HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-11-16, Page 4van a.....e' I A SAVINGS ACCOUNT vAk Never was the advantage of a savings account better illus- trated than during the last few years. The depositor's, capital is intact, it has always been immediately available and a fail income has been 'received therefrom. Shall accounts are welcome. You can start a Savings Account with any sum from one dollar upwards. ANi OF MO TREAL Established 1S17 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $700,000,00,0 Zurich Branch: C. H. JOY, Manager MODERN, EFFICIENT BANJKING SERVICE the Outcome' of ix6 Years Successful Operation ss a : 0 :'iK£r^' 7tbi �flP^oselegott hair C$ ott esFtiv4"Cseel•esteeem't t seete ta0 We are always at your service , for Expert e 0 e • ca• PRANG'S GARAGE Garage Work, and Auto Repairing Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases WE . ALSO CARRY Pumps Mead Piping -- Pump Work • 0 • 0 COCI(SH1JTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES, OLIVER PLOWS, ETC. ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS AND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN' THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL 111AKES, (No Jobber' Points) ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE WELDING. 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, at a Sacrifice. 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get 'thep rice on this one. 't LEVER HARROWS AT COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. ii1 ifW 0 • .1. A. Prange SOn - Zurith • Phone, Shop 114 Residence 76 _ ®oaa00oso0# 0 ;l) '^44.*.i. , 3 s •'rd•'I••: ti•�'•d••��'1 + ;..e,..i..�..r.i•.r, + i••�-P•i••F++++•i�+ }•+4—:•• 4.4••€•fi F•++1 8 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF, 1. Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU1 4. REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES IOW. WE CARRY A T. 4 LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON NAND AT ALL `g' TIMES.. AND 'WILL DO YOUR GLAZING 17/7O.R.K WHILE YOU + +. WAIT.. F. C. KCAL PHONE 69 G r FLEISc] Mr. and Mrs. Cori, Erb and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. anu It[rs. Chris. Gingerich. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W•iber and family of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at the home of. Mr. and Mrs Jake S.ehwartzentruber. Miss - Anna Gingerieh spent Suri - day evening with Miss Alice Erb. Misses Gladys Douglas, R. N., and Susie Oesch from Hensall Sanator- ium, spent Monday evening under the parental roofs. . Mrs. Susie Oesch of the Goshen Line, spent Tuesday with I+tr's. Ed- mund Oesch of the village. • DASHWOO'D` • • Mr. and Mrs. G. Call f as of Sarnia spent a fey, days' with friends last week. • frir. and Mrs: Alvin Kellerman and 1VIrs. L. Kellerman visited friends in Exeter on Saturday. Misses Elda and Verna Kraft of London .pent the week -end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther of _Windsor spent a' few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guen- ther. Dr. Lorne S. Tiernan of Dublin, spent Sunday with ris pareints, Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Rev. and Mrs. Graaupner and- daughter nd-daughter Clara and Martha of Farm- ington, Mich., visited friends over the week -end. Rev. Graupner the guest speaker at the Anniversary on Sunday. Mr. and 1VIrs. G. Wildfong, Mrs. E. Tieman and Mrs. A. Tiernan' attended the Tiernan -Cornell nuptials in Wat- erloo on Saturday. Mr. Eugene Tiernan who has been sick in London hospital for the past two weeks is recuperating at his home here. Don't forget the Ham Supper ,to by given in the basement of the Ev- + angelical Church on Wednesday eV - ening, Nov. 22nd under the auspices of the Lathes Aid.' :Following the supper a play will be. given assissted by other tnusieal unm.bers. .- Dashwood Ladies' Aid and• W'.M.S.' The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of the Evangelical church held the first regular meeting of the year recently Mrs. D. Tiernan presided and Gond- uctced the devotional exercises ' and Mrs. W. Snell gave a reading after, which .the standing committee for the year were . appointed : Temperance, :11rs.eM. Tiernan, Mrs. R..,H. Tayloor, 'Ars. R. Wallert. Membership,. Mrs. V,•„ S,chatz, Mrs.. W. Wolfe, Mrs. .. D. 