HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-11-30, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E.TIOLIMES l' iRlg'TER. SOLICITOR, NOT- ART 1131,JBLIC, ETC. fiF 'ICL'—luno lton Street, bust oft :lb Square, GODERICIl[, Ontario, Special Attention to Councei and Court Work. Or. Hollies may be consulted at lasr3exich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed, Or. 11. II. COWEN L. D. B, D. D B. DENTAL SURGEON At DRITZ }3LOCI --7,1131 CCR jyery Thursday., Friday, Saturday dt SARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DAS•IiW OOD Every Monday. Tuesday and W edxnesday i Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex ,tai1 IN A POSITION TOOE - N- du� t any Auction Sale, eam to 'size or article to sell. I solicit Tour business, and if not satisfied will golke no charges for Services Ren- tiered.ARTHUR i 7Da hvdood Mame 13--67. ZTITiChs' Popular --'it . .� A.T 1�J A.uT..E T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh n +d Cur- erl Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides, and Skins YU ng011t & Sou ova Tows Wants, For Ballo, Lost, F..our d9 Notice, Etc. Ads ER MO 00,14104 DE.BE.NTURES FOR SALE The Village of Hensall is offering for .sal; the following Debentures: Debenture No. 11•, _dementia $1000.00. Principal payable .December First, 1�3a. Deteeiture• No. 12; amount .1000,00, Principal, payable December First, 1936. Debenture No. 13, ameant :$1000.00, Principal payable December First, 1937. Debenture No. 14, :amount $1000.00, Principal payable December First, 1938. Coupons. attached.' Interest paid an- nually Rate of Interest 5 /z To pay- able December 1! ixst each year. Will receive .tenders for same up to and including December 15th,1933 Highest or any tender not necessarily • accepted. C. COOK, Treasurer, Village of Hensall. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers L. ' 1<GH CLASS GOODS, U. S�A� • LUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES and Mechenss+al Work I Mrs. E. Gaseho, Zurich. -Marts, Nohning FRIES, MOBILE 01L, MAR - ',for appointments: • +11.i TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION - For Sale Celery Hearts for Sale, in a crate at 50e a crate. Elmore Thiel, Hensall, P.O. LO€.WS.. Mr. Willis Powell of Pxeter was in: town on 'Tuesday, Mr. and :Mrs. AIL Ings of 'Varna were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Trueinner of the 14th, con., entertain to a fow: dinner on 'Tuesday evening. Miss Bertiine Mero left for Wind- sor on Thursday . last, herr brother Jerry accompanying her as far an London. Looking at the can ander we not. ice :th,at we are less than four weeks away from. Christmas, and these few weeks will soon pass. Plan to do your shopping with your local home merchant. Miss Jane Lamont, who recently underwent a serious operation in Victoria Hospital, London, was re- turned to her home here on Sunday aed eve are very happy to state is improving rapidly in health. A very pleasant evening party We: held at the home of Mr. John Decker on Friday evening when his children axid friends gathered for a social ev- ening, which was very pleasantly LCA. NEWS . i *.. nod Mrs. 0. L. Smith motored to Clinton on Friday. Miss Clara Weber of London, is spending a few days with her par- ents, iVLr. and 1Virs. Louis Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Milne Rader, of the 14th eon., treated a number of their friends to a delicious fowl dinner on Tuesday. evening. 1VIr. 3. M. Southeott, editor of the ;peter' Times -Advocate gave us i friendly call last Thursday. 1V1,iss Gladys Harvey of Windsor is visiting with her meth ex, Mrs. Has vey, at the home of Mr. J, Decker. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Tall o' St. Ctharines, who visited with I'1r. and Mrs. C. L. Smi'sh, left for New Hamburg on Monday. As will be noticed in the lova' market reports that goad chickensare still worth their valus, as they'are at present Vic a pound dressed, thet is crate fed birds and over a certai" weight., Mr. O'Brein advises us that some flocks of these choice birds net the producer over a dollara bird, While others around the dollar mark. 1 There :seems to be at present a rather poor market for geese, ;:ucss and tnr keys, buff this will likely pick up !. the nnaltter of a few v•. , In gin exal prices al.:much better thi'e spent. Mrs. Harvey, Mr. Decker's than a year ago. Wheat, all grain, housekeeper, served very splendid refreshments whish was enjoyed by all present. Thursday of this week will be 120 observed .as thanksgiving Day across the line, in the U.S.A., when millions of turkeyswill be consumed to cele- brate this annual event. Likely a number along the boarders -will visit their friends in these parts over the holiday. FOR QUICK SALE 1 Used international Gas Engine, One H. 1'.,. Also a Model A. used car hurter. For quick sale. L. Prang & Son, Zurich. WANTED Saw Logs Wanted. Ash, Hickory, and Rock Elm. Act Quick, Apply to F. C. I(albfleiscb, Zurich. NOTICE TO LADIES; We are now ready to do business in our New Beauty Parlor, in the Oesch Block. We have installed a new large modern Hairdryer and wil.] appreciate your patronage. -Call 130 • tis t0 Micrometer Settings, No 1 FARM grams work. Watch the cars that IS'r•,T)P at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. .imskiwooD ONTARIO Western Farms' Mutual Weailler Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- • 3tJAb COI.-PANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS FIND IN' ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. ';, 31st, 1932, $17,880,723, 'Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. *rte —44.5.0 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klapp ---Zurich Abut Also, Dealer in Lidbteinl Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance LVE BP ouLTRV WANTED Mama every Day till $ o'clock, p.m. Ma not feed Fowl sedan morning when brought -ins :hest Cask Prices --CASH FOR --- CREAM AN Jrr) EGGS W. 013rien Intone 101, Res. 94, Zurich FOR SALE On Blind Line, Hay Township, con- sisting of 100 acres; 15 acres are sown to fall wheat, 30 acres plow- ing done. There is on the farm good buildings, two neverfailing spring wells, farm is well fenced and well draine d. Also Part -Lot 26, Concession 10, Hay Township, containing 25 acres, partly under cultivation, balance in grass. Above farms can be pur- chased separately if desired. Apply to Proprietor, John McBride, R.R.. 1, Zurich. Huron County Council Meeting beans and l.,s are nearly twice as tush as ia year, sorry that the .rattle n1_::: is o 1-^d. bio vr- good qualit, is What our m. r... now demand, and then a fairly, good arise can he . c • -arl. Let us "r.east hopeful, better t.... • • . 0,1 come, p. • • • • •Mra.e Ie0,,Mw*awtrw”0011100011.00010140010 u.......I r Kees your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mashes. None Better on the NTaar"kegs To.Day! COAL COAL • PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES =' STOCK FOODS Implement Repairs � WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU. i CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME 1 PRICES "We do Custom . Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L. Schilbe & Son 14140.411004111141811111059134/1141b 30)0400410041 et7011140440440a4hKetila riablANMANWEANAMWtoVIMMAIWAVINW: ti I'fj�j as HENSALL Mrs. Smith and son and. daughter The dwelling pant of the new are moving from the house on Ring Schilhe block is now about ready to St• to.rthe neat dwelling on Riclmnond St., west; which they have: rentccl front Lloyd Hudson. Mrs. John Johnston and slaughter Margaret have .returned from at- tending the graduation exercise, of Miss Margaret Douglas, who gradu- be occupied, only a few inside touch- es, and this will indeed make a fine home for Mr. and Mrs. Schilbe. At the i-iaist block workmen are busy putting on the wall board, and the interrior trimmings of the dwelling, ted from the Memorial Hospital at as well as the store. It will still be al several weeks till completed. , St.. Thomas recently. They also vis- - - a ited with friends in London. The Many friends of Duncan Mc - The fine rains over the week -end Maritin are sorry to hear the:: h' i have treacly helped in supplying the confined to his room and is seriously people wish water. Many wells we- 211. , re dry, and many others nearly so. Mrs. T. C. Joynt, who was taken But with the snow going away with, -to the Clinton hospital a few weeks the rain, it made considerable water ago in a serious condi; ion from heart which shsould e'art the tile drains to lineable, is recovering nicely' and her run and also help the wells, and of - friends are hoping she will. soon be course most cisterns are now again able to return home. filled up. - 1 Archie Bender of Grand Bend, was a recent visitor in town, The annual public service of the ; Mrs. Wes. Harvey of London at - Evangelical W. M. S. was held las'. tended the funeral of her sister -in - Sunday evening and was very ;arge'y law, the late Mrs.. Harry Jacobi. .attended. Special music was provid-1 Mr. Roy Weber made a business ed by the choir and by Mrs. M. Tie- ,gip to London through the heavy man, and her brother, Mr. Harry' roads. He has sold quite a number Hoffman, both of 'Dashwood. Miss I of indios 'lately. • Lylyan Martin gave a ..p1endid reed- .Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beattie and ing for the occasion, and Rev. E. Miss Elizabeth Harvey of Egmonn.d- Burn preached on "A Great Woman" 1ville, were here last week.attending 2 Kings: 4-8. It was indeed a fine the funeral of the late MreJacobi. service. Mr. and kers. Ross Dick of Tor- onto were visitors with relatives here Mrs. Dick intends remaining till af- ter Christmas. At the reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. John Bean in the Town Hal1'the The last few weeks we hear a 'rxe it deal abeut the unusual early winter 'which set in this year the • early peat of November, we are how- : ever grateful to this bis of inform- other evening, the young couple were ation given us by one of our older given a number of handsome Pres - residents of town, namely, Mr. John Gillman, Sr., we advises us that in years gone by the weatherman has always varied at times. The earliest winter he can remember .was in 1868 when winter set in on October 10th, and was a long winter. Then he al- so recalls that in 1882 there was no winter at all, had no snow and the farmers could do plowing every month of the year, So when we have a mild winter scientists tell us that the earth is getting warmer, and then when a cold and hard winter follows we are told that the earth is gutting colder, and that humanity and vegitation will be extinct in the matter of time. But when we look up these back data. we cannot help but admit that the weather is at present as uncertain and changeable as ever. The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber, Court House, Godcrich, at 2 o'clock, in the adternoon on Tuesday, the with day of December, 1933. All accounts, notices of deputat- ions, or applications and other imp- ortant business requiring attention at this Meeting of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the: Monday previous to the meeting of C'o;nn.