HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-10-26, Page 50001av ' !Mors ictober 26f1ia, ISO • Inusoress CARDS Dium-Ey E. Horatio S IARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PlUBLIC, ETC. tOTOICE---Hamilton Street, Jut* off litie Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special .Attention to Councel and Court Work, Jr. Holmes may be consulted al ;Gedevich by Phone, and Phew charges reversed. Dr. H. H. C E L. D. Ss D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ l3LOCK—ZURICH .3Lyery Thursday, Friday, Satarda At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASIIWOOD ry Manama Tuesday and sWednesday Liceased Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON &set any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit 'roue' business, and if not satisfied we] smoke no charges for Services Ren Armed. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Vlaone, 18-57. Zurich'sPopular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Boiognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Higliesf Cash Prices for WoolHides 4nd. Skins 111. Yungblut & Sou SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers =GM CLASS GOODS, IL S. L. ABATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR - "ELUDE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Starts, Hohnhig and Mechanics'! Work Aerie he Micronaster Settings, No annoy work. Watch the cars that 'STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 7ein IESASHWOOD — ONTARIO assesstaatoosenataaaaozz: Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- illJAL COKBANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Antount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, $1'7,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,97a.99. IR.ates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klopp—Zurich, Aleut, Also Dealer in Ligkwiai Rads sad all kinds of Fire Insurance .11•1••••••••.111•1•1001:1••101.... LIVE OPOU LT R Y WANTED Sidek*evitry Day till $ es'Irlacke pen. lbw sot ;teed Fowl salsas saassalng whim* brought is, Highest Cash Prices ....CASH ?Oft— AND ,EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 1010 Res. 04, Zarb* THE HERALD'S, JOB PEPARTMENT Iskever, ready to serve the pob- lie with COmmerciall and fine Prin. Ger out price, be- IVI rava "ants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notioeg-Et. Ads 1111111 111()LVIUI AUCellON . SALE OF FARM STOCK Mr. Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, bete been i est ucted t • II b WI auteion at Walker's Sales Stables, Brucefield„ on Wednesday, November 1st, at 2 p. m., the following: - 30 Head Rexford Cattle, Calves, Yearlings and Twp-year-oTde. 2 Cows due time 'of sae. 6 pigs ready to wean. 6 Chunks about 160 pounde. Ternas-Cas.k. .W. A. ROSS, Proptietor. G. EL ELLIOTT, Au.ctioneea. FOR SALE A good young brood sow, Also 10 small pigs for sale, apply Simon. Greb Babylon Line. FARM FOR SALE 9 Fifty acres of land, being the south half of lot member seven in the ninth concession, Township of Hay. On this farm is a comfortable 8 roomed frame dwelling, bank barn 40 ft. by 65 ft. and other small out- buildings. Well watered anti fenced and about four acres hardwood bush. Near to churchc, sal -tool. and village. Price reasonable as property must be sold to settle estate. Immediate pos- session given_ For further particu- lars apply to: Adelbert Smith or Pierce Farwell, Executors Wendel Smith Estate, Zurich, Ontario. For Sale ZURICH I-EKAID LOCAL NEWS Mr. Wallace Ross of Bruceileld, was a visitor in tOW11 on TnesolaY. • Mr. and Mrs. Louie Weber mot- ored to London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Braun and family of Forest, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Merest-. William and Ezra Dumart and Mn J. Beam ef Kitchener, were visitors with MrHarry Yungblut, the beginning of the week. In last week's issue we made men- tion of Mrs. L. Geiger rind son New- ell visiting in Kitchener. This sho- uld have been Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Hoffman and Mr. and Mes. L. W. Hoffman and daughter, Marjorie, were Sunday last visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffmat. and Mrs. H. Hoffman, 0.t Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Richter and daughter Mrs. Stephenson and little son, of Arkona, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith of town, and Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Smith, south of St. Joseph. • Miss Clara , Weber of town who, has recently been successful in se- curing a good position with the Hunt Milling Company of Loncion, as stenographer, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weber of town. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein who spent a pleasant visit with friends at Crosswell, Mich., returned home on Friday, and were accompanied by the two Misses Smith of that plane who spent _the week -end with their uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein, The annual Fowl Supper will be served in the spacious cement shed of the Evangelical church, Zurich on Thursday November 2nd, from 5 to 8.30 o'clock. Great preparations are being made to accomodate a large attendance. Table room for 180 at one sitting. A high class program will be rendered b7„- local talent, fea- turing the best of music, vocal and A slightly used Incubator, 250 instrumentals. A short play, rend - egg capacity, Would also consider ings, etc. will be given. to e..t.change it b2r. a. large]; size. We your inspection. Thaaelay evening ef this week is iiivae Bruce J. Klopp, Zurich, 110 d0 of the chic!' T upper in the tcy'vn hall, Zurich, sponsored by — see, sra-re of St. Boniface R. C. church, This is the first event of its Mad held. in Zurieh this fall and we trust it :vill be well patronized, as v,re can assure one and all who at- tend that the inner man will be well replenished, with the many goodies that these people always have. Make November 8th and 9th for hearing - it a point and attend to this annual o±two or three charges, those of con - event on Thursday evening. spiracy and bribery, by his honor, with a jury. The third charge, that The week -end ushered in much of being as agent of the county did colder weather, and this Wednesdaay accept a bribe, is without the juris- morning the ground was covered ! diction of the county court and will ;with. S.EIGNV and a heavy frost was be on the docket of the assizes also prevalent. This is the first frost which will convene at Goderich on of any account we experienced. That Oct. 31. It is understood, however; ! is hard enough to freeze the tomato- that an application will be made at' plants and flower plants which were the assize court to have the case tra-i all nice and green so far, indeed it versed awaiting the outcome of the has been a fine fall. On Tuesdayother two charges. In their argum- we had an all -day rain, which did ent, counsels for the accused intim- considerable towards the water sup- ated that the plea of Higgins and ply, as many wells in the community , Booth would be not guilty and that are not producing the water they at least two days would be. necessary usually do at this tine of year as for the trials. the rains we have had were not suffi- cient to soak down in the sub -soil. Hay Township Pioneer The building opertions are progres- (Stratford lieaeon-Eirald) sing along nicely, although the bad John Foster, who is probably the weather the beginning of the week oldest resident in Hay township and was a drawback. A goodly number', when since the death of his wife last of things are already in the SchilbeNew Year's day has lived alone ea block, and will likely be occupied with their business the latter part of the week, while the living quarters will take a little longer, the painters are now doing their part of the work in the store. In the Yungblut block the brick work is now completed and workmen are busy putting on the shingle roof. In the Haist block, the FOR SAL! • About 280 feet 1A inch galvan-- • ized piping with jerk rods and a brass lined cylinder, all slightly used will be sold at piping 12c a foot and jerk rods at 4 cents a foot. For further particulars apply to: Zurich Police Trustee Board. NOTWF We request that all our outstand- ing accounts, also all fertilizer ac- counts be paid to us as soon as possible. Please! L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at nay home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. Fall. Fair' Dates Alimmg.