Zurich Herald, 1933-10-26, Page 1".••••••11.1,10,1•••• Vol. XXX1V G. Le ZURICHI THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 26 t933. Chester L. Smith, PublIalegt $1.25 a year, T1.3. $1.511 fn Ahmed& sate ul.A,RB.A.ns,s2 MAT Bi Oltitakeing. Make ti e Ads. in the Herald your guide for your Pall Purchases •••••••1111111ft......mamessolokr Capital Theatre Goderich Phone 47 Now Playing—A Tem4ca1t comedy, 4'Sleepless Nights' and "Krakatoa", a. sense:ion. Mon., Tues.., and Wed. Peggy Hopkins Joyce, Rudy Vallee, W. C. EMUS; Cab Cal- loway and his Band„ Bums -.and Allen, Stumrt: Erwin' and a great fun. film rRst ir i International ouse Thurs., Friday and Saturday - GEORGE ARLISS The Screen's outstanding artist in another delightful characterization The Working Man ' with Betty Davis •Coming—"Marna Lover Pave- Matinees—Wed. and Sat.. at 3 p. m. INNIZSAZIRMIISBAWILSIMIMMEISOSt. ST. PETERS Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Cluriat ter a Chang. iag Wsbehr $h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Praeties. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.. m.—German. Service.. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday- Soot 7.30 p.m.—Englisk Service.. Everybody Welcome) to) all Service E. TUERICHEIM. Pastes_ • HE STA ik,s5r4dErmoissw.cegriTYR 44? seramarom Blue Scrautch. Coal ALL SIZES :Petroleum Coke, Semet, St,1,7*,47 Coke, Genuine Rosedale AlInnta. L -amp Pocahontas and Miller Creek, alwaye anInn& .AGRICULTURAL TILE and MUCK. Highest CASH price paid for Eggs on a—Graded Bass. DRIED APPLES WA.NTED (Must be dry and bright} W. R- .DAVIIDSON Phone No. /a HENSALIfe, T. The Canadian loan subscribed en- tirely for the Dominion is a striking demonstration to the world of Cana- da's financial strength. • +—+ Australia is becoining alarmed ov- er her lack of defenses. She fears a militant Japan. This year $7,500,- 000 is to be spent. in naval construc- tion and improvement of coast de- fences. Reports from Bruce County in particular say that the white Arctic owl is becoming a real menace to small game such as partridges and rabbits. A bounty on these owls is, suggested. If the claims are correct as to the damage they do only to small game, but to poultry, the Gov- ernment would be well advised to follow the suggestion.' .4146 A farmer north of Exeter reports his last week's cream cheque, less the weekly supply of butter from 3 cows to be the magnificent sum of 8 cents. No wonder farmers are up in arms over conditions. Cattle are the lowest in years. There is no market for ducks or geese and other poultry are hardly worth selling. Farmers have little or no money to spend, and. merchants too are feeling the pinch. —Corr. Likes Fowl Suppers Lorne Eedy had just come home from a church supper when he wrote this for his paper, The St. Marys Tournal-Argus: "Rural life has its fascination. The hot chicken sunners are again in our midst. One of them is in our own personal midst as we write. In spite of the smelled de- pression the chickens are just as ten- der, the crust is just as flaky, the pumpkin pies are just as toothsome and the patronage: that these happy .social affairs are receiving appears to be just as big as of yore.—Ex. Championship Contest to be Held at Clinton "The sixth annual Public Speaking contest and the third annual Spell- ing Match will be conducted in the nuditorium of the Clinton •Collegint•-• Institute on Saturday. Oct., 28th at Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Now Showing—Ramon Navarro rn THE BARBARIAN Mon., Tues, Wed. ZANE GREY'S T The Last Trail with GEORGE O'BREIN Thurs., Fri., Sat. ADORABLE with JANET GAYNOR and • gENRI GARAT Coming—"Broadway to Hollywood" "Tugboat Annie"; "My Weawness". became a familiar figure at musical festivals through the county. .At nine she won more awards on the violin than any child her age. While her parents have not yet sanctioned the, promising U.S. tour owing to Jos- ephine's extreme youth, her many friends of Zurich will be glad to hear of her great success. In'Police Court Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Mackinnon motored to London on Saturday. Mr. J. E. Donelly, Barrister, of :Goderich attended the local Division Court session on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Kipfer, and son Edward of near Tavistock were Sunday visitors on the Bronson line. Special services were held at the Lutheran church on Wednesday ev- ening of last week at which address- es were delivered by Rev. Clausen, of Waterloo Celle ge, Rev. J. Schnei- der, of Kitchener, and other speak- ers. • 'Under the auspices of the St. Boniface Church, Zurich a most splendid Chicken Supper will be served in the Town Hall, on Thurs- day evening, October 26th. Com- mencing at 5 o'clock p.m. A good supper for everyone, and everybody ip heartily welcome. Tuesday of this week saw a big day in the Tenth Division Court in the town hall, when Judge T. M. Costello, of Goderich presided. The first case Foster vs Johnston took all forenoon and after adjournment for lunch was again resumed in the afternoon. The dispute seemingly was as to the value of work on the Concrete work of a garage. During It is very seldom that the God- ',the lunch hour we are told the Judge erich Police Court is not brightened- took ao walk over and looked at the by a few flowers thoughtfully brow lconcrete work which caused the dis- ght by one or another -of the court pute, and later gave his .decision ac - officials, all of whom are ardent hor- Cording to his estimation of the value ticulturistss and last Wednesday the of the work. A goodly number of room was graced by a singularly judgment summonses was then dealt large and beautifully formed dahliawith, and when it was all through in from the garden of Crown Attorney the afternoon it could be called a Relines. The bloom, which is a rich day. orange color tinged with red, is fully ten inches in diameter, and is On Saturday evening, another wind a truly remarkable speciemen. storm of note visited this section. The wind was Nccompanied by ram It, Gregory Laflamme, who was ar- re,41.,..,i hi. Gen: rich to face a and thunder and thing.4 looked not •••••••••••••••••••••••••• woe sees efa ease eseesseessuir, • • • • BRIDAL • • • • 1 // • • • • • • • • DIAMOND SET FROM ea WEDDING RINGS FROM • • • BEAUTIFULLY BOXED WREATH Diamond and Wedding Rings THEY CANNOT BE BEATEN FOR APPEARANCE, QUALITY AND PRICE. $20.00 UP Matt w, air lea Zurich, Z Hess, The lewolier Phone 74 000011106000•411•0•••••006 o EIMIN20008000/620c1GeeefIcC oltL tiert ciiargo, was se Kitchener jail. The charge was one rer' and quite " f polo 0 from, 0± were broken off and blown over into .ai ng • the fields. A tree was thrown ac - that City. On his appearance in ross .the wins, and service was cut court in Oct., 5th ho waspound off westward for a time. East of ,ty and remanded until Oct. lath for the village on the hlind line it did sentence. He had lived m tioderica spine hovac on the farm of John. the 'Spelling It/latch will be the at various times over a period coy- Neuschwanger, where it upset a few .111, s "t113t ring a year or more, working as a things, and on the farm of Mr. Henry 1second prize winners from each School Fair. palnt•cr and on oda 101,, ciaugus, a ne;ehhor it Utterly twist - Chas. Woods, of Clandeboye, -who ed off four apple trees, three pear pleaded ginity to four charges of Oreaking and entering was sentenced to penitentiary for three years and six months on each of the four ch- arges with all sentences rtanim; co- surrently when he appeared in the in the field and whecked it filially. Criminal Court of London. Woods1 It also took several squares of shin - pleaded guilty of breaking into the gles from Mr. Clausius' house, this C.N.R. station at Exeter u.d steal - caused much &Images as the heavy ing a revolver also breaking into R. rain poured wated through the house Al. Lowman's general store at Deo - until there was considerable in the field; the C.N.R. station -at Forest cellar. As the storm headed for the ilrd the service sttltion of arry Lad bush Mr. Clausius expected much kin at Lucan in April and May of damages there, but only one tree was this year. Roy Wood of Clandeboye blown over. Unfortunately this has Celtman Allvit Fink, of been a season of many irregularities London, who were associated with with the weather man: Charles Wood also got thesame set - ntenced • too good, for a while. The telophon Two p.rn. A Championship Stoi v, • • lines- west of town were great uii- Telling contest for boys or girls 8 of age and under, is also being held.