�ciL Dated at Godericin this Gth day of November, 1933, THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT is ever ready to serve the pub. with Conunerciat and fine Printing. Get our prices be - Amos leaving you. Olde' elm. Geo. W. Holman. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are mow tea a position 'to take cream and eggs at ray home at Zur- ich, fee vidale'le we ,will pay highest market prices.. We will grade your eggs as we receive *, and pay se- cordinxg to grading gave vz a trial. First leouse saves of Dominion Hotel 'I.. I'£_iltieyerse Phone 11'x, Zurich Winter .er Fair . - Dates Royal Winter ,Nov. 22 to 80. +xr, 'Toronto— () ,! nn'io Procinci'1 Winter IGhelpli—Dacerniie.c a to I- ent;, including a kitchea cauinet, floor lamp and a clay bed. There was' a lar ge crowd present. A very pleasant evening Was sp- ent at the home of Mrs. R. Green, London, when a number of girl fri- ends riends of Muriel. Carlile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlile, Hen- sell, ensall, bride -elect, presented her with a kitchen shower in ,Ivory antgreen A very enjoyable time was spent in a , oc'.al hour, followed by a delicious William Luker, life-long resident of Hensall, passed away Friday night in Iii.; 61.rt year, following an illness of several weeks. He was a son of the late William Luker. Besides his he is survived by one daughter Gladys, at hone, one brother, Thom as, :in the West, and two sisters, 1VIrs. S. Nicholson from Bridges and Mrs. Margaret McDougall, of Wallaceburg: Tlie funeral was being held with in- terment in Exeter Cemetery, Rev. A. Sinclair officiating, There passed away at her home on November 18th, Mrs. Henry Jacobi, aged 68 years. She. had lived alone and was not noticed by neighbors en Friday moaning and on investigating she was found lying on the floor of the kitchen, having suffered a stroke. Medical Whelp was immediately sent for and her son Harvey summoned, but she never rallied and passed. away Saturday afternoon. She was born et Bowananville, the daughter of the late Joseph Harvey and when a yo- ung girl, removed with her parents to Stanley townships After their mar- riage they lived a while in Hensall, where her husband conducted a har- ness shoji, later moving to C'hiselhurst on a farm, where the husband died about eight_ years ago. Deceased leav- es to mourn her loss, one son, Harvey of Ohiselhu at; two sisters of Fig- nnondville, and one brother, Albert Harvey of Kipper.. Her death pc- currecl on the anniversary of her birth. The funeral was - held private on Tuesday to Exeter cemetery, Rev. A. Sinclair, officiating:. , ase -30 eta Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a fell Line of all the -requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS : Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - 0 - CEDE = We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs.' Dr At •J. MacKinnon, Zurich ,4,,okftwmmpmmm WORRAW PIMP, WRAP klZ, LIKES ZURICH MEAT Some months ago when Mr. N. B. Vickers, a prominent business man of Drumheller, Alberta, was in Zurich, he left an order for a shipment of meat with H. Yungblut & Son, which in due time was made up and sent out. The order consisted of sausages, cured hams, etc. And the other day Mr. Yungblut received the following communication from Mr. Vickers:— ;Dear Sis: Just received the barrel of meat, many thanks for your tro- able, I unpacked it last night, it cer- tainly looks fine, we are having saus- age for dinner today. Ann enolosinng accepted cheeque covering the a- mount. Give nny best wishes to, all know in Zurich ,Tell Uncle John. Hey I'll write them a;:letter soon. We are having. very :mild weather after had, roads a 'e d the winter w , the re very bad off the gravel. It is much like spring now, the robins are here yet. The mines. .are. not w'orkintg very steady just•'n.ow, which effects our business. Rope we are able to Fait, get another barrelof meat next year and thanks a lot for this one.—N. B. tliekers. Nov. ,23, 1933. t•r9••m•%,e•®a,♦c-a•---4-1a.aw,...,au..00a0.40 -00.400,00000.00®e♦0Qr44. • • A • • • •• • • •• t • • • 4, • • • 0 • e • • • • • • • • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape.. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record Toronto Daily Globe Toronto Daily Mail and Toronto Daily Star Toronto Weekly Star London Free Press London Advertiser London, Farmer's Advocate Farm and Dairy Farmers Sun Family Herald and Weekly Star Family Herald for 3 years Canadian Countryman fan .. Weekly Witness Farmers' Magazine ...... Huron Expositor, Seaforth And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can save you money es the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our $5.10 $6.00 Empire $6.00 $7.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $2.25 $2.75 $2.50 $2.25 $3.00 2.25 a1.15 $2.50 $2.75 • Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••e0041 • • • • • t •T • • • ••a • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iii 1