•••••••• Ottawa Winter Fair—Nov. 14, 17. Royal (Torontp)e-,--Npae.S2, AQ. Report of Hog Shipments For month ending Aug. 31, '33 Exeter—Total 37, . select 14, bacon 19, butchers 3; Hensall—Total 275 selects 90, bacon 148, butchers 25, heavies 1, lights 2. Clinton—Total 622, selects 216, bacon 322, butch- ers 54, heavies 3, lights 22. Theron Co. Locals—Tatal 2739, selects 815, bacon 1679, butchers 136, heavies 21 lights 34. Hilton County—Total 6306, selecte 1921, 'bacon 3556, but chers 541, heavies' 38, extra heavies 49, lights 75e .0 e z• A- Spantane° tr.s Welcome. Thursday, Octehet 4th, 1933, Was 1a veryeeignifitrant day- in tbe life.' of Godexich cominunity, when eitizens of ever a age; ancl etif eirerenivalke life, turned out in vast -numbers to extend a right warm welcome to the representative of hie gracious wiajes- tythe King, and to 'Lady Bessborough Ta the Governor-General himself there must have been communicated the sense of feeling, that he. was. visiting a community that posieessed the touch of the atmosphere of the old-world, for on viewing the harbor he was looking upon nature/ scenes that were first viewed be a represent- otive of thre oldsworld„ rai fees a riarta,lesiVrooraleg personality than &towel Cleve- , 1T11 ?bd.; tygoy inlinyeyeare messes A $1.19$, • LOCAL NEWS •I IvEral.444.0welmoiropqmow•0010•0•400*0000*••••••••••••••••• Mr, and Mrs. Ed. 111rb were visitors et Baden and other eastern points, W. R. Davidson of Heneall, was •ie town 011 Friday. ., Mr., and Mrs, Lee O'Brein and lit- tle Billie are visiting. with friends. at Crosswell, Mich. Mr. J. G. Stanbury, solicitor of * .Exeter, attended the local Division Implement Repairs 1 • WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU e CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME * Court here on Teesday; .* •11/1rs. B. Pfile is at present spend- 0 ing e few days with her brether, ; CLIMAX BUG KILLER AT NEW LOW PRICES Maria -ie ere. spending the week with '* -- • Mrs, L. W. HOffinan end claaughtei. I ALSO ALL . KINDS OF INSECTICIDES AS FOL.. .Vrann, .Forest. a$ Mr. Charles Greb and Miss Carrie Ezea Bender, at Dashwood. PRICES Climax Bug Killer ,the fOriner's sistee, Mrs.- W. F. LOWS :---Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime ..Pa-* Green, Etc., Etc. Brenner, of Kitcheeer, -of re week. end visitors at the home of Mr. and a Mrs. John Brenner. s , C OA L COAL ., PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. IlVfr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb, and Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gerber were Sunday 4 visitors with Mrs. J, L. G:rbe.e, Bron- son Line. Miss Melinda Steeee, • ;eel pane Erb of the Bronson Line left for el Kitchener Where, they intend doing domestic work for the winter months Pleased to report. that rs. Ed.! I, Gascho has recover sufilcen•tly from her recent appedix operation to re-. surae her duties aL Cie telephone Celltral, - Me. and Mrs. Conrad Siemon, who •have been at Hillsgreen the past summo are moving to the vi- lage, occupyin ; the ',lash:lance foetee.., ly occupied le. Mr. Jacob Kipfar. The regular evening meet 'ing of the Y. ' ^f the Are; Mennonite Chta,:la• - Was taken hy the Young People ' East Zora on Sunday evening, which was greatly enjoyed by all present. World's Fair May Continue Into 1934 Strong indications that a Century of Progress Exposition at Chicago would remain open in 1934 was giv- en Saturday by Rufus C. Dawes, president, observing that President Roosevelt had ;assured the manage- ment he would like to see the fair reopen next year. Dawes said: "It the public wants the fail. in 1934, they can have it". Huron Auditors Will Face Trial 'Last Monday afternoon in county ((ma at Goderich, Robe HiggIns o;; Hensel) and Win. Booth of Wirignam 1932 County of • Huron aaditove, ! charged with conspiracy an 7 7. .4010 appeared before Judge Costaln foie election. Trial dates were fixed for his farm home on the Babylon Lime still enjoys splendid health. Mr. Fos- ter is 83 years old. He came to Hay township with his parents from Waterloo, whew three years old and. settled onthe75-acre farm on which. he lives. As a boy, John had a turn of mind for machinery, and spent considerable of his time tinkering a-' new brick front is almost up, and the round old engines. Besides operat- carpenters are busy putting up the ing his farm, he run a brick and living quarters in .the top story. This tile yard for 35 years, during which .will have a ratherunique appear- time he built, patented and sold a ance for Zurich, and will undoubted- tile -making machine. He also built sly be very nice, as Mr. Heist says, several wooden windmills, one of they have all the' plans laid and whieh operated for 30 years. The just how they want things. -and in fans, of special cedar design, were all cases that is the way to build, to light and powerful so muen so that suit yourself, and not take the ad-- the mills were used with good success vise of everyone that comes along. in grinding and chopping grain. He sold the mill erected for $60. He Hensall Resident Passes became through his experiments, an The death occurred Thursday ev- experienced pattern maker, nad his ening of George Fairbairn, who re- own moulding shop where ne cast his sides on the London Road south, a own parts in all metals including al - short distance from Hensall., The de- unainum and brass. It is said he Igoe ceased was in his 68th year, had not duced millions of brick at $4 per M. been in the best of health the past and orders .came from .all parts far summer, but it was only the last 4 Foster's brick. Mr. Foster, though weeks that he became ill with pneu- 83 is a keen thinker, and active. He monia. An operation was perform- is an ardent member of St. Boniface Catholic church, Zurich, and attends chierch quite regularly in the good weather, when he can go on, his bicy- cle. He has ridden •a wheel for the past 40 years. Only this summer he was timed from the church to his home which is two miles. He made the stretch in exactly 7 minutes. He. sits in an upright position while rid- ing, giving hint the appearance of a much younger person. For years, the. family would go to church in the car- riage, while the father preferred the bike. -Mr.. Foster's 'family of • liVe boys arid 2 girls are: Louis, Kitchett- er;Albert and Fred„ BiggariSask; Jellies A., thseeall; Alix, Zurieh;irs enethe homesteede Mrs. Battler, BabyIesikLinee ed and though he tame through the operation nicely yet he passed away • a few hours from shock the funeral was held on Sunday in McTaggart's Cemetery, with Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensall, officiating. Mr. Fairbairn was married twice, his first wife be- ing Agnes Simmons, of that union 3 children survive: Mrs. Joe Hudson, Hensel); William of near Hensall, and Allie, Tillsonburg. His second wife, formerly Mabel Simmons, sur- vive t him together with a family of five daughters and one son:, -Mrs. Len - itis Clinton; Mrs. C. Brint- nell, Exeter; Agnes, Clarence, Shit - ley and Mabel at home. Surviving alea.are. fete asters and four broth:. I 01;5. he; eJel :ea L. Sehul -e6:4110Oteltestelefeteereateee naia; VS MOO or deiddetiii0 et*. WWWWWWiM Wiefh Vilitevt-WW WW24 `e61V6 , Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - 0 - CEDE We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. hr, A, J, MacKinnon, Zurich! 4ROMPAMWMMRF MM WM' WM PAMP MM J 4 4 • • • • • • • • 6 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • Seir••••••••••ee s — ,e41.004. GeV etereeeeeeseessee • o * Geese # ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape - for ons Year: Kitchener Daily Record Toronto Daily Globe Toronto Daily Mail and Empire Toronto Daily Star Toronto Weekly Star London Free Press London Advertiser London, Farmer's Advocate Farm and Dairy Farmers* Sun Family 'Herald and Weekly Star Family Herald for 3 years Canadian Countryman Weekly Witness Farmers* Magazine Huron Expositor, Seaforth • 4111 • • • • • • • • • • $5.10 • • $6.00 • $6.00 • :67..0°00 • • • $6.00 • • $6.00 •• • $2.25 • $$$$$t2232221 . . . , . : 0522571 0055505 I $ $2.75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We hate the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .la Costa& and the United States, and can save you money on the moat of them. Rensw all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich • . • 4 • • • • 1101411444.4•04010.4414.......•4. 4..1. ......444.0.10. 0044 . . 1 4 1