HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-11-16, Page 5'1'aarrott-ty, ll/ivcnilmr tale 1.13; BUSINESS CARDS S DUDLEY E.FlorimEs tRiISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT ART PUBLIC, ETC. •101/71C1S --Hamilton Street, Ansa o$ the'Square, GODERIC}1, Outwit). .98pecial Attention to Counc.I and Court Work. 'Mr, Holmes may be consulted at eederich by Phone, and Phalle charges revered. Or. H. H. COWEN T.DeS•, D.D 8. DENTAL SURGEON ,. At ]JiIT77, 13—LODE—ZURICH .gory Thursday, Friday, Saturday At 734,IiTLETWS BWCE,. DASHW OO:D Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer Fot Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON kluct any Auction Sale, - regardless tufa to size or article to sell. 1 solicit ;ysur business, and if not satisfied win make no charges for Services Ren- :dared. en- : red. ARTHUR WEBF&-•-Dashwood Wale 18a6T. agaremommer Zurichs' Popiila • MEAT MARKET RIM 'lifIVE Wants, For Male, Lt, Found, Moth*, Etc.Ads IK ma ocua JO"1 ICE i SALE OF BATS ON SAT.UiRDAY Get your New Hat now 'white select- ion. is still good Aad save money. One Group at $1.98, and Another group at $1...49.. HAT SHOP, at Zurich, Ozit. LOST Strayed from my Pre muyes Blind Litre, 2 geese, Finder.kindly notify, Mr. Victor Deichert. FARM FOR SALE On Blind Line, Hay Township, con- sisting of 100 acres; 15 acres are sown to fall wheat, 30 acres plow- ing done. There is on the farm good buildings, two neverfailing spring wells, farce is well fenced and well drained. Also Part Lot 26, Concession 10, Hay Township, containing 25* acres, partly under cultivation, balance in grass. Above farms can be pur- chased separately if desired. Apply to Proprietor; John McBride, B.R. 1, Zurich. Huron County Councill Meeting The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber, Court House, Godericli, at 2 o'clock, in the Let 'Us sr�pply yob with e afternoon on Tuesday, the btii day •C of '?c:Cernher, 1?•33, vel•y Claa�zce+f Flesh and .AII accounts, notices of" deputat- , Meats, Boiognas, Sausages, torts, or applications and other imp- Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric. Refrigeration " Highest Cash Prices for 1 Wool, Hides and Skins 11, & Son 10* 1•40101....2•327140i01.2.111•KI • SER VICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers afIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. RlATTERI;ES, MOBILE OIL., MAW- : WaELURE'OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AM -TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Tarts, Hohning and Mechanical Werlt Anse to Micrometer Settings, No ig¢sese work. Watch the cars that SOP at WE1N'S, They axe all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 'D AS.I•$WOOD sx ONTARIO Western, Farmers' t al Weather insurance Ce OF WOODSTOCK aHE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT UAL COT IPANY DOING BUSINESS 'OF ,THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of'Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1032, $17,850,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. • States—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3;years E. F. Klopp—Zurich Aienk, Also Dealer in Liihtniuj Rods and all kinds of,Fire,.insurance L1VE POU LT R Y WANTED airs*..svery boor tr $ a`eieelt, p.m. aft teed "Fawt sate •aKaing whbn >ht• is.. k iCeS 'FOltea..• 1",CREAIVI AND EGGS W. O'Brien • Phone 101, :1, Reea. 94, Zurich t ' H AUYS li ' •PEPARTMENT -ever ready to serve the pub , pupurs haying fife mast per- teat, it:enda tic •vlrii commercial and Sine nc4 record far troth tnon- lri tin Get firs was Vela Martini The best spel- n a� v w. , k —Se: la. An.n i g. Teacher. =e. ��s.. y x• "�Le`au kttait,,, ortant business, requiring attention at this Meeting of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous' to the meeting of Council.. Dated at Goderich this 6th day of November, 1933. Geo. W. Holman. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as' we receive them, and pay ac- cording to• grading: .give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. Winter Fair Dates Ottawa Winter Fair November 14 to 17.. Royal Winter Fair, Toronto— Nov. 22 to 30. Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph ---December 5 to 7_ Balance Of $ 150,000 An .announcement from Toronto that the Province of Ontario had not only balanced its , budget for the fiscal year ending Oct_ 31, but had achieved a surplus on the 12, months operations of -approximately' $150,- 000 was made by the Premier. The ssurpius comes as a surprise since the deficit on Oct. 31, 1932 was two mil- lion and a $2,900,000 deficit for the year just ended was forecast by the Provincial Treasurer. Revenue for the year amounted, to, $2,450,000 more than was estimataed, while the Government cut $660,000 from the estimated expenditure. The increase tri revenue reflected quite. Markedly the upturli in business .in Ontario that has been evident for some time, the report states. SCHOOL REPORT The following is ,the school report of S. S. No. A (South) Stanley, for the months of.September and Octob- er. The following is the marking basis: /at olass .g<in. 75% and over; 2nd class Ti'ons,' 70' to 7.4%; 3rd class !tonus. 65 to 69%,. Pass„ 60 to 64. Below 6O work i ati.sfaot�ory. ' .,. Arnie, Be'rtraiiat 07.5%';. Sr,sr: 'f l7'•--aC Turner, Itobeiit 54.5; 3`r.: IV' -Snowden, Mari59.3. ' Sr. III- Etue, Earl 63; Martin, Ve- Bna 60; Turner, Violet 60; Cleave Fames 54.4; ' Ducharme Beulah 50.6. Jr IIf D'ucltarni e, peibris 61.2; Martine Emma. 58;• . Sr. I—Ducharme, Dona 53.2. 16 'r Ducharme, Eleta 69.8; Mar- ti -in' Albert 67-' ' n. g'.. a (fir pricaee -ler frrL e two> ,morzths w ECary I• s virag Yowl' WAX eh� -1 ".naw: n. • Mr, Orlya Schenk of 'Past Detroit is visiting at the homey of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prang, Mrs. E, Burn who visited relatives in Heapler and Preston, returned home to Zurich "last Wednesday. M. and Mrs. Fred Geiser and Mrs J. Sweitzer of Crediton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd- inand Haberer. Quite a number of girls of • the Bronson Line, attended a quilting be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rapp, near Hensall on Monday. Mr. ,i made. - a motor Will chert. otos trip to Galt on Sunday, and "Bill" has some vivid experiences to relate of the trip over ice and • snow. Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Hoffman mot- ored ' to .London on .Tuesday, and Lee advises us that the'roads were very heavy, and hard to find at times ow- ing to the storm. Our readers will miss the usual supply of news items in these colum- ns this week, as with the raging bliz- zards out doors, there is little traav- eling done, and the job or .going the rounds gathering up, is not of the nicest, when the •snow is knee deep, and everybody you meet talks about the steam. • Armistice Day on Saturday war observed very quietly in town, as the 'ay wcs real stormy and rough, and the roads to Hensall were nearly. locked, The band boys were:•in '-heir unifornm.> and were at. Hensaall in the afternoon participating in the celebration. As, stated last week all places of business were open, but for all the business that wass done, the light and fuel could have been saved by closing and taking a holiday. , The annual meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Western Canada Bible Society was held in the Town. Hall, Zurich on Thursday evening last. week, and owing to the bad weather, the ural large attendance was not present. , In the absence o,r cite local president, Miss L. Faust, Rev. 1+ Burn presided. Rev. D. iiright, o' London, district secretary was pre; ent and gave his ill:--tra*ed lectir-- on So..'.i Africa, wh`ch was interect- lag in'en;l. The re-ovgination result ad as .follows: Pr:.siclent, Mr. Davi.�• ge Girtr;e1i; Vice preliden.s, Revs. E 2ui•1_1".eini, Burn and Schrag. Mrs. L. Prang Secy. -Tres., and the ad- visory d-iisory members, 1\fni. E. F. Klopp, end lir;. Hey. Auditors, J. E. Gas- cho and C. L. Smith. The nice fall weather we have be- en enjoying all along r atie •a- very abrubt turn 'on Thursday of last -we- ek, November 9th, when it turned much colder and snow fell, and the snow and storm became more in- tense each day, till to -day, Wednese day, we think will reach the climax as we are experiencing a real Janu- ary blizzard, with the mercury well below the freezing point, and the sleighs running and the storm blow- ing. The auto finds it very difficult to get along, -and we do not remem- ber of ever seeing such weather for a whole week in the beginning of"I November. Snow banks are piled up in *twos, and if we would put our calanders away truly we would we are in the midst of winter. Kills Wolf in Pinery A grey wolf weighing betw.eeu and 80 pounds fell before the gun et young Gren Brenner, • well-known Grand Bend resident,., who was on a shooting trip on Saturday near Beach o' Pines. The wolf is the 4th of its species to be killed in the dis- Lrrct during the past year.•Mr. Bremner was hunting ducks. While sneaking up on the section of Vie -old river ben of the Sauble River he saw the form -of an aanimal slinking across :the. ice. His shotgun loaded with light shot for ducks, he had to creep to a vantage point so that the light shot would be .effe tive againz the wolf. Despite the • disaadvant t g•• of the light shot ache wolf fell to Br eiin er's • aim. Int;. the pas c year 2 wolves .were killed by autos and an- other ,was shot.; Auto Accjdent • • Lasa Wednesdajr.. three cars were involved in an auto accident which took place at. Devon Corners, - 21,4 miles south of Exeter. Two of the mesa were somewhat damaged but fortunately no person was injured. J. Madden, of Dashwood, with three passengers was coming onto the Highway from the Crediton road. He had stopped .at .the sign but on com- ing onto the highway he was sideswi- ped by'a eardriven by Har. D,Arehy of T i'llsonburg, while on his way to Godenicli. Closely following the D' Archey car was another ear driven by Fred Milton, also going to Goder- ich. The Madden car was driven a distance of ,some 130 feet along the highway while the ,D'Archy car was !turned completely around facing in Ithe direction from which it had come The third car Trammed the D'Archy car. After a change of tires all ahree cars were able to proceed ona heir waay. The accident was invest- igated by Traf is Officer Levet aind Constable, Norry of Exeter. L LOCAL NEWS „aoc�oY+a LiatTh e Marjorie , Hoffman is meov- STOCK FOOD S Bring nicely from an attack of chick- Lim hick- �+! JJ /J en pox. Last week a transient made his ap- Keep Your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter .b pearance in fawn and was well fed- iusingO randhousedfor thenight.Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, Miss Jane Lamont left o'n Tuesday i and Laying Mashes. None Better .on the for Victoria Hospital, London, where she is taking treatments, ) Mr. and Mrs. Sbl Lechler .of the Maarkets To -Day! Bronson Line, spent a few days with friends at London left week. 0 -The local management of the Zur- PUT IN YOUR SUPPLE' ich fiat Shop is making big redact- a NOW WHEN THEY ins for Saturdaay. See the adv, in ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES COAL COAL this 'issue. s The average jevel of Lake Huron ter 'October was a quarter o,f an any previous Qctob- nce 1860. The next lowet Oc• - tober was in 1925. It was 21/. fin- ches below the September average. We regret to "report that Mr, Rudy inch lower than er si t 7esch. of :the - Bronsai. 'ane sprained ya his arm very badly on Saturday morning, while crankina i•I_ • Cyr,,• Schoch's car, aa' :hey—ere "a;oiut i P leave for their work at Heist's Bak- 1. ery, ,Zurich;• where they are doing s, carpenter work. It will like lie s some time before Mr. Oesch will be able to go about his trade, carpen- tering. Mr, and 111''3. B. W. C:•7 ";.c, of Hensall, announce the engagement of , their eldest daughter, Ruby Anna l a 1 V 'a t lte6ai n � '�'' Muriel to Jo Implement. Repairs WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE GENUINE r AT , THE SAME PRICES - "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. L0 Schile h r ..msoessessanneetene ef93.stn{asseasinenne*s,®*4enos1 hn Wesley Richardson, xi eldest son of .lr, and Mrs. John Riga . eau ardson, of the Parr Line, Fl:.;- '",. •r :: ship, the marriage to take place the; "3110 latter pant of november. 1 Highway C.. _ - fit, Cost Eight I�i�iJls air.. - Employ 10,000 Premier Henry of Toronto an- nounced 'a $$$,000,000 works pro- gram, involving all provincial under- takings and projects in which the - municipalities are vitally interested. The program is expected to bring ernploynent to 61,200 nien and ben- fit`all sections of the province. The distribution of rneney and emnloy- ment of labor iuider.thu program is • eFtimated as follows Proviecral un al r igs, iyncludiatg Ivo.: ' l ery:lr� r tiding and extens ons to public ospi ars, 1,200 men and $2,500,000. Municipal undertakings, 5,000 men and $7,500,000. Trans -Canada high- way and board canna;, 20,000 and $5,000,000. Yo.thern dev.lopment, road cotistrnc.io„ maintenance and se'aler's read work 15,000 men and 37,000,000. Ring's highway 10,000 men and $6.000,000,1 County and townihip roads 10,00' men and $8,000,000. Merchandise, valued at approxi- mately $1,000 and stolen from the general store of W. L. Qnertngesser at Broadhagen last Tuesday morning has a,ii been recovered, although the ,has were • stilI at .large. The Ioot was recovered Tuesday night by pro- vincial police in a truck which had been iemoved to Ne* Hamburg gar- age. The light delivery truck, bear- ing Toronto markers, which had been used to haul away the merchan- dise, was wrecked when it went in to the ditch on the outskirts of. New Hamburg. Bayfield Resident Passes For year: one of the most widely known and beloved physicians in the district, Dr. N. W. Woods, 2LR.C.S. ILii'1.R.C.I'.I. L,M., :tote rtda, Dublin, died at his home in Bayfield on Tuesday, Oct. 3151, in his 74..n. year. Decea:.c:d had been er- io: