HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-10-26, Page 4are plentiful • but the rough
Alai *Oft
officers took place resulting as foil- •weather is keeping individual fishing
Ariin• 111 ows: Pres. Kenneth Wein., Vieth enthusiasts from the harbor,
g Miss Verna Birk,. Seey., Treas., Wingham Masque. have a fm e new
0 Howard Klumpp, pianist Gordon hall, and members of the craft from
the district gathered for the
teethe, Ear Witmer, As't Mrs. A. dedicatien ceremonies. Grand. Master
Garage Work, and Auto Repairing, iv E. Oestreicher; Editor' of paper, Copus of Stratford officiated at the
Mise Ella Martinson; Reporters, Ver- dedication, assisted by Grand Secret-
na Birk, Florence Baker:Earl Wit- ary Logan O f Hamilton and other
men Howard Klump, Sheldon Wein, officers.
Addison Wiesen, Gordon Keeler; 141. Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Souter,, Beuce-
of Directors, Albert Goetz, Rota Hay field, announce the engagement of
ter, Wallace Wein, Hubert Reston'. their daughter, Florence Sinclair, to
eyer, Florence Baker, Ella Witmer; Orrin E. Dowson, son of Mr. Wm.
Auditors, Gordon Keeler, Wallace _H. Dawson and the late Mrs. Dow -
son, Varna, the marriage to take
• • -place quietly in October.
The paving of the highway be-
tween Listowel and Atwood was
completed Tuesday last. There is still
. a great real of work to be done be -
:fore the highway will be finished., as
several bridges ,will have to be fixed
and the ten -foot shoulders on either.
side leveled up. It is justpossible
that some opening ceremony will be
held at Atwood in the near future.
A portion of the nortINpid• at
Kincardine harbor is being rebuilt in.
concrete, and portion of the south
pier which have been undermined
are being repaired. The work, which
will cost around $15,000, is being
done by the Russel Construction Co-
mpany of Toronto, local labor being
used mainly.
James Shaddock, of London, a
former hotelkeeper, of Exeter, was
Struck by a motor car on Dundas St.
London, and was fatally wounded.
He was terribly crushed in the fall
to the pavement and die&several ho-
urrs later. He was one of the oldest
employees of the Street Railway and
was returning home when he was
struck by a car.
Five horsemen received more or
less painful injuries in a running
race at Teeswater Fair. The accid-
ent occurred during the race pro-
gram. Seven horses startea In the
running race, hut in going around a .
turn in the track, tangled up, with
the result that five riders were thr- I ;me 'type agricniteere in any seer-
own from their horses. Most serious time is decided by its air temperature.
injured was Ken. McDonald, Tees- new crops which are 'imported?.
water, on whose face one of the hor- OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS,' AnY
must iirst become acclimatized to th.at
ses stepped. Six stitches were re-
quired to close the wound.
Tom F. Abbott, Exeter, is con-
fined to hie home owing to having
.injured his knee when he fell while
carrying part of a power plant. Mr.
Abbott was getting his new honey
extracted plant in shape for fall bus-
iness. His other plant having been
destroyed by fire a few months ago., CATTLE -1 cow 8 yrs. old with: am:ruction results. High temnera-•
NVe are always at your service for Expert Keeler; Ass't Norman Wolper., Song all over
Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases
Pumps — Piping — Pump Work
PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points)
ee 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one.
1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost.
L. A. Prang & Son - Zurich I
Phone, Shop 114 Residence 76
AWMWM4000006604,1900E00900,00611)61009040080000640009*41 0
Ae4-1-ieeeeeeeee-1-1-4-1.4-4-leeee-1-i-i-e-e++ 444 -4 -1•41 -1 -44 -1 -i -l -e4 -1 -e -e++4-1-4+4:
21.1j -in. and up, 8 foot long
47 4
4▪ 14. -
A Real Opportunity!
To New Subscribers, Paid in Advance, We will
send the ZURICH HERALD to the end of
1933 for only
20 Cents
A. car load of supplies for relief
tin the west is 'being loaded this we-
- k Hensall from this dirtrict.
'Rev. Mr. Bowen of London, -.gave
ree, very interesting address at the
-service Hillsgreen church on Sun.:
inlay afternoon, as a representative
Zrom. the Bible Society.
'Wes. E. Broderick is visiting with
Sher daughter,_Mrs. R. Mousseau, in
Mr. Mrs. Orland Siemon, of
eand. daughter of Kitchener, were vis-
.4titeg -with the formers parents, IVIr.
leered Mrs. C. Si111011:,
Mee and Mrs. Ralph Workman of
Mint, Mich., visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Workman over Sunday.
Mrs. John Jarrott and daughter
ereledys visited with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bills and fam-
ily of Detroit are visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. HenryRader,
Mr. and .Mrs. R. .1. Eckstein and
children of Kitchener spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Becker Sr.
Mr. A. Birk and Miss Verna were
Sunday visitors in Mitchell, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edigh-
offer, also attending the Anniversary
Servicee there.
Reformation Services will be con-
ducted in the Lutheran church on
Miss Mavis Spencer of Hensall,
spent the week -end with Miss Ruth
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Reid were: Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Elliott, of Thedford, Mr. and Mrs
R. G. Reid, Mrs. W. Reid, Mr. and
IMrs. Elgin Porter, Misses 1Vlargaret
dL id R id f Ba field
M d Pole of Thedford
giteleath. an uc n a e allo . y .
W. Andrew Love of Hensall w
visitor with his sons Gordon a
1ff-ugh Love.
11r. and Whs. C. Siemon and s
Maarten are leaving for Zurich ti
sa-Reek, where they intend to lie
Win are sorry to see them reeve t
rzommunity as they have made ma
eterarm friends during their short st
-there. ' Rev A. W. Sauer conducted the de-
l/Ise Lottie Love left for London
"ggionnal this week where she will
tAitaish her 'teacher's course.
A number of the relatives of the
Xare Mr. C. Gill of Grand Bend, at-
tended the funeral on Tuesday from
Were vicinity..•
DA S H W O O D Stuart Wolfe; Librarians, Miss-Phy--
as r. an rs.
were -.Sunday visitors with Mrs. Fink
beiner and Cathern.
ou Dr. and Mrs. Taylor 'spent last
week in Windsor, owing to the ser -
,e. ious illness of Donald, son of Mr.
his and Mrs. Harry Guenther.
The Young People of Calvary Ev-
ay angelical church recently organized a
S f Christi n Endeavor
en or League o a
votional period after which the pledg
was signed by 18 members. Miss
Anna Tieman was chosen as Secret-
: ary. The result of the election of
officers is as followss: President, Miss
, Ella Martinson, Vice -Pres., Miss V.
I Birk; Rec.-SecyerMiss 'Anna. Tiernan,
Corr. Secy., .Gordon' Ireeleai; Tre-
asurer, Kenneth Wein ;•niaq1Stt. Mies
Gertrude Hotrintm; ass't. ptanist,
llis Reid and :Howard KInernin: The
'Hie and Mrs. Wm, Stadelbauer
arid feanily of London, spent Sunday
eavith Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graybeil are
egainiting in Woodstock.
Mr. j.. Reschke of Detroit spent
She week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Wexner. Mrs. Raschke who spent the
tsucrarter with her, parc,nts, peturned
Jlifite Detroit with hint
Mr. and -Mrs., .Martinson of
Tenirte:Vi4ted here cel Thurertay.
Sam Witeet or TO1'0Y. 8pe:nt,
»re e neeirer.nati wi th e • d
following evening the Exectitiere Com
met and appointed the following offi-
ecre. Dept. of Worship, Miss Laura
!Witmer; Dept. of Instruction„ Miss
Edith Weber; Dept. of servicenHarry
Hoffman; Dept. of Recreation, Mel.-
vyt Tiernan.
The Anti -Can't Branch of the U.
F.Y,P.O, met in .Dashwood public
school op, Monday evening. The
president Kenneth Wein ocetipied
the chair. Earl Witmer concluded a
Short ,.‘ wh;ch
Ella M-tnscin '"Phe r",
.A piano 80:10, WW1 given Mr. G.
Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt and Oa,
Joe, have returned from London and
Strathroy where they spent someten
days visiting their relatives. •
Carmel church will hold their fowl
supper ,on November 9th. The supper
will be up to the usual standard.
special programme is being prepared
and a good crowd expected. '
• Alex. Ingram is in Detroit to vis;
it with his son and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. SWeitzer ' and
children of Beaeh-o-Phies spent Sun-
day with relatives in town.
Alice Higgins left last week,foe
Woodstock- where she has secued a
good position.
Mrs. John Blatchford of Shedden
and a former resident of Hensall, is
visiting with relatives and friends.
Donald McKay and Herb Hoggarth
who has spent the summer at Beache
o -Pines, are visiting for a few days
at_ their homes here.
Rev. Arthur and Mrs. Sinclair vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb
of Goderich tp.
Mrs. Lorne McNaughteon of Cro-
marty, visited at the home of her
father,. W. 'L. McLaren.
Mr. and Mne, Andrew Hicks of
Centralia visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Consitt.
Fred Berry has returned home af-
ter visiting for several weeks with
relatives and friends in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boon of St.
Marys visited with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peppier, of
Hanover visited with Mr. and Mrs,.
J. W. Bonthron,
Mrs. Roy Palmer and little dau-.
ghter are visiting friends in Toronto
Jean Bonthron of Toronto spent,
a few days at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron.
LEiy McEwen, who had been rest-
ing in the interest of her health for
a number of weeks at the Huron.
Springs Sanitoriura, just south of the
village, has sufficiently regained her
health to enable her to go to Kitch-
ener to be with her . sister, Miss gd-
ith; who is and has ben teaching in
one of the public schools for anum-
ber of years.
It has often been remarked how
well mechanics from the Old Count-
ry have learned their trades and
what long terms they had to serve
with their employers. Mr. G. W.
Davis, of the Hensall Manufacturing
Co., Hensall, can certainly verify
this by showing his indenture of ap-
prenticeship with a large wholesale
clothing company in Bath, Somerset,
Eng. This indenture was made in
duplicate and was dated fst July, A.
D. 1895 for a term of five years
service and called for very little re-
muneration for the first year or so,
but with a small advance for the fol -
ober .2jth, i93
Voted into first place and
bought in greatest num-
bers every year for
eighteen years!
For nearly two decades
it has been possible to
say that more people ride
on Goodyear Tires than
on any other kind.
The only ;sensible rea-
son is that Goodyears
give greater mileage and
all-round service.
STADE mid vaaDo
Zurich, Ont.
Telephone 92
AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS iseetion before they are a success..
On Lot S" 21 L. R. E. Three 1 w Later cereal -crops of Ontario and.
miles -south
of St. Joseph, on El bay orops are not affected by ex--
. tremely low temperature unles
BlueWaterHighway s
greiwth.15 EtArted by warm Weather:
On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, fotfutii by IW tgliierature or by
,,teeedvine,.. .Le of the soil about the i'6010'
Commencing at 1 o'clock pan.
-4114-e ff-ii ei15. iv and earl fall frosts
Ythe iteeperLaataills-:
HORSES -1 -matched team Ba,r—rtnatta daurage. li.
mares 9 and 10 years old, -weighing.
dees not -drop below 28 degrees Fab--
1500 lbs; 1 bay mare 10 years old renneee only the tenderest Vegeta-0.one
1400 lbs'k suffers, but, if below it, wtiolesath
While groping about the upstairs calf 2 weeks old; 1 heifer due in tures cestrong evaporation trona;
nerves of plants and thus. the. need.
57 November; Jersey cow years old precipitation Ltr
of her home in Goderich on Saturday of
night when hydro service was dis- due at time of sale; 1 roan cow 7 up!. t set a'Ait?ueu-i rplelaetchl
rupted by the violent storm, Mrs. Jos- yrs. old due in January; 1 white cow In a p.anaphie7 by. A. J. Connor aL
eph Salkeld, aged citizen os that '7 yrs. old due in .Aril; 1 Holstein elle Meteorological 0...Mee, 'Toronto, an.
bathroom door and plunged
own, mistook .the stairway for hthe cow ead stein cow 6 yrs. old due in March.
4 yrs. old due in March; 1 Hol- interesting a -elation. between. - thes
growth and yield of wheat arid the,
tempera.thre is set torth. Both yield
and growth are increased by a low
temperature and a low range in tent-
perabere. A critical period appears:
to exist in the latter part of the 904
days following sowing and it, the
weather in this period be warm ando
dry, with great temperature range,
the wheat planewill head euicklrf
auti the harvest be light, but it met
cool moist conditions exist heading
wit" by postponed and the yield in-
creased. Thus it -remains a matter or
seeding at the proper time to insure
the coral moist weather in the critical
period. In the Western Provinces the
sowing is early, namely, the last ot.
April,throwing the critical' period:
aboitt the middle of July, the varia-
bility of the temperature of which in
the -teitical factor However, the rule;
there is the earlier the better, while,
in -Ontario -we are unable to sowe.
;spring wheat sufficiently early to pro-- ,
cure that desired cool moist weather.
nor an it be obtained by late sowing.
Most cereals are best adapted tee,
the temperature regions, and espeo-
tally to those of low temperature and.
small i.e.utperainre range. Conse- .
q„uently the above temperature effect
is, applicable to all. Fruits as a ruler
require a. higher temperature -region
but not a high temperature range.
Many fruits, however, have a wide,
distribution and is the result of var-
iety.. ---11. 0. Moffatt, 0. A. CoUe
Marked Sea
re connection. with internatiOnat'
Battery and hydrographical investiga-
first down. 19 steps to the bottom. These cows are 'all supposed to, be in
Both arms were broken and numer- calf. 1 steer two yrs. old; 1 steer
ous bruises and lacerations received 1 year old; 1 heifer 1 yr. olde 2
in addition. to a severe ,shaking up. spring calves; 1 calf 2 weeks old..
It is expected the patient will recover PIGS -5 pigs 125 lbs. -each.; 5:
She is being cared for by her daught- .pigs 2 months old; 1 sow-
er, Mrs. Roy Rundle, who is a train- HENS -125 Leghorn :Pullets.
ed nurse. IMPF.FMENTS—New Adams wag -
Rev. W. J. Patton of Benmiller, on; New Oliver bean scuffler; New
in charge of the relief shipments to hay rack; New 10 -ft. Massey -Harris
Saskatchewan and Northern Ontar- hay rake; New Fleury walking plow;
io, states that a car of fruit and veg- Massey -Harris 11 -disc drill; culti-
eables for Fosterton, Sask., is assur- vator, harrows; root pulper, New
ed. 500 bags of apples are ready in ,MaCormich cream separator; Set
Goderich Tp. Following this carload sling -Jones new. Forks, shovels, hoes,
for Saskatchewan will be the carload and numerous other articles.
of fruit alone for Northern Ontario, GRAIN—About 400 bushels oats;
to be loaded about Nov. 1st. 125 bushels barley; 100 bushels of
oats and/ barley; a quantity clover
her tniXed.
lowing years and contained very bin-,
There is on exhibition in the God -
ding terms for the apprentice to live
up to. For instance, he had to be
on hand for service both day and
night when called for; roust not coa-
tract matrimony; must not play at
dice or any other unlawful of .ques-
tionable game; must be faithful in
all respects to his employers and
retain all their secrets and in every
way prove himself faithful and ener-
getic. Few nowadays would be will-
ing to comply with such strict terms
with such small remuneration That
Mr. Davis, however, filled the bill is
evidenced by the certificate that may
be seen on the back of the indenture
signed by the firm, stating that their
apprentice had given them entire
satisfaction during his terxn. That
Mr. Davis is an expert member of
the firm now engaged in the making
of clothing, is not to be wondered at
from the excellent training he recei-
ved in England.
Hydro customers at Wingham are
receiving -a ten per cent.rebate on
their :November bills.
Mrs. Milton McCurdy, of Usborne
Township, fell down the stairs at her
home and suffered a fracture of the
right 'wrist.
Mrs. J. J. Olivetti, of Exeter, pas-
ted away Saturday morning last in
her 79th year. She was a nfe-long
resident of the district. Her husb-
and survives.
• Gerald Schroeder, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schroeder, Steph-
en, was taken to Victoria Hospital
'ast Wednesday where he was oper-
ated, on for appendicitis, and is .doing
Goderich rishormen have noticed,
loaded incron-e in their haulr of
hue end eetchee of feom three to 5
nenaeed ton no are made each trips
erich Signal office window an ear
of corn brought from Peele Island by
Reg. Glen of Colborne Tp., who dith
his mother spent several days on the
island visiting friends. The ear is.