- The first pelz,e .winners in the Public Speaking and Story telling contests conducted at each of the 6 ITuron County School Fairs are elig- ible to compete, aed the contests ili Child Violinist Gets Tour I Josephine Blake„ the ontstan d o' little. child violinist wen Irreran to musicians of Huron. county, is receh- ing Buell praise in Toronto that she is reputed by raesicians and critics 'o be Canae.n.'a ga::-.1..est child violin - t, and has now been offered a con- ceit tour of the States. josephino, who received her first little instru- t twe.nad-r.-1.1Af years, by T.) had started winning. gold medals, And .i2 -1.4.++++++4,0414+H4.0 71. filassoy-liturfis Sales and Senfice • "1- TIRES, BATTERIES„ CML at'Live and let Live Prices. • A• Order your paper bin" Fes and Grinder plates now and • save express. Hour al3out a -Plow deal?. wvAga 'be Pleased to demonstrate the new No. 7 A- walking er a, EcscPlow-With-you. Your REPAIR ACCOUNTS are .past due; Please mem& feet your appsccia0ionk 'by -settling 'before Oct 147, OMB we hawellea'Payrnorth to meet. Useillnai.*imry Always on Maud 'T•17 sip149 0. KLOP-P SONS tie*. 67 Auctionemittle OE RET! j 1010,0+44.4441+.00.68414411MtirkiO4$0;41406***,g,* 143,1rirst44k4141,4*.o 4 trees, and a tail spruce tree, picked up a light wagon and lilted it over an iron gate, carred a gravel box into ;the field, and upset a small out- building and rolled it over and over tences. 1Car Of Honeymooners Over- Goorgo Metz, Kitchener young manturns. was on Friday given two years 81.18- p pended sentence by Magistrate Reid That portion of highway No. 4 at Goderich, following his conviction lynng to the south of t xeter is be - two weeks ago on a charge of crim- corning noted as the scent of week- inal negligence arising out of a mot- end mishaps. Tr ue to form, it pro - or crash, in which Lloyd Scherer, duced another- on Saturday night a- .gew Hamburg, was killed on Sept. 2, bout 0 o'clock, when Rudolph Etue, Aiet Z ' had been in jail for two weeks. :resident on the Blue Water Highway iris driver's license was cancelled! was returning with his young bride for ;two years, and he is to pay 1111 .from a honeymoon that started last oats and damages arising out of the neesaay. When approaching the in- unfprtunate accident. Metz and tersection of the county road from Scherer. were chums. Crediton, 2 miles south of Exeter. The inquest into the death of Joe Mr. .Etue saw four horses reported Sehevike, a Hungarian, who was kill as belonging to local farmers emerge ed on No. 4 Highway, south of Ex-Tlithe avoid dthem h .ociountyroadewn ,aneditovernattethemp In eter by a passing automobile, was to crown of the road and upset his ear, held in the Town Hall last Tuesdey, which caught fire. Mrs. Etue was After sonte evidence had been taken taken to the office of Dr. Fletcher, the investigation Was adjourned til Oct24thJohn Mutchof Exeter, where she was 'treated for i, . , troit, was on his way to -his former bruises. The fire was extinguished, home in Clinton and failed to see but damage was done to the motor, the deceased walking on the highway ode, doors and. fenders. Traffic Officer Norman Lever, of Clinton', owing to the glare from an approach am Corontr Dr. Weeks, of and constable . John Norrie invest - ins' t .14xeter, is conducting the Marino; igated, . eeeessore-eleeee NEW • ir4a 0-4 .4i*.,;gpeA,i, SAMPLES HAVE ARRIVED WONDERFUL RANGE MADE -TO -MEASURE $1650 up \ Sp endid Rae ?,[312.00 711‘4'P') 7 y Se:2EZZAN 45141i EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL V175 446 040.04.0,417.7>*64.0,0.4.4,14, • • • ^ mennurrkantreaLtelinIM,141.14.41. agSZ2117:17.=.72,,t1T2.=.,: WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASi.JORTES STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAIN175..;. ORS„ SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS,, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. AT LOWEST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED.. 64, NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT 5c and 10c PKG.. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. Ra N 4 I AS' fp 4.eme EIVEPIAL Mike .0407 PHONE 11 - 97 SLAKE: