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Zurich Herald, 1933-11-16, Page 8
THE STORE E WI fH THE • STOCK �. ECIALS IN NEW FALL GOODS Ladies' Jersey Dresses, only 9 left in stock Clearing at ...,$2, and..2.75 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose, all sizes and colors, pr..39c Girls', all wool pullovers, Sizes 20 to 34, each 75c Grey all wool blankets, large size, each 2.25 Macknaw Flannels 12 pieces to choose from, yd 29c No. 1 quality Wheeling yarn, lb. 80c New Stamped Mats in Great Variety of New Patterns. See Our Display. MEN'S WEAR Clearing line Fleeced Underwear in broken sizes Men's Shirts and Drawers, each 59c Boys' Shirts and Drawers, each 29c to 43c Men's Combinations for Fall Wear, each at: 1.25, 1.45, 1.50, 2.50 1.45 each 2.85 25c Men's Work Sweaters, at each Men's Navy Mackinaw Coats, Men's Work Sox, all wool at EVERYTHING IN FRESH GROCERIES AT LOW- EST POSSIBLE PRICES J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 WE SELL THE'BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday P. •& G. SOAP,_, 7 bars for PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 Cakes for Rice, 4 lbs. for FANCY Red .Cohoe Salmon, 1 Ib. tin CROSS & BLACKWELL Catsup, 14 -oz. bottle Handy Ammonia, 4 pkgs. for GRAPE NUT Flakes, 2 pkgs. ROLLED WHEAT BERRIES 514 BAKER COCOA, Half Tin Australian Sultana Raissins, 2 lbs. NEW '.Cleaned Currants, 2 ,lbs. New Peel Iemon and Orange, per ib. New 'Citron Peel, per Ib. Woke Glace Cherries, per lb. - -4'5c 19t 25c 25c 29c rsc 25c '21e 25c 15c 25c 2'9e 20c 29c Bags 14EN'S HEAVY SWEATER COATS at $1.00, $1.25, $L35. MEN'S Eancy Sweater Coats, Jumbo Knit. all wool at .$2.50 LAMM' ' :Salk over Wool Hosiery, . at 29c., 39c., 50c., '75c. pr. LADIES' VESTS and BLOOMERS, All Wool 75c. Garment All Wool Fancy Creek Blanket, large Size, pair .SD i 0 W.MRNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 w INVEST WITH CONFIDENCE Savers in Canada, the United States and Great Britain Nero have invested in Huron and Erie Debentures Over . $29,000,000 These debentures are issued for $100 and over for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 Years, to earn 5% Per Annum, Payable Half -Yearly.: . Applications are accepted by Andrew F. Hess, Huron - and Erie Representative for over 15 Years. Andrew F. Hess, : - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY. Have You MADE YOUR WILL? E S fi ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Huron Clerk's Resignation Asked by Warden The final report of the special and- utor appointed to straighten out the financial muddle in the County Treasurer's accounts was presented on Tuesday last. Accountant Gibbs charges in the report .that the County Clerk refused to co-operate and fail- ed to offer any assistance in the work of clearing up .the trouble. The Clerk bas been asked to resign by the Warden, Nov. 30th being the date, set when the resignation takes place. Auditor Gibbs sets the short- age in the treasurer's books at $11,- 523, "how much more it was impos- sible to say," he affirmed. More Committed to Bruce County Jail. • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 Your Winter's_ Fuel WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY BEST OF FUELS FOR THE COLD WINTER WEATHER; ANTHRACITE COAL IN THE VARIOUS SIZES.. ALSO HAVE A GOOD GRADE OF COKE. LET US FILL YOUR BIN! AND DON'T FORGET WE HAVE A LARGE RANGE OF HEAT- ING STOVES, JUST THE RIGHT SIZE FOR YOUR HOUSE. OR BETTER STILL, LET US PUT IN A NEW HECLA FURNACE WHICH MAKES A HOME EVEN MORE COMFORTABLE. • .Records compiled at Bruce County jail show that crime in the :county is on •the increase., . The 10th annual report issued by Governor Hyndman shows that during the year .144 per- sons, three of them women_, were con- fined in the county jail. --44 of 'the rmen and all the women were married Of the number in jail 132:were.nat- ive-born Canadians, the remainder being English seven, Scottish one; 2 Americans, and others two. Religious denominations represented were Un- ited Church 44, Presbyterians 36, Anglicans 26, Roman Catholics. 21, Baptists three, others 11. Only 3 were illerate. Some satisfaction is derived from the knowledge that the cost of feeding prisoners was only 4 cents per meal. 19 were committed to the Ontario reformatory and twe to Kingston penitentiary. BUSY FARMER NEWS Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing . ;Supplies. , and, Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes. z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs " ancl Beds. Felt and 'Marshall ' Mattresses + •SAM* f. Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and 'Tinsmnith- ing our Specialty. Full line .rf heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. . - .. ..•a,:. STADE & WEIDO ZURaC-H ON ■ . QUALITY -- PRICE -- SERVICE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter lb. ....... ............ 24 37-32-15 62 40 40 2.00-2.90 20:00 20.00 29-23=15 Eggs Wheat, bush. Barley, bushel Buckwheat, bush. Flour, cwt. Shorts, ton Bran,, ton Eggs into ..roup are almost sure to follow. During. the winter months the breed- ing turkeys should receiveorts, t on Brau,, tions, as they have a tendancy to become, over fat if: well fed ;,Hard grain,. should be given in preference to .mash or ground grains. Equal parts,;of oats, wheat and buckwheat.] are quite suitable during the cold months, but when the weather moder aites in spring, the buckwheat should be discontinued. . Once daily duriing winter is orten enough to feed, and fresh, water should be• provided at least once :a day. . Get Rid of the Barnyard Boarders in preparing for housing the stock for winter, all surplus work horses, finished beef cattle, boarder dairy COWS or decidedly poor type heifers, old ewes and old saws should be cul- led out and disposed of to the best advantage. Overhaul the Farm Plant Now is the tine for farmers to pay attention to their business. Slacken a.11 bands on stave silos; repair any leaks in the roofs, check up on storm sashes; fit them, and repair broken glass; clean out all trap gullies; tho- roughly, flush drains, clean out root cellar 'ventitarors, fresh air' intakes and foul air outlets in barns, stables,i }riggenies and poultry houses; thoro- ughly inspeet and overhaul the water ,upply, if a pump 'ervice cheek. •up on .the valves, in a pressure supply'1 s� 'see that all pipes ,and tanks. are pro= •ferably. clover. 9r. alfalfa, teeted' :front. frO4 rf you have milk give •the pullets' • what they will take. 'Turkeys in Winter c.. a Breeding turkeys should not be 014 Bre near laying by themseIves. confined to houses during the winter Gave t bre eveii`y EMtt ©"i' 4114at-rtG months but allowed to roam at will 'teatibn--tb.ey'•--are %be Money makers luring the day. The Only shelter Your treatment Oi' • the pullets .now that is required for them at night•is may mean profit or loss for the rest a` straw barn or closed -in shed.They of the year. hould not be kept in a draughty 'Dispose of hens too old or pullets 'lace, but any building that will pro- ide ,siieltcr from wind, rain and --ow is quite suitable. Never house orkoy.s with h,•r,s or in heated Nous-• es, because colds which later develop Thur:;dr»1935 ilartiwore : and. Furniturs STORE ._ • For One Month' Only •� "W�e are•� offer- ing a 1-ih. Tin of Polior F:loo Wax with a Tin of Nugget Shoe Polish for only 50 cents We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat.. tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain * Prices. Be sure ,and get your supply PP.y before they nee All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. • Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. Johnston do Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 88 *++++ •t+++++++++++*a+.****+++*4•++++moi++++++4* ►e, GIVINIWNINIIII !(NINI NISIIIHNIN IIIIIIiIIIINIUMIIIINIMIHIlHIB iHMINI H(Nifil&lINIII iRRI NIHIIHtlIIIfNIIIIIHliflalkl14111NUNlNl ONO E. THESE PRICES subject to change' without Notice Rerimming Wagon Wheels, per set Wagon Axle, each . $5.00 I Wagon Tongue each r. " E. Tongue, Harrows, each • ' $3.00 $1.50 Bolster with Stakes at $3.00 Wagon Reach, long 1.50, Short ... $1,.25 Spokes, each at .50 Double Tree,.. each Whipple Tree •...... .75 50 HESS, .the. Bepair Man � ssataNliill li11151g1. ldNINSNNIiNi'16?;11�HlNIFYIIRIINNINNIMN{fSiRNNNNRgN�er'rc y4'+;II N;NNi�IRIRI Well -Finished Beef Cattle ;v ; •• Will Never 'Stagnate Market iv stagnation; in my .e'atim- 5d4on", 'said 'Ga nest' H.- Duncan, live- atock investigator,, Ont: Marketing Board, "will never be caused by well - finished cattle. "In a survey of the left -overs, I have found 'that the good, type. well -finished stocker, we- ighing about 900 poundds, has been allowed to follow the finished anim- al to the abbatoir, when it should have been returuned to the feed lot. Too many in-betweens are being taken back to the farm. These are aften in rough condition, ill-bred and, in many cases, ill -fed. Many of them should never have lived beyond the veal stage. With the good ab- batoir, and the in-betweens being re- turned to ;the farm, it would seem that it is merely a question of time before all sales promotion efforts, of the pas . twenty years, will be in vain. Statistics show we are feeding about 40 per cent less cattle this year than lost, with supplies clean- ing irp and prospects of better pric- es. It would seem that .farmers hay= ing feed to do so, should feed up all good stockers. Hints for the Poultryman In order to have pullets iaying at. their best in November and Decem- ber, 'the months of high priced eggs, the following points shiuld be •ob- served accordingly to the . Dominion Poultry_ Husbandman: See that the pullets have dry and bright quarters. Have .the houses clean and sant- ary' wiithoit draught. Give a well:balanced •ratidn and be sure t ogive enough. Dont forget', t`h.e green feed, p e - Z WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed to, lighter Oise and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze?.. Run in your car and let us do this very Important thing Right Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand In large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul .robs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonalbe. H. Mousseau Zurich N44. **********:0+fi•*+*+4441*404444.44 ++++41*Y IN**«i Keep the laying pullets or those too young, it costs too much to feed them. '[ho time of st:r rcity is the tirno 'to arrange for your market :Or the whole year, ERALD OFFICE Do You Knaw?orir ...That I am the Master. Salesman! I: the herald of . Succe's's fo aril ,'nn,Mere a�fi't ' l\ anufacturer; Etc+ I, go, fob t t or d, hi !vi Q ell the VV_ , t sage `of servlet ;� $oax lllerchandisinnt And the "World listens when 1:speakcl For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into heir coffers. 1 cMnmsnd the lege:ona of fashion, .mould the stylets '."ls..... and lead the World whithersoever I go! 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest l I am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is ADVERTISE!