12 inches in length, almost eight in-
ches in circumferences, and ha.s: a-
bout 1400 kernels in its 20 rows,The
ear was not selected for exhibition:to
the visitors, but was picked at ran-
dom by a friend, from one of the
cornfields which cover hundreds of
ares on the island. It is a specim-
eil of the fertility for which Canada's
,solithermost bit: of etrritory is noted
The barn on the llth concession,
of Howick, near Clifford, owned by
Adolph G. *Deitz of Waterloo, was
destroyed by fire recently Adam Seip
of Clifford, who had the property
rented with his son, Roy, had been
doing chores and were returning
home to the village when they saw
smoke issuing from the barn. TJpon
investigating they found a bed' had
been made with horse blankets on
hay on the barn floor, evidently by a
tramp, and was blazing. They man-
aged to Save the horses, but theim-
plements and season's' crop were
ConsUmed. '
Ed. Lowry, *ho • for the past fire
Years has been in 'charge of the
Central Hotel, Exeter, will retire at
the clasee of' the, ;present ' month ' as'
his lease expires at that time 'and
also owing to his eontinued ill health
5 years ago he took over the hotel
from C. Lee and until his health
failed about two years ago he enjoy-
ed a splendid patronage from the
FURNITURE Kitchen range; roll
top desk, beds, springs, mattresses,
and numerous other articles.
No reserve of proprietor is quit-
ting, farming.
Frank. Taylor; Auetioneer.
Norman Turnbull,. Clerk.
Gordon Turnbull, Proprietor..
Estahlislaid 1900
lions; the British Ministry of Agricul--
Herald printing offike tare and Fisheries is liberating, from:
selected stations in the North Sea..
tonsiderable numbers of "drift bot-
tles" Of the ordinary soda -water
type) which contain a request to the
ender to break the bottle and to post
the card enclosed as directed there-
on. a sate.11 to the/
year, strictly in advance; $1,.60fl
arrears or 52.00 muy be charged. U.
S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon-
eeward being paid
tinued until all arrears are paid un- sender. Many of these bottles ma
!es* at option of publisher. y -
The date be found A.oating on the stirfaee
of which every Subscription is paid the sea; others are so adjusted that
is denoted ethe Label.
they are to be found near the bo6
tom; these are frequently brought
la a trawl. Either kind '
MOUT advectisint lustd• blows sometimes be found waehed tipi'otre
on application. the seashore. From the data :obtain--
Miscellaneeueirlicles of. not more ed by putting out tfiese
than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, valuable informatiOn regardingoef:ant1Z.4'.
Wanted, lost, Found, etc., One inser- drifts and the _ine-Ventents of float
tion 25e, 2 40e., ins.
Eng !fish -eggs can be gatherod. Thw
. i 3 50e. •
Fisheries Department is also respons-
Farm or Real Estate for sale. $2.00
for expe.riments with marketti
for first math, 51". fai. each fal" Plaice and other fish, A small ebo-
:lowing month. mite disc bearing a distinctive num:
Professienal Cards not exceeding her is affixed to the fin of the fish,
!. 1/4 inches, per year ;6L00. and should it bo captured its nxigra-
' 1VIemoriask one verse 60e, 2k tions and growth can be determined.
f*P each readily
One of -
additional' verse; Card el
travelling public and was ourl!
,most highly esteemed citizens. Since
his illness which has incapicated him
,feom business the hotel has beenrune
der the management of his son Fred
Nr. Lowry has Atom/ decided to re-
tire and will take up residence on
Ann ,Strea in th 'house now otupr
led by- Mrs. Cottle: ' ZURICIrf Off
[honks, 60.O.
Auction Salta -42.00 per eines
insertion if not ever four inches to
length. , '
Addreiir all eenirnanicatiens tat
mi lialltALP
bard French's Escape.
do not know which 1 ani proud-
est of: having crossed swords wale. •
hive or tought by his side: ,As ank,
appostent and friend he hats taught :
na great leleows,"" ,
Thus eedetee.ein he tr1ftt*»
to Oleg- elleinta,,Sent/ Afric..t"e Strong;