HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-11-02, Page 7W1FIY not go home for Christtnas? Perhaps you haven't been there for years. Restful cabins ... comfortable public rooms . . marvellous meals . . and the perfect Cunard Personal Service await you in whichever class you travel on these popular ships. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILINGS from MONTREAL on Nov. 24 — R.M.S. "AURANIA" to Havre and London. Nov. 27 — R.M.S. "ATIIENIA" to Belfast, 'Liverpool, Glasgow. from HALIFAX on Dec. 9— R.M.S. "AUSONIA" Dec: 15— R.M.S: "ASCANIA" to Plymouth,. Havre, London. Dec. 15 — R.M.S. "LETITIA" to Belfast, Liverpool, Glasgow, from Saint John, Dec. 14. Low Round -Trip Fares Cabin Class from 4206.00 Tourist Class..., from 168.00 Third Claes 131.50 Ask about our Special Christmas Excursions, from your local agent or from the nearest Cunard office 217 Bay Street, (Elgin 3471) Toronto SAIL CUNARD ANGHD[;•DONALDfON 3-n3 Are You WEARY? - Do you find it hard to do things some days? Days when body and brain feel oppressed? Incomplete elimination of body wastes is prob• ably the reason. It is most likely the reason even though you are as regular as can bo in your daily habits because regularity is no guarantee of completeness. Follow these sim- plehealth rules: Eat :moderately, sleep suffi- ciently, get Lots of fresh air and exercise—and once or twice. every week take a bracing, sparkling glass of Andrews Liver Salt. An- drews will purify and invigorate your whole system and help Nature end those tired, headachey" days. Get Andrews Liver Salt from your druggist. 35c and 60e in tine. 760 for the new, large bottle. Solo Agents: John A. Huston Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. 2 Belgium's History Shown In Collection of Stmps Montreal.—At Canada's Foreign Re- lations Exhibition here a unigae col- lection of postage stamps, coins and banknotes from Fr'ace, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, and other countries is on view. The stamp collections in particular are of unusual initerest. The Belgium collection depicts a vivid story of Belgium's agitated his- tory. Each issue tells a tale of Belgium's progress, its union, then the dihas- trous years of war, and invasion, and the age of Belgium's recovery and industrialization. In the Italian collection are many specimens dat- ing to times prior to United Italy, and it is representative of the coun- try's eras. Germany has provided' beautiful specime„s, of Meissen china, many colorful objects of art are exhibited by Denmark, A key- note of gay and smart color is found In Poland's booth. • If Past 45 and "Low” and Upset Look for Acid Stomach HERE ARE THE SIGNS: Nervousness Frequent Headaches Neuralgia Feeling of Weakness Indlgestlon Sleeplessness Loss of Appetite Mouth Acidity Nausea Sour Stomach Auto -intoxication WHAT TO DO FOR IT: TAKE -2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Mag. nesia in a glass of water every morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating, And another before you go to bed. OR—Take the new Philips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets — one tablet for each teaspoonful as di- rected above. S If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia acts of once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach�ppain's and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. But—be careful you get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy— genuine PHILLIPS` Milk of Mag- nesia. See that the name "PHIL- LIPS'» is on the label. ALSO IN TABLET FORM Each tiny tablet is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, MADE Di CANADA Phillips' Milk of Magnesia World's Loneliest Radio Outpost Receiver Would Not Pick Up Broadcasts from Mainland Anarchronists wild condemn the radio as an abomination, should try life on the Island of Trisdan de Cunha as a cure, for if ,there was ever a place that good wireless set was needed it is at this loneliest out- post of civilization. The first at- tempt to set up a radio receiver on this desolate island, lying midway between South America and Africa in the South Atlantic in 1922 was frustrated by the hundred odd su- perstitious inhabitants, who feared amongst other things that it would attract lightning, The spiritual guide o1 the island- ers, Rev. R. A. C. Pooley, took back both a transmitter and receiver to Tristan da Cunha in 1925, but he found out rather pathetically that both were too weak either to receive or transmit news to and from the outside world. A powerful all -wave set receiving short wave transmis- sions would have been ab especial blessing this year for the mail boat which visits the island once a year was unable to establish communica- tion with the shore owing to the terrific gales sweeping the bleak South Atlantic, Lord Mayor Elected At London Pageant London.—Mr. Charles Henry Col- lett, identified in a time-honored ceremony at London's ancient Guild- hall as "Knight Alderman and Glove Maker" recently was elected Lord Mayor, Wearing a plumed hat and sword and carrying a bouquet in his hand he was the central figure in a color- ful pageant. Dignitaries in gold and black three -cornered hats, lawyers In black gowns and gray wigs and offi- cials in scarlet robes with lace ruffs and wearing gold chains, accom- panied him in the procession over a red carpet strewn with sweet herbs. Mrs. Collett and retiring Lord Mayor Sir Percy Greenway watched from a balcony. As is customary liverymen who re- present various companies in old London, a vestige of the ancient guild sstem, are the electors. The Lord Mayor's so-called domain now is only a small section in London His duties are mostly ceremonial, although he presic es over a police court district known as "the city." WIFE'S DELIGHT AT HUSBAND'S LOSS 30 Pounds ofFat! ! Here is something all wives of fat men will be glad to know. It is the experience of a woman whose husband recently weighed 230 lbs. She writes: "I really feel I must write and tell you that, after taking Kruschen Salts for nearly 3 months, my husband has got his weight down from 230 lbs. to 200 lbs. ,This has been achieved by nothing else =but Kruschen, I am too heavy also, and I started taking Kruschen only three weeks ago. Al- ready I have got down from 153 lbs. to 144 lbs. We are delighted." — (Mrs.) C. Kruschen combats the cause of fat by assisting the internal organs to perform their functions properly—to throw off each day those waste pro- ducts and poisons which, if allowed to accumulate, will • be converted by the body's chemistry into fatty tissue, Invisible Spectacles Made in London The person who has bad eyesight, but hates wearing frame, or pincenez glasses, now may have invisible spec- tacles made for each eye. This entirely new departure in optical wear is now on the market in London,' Eng. Each eyepiece is a tiny, shell-like slip of glass, slightly larger than a dime, fitting directly on top of the cornea of the eye, un- der the lid, and adhering to it by suction, "Contact glasses" is the name of the new invention. They posi- tively cannot be seen, even at the Closest range. The average eyepiece costs about $25 each, but prices vary according to the lens required. It is impos- sible, however, to just walk in to the opticians and buy a pair right away. They are supplied only to the pres- cription of an ophthalmic surgeon. The adoption of these contact glasses would be quite a delicate busi- ness at first, each eyepiece. is gripped by the ;suction of a little rubber bulb which comes away when pinched, leav- ing the eye covered with the thin, transparent scrap of glass which can• not be felt, even with the eyelid, The glass is withdrawn In a second by means of the rubber bulb. 1t is • claimed that after a little practice' a wearer would be able to slip the glasses in and out easily, Lucky Motorist at Calgary. -Edward Cotterell, ofy,Cal- gary, received only a gash over the( left eye and abraisons to arms and legs when a west -bound passenger train here crashed into his auto, drag. ged It for more than a city block and completely wrecked it. Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Ltd. 2 OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE 3 5 J'Viore Turret Fine Cut for the same money —and Poker Hands, tool Now we give every man who "rolls his own" more Turret Fine Cut for the same old price! On this new deal you'll get still more cigarettes from every pack. age of Turret Fine Cut—you'll actually save money by purchasing this cool and fragrant cigarette tobacco and buying your own cigarette papers. Remember, too—you can get 5 large booklets of "Vogue" or "Chantecler" cigarette papers free in exchange for one complete set of Poker Hands. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS 20 22 26 29 31 ill ill' lillIllrF iiillIrd11110 Ell 39 46 50 47 40 36 33 37 Horizontal 1—First Greek letter 6—Last Greek letter 11—Procession 13—Plant of lily family 14—Jewish r-onth 15—To array 17—New England state (abbr.) 18—Horse 20—Pertaining to cheek 21—Intimate 22—European island 24—To stitch 25—Part of boo' 26—Fell in icy crystals 28—Rod 29—Molds. 30—Vehicle 3f—For fear that 32—Life work 34—Front AMIN ■ n� 48 51 35—Human 36—To let fall 38—Abstract being 39—Holy person 41—Portuguese for saint 42—Paid notice 43—Sickness 45—Pronoun 46—Small bird 48—Condiments 50—Hair ribbon 51—Prepared Vertical 1—Swiftly 2—Works 3—Pair (abbr.) 4—Kind of meat 5—First man 6—Persian poet 7—Wire measure 8—Spanish article 9—Place for cars 10—Belonging to axis 12—Rubs out 13—Irish humorist 16—Snow vehicle 19—Farm implements 21—Deals triflingly 23—Racket 25—Read carefully 27—Moist 28—Equality 30—French resort 31—English city 32—Son of Adam 33—Wandered 34—Deeds 35—Germinated grain 37—Metrical writing 39—Glided 40—Emperor 43—Japanese statesman 44—To petition 47-=--Mid-west state (abbr.) 49—Symbol for calcium Newfoundland -Labrador Airway to be Opened London.—Twenty-five men, led by Major Christopher Draper, are to in- augurate an air line between the La- brador Coast and Newfoundland's newly discovered gold field. Major Draper, whose daredevil fly- ing exploits earned him the title of "The Mad Major," will run a passen- ger and freight air service between the new Kiondyke and the Labrador Coast trading posts. The journey across ice and snow will take only a OLD PEOPLE FEEL YOUNG Just because more years than you care to count have fled by on your life's calendar is no reason for feeling old. Age, after all, isn't a matter of years. It is a matter of health. Stay vigorous and you stay young. But how, you ask. Do it the way thousands of people of advancing years do. Take Wincarnis regularly. Wincarnis is a delicious wine, free from drugs, that brings you all the valuable elements of grapes combined with the highest grade beef and guaranteed malt extract. Its invigor- ating' effect is almost magical—yet, perfectly natural. These,valuablo elements in Wincarnis givo your ageing system exactly , the stimulating nourishment it requires. They soothe your nerves, enrich your blood, and flood your whole body with almost youthful buoyancy and our. ore 2 1 than 0,000 medical men have earthly endorsed Wincarnis. It is • great tonic. It will maks you feel young again by creating for you new stores of strength and energy. Get Wincarnis from your druggist—Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co. Ltd., Toronto. as Answers to Last Week Puzzle AMA A S -C -A- -I III D O'M A I N HURLED AN\,\TRIDE�NTyTA GOS P E D��nS H U N %A S P 53 L A R I ,T r E N D S S E .A H C 0 A R R 0 j/SES 0 ROTATE ROBES R R T 0 S E M T A P 'R A R N S ynT• E Wr/� C E A P R E E N S 0 C E S R A T T L E �n E D T A D DROMIO SE BALE few hours as con pared with three to six weeks by clog -drawn sleights. The bullion will be carried in a large machine originally built to carry bombs and torpedoes. This machine will be armed, for the dog trail be- tween the goldfield and the trading posts is reported to be infested with desperadoes and hi-jackers and a forced landing en route might result in a hand-to-hand defensive encoun- ter. • Among the Major's air exploits was L. fight with Baron von Richthofen, the famous German "ace." He has made hair-raising flights under bridges and arches, including Tower' Bridge and Westtninster Bridge. He won the Croix de Guerre'during the war. Verily The wind bloweth, The farmer soweth, Thesubscri er el b oweth, And the Lord knoweth We are in need of due/ We're not a -punning, So come a -running, Or we'llo gunning, s g> This tiring of dunning Gives 05 the blues. When Your Daughter Coupes foWomanhood Give Her Lydia E. Pinkllam's Vegetable Compound Most girls in their teens need a tonic and regulator. Give your daughter Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for the next few months. Teach her bow to guard her health at this critical time. When she is a happy, healthy wife and mother she will thank you. Horse Shoe Pitching Championships at The Royal Winter Fair Neither the past world's series nor the coming opening of the rugby and hockey seasons is to be allowed to crowd out the good old farmyard game of horse shoe pitching from Canada's national Ofe! (Or the Royal Winter Fair will know the reaso why). Championships in horse shoe con- tests for all Canada—from the nose of Cape Breton to the tip of the Yukon and all the way from the southernmost peak of Ontario to the ice -edge of Baf- fin Island if challengers come—are to be held in the smaller show ring of the Royal on the last four days of the Fair November 27-30 inclusive. Cham- pionships are open irl singles and doubles. In both some change has been made in the arrangements this year by which the total prize money has been extended so as to offer four prizes in each sub -division making 24 cash prizes in all, By a series of eliminations, players will be stepped according to their score into classes A, B and 0 in singles and doubles. Class B will be open to non -prize win- ners in class A, class 0 to those not successful in either A or B. By this arrangement more speed it is hoped, will be put into the contests, while permitting a single entry fee of a dol- lar to cover the three classes either in singles or doubles. These competitions are for the titular cbampionships of Canada. They are approved by the Ontario Athletic Commission and are the official and fully recognized competitions sanction- ed by the Dominion of Canada Horse Shoe Pitching Association. The com- mittee in charge of the competition this year, on behalf of the Royal Winter Fair, consists of Thos. A, Murphy, M.P.P. (Chairman), Toronto; George Beedham, Toronto; Robert French, Orillia; Jas., Labbett, Toronto; Albert Langabeer, Belleville; Arthur Moffatt, Peterboro; J. L. Murray, Toronto; H. W. Pearson, Brockville; Harry I, Price, M.P.P., Toronto; J. H, Saunders, Lon- don; W. Rossell, Hamilton; and Carl Swanstrom, Toronto. Charity To apply to others in charity the knowledge one has used against one- self in judgment—this is the bard thing.—W. H. Malloch. Palestine is rapidly growing in im- portance as a producer of oranges and has now attained the fourth place among orange exporting countries, be- ing surpassed only by Spain, Italy and the United States. SKIN RASHES Give Place to Velvet Smooth Skins In. almost countless numbers, skin sufferers have had cause to be thankful for D.D.D., the prescription of a highly successfulhysician, Dr. D. D. Dennis. This liquid prescription now made and endorsed by Campanafs Italian Balm chemists, allays irritation almost once,and quicklyi tclears up such skin as eczema, hives, acne, ring- worm, dandruff, pimples and rashes. Ask your druggist for D.D.D. Prescrip- tion: Trial size, 35o. Guaranteed to. give tantrelief ormoney refunded. ISSUE No, 43---'33 Classified Advertising FARMS WANIE.U. EVENUII PRODUCING PROPER- TIES exchanged for equipped farms, preferably clear; good buildings, stock and equipment. for good Toronto pro- perty showing good returns and cash. Write John Stark & Co., 331 Eglinton West, Toronto. PATENTS. N OFFER 'Cit EVERY INVENTOR. /1. List of wanted lnvent'ons and full information sent free. The Ramsay Corn.. pally. World Patent Ltttornrvs. 273 Lank Street. Ottawa. Canada. BXG SEWING MACHINE BA}3.GAINS. INGERS, $16.00, $19.00; ELECTRIC kJ Singer, $20.00. Fine condition. Norwood, $13.00; Gooderich, $13.00; New Raymond, $13.00; New Williams, 112.00; New Howe, $12.00; Standard, $10.00. Also Raymonds, Williams, Royals, Hud - sons, New Home, Whites, Davis, and many others at $7,50 each. All guaran- teed in fine running order, Good sewers. Lowest prices in Canada. Send for list. Universal Company, 2028 St. James, Montreal. AGENTS WANTED. r OCAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted for special Christmas pro- position. Earn $5 to $10 per day. Spare or full time work; liberal guarantee. Winston Co., Toronto, Dept. 1. Gas in the stomach Gas in the stomach, belching, sour water brash, pain after eating, etc., can be overcome within three minutes if you will take a little Bisurated Magnesia in water after you eat. The ordinary Bi- surated Magnesia which you can get at any drug store will correct acid stomach and stop acid indigestion immediately. Try it and see. UT CU Soap for daily use, Ointlmtent to heal akin irritations. Talcum ideal after bathing. Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. Talcum 25c. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bus —No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depressed, sour on tho world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are being slowed asp, food is accumulating and decaying inaide you and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel -movers like salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing MIL. or roughage, don't go far enough. You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the beat one. Safe. Purely vege- table. Sure. Ask for them by mans Refuse substitutes 25o. at all druggists 82 END PAIN ---Soothe SORE HANDS by ,Rubbing in 83 TINRo' . "KING OF PAIN" E�r