HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-11-16, Page 7A SIMPLE QUICK WAY TO RELIEVE ASID STOMACH HERE ARE THE SIGNS: Nervousness Frequent 1;-1'eadaehea Neuralgia Feeling of Weakness indigestion Sleeplessness Lass of Appetite Mouth Acidity Nausea Sour Stomach Auto -Intoxication WHAT TO DO FOR IT: TAKE -2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Mag- nesia in a glass of water every morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. 011—Take the recti , Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets - ane tablet for each teaspoonful as di- rected above. If you have' Acid ' Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Philips' Milk of Magnesia acts of once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. But—be careful you get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy— genuine PHILLIPS' Milk of Mag- nesia. See that the name "PHIL- LIPS' is on the label. ALSO IN TABLET FORM Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. MADE IN CANADA Phillips' Milk of Magnesia OFF -DAYS • :You'll find renewed vigor in a sparkling . glass of Many More Cars Bought By Italians Rome.—The number of motor -vehi- cles is increasing in Italy at the rate of about 10,000 a year. Between 1931 and 1932 the increase was nearly 20,- 000. The total for motor vehicles of all kinds is 453,995 up to the end of March. At the end of March there were 230,768 automobiles in circulation iu Italy, including public taxis. This figure is almost half the total of the automotive vehicles in the country; Milan has the n.ost automobiles with 27,000, which is nearly as many as the whole •region of Piedmont con- tains. The region of Italy with the greatest number of cars is Lom- bardy with 60,140. Rome has 18,500 autos out of a total of 20,000 for the region of Latium. Back of the Neck To Come Into View New York.—Prices and wages and everything else are going up this fall. so hair styles are, too, the Nems York Hairdresser? and Cosmetologists' As- sociation says. At the opening of the association's convention higher coif- fures were shown. Curls -will be bank- ed on, top of the head this year. "The upward movement pays the leading role in the season's coiffures," the demonstrator said. "The back of the neck hasn't really been seen for lithe past seven years. It disappeared dike women's ears, which have been back now for some tirne. Now we 'shall see the back of the neck once 'more." Deep pushing—'tis wiser than sitting aside, And sighing and watching and waiting the tide. In. life's earnest battle they only pre - Vail, Who always march onward and never say fail: Friend ---"Say, old chap, you'd best cut loose from that Jones girl. She has a ferocious temper and so has her mother," Victim—"Y-y-yes. But that's j -just why I dassan't cut loose from her." Man—Is that new watch dog of yours any good?" Neighbor—"I'll say! If you hear a suspicious noise at night, you've only got to wake him and he barks." "Hallo, 'old boy!" cried Jones, ef- fusively. "I, hear you're going to get married. Congratulations." . "You've made a mistake," replied Jones. "I am not getting married." "No? Ah, well, heartier congratula- tions still!" A farmer ,was asked the other day how he found the weather out at his place. He replied, "Oh, I just looked outside the house and there it was." The Sweet Young Thing entered the office of a fashionable dog kennel and tripped ue to the handsome young man, at the desk: Sweet Young Thing (cooing) — "I want a pet." • Handsome Young Man (sadly)—"I'd love to, but the boss is very strict." I A canny Scot telegraphed a pro- posal of marriage to his sweetheart back in the country. After waiting all day at the telegraph office for his re- ply, he received an affirmative answer late at night. "Well, if I were you," said the tele- graph operator who delivered the message, "I'd think twice before I married a girl who kept me waiting so long for au answer." "Na, na," he replied. "The lass for me is the lass who waits for the night rates." Nice Quiet Game • Mrs. Robinson could never take her husbands golf seriously. She was one of those•people to whom all games are a mystery. One day she accompanied him to the links and followed -him round, grumbling all the way. At last he landed in a btinker, and spent some time floundering about in the sand. His wife sat down on the top of the bunker, opened a novel, and said, quite affably, "You see, darling, I knew per- fectly well you could do all your play- ing in one place if you wanted to. A man stepped up to a grocer's cigar counter and bought two ten -cent cigars. A Scotchman who was wait- ing to be served pushed forward. Scotchman—"you sell those cigars three for a quarter, don't you?" Grocer—"Yes. Scotchman—"Well, here's a nickel, I'Il take the other one." Jerry --"So your grandpa has a very bad case of hay fever?" Larry — "He sure has. He even sneezes every time he passes a grass widow." Old Ragson Tatters from Brushville says: "There are two kinds of people, good and bad, The classifying is usual- ly done by the good." The following fish story is going the rounds: A man vows that riot long PINNED TO BED BV LUMBAGO Scarcely Moved for Weeks Thanks .Kruschen for Return to Fitness Acting on his principle of "when you know a good thing tell your ;friends about it," a man who has had very bad lumbago writes as follows:— I suffered from lumbago in my back, and for weeks could scarcely move in bed. I had treatment, but it did not ease the pain very much. A friend Bald, 'Why man! Why not take Iirus- then Salts? Take them every morn - Pig, and you'll find you will get relief from that awful pain in your back.' So have taken them every morning. This is the second bottle I have had, and I am in fit condition for my work again—thanks to the Kruschen. I will urely tell my friends about Kruschen lfialts. I will never be the without m In my house."—C. B. Why is it that lumbago, backache, !rheumatism and indigestion all yield so swiftly to Kruschen Salts? What le the secret of Krliscben`s effective Bess against the whole army of com- mon complaints? The secret is an open one. It Is re- vealed In the ahalysis on the bottle— for physicians and everyone else to see. Six vital mineral salts. That is the secret. The identical six salts that Nature. ordains for your bodily .well- being. Each of these six salts has an action of its own. Where one cannot penetrate another can — and does. Stomach, liver, kidneys and digestive tract are all benefitted and toned up to a topnotch condition of efficiency. Iirusclreli Salts is obtainable at all Drug stores at 45e. and 75c. per bottle. All packages now con- tain more tobacco; It Pays t0 "Roll Your Own"wjth 1 Turret Fine Cum Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited 14 18 24 29 34 37 40 43 OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE iiimiiii Iiiiiiiiiiii iiiii/ 411 ii-,aiiii 11 _vain! - an imp' 11111111 iiiiiii/ ,iiling" II 111111 1111111 Horizontal • 1—Digger 6—Boxed 11—Mother of Dionysos 12—Lessened 14—Outer garment 15—Worked hard 17—Note of scale 18—Blackbird 19—Active 20—Cask 21—French article 22—Follower of Arius 23—Withered 24—Hauled 26—Beads carefully 27—To praise 28—Sullen 29—Onion-like herb 31—Old war ship 34—Affection 85—Meat 36—Exclamation 26 37—Number 38—To lift • 39—Hindu weight 40—Compass point 41—Compacted fabrics 42—Otherwise 43—Discovery 45—Begrudged 47—Rows 48—Wanders Vertical 1—More miserly 2—Body of Kafir warriors 3—By birth 4—Spanish article 5—Answered u-11loan d of atones 7—To aid 8—Sorrowful 0—French conjunction 10—Of modest demeanor More tabaccp•, for he sagne money: and Poke-�ds:.�o. Yes! The price of Turret Fine Cut has been reduced so that you really save money by par. chasing this finer cigarette tobacco and buying your own papers! In every package of Turret Fine Cut you get more of the same quality tobacco you have always preferred— the clean, silky cut that will roll a cooler, more fragrant and more satisfying cigarette every time. And remember you can get 5 large booklets of "Vogue" or "Chantecler''' cigarette papers free in exchange for one complete set of Poker Hands. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with. TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE T:N'E POKER HANDS 11—To burn with fluid 13—Eats 16—Heavy meati 19—To debate 20—The earth 22—Century plant 23—Murmur of wind 25—Animate 26—Balance 28—Piece of furniture 29—To shut 30—Trustworthy , 31—To fly 32—Essays 33—Having grain spikes 35—Drops 3S—To bring up 39—Slender 41—For shame! 42—Character in Uncle Tom 44—Jumbled type 46—Negative Answers to Last Week Puzzle iI M P -U T E R A D 1E 5 AISIN I G N S L 0 G A PILO S P I R P% EDD 4 G / L A u B0DYV, iDELLS'A_DIVERTS ENLD'/MITE" YET TAN4IDIM//,:fi.RA EM,,TAMEST/BET ;COHERE P O L IT E TREATS sARI SES OWING I D// E D DAS 0 U 11 0 N i1 E A R L X H I N D ago, while ou a fishing expedition, he spied a snake which had just caught a frog. Desiring the frog for bait, he tried unsuccessfully by prodding and other means to make the snake re- lease its prey. Finally he pulled out a flask and poured a Little liquor in the snake's mouth. The snake dropped the frog and slithered away. Some time later, the fisherman felt a tug at his trousers, and found' the snake, looking up expectantly — an- other and larger frog in his mouth. First Friend—"I wonder who Invent- ed work, anyway?" Second Friend—"You should worry. You'll never infringe on his patent." poimmoompumo Its a good thing Romeo lived when he did, else he would have to' learn the saxophone and how t&. croon. "Cities to Get a Break," says .b newspaper headline. It's a well-known fact that a good many of them are al- most or totally broke. Canada's greatest industry is pulp and paper manufacturing. The. Do- minion exports more pulp and paper than all other countries in the world combined, Back Trimming on Latest Paris Creations What are you really doing about the fashion of going instead of com- ing this year? Of all styles, this one is the most fun. No matter what you planned to put on the front of your outfit—don't do it! Hang It on the back Instead. This makes it possible to turn your back on the entire world, if you wish. Main- hocher made a stunning long suit in black wool with metallic blouse and basque jacket with not a sign of fur in front, but the entire back of leop- ard like a waistcoat. Vionnet throws her influence to the back in cowl' drapes like the monks wear, and Au- gustabernard, inserted panels of color! down the back. -Even hats are roll- ing away from the face and joining the "flung -back" movements of new I styles, which remands that we must be constantly going instead of com- ing if we want our elothes noticed. "Left to itself, without advertising and selling, the public drops into an animal -like existence, content with a leaky roof, unwholesome food and rags for clothing."—Roger W. Babson. HELP FOR TIRED WIVES Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Wives ate tired during these bard times. They are the ones who must bear the burdens of the famlty. When the husband cones borne with !leas money to his pay envelope ... it b the wife who must struggle along and make the beet of things. 1f you are tired ... worn out .. nervous; try Lydia E. Plnkham'e Vegeta.. ble Compound. What you need is a tonic that will give yob the strength to calix on. 98 out of every 100 women who report to us say that they aro benefited by this medicine Huya bottle from your drug. trooD1t4. COLDS THAT HANG ON Coughs'that rack the whole system -- there's a job for SCOTT'S EMULSION OF CLOD LIVER OIL 13-33 .SCOTT'S RICH IN VITAMINS eieeealetteleel -twit; rmNfl'.ruia Ancient Printing Press Still at Work The oldest printing firm in the world is undoubtedly the house of Guasp at Palma oil the island of Majorca, off the coast of Spain, which has been presided over by 10 generations of the Guasp family. It was established in 1579, at a time when Spain dominated the world and prior to that time Gabriel Guasp had 'been a bookseller, but he decided to branch into the printing business and the old press which be started with is still standing and in daily use. It is built. of solid timbers, of rather cumbersome appearance and slow operation. As a matter of fact the act of making the impression depends largely upon the strength of the pressman. After inking the form he braces himself against a stand on the floor and pulling over a heavy lever brings a heavy block down to cover the type. A farmer in the Middle west not receiving satisfactory returns from his crops, has turned his land into a game preserve and is specializing in ring-necked pheasants. He is find- ing a ready sale for these to conser- vation departments and hunting es- tates. ARE YOU TROUBLED WITH NERVES? Do you find it hard to go to sleep at eight? Duou feel poorly rested in the morning, "jumpy" all day, and "rag- ged" by evening? Then take Wincarnis. fiere's a delic- ious elio-ious wine, not a drug, that soothes nerves as nothing else can; that helps you quickly to sleep and floods your whole being with vibrant new energy. Wincarnls brings you all the valuable elements of grapes oonshined with the highest grade beef and malt extract. Almost as soon as you begin taking Wincarnis, you feel wonderfully better. This is because Wincarnis enriches your blood, soothes your nerves and create' lasting re- serves of strength and energy. Over 20,000 medical men have proved in practice the value of Wincarnis in cases of Jumpy nerves. insomnia, anaemia, debility and general indispo- sition. Get Wincarnis from your drug- gist. --Sales Agents: Harold 11. Ritchie & Co. Ltd.. Toronto. to OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up your Liver Bile "—Withoni Calomel Your tiver's a very email organ, but it eel+ 'fainly can putyour digestive and eliminative organs out of kilter, by refusing to pour out its daily two pounds 01 liquid bile into your bowels You won't completely correct such Is condition by taking salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing gun,, or roughage. 'When„tbey!ve moved your bowels they're through—and yop need aliver stimulant, Carter's Little Liver Pills (vitt noon bring back the sunehinginto your life. They're purely vest - table. Sade. bure. Ask for them by name Refire. anlutitutAa 2J, of 01 druaelet. itlt Classified Advertising rARMS WANTED. REVENUE PRODUCING PROPER- T1DS exchanged for eouipped farms. Write John Stark & Co., 333 Eglinton West, Toronto. PATENTS. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of wants inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay 00m- pany, World Patent Attorneys, 2'3 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. BONDS AND CUR8,ENCXES WANTBD. IMPERIAL RUSSIAN AND GERMAN 1 Government bonds and currencies wanted; previous prices are doubled. David Davis, 137 Queen Street West, Toronto. • Egotism and mumps are much alike, except that the swelling shows in dif- ferent places. "Civilization is not a natural pro- duct, but the result of innumerable and incessant efforts of humans well - directed by human intelligence."—. Aldous Huxley. Ho Cold is a Fixture ur°e with E.G. y. ckdeas Mixt.., re No, sir. No matter how hard and deep-seated your cough or cold may be, BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE will conquer it in next to no time. The very first dose gets down to business--, you can feel it doing you good. Its lightning -fast action amerces everybody u•Sen they take it for the first time. 11 you, or any metnber of your family, has n cough, cold, 'Ru or bronchitis, try Buckley's and be convinced. Refuse substitutes. Buck. 1ey's is sold everywhere. _ Dr. Beacon's Eczema Remedy lives wonderful results in the treat- ment of all kinds of Eczema, Ring- worm, Piles, Itch and other skin dis- eases. If your Druggist hasn't it in stock, send 75 cents to Dr. Geo. Beacom, Listowel, Ont. At First Signs of Pimples Use CUTICURA Anoint with the Ointment. After five minutes bathe with the Soap. Soap 25c. Ointment 25e. and 50e. STOMACH ACID • BURNS LIKE FIRE Sometimes stomach acid makes your stomach feel like a lake of fire. You can stop this quickly and get immediate relief from burning pain, sour amid stomach and indigestion with a spoon- ful of Bisurated Magnesia in half a glass of water. Any drug store has Bisurated and lust one teaspoonful will prove how quickly it works. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physician's Prescription Those spots or pimples on your face —why let them go on tormenting your' Like millions of others have done, you can get rid of your akin trouble through the work of a great physician— Dr. D. D. Dennis. Dr. Dennis' prescrip- tion—known in many countries aa D.D.D. and now manufactured by Campana's Italian Balm chemists— avill bring you relief at once, and quick- ly uick-l e restore your skin to health, All druggists sell D.D.D. Trial size, 35c4 Guaranteed to give instant relief of money refunded. a DOCTORING YOUR DAIRY HERD Cows aren't machines. They can ,{tet sick or hurt. Bat Mioard'a, Liniment makes it easy to care for their ills. Mrs. Thos. Bulmer of Lardo, ILC., found one of her herd' with a lump in her udder. "I rubbed it with Minard's Liniment", ;she says, "and it soon got better." Minard's is best for Cuts, ,Bruises, Colic, Distemper, etc., and equally good in stable or in house. Well named "King' of Pam". ss NS! Tr N,, 4c—'31 •