'Weber. Parsonage, Mrs. D. Haugh 'Ars. R. Goetz, Mrs, L. Morenz. Work jCs,m., Mrs. E..Bender,,111rs. W. Snell, i1Zrs, M.,.INe.eb, Mrs. H, Reynolds, Mrf. (,E:,Caiser: Missionary, Mrs. G, Link, Mrs. A. Oestreicher, Mrs. C. Wild- ' Cong. Flower Com., Mrs. D. Tiernan 1 Mrs. Sauer. Final arrangement. were made for the Haar Supper to be •given on November 22nd. Zion' "Lutheran Church observes Deub1e Jubilee Sixty years ago in the late summer ,x 1373 ';ion Lutheran Church, et ?,lhiv� srf was 'o"ndcdl and 25 ye. �... o L.;:$tall 3e, ores nt church ZDRIC11 : i»E+++F++++i,++++++;6uD•-7,++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ HILLSG REE!N ..Miiss Edna Cochrane visited 'neer :cousins, Misses Annie and Agnes 1ochzane zn Clinton recently. Mr. and: Mrs.; W. Huxtable of Cen ' ira1ea vassfed :''the ` latter's parents, V1;r. and Mrs. ;Jas. Love. Miss Dally Hagan is nursing Mrs. T. C. Joynt in Clinton Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chapman and soon of Brucefield visited friends. ;*r_ and Mrs. Thos. Consitt of *ensall vas' their son Mr, and Mrs. R. Consitt. SIT and Mrs. H. 1 cMurtrie of 7RCippen visited the iattet"s parents, .111147.. ,tld -14v, sIr Qocllrano,. . BLAKE Mr. Gus Clarke, acco11/paanied by his sister Gwendolene ' of. Osidericii, spent the. week -end with sdieir moth- er, .Mrs. „E. Clarke. r.. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich >rich site. fa>/taily ,and • little Jeanie ,Spent Sup day afternoon, with Mr ,and Mr,; an, Gascho; at Lurich ' ' ' g Mr. and Mrs. Dan SteckieY 1VIr: and, Mrs. Allen ` Steckle and little' Pr.ter, spent Sunday with Mr: and; Mrs. Aaron Gingerich. Mr: and Mrs. Amos Gascho anti famaily spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bre`tMerman 6f the vil- lage. Mr, and Mrs..it:osl Johnston re- turned home on Tuesday after spend ing a tow days with theftdaughte,. J.+'red 1. Lu:, 4Ci 4' V... l t.,:.a ce was (Y dkt'' 'cl. Legt. Sunday -the congregation observed this dott- ble anniversary with two impressive services. Rev Paul Crraatipner, a former pastor was the .guest:speak, er and the local pastor Rev, Thoe. L. Luft conducted the services. In the morning service Rev. 'Luft read an historical sketch of the congregation since its inception. From small begin rings the present large congregation envolved. During these years eight; pastorsserved the congregation, the ninth and present pastor since the spring of the present year. Order residents of this community will re- call ,the names of pastor Grauf, Him- mler, Schroeder, and Eifert, while the younger generation is acquainted with the, naives; Thun, Graupner, Bruer, and Ness. Nothing outstand- ing or sensational occurred during these GO years of existence, it was rather a normal steady growth and congregational activities were carried on in quiet and unpretentious man- ner. The choir under the direction of Mr. Clayton Pfile, rendered splen- did and appropriate selections at each service. At both services the church was well filled with members and friends from far and near. The chancel was beautifully and artistic- ally decorated with ferns and baby mums. On Monday evening an anni- versary supper was served in the basement of the church several hun- dred participated in the well prepared meal. During and following the sup- per musical numbers, 'choir numbers piano and vocal duetts, speeches and recitations were offered for the en- tertainment of the guests. The Lad- ies Aid diad oharge of the preparati- ion, decorating and serving and did .their part well to make the affair a , success in every way. Rev. P. Graup ner and famaily who had stayed over for the supper left for their home in. Faarn'+ington , Mich., on 'Tuesday , morning. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. H. Ahray of Lon- don visited on Sunday last with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson Fred and Jack Stacey, also their mother, Mrs. S. Stacey of Detroit, visited with relatives and friends here. Wm. Consitt attended a meeting of the Hay Fire Ins. Co., at Exeter on Saturday last. Mr. Corisitt being one of the directors. Wm. Booth and Robt. Hethering- ton of Wingham were in town on Tuesday last. • A great deal of_inter.est is 'being shown in town in the trial of the 19132 Huron County Auditors which was held at Goderich last week and ;this week, one of the Auditors be- ing a well known Hensall resident. Stariley Bean .of St. Marys in in town helping his brother John, who is preparing his new store and bak- ery, in readiness to move in shontly. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Davidson and .:on visited in Listowell on Sunday '. nit. Rev. w: A. Young is improving nicely after his recent operation and his many -friends are • pleased to see _rim around again. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith and Mrs.. W. Consitt spent Tuesday list in %Exeter. The many friends of Mrs. T. C. Johnt will be sorry to hear she has riot been enjoying good health and has gone to • Clinton hospital for treatment. Writ. Joynt of Toronto spent the tveelt-end with relatives and friends in town. JohnBean is opening up a bakery. the village in the shop forni.erly occupied by Wm. A. McLaren, as a hardware store. .Mr. Bean has for -one time past been baking and supplying customers fronthis home about a mile south of the village on the highway, but ,it will; be more con- venient for him and his patrons to have his bakery in the village, and he will , no doubt, command a fair share of patronage in .his newpre:- raises so nicely fitted out. • The fowl supper held by the Car- mel Presbyterian church Thursday evening was a great success. Despite the very unfavorable weather and roads the church was filled to cap- acity. The many waiters at the long tables were kept busily engaged in serving right up to nine o'cock, When 'the. entertainment took' place in the auditorium of the church with the pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, pre- siding. The large choir of New St. James Presbyterian church, London i;4nder the leadership of Jack Mc- •bermid"gave a full program. The program was characterized through- out :by. • moot: •wonderful 141011'in Song and elocutioni tri large audience. ertsall' Council lI ,Minutes The regular, meeting of the Vil- lage'Council was held on Monday ev ening Nov. 6th, at 8 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers with all mem- bers of Councilbeing present. •The minutes of the previous 'meet- ing were read and adopted. Mr. Petty reported the..• shed -roof also the roof on the top of water 'mink as being painted. lf1r. Jones r=eported se the gravel- ling on K:n;• St., Cast, ts?sa i':e re. pairing onother streets. It :mutat,, x,4445'^, 'November •15th, 1033 Furnace HIof Water Coils Rob Your Home of Heat PERHAPS you think your domestic supply of hot water costs nothing extra when heated by a coil in your furnace: Actually this coil is robbing your home of comfort and money. Actual tests made by responsi- ble engineers show that every heating mouth the furnace coil in a house ofaverage size absorbs about 523 lbs, of coal for heat- ing water alone. Your pocket is suffering to the tune of close to $4.00 extra amonth. Now is the time to cut down this expense. Accept the Hydro offer of a free electric water heater and.'. you'll have immediately available a. constant all -year-round hot water service -clean, convenient,speedy and economical—as much as you. want, es hot as you want. Till in. the coupon now. Mail it without dela}*_ EE—What you actually get A Flat Rate Electric Water Heater installed complete with thermo- stat, tank insulation and ne esntL wiring from the meter board to the water heater. What You 4 - ay For The Electric Water Heater and equipment are absolutely free of .charge. Ilex= plumbing or wir- ing is involved an. estimate will be provided before work is pro- " ceeded with. Pay for the current you use at a new low monthly flat rate. Hydro sates are. now • lowest. in years. =+: ' l 4 1 rrtOne" �,... VI .Ask Your Ne ahbor Who Has 1,; .1. Call at your local Hydro for complete information. The actual equipment, is on view. If unable to come in, send the coupon. ..... ..... .......... ...Me sad - . -a. - .M.. .k ....ars.... .—. ga COUPON FiLL IN YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS HYDRO -ELECTRIC SYSTE1Vi eaf wrintheuaare efynur.eaunieipalicy,here) Address of Yew, Local Hydro System Write I oarName Here Write Yui. Address Here '.felepJmreNo, Sesacemsnussinersamesocansteizescseersuceeze 1 1 1• 1.. t.... 1x 1, 1. 1-• e 1 1. Communications were read front the following: Canadian Legion, Seaforth; Mun- icipal World, St. Thomas; W. A. Gal- braith, Clerk, Wing -ham; same, were ordered filed. Buis and accounts were read and passed as follows: School Board, current expenses $800.00; J. Priest, repairing catch basins $1; E. Sheffer repairing stop sign $2.55; A. D. McGregor, draw- ing gravel $11.707, Bonfhron Si. Drys- dale supplies hall $2.40; Levi Rands labor drain hall 1.70; J. Passmore, Hydro 5.55; R. Todd, labor streets SO; W. Nicol ditto 80; H. Foster ditto 40c; F. Kennings, painting shed and water tank $9.50; A. Ricker wood for hall $16.00; Geo. Hudson constable's services $4.90; W. Con - sit,' selecting' jurors, $1.50; C. S. Hudson, ditto $1.50;J. A. Paterson 'ditto $1.50. Motion that we now adjourn. James • A. Paterson,,, Clerk:' ins: Installed in the Goderi::h Fruit' Market. A sheet of glass 6x10 feet as it was being lifted out of its crate I crashed and fell to the pavement, breaking into hundreds of pieces. Fiordwich Record: Tuesday of this I week marked the passing of banking.- facilities ankingfacilities in Gorrie and the >inaugur . strum of a half-time service in Wrox ate'''. The Bank of Commerce branch, .at Gorrie has been closed 'and ithe - maarager, W. A. :Sawtell, goes te•. Nifrox ter to take charge of that bra:eh, which will open in alternate. ,,, days in conjunction with (the Ford-- ' wick branch. Although there is snow on the. ground and antifreeze in the radi . raitoes,, strawberries are still being: picked in at least one Goderich gam-• den. There is a healthy specimen oar ' display in The Star window. It was: "grown by Manson Reid, Brock St., and was picked on Nov, Sth. When the heavy laden truck of R' 'Bradley ran into a herd of cattle on: :SaItford Hill, two of .the animals suf.- ., fered ;broken legs and had to be - destroyed. The ;accident was, a most..., peculiar one. The truck, carrying 4 tons, had 'just 'rounded, the sharp, , curve when the cattle, bunched • Irv. the subway, appeared in view. It: was Impossible for the driver to stops his truck in -'time, or to turn either way without striking. the` 'sides .of. . the narrow subway. The cattle , hada broken loose front their pasture ana'. wandered to;the•.r'iiig'htiay;'`they are: owned by. Richard Dortep , ,;• 114s . ()a all-ilg fish by 'the' ton °zn:s.°tlfe-* ;fishing waters( off G$defichlast we- ek, .Jost Ap,• celebrate the.: election, or immaI l ` fseKay to the B. C..• Legis .lature last week. Two: of commercial his -broth- ers�°CI ., l tzsliei'trrreii, on Mon-, days brought in 4100 pounds of percls Peter McDonald had 1,000 pounds and "Mac" McDBnaid 600 pounds or the same fist, Grahani Broliat brought lin 2300 pounids"and"'teddy" McDon- ald 900 found it, .of beautiful, large firm` trout. ' This is a total of 8,900E ;pounds, or nearly , four and a half" ton for one day, as much as the av IsL ie .two week'; haul foss the local' ilea -of flare•' tugs during sumttiel:- ,ittontlu . COUNTY NEWS. Ralph Willis,. of' the• 4th con., of Stephen Twp. while plowing on Sat- I,urday last was kicked in the leg by a horse fracturing both bones of the leg above the ankle. The executive of the Bayfield fall fair are .asking the prize winners to gall at once and get their prizes as the ofiicers are anxious to have the bisSinessof tFie last fair P.etttled. Alvin McDonald of Brussels, a stu dent lin the Seafortth Collegiate re- served a 'bad' ShakinE' .up and' had hi P car badly- damaged last M:on.day, as he was grounding a curve at two miles north of, Seafonth; lie hit the dit'h and smashed off ,a• Hydro pole. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wild Grand Bend, !aft recently fins Florida to spend the winter. They' will camp along the way having a new' trailer They expect to spend a few weeks in 'Oaklahos where' Mrs;r Wind's' mother lives. There was a;mighty- Brash of'piate glass the other clay in Gem rich, nt the corner of Efts:, St: and the Square where a beautiful new 'front is' be- It