Zurich Herald, 1933-11-30, Page 1ER Vol. XXX V Nol, 2i ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, 'NOVEMBER 30 1933. Chester L. Smith., Publiokatk. 1[1426 a year, U.S. .$1.50 a lava* $1.5o IN ARREA RS. $2 MAY in ORAMIlett Make the Ads1 in the Herald your guide for your Fall Purchases In a school race in Nebraska. one entry from an Indian achooi was named Noah Brokenlez., In spite of that apparent handicap he won the mile race. MODEL TOWNSHIP The legislators of the Modell] Team. - ship of Goderich, Huron County, had good news to the ratepayers on Fr -1 - day when they gathered at the Town Hall, at IllohnesmilTeL. They were told by Reeve Wilmot Haake and his four henchmen that in the past three years since the present Reeve assumed office, the tax rate had been reduced. ITOITE 4 1.-5 rains to 2 mills, a reduction of 55 per cent The township is free of •debt, There were no legal fees paid in -1933, and only $117 was spent en relief'. LEAVES $19;.2.S91' ESTATE Michael J. Maloney, .Loncian, -who died on Nevember ard,. left $19,259. according to letters or administrat- ion filed in surrogate, court in that city. He died without leaving a will. Under the administration. half the estate goes to Ms widaw;, Mrs. Brid- get Maloney, and hall to his son, (Father) John Thomas Maloney, of London. Mr. 1V1afertey'k entire estate consists of personal property, mostly sash in. the bank and securities. He held no real estate. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — Chaagoless Chrlot far a Ckang- Lag Wavle Friday, 8h:—Luther Lwow Saturday—Choir Praelkleta, SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Garensia Smoke. 11.15 aan.—Stunte.y School. 7.30 p.m.—Enclisk &Melee., 7-1Einerybocly Wolcoakir all ShorrEitaa, E. TU7710111011±....raduir, Blue Scrantam Coal ALL SIZES etroleum Coke, emet Solvay .Ceke, Genuine Rosedale Alli!erta. Lump Pocahontas and. Mill -sr Creek, always ort hand. _AGRICULTURAL TIL1E and BRICK., /Highest CASE price pa dd far Eggs on a Graded %Siff- . DRIED APPLES WANTED (Must he dry and knight) W. R. DAVIDSON Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. NowlShowing—"Storm at Daybreak',, with Walter Huiston, Kay Francis, Niles After. Tecnicolor, Musical Review. Mon., Tues., Wed.. Dec. 4, 5, 6 WALLS OF GOLD Witb Sally Eilers, Norman, Foster Corning—"Ace of Aces" with Rich- ard Dix. Lillian Harvey in "My Lips Betray". ANOTHER SUSPEND SENTENCE Robert Higgins, of Hensali, Huron County auditor, was found guilty of accepting a bribe of $50 to falsify his - report and to conceal shortages in the accounts of Gordon Young, former County Treasurer, and was given one month's suspended sen- tence by Ju.dge Costello in the ad- journed session of the County Jud- ge's Criminal Court which was held last Thursday. ANNUAL REPORT Readily maintaining its usual str- ong position, the Bank of Montreal is forwarding to shareholders the an- nual statement for the fiscal year to October 31st. The summaty of the report, which is issued in an under- standable form and appears :a this issue, shows the Bank had total as- sets of $768,535,908, to meet pay- ment of total liabilities to the public of $692,218,818, leaving an excess 13f assets amounting to $76,317,090. ••••••••••••111•••••11111111M.10 Properly Fitted Glasses C. E. ZURBRIGG, R. 0. Will be at Hess' Jewelery Store, Every Tuesday evening, to fit you with glasses. PRICES MODERATE CARD O1 THANKS We wish to take this medium of greatly thanking our many friends for the kind assistances rendered during our loss by fire, all#ose who helped in the moving, and. in the re- building of our new place of business and again wish to say Thank You! Come and see us in our new Block, where we will be pleased to serve you! H. Yurtgblut &. Son. al Former Resident Passes , There passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. T. J. O'Reilly, 908 Watdrloo st., London, Mr4 Michael Maloney, in hiS'' 76th .yedir. Mr. Maloney was for many years a re- sident of the Blue' Water Highway, having owned and lived on ;13.e farm gifts will be one of the interesting now occupied by Mr. Fred Ducharme, ' gems. till about twenty years ago} he sold oMrs. Jacob Gingerich of the Gosh - ars was out West, oraine.back to ut, and for a goodly numb4r of ye -1 en Line, South, and who was cre- Ontario he stayed most of his time cently taken to St. Joseph's Hospit- • Mr. Jerry Mero spent Tuesday in Goderich. Mrs. W. J. Merner is spending a few days in Elmira this week. Mrs. S. Jacobe entertained to a fowl supper on Monday evening. Miss Verlyn. Thiel spent the week- end with Miss Elda Stephan of the Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey .of Detroit, spent the week -end with their parents near St. Joseph. Mr. Calvin Williams, Miss Ethel Williams and Mrs. W. C. Wagner motored to London on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido and daughter Dorothy and Mr. Jim John- ston motored to London on Wednes- day. Misses Nelda and Violet Schwalm of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont motored to London on Sunday, returning with the former's sister, Miss Jane La- mont, who was confined in the hos- pital in that city. The Zurich Branch of the Wornens' Institute will hold their monthly meeting on Monday evening, Decem- ber 4th. Exchange of Christmas with his sister at London. He passed London, for treatment, has return - a APPLICATIONS? away on Friday November 3rd, and ed home, nd is gaining her strength the funeral was held to St Peter's back very rapidly. Applications are being asked for through the press for the positions of clerk and treasurer for the. County of *Huron. It is quite possible that a couple of applications will be made from this community. There is rumor that Mr. James Ballantyne, Reeve of Usborne and Warden of the County will be an applicant for the position of treasurer. It has been princip- ally through the untiring and deter- mined efforts of Mr. Ballantyne that an exposure has been made of the financial conditions of the County.' —Exeter Times -Advocate. In Police Court A butcher knife and a poker were on Monday last produced in Goder- ich as exhibits in an assault charge which Charles Bell faced in police count The complaint was his 21-vr.- old son. No damages was done, the evidence disclosed, the mother of the young man mtepping in between the son and his father during an alter- -cation. Evidence also was given that the son struck first and that there was a degree of provocation. The .complaint blamedhornebrew beer for the trouble and this fezItrre of the case is under investigatfon, the home 'having been declared a public place some time ago. Phone No. I�HENSALlta NT. Pfiassey-Marris Sales and Sorvice * TIRES, BATTERIES, OIL at Live arid let Live Prices. Order your pulirer kiiRes and Grinder plates' now and 4 save exprem How about a plow deal? Would be plea -sed to demonstrate itlie new No. 7 A. Walking plow, or a Disc Plevar-With you. Your REPAIR ACCOUNTS are past due; Plea -sem -am/ - fed your appreciation by settling before Oct, 1st; as we have Heavy Payments to meet. theMdiiiiery Al -ways on Rand Tel, 'Shop 49 Ki PP St SOWS • I Auctioneer BETI ++ $, +.; cemetery, with high mass :at St.! Mr. Louis Brisson of Windsor, was Michael's church en Monday morn- a week -end visitor with relatives on ing Nov. Gth. Besides his brothers the Blue Water Highway, and called and sisters he is survived by his wid- in. Zurich on Monday. Mr. Brisson ow, Mrs. Bridget Maloney of Detroit advises us that things are not picking and one son, John, (Father) Maloney up very rapidly in the Border Cities. of London. Mr. C. E. Zurbrigg of Lucan, the only optician who visits Zurich re- HILLSGREEN The W. M. S. held. their Thank - offering Service on Sunday afternoon in the Hillsgreen church Miss E. Sperling from China, was; the guest speaker and gave an address on twenty Years Ago aud Now, in China." M:ss,Ekina Cochrane sang a solo "Somebody Who. Knows,'" Miss Dolly Hagan returned to her home,after spending some time in Clinton ilosOtal wa'tine; on Mrs. C. Joynt,- who has been etiouiy ill. but is now improving. Mrs. A. Love of Hoven, returned to her home, after Spendiag a few days with her son Gordon, owing to the illness of their infaet daughter, who is improving with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. Mrs. Nellie Granville and daugh- ter Margaret, returned to the Klon- dike after spending a few days in his vicinity. A number attended the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Luker or Ilensall, on Monday aftornoon. Richardson---Carlile--A happy ev- ent took place in Hensall on Satur- day, November 25th. when Miss Muriel Carlisle, eldest ddlighter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson (.7arlh1e Was happily married to Wesley Richard- son of the Parrr Line. Miss Ida Swartzentruher and Mrs. Christ. Hey were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Gingerich. We regret to report the death of Mrs. William Nethercott, of ScienceHill. She was rormerly Catharine Ann Kennard, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Ken- nard, who lived some two miles east of Hillsgreen. Her death took place on Friday, November 17th, at her late home. Interment was made in the tlillsgree.0 cemetery on Monday afternoon last. She leaves to 'mount her loz,s her husband, one sister,Mrs Rebert Dew, of Snowflake, Man., and two brothers hi British Columbia. The 'late Mrs. Nethercott was a cow, Church, this Thursday morning, with Robert Parson;. nev. Father L. Power otrxeintima gularly, wishes to advise the public that he will be at the Hess Jewellery store every Tuesday evening when the roads are passable from Zurich to Lucan. The Sale of Candy, etc., put on in the Johnton & Kalbfleisch store, by the members of the Luther League of the Lutheran Church on Saturday met with wonderful success. Shortly after they opened for business they I were sold out ..and the late comers received nothing more than a dis- sapointment. We trust next time this splendid organization puts on such an event that they will have enough to go a little farther in sup- plying the public; as their sample of candy just suits our palate. Messrs, H. r 'anent and son mov- ed their butcher business on Thurs- day from the Deitz block to their new quarters opposite the street, where they have a tine up-to-date place to do business in. The large electric refrigerator was also taken over on Thursday, and the place they vacated in the Deitz block is now empty, but Mr. Deitz advises us that he has several prospects of tenants, and with the. bright outlook Of the future as we are told, surely soniething will develop to keep this very attractive business stand busy. OBITUARY Death removed an aged and highly respected old lady on Monday, Nov- ember 27th, at the home of her dau- ghter, Mrs. Joseph Foster, of the Babylon Line, in the person of Rose Ycalt, aged 78 years, 4 months and 11 days. Cause of death, old age. Deceased, who was ill only a very short time, had been a resident of this community for about six years, and had many close friends. She spent the greater part of her life in the State of Michigan, who her hus- band had predeceased. Was born •in Germany and when young came to America. Two daughters in thps parts survive, Mrs. joseph Foster of the Babylon line, and Mrs, Lang Fos- ter of Blake. The funeral is being held to the St. Boniface, Il. C. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00000.000**** • • • • • • • • • BRIDAL WREATH Diamond and Wedding Rings THEY CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR APPEARANCE, QUALITY AND PRICE. • DIAMOND SET FROM aP WEDDNG RINGS F $20 00 I P IROM $5.00 UP • , I Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 BEAUTIFULLY BOXED Zurich lie0e0SSOINHOO•41601111116eisoimm sosesiessevietillIOSOIMOCAMMAK. .0 v' A ars t • 4 4 4 64 44 0.4 4 4.0 4. 4> 00 41.44 41.••• NEW SAMPLES HAVE ARRIVED WONDERFUL RANGE ADE -TO -MEASURE $1650 up T T i Splendid Range Men's Overcoate $12.00 up, Wo Zoffman EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL. DIRECTORS 04:4.1#4,4,q -i,..4-40.11,4,04,444414,4:-. 45f.. Th.• assuassiosumnaramaaaramenearannessistuasiameam=a=m72,111=zIMW Cold eather • s, eed We have the Goods in stock that you require for tile Cold Weather, Such as Woolen Windbreakers, Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blankets, Dress Goods„ flannel- ettes, Military Flannels, Etc., Etc. Also Stockings, Socks, Mitts, Gloves, Mens, Bays and Childrens' Heavy Rubbers, Sweater Coats ancl P - Over Sweaters. Hardware, Halters and Harness, Repairs, Special Prices on Overalls and Shirts. Highest Prices Paid for Good Bright Dried Apples:, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND.. R. N. DOUGLAS Q EN EN. AL OE-AfIT PHONE 11 -97 BLAK TY. '!;•'.. 4