hill Adams.
R. J. Paterson has sold the dwel-
ling property of the late, Geo. W.
Wren to Mrs. Hoggart].i, who will
move into the village and take pos-
session of 'the same. This dwelling
is situated on Richmond St.,• North,
first erected and occupied by the late
Wm. Webber and is nice frame dwel-
.t! argaret Johnston will assist in
the local posts office during the Cha:-
is turas rush.
Mrss. Hooper, recently of Clinton,
sand who is living with Mrs. Saunder-
cock and family in town, is very
poorly and confined to her room.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bell and child,-
hild-ren, of St. Thomas, are spending the
Winter months with their rerativee in
the village and vicinity.
Evangelical Ladies' Aid
The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S of
;Dashwood Evangelical Church held
their December Meeting last Thurs-
day in the church basement. Mrs.
M. Neeb occupied the chair for the
program which included thei'cripture
lesson by Mrs. W. Snell, the topic
'.sy Mrs. A. W. Sauer, solo by Rev.
A. W. Sauer and readings by Mrs, V
Schatz and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Pigs.
D. Tiernan then presided for the Las -
Mese session. There were 58 sick
Visits and 14 treats sent to shut ins.
during the month. The net proce-
eds of the ham supper was reported
as $43.80. It was decided to con-
tribute $5.00 War Memorial Hospit
al and 815 to the General Church
Treasury. Mrs. J .Wildfong was ap-
pointed convenor of work committee
in place of Mrs. E. Bender who re-
signed. The work Committee report-
ed hoving sent a barrel of clothing
including two quilts for Western Re-
•-Church Choir Pays Tribute
To Leader.
About twenty members of the Dash-
wood Evangelical choir met at the
Dome of Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried
Oostreicher last Thursday evening to
honor Mr. Oestreicher, for many ye-
ars leader of the choir. • An address
expressing appreciation of his ser -
„ices in this capacity was read by
Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan„ the present
leader, while the president, Miss Cath
.lriiae Finkbeiner, presented 'Mr. Oes-
:rbieher with a beautiful scarf aiid
Mrs. Oestreicher with a box of fruit.
Mr. Oastreiclier pleasantly thanked
the choir on behalf of himself and
his wife for thein kind remeinbranee,
rt sing -song sot hy:anns by the choir
'eve much enjoyed by the elderly
1.1rs. Tomlinson of Kippen, has
ireen visiting with Mrs, Bobt. Pater-
son, Sr,, and other friends in town.
.stir, and Mrs. Chas. Cooper, who
o t.lar
:joist, year have lived ozi ' thy.
London Road, sou* have aa,ga,,.ir
i;ito ton tp th,g, Ynoijoc
My. and .Mrs. Percy Weston re-
turned home on Tuesday last, after
having spent some time -apt Kit-
chener. :
George Weston left Saturday last
for Detroit, where his son Harold is
quite ill. Geo. Kay accompanied him
Charles Ferguson, who spent the
summer on the Lakes is visiting' his
sister, Miss Nora Ferguson.
Frank Howard was at Toronto to
serve as . a witness in an automobile
case which he observed last fall.
James. H. Reid, Wm. J. Stinson,
Harry Weston and David H. Mc-
Naughton, attended the banquet at
London in honor of Premiers Ben-
nett and Henry.
Saw. Live Deer
Last Sunday evening, when Princ-
ipal Jefferson was motoring to Mild-
may from his home at Auburn, a
deer suddenly appeared before him
"on teh road, and he had to apply his
brakes very quickly to avoid hitting
the .animal.—Gazette.
Chatauqua at Crediton -.
Crediton has ben booked, for a
two day' Canadian Festival which
will be put on in that place during
the fall of 1934. A representative
of Chautauqua visited Crediton re-
cently and was successful in securing
the.required number of signatures
together with .a few- from Exeter. •
Relief Work at Wingham
The town council of Wingham is
spending $1,000 in ' improving „the
Horticultural Park in that town. The
work is being' done • as an unemploy-
ment relief measure, with Govern-
ment assistance. r
Offers Bounty for Sheep -Killers
Usborne township council is offer-
ing a bounty of $5 to anyone destroy
ing a dog found molesting sheep with
in the township. At the last meeting
of ':the township council accounts to-
talling $52 were passed for heep
killed by dogs.
New Postmaster at Brussels
Fred A. Hunter of the Village of
Cranbrook, five miles from that place
has been chosen the new .postmaster
for Brussels, to succeed W. H. Bell,
who recently resigned. Mr. blunter
is a, former Brussels merchant, a vet-
oran of the Great War, and a pen-
sioner. There were 18 applications
for the position.
Wins 'a New, Car.
Mrs, Harold Gilchrist, of Detroit,
daughter of Mrs. Jean Chesney, of
Seaforth, had the good fortune to
win a 1934 model Ford tudor, sedan
in contest at iCern's store In Detroit
Mfrs. Gilchrist visited the store to
buy some' curtains,' and as purchaties
of over a dollar gave the priviinge of
tn%fliing k;lrrss 1;1•,.t1) trim' ai o '
custoinesr in the store that, dig„ shoe
;;tressed Ga70.
'fix or:•,' any., December 3'1st, 1933
n `A ii®it /I ? Kp - 'JAM_ MJ.17JL �' i" '.ii. -
''Young e ! Yount ,'''' on e
The Huron County `,B r suds
Of the
'Ontario Department of Agriculture
Extends to you
and invites you to attend the
Agriculture and Home Economics ..
To be held' in
Jan. 9th, to. Feb. 2nd, 1934.
For further particulars and a compete outline
of the Course, write:
Ian MacLeod
Agricultural Representative
Clinton, Ont
:. 1*'
Goderich Resident Passes
Many friends in Goderich were
startled to learn on Friday that Rbt.
R. Kay, East street, had died sudden-
ly in his 76th year. He had been in
fairly good health and had enjoyed
an evening with friends on Thursday
night. 1 -le was born in Kincardine andn
lived there until he came to Goderich
20 years ago when he xetired. He
was a doper by trade.
Case of Smallpox
One case of smallpox, a mild type,
has been discovered in Listowel, and
quarantine has been placed on the
home. The Board of Health is tak-
ing every precaution to prevent tit(
spread of the disease; several haw
already been vaccinated and the
Board is asking that all children be
Grand Champion
Preston Dearing, of Stephen Town-
has a Dorset -Horn ewe that car
ried off the grand championship ai
both. Toronto and Guelph Livestock
shows. He aslo has a ram which wal.
grand champion at Guelph. These are
in adaditional to several other prize
carred off by his sheep. Mr. Dear
ing is to be congratulated on this
fine showing.
Miss Lillian Walker Passes '
Miss Lillian Walker, formerly of
Exeter, died ori Sunday last iu.. Vict-
oria Hospital, London, after two
months' illness. She was born in Ex-
eter 33 years ago, and for ten years
was a school teacher at Burlington.
She is survived by four brothers and
four. sisters. Rev. John A. Walker,
United Church missionary in West
China, is one of the brothers. The
funeral took place to Exeter where
interment was made in the family
Seaforth Lady Dies.
The death occurred on Saturday
last at the Scott Memorial Hospital,
Seaforth, of Susanna Adams, a hig-
hly esteemed resident and widow of
.Tacob Weber in her 74th year. The
deceased had been a sufferer from
anemia for some time but became
suddenly worse and was taken to
the hospital where she passed. away.
She was born at St. Clements and
spent most of her life in St. Clem-
ents and Kitchener. She was .marri-
ed on March 24, 1924, to her late
husband who predeceased her on No-
vember 8th, 1931. Mrs. Weber, was
a devoted member of St. James
Catholic Church.
Judge Winners
Howard Hunter, of Usborne, 4th
year student at the O.A.C., Guelph,
was one of the stock judging teams
to visit the Royal Winter Fair, Tor-
onto, and the International Live-
stock Show at Chicago. The O.A.C.
team were fortunate in securing 1st
place in stook judging at the Royal
and eighth place in Chicago. Emer-
son Stanley, of Elginfield, was also
a member of the team and gave a
short address over the radio from
Chicago during the daily agricultur-
al and home dour.
Fire Near Parkhill:
An exploded lantern is held re-
sponsible for a fire which razed the
two large barns of Leslie Hutcheson
West McGillivrag farmer, at an ear-
ly hour on Friday. Loss is estimated
at $4,000. .A. large quantity of feed
and some implements were burned.
All live stock was saved. . Mr. Hut-
cheson was, doing lois chores with the
aid of a -lantern. He hung the light
on a bean and went into another
section of the barn. Whenhereturn-
ed the lantern was in flames, and
fire 'quickly spread into some loose
straaw. Neighbors gatahered at the
scene of the blaze on the 8th con,
but they had no chance° to save the
Chief Has Trouble
Chief of Police Jas. V. Ran, of
Seaforth had a .narrow, escape of ser:
mous injury last week when a trans-
ient, whom he was attempting to ar-
rest, :threw- a pais of'sefasors of liiirnn.
Only -the agility: of the Chief in -throe
wing, ug cn:.arm. saved. him from pc s-°.
sibie facial injuries. The transient,.
had spent the night in the town haat
refused the areal that was offerecl
him, called at it house for a meal, „
and was advised to go to the town -
hall, and was using bad language,,
as the left the hose he picked up the
scissor that Chief Ryan was after
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$100 and over
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Increase your
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Take advantage of this goad'
Rate whale •Obtainable.,
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Herald Printing Office -
year, $strictly in advance; $1.50 int
arrears or $2.0O may be charged. ik .
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon-
tinued until all arrears are paid Ma --
less at option of publisher. The data::
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is deflated on the Label. .
Diisplay advertising made know
on application.
Miscellaneous articles of Snot mere•
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Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One WI
tion 26c, 2 las. 40s., $ int, i0e.
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Professional Cards net iaeeedbl ;
Alii Issas's, per year $6.00.
In Memoriam, one verse 60e, 26t -
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Thanks, 10e.
Auction 'glee -02.00 per allglei�r
Insertion ii' net ever four inches Lux
hddrem ...1l conuistinieatietae tot
• ONTI 1