HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-10-19, Page 8rAtt IT THE STORE WITH THE STOCK LLG ODS, NOW ARRIVING New Alla Wool Queen's Cloth, yd 75c New Cotton Tweeds, Special, yd 28c New Mackinaw Flannels, yd. 30c New Prints, at per yard 19c to 35c New Flannelette Blankets. New Silk and Wool Hosiery New Fall Shades in Silk Hose WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION MEN'S WEAR We always carry a well assorted Stock of Men's Work Shirts, Overalls, Underwear, Sox, Fine Shirts. Also everything in Boys' Wear, at lowest possible prices for quality of Goods! GROCERIES! GROCERIES TRY ENGLISH BREAKFAST COFFEE at HIGH TEA COOKIES, 2 lbs. for FLAKED WHOLE WHEAT, large OXYDOL, large pakg. OUR SPECIAL TEA, lb. 30c 35c. 25c 23c 39c 25c 15c 19c 5e' pkg. FRESH SALTED PEANUTS, 2 lbs. for LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, large tin ROSE BAKING POWDER, 1 lb. tin DE LUX JELLY POWDERS, at JSCHO5� �aR PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 aiimimMosinitfilat gyp,,.,: .. You Can Still B y NEW Dominion of Canada 1933 Refunding Loan Six Year, 4% Bonds due Oct. 15th, 1939. Price $99. Yielding 4.19%. II Twelve Year 4% Bonds, due October 15th, 1945 Price 96.50 Yielding '4.38% DENOMINATIONS: ----$1 00, 500, $1000. Subscription Lists opened October 10th and will close on or before October 24th, 1933 ORDERS FOR LOAN TAKEN BY An r ew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1, HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SUMMER NEEDS Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds We have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet Clovers at Lowest Prevailing Prices, According 8 to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- 44 ing at Lowest Prices. PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also one hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 40c; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire Fencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ISTADE &WEIDO ZUR1'CH - ONT.' QUALITY -, PRICE .- SERVICE 6 ZUR liALD Thursday, 0 Otobiti' Mal, 19331 Ntaa ..yyam� p,�►,�y�y. 1I .�{, .p� 1 _ '.i �l`Z-1i•'Ti Ap:�l'4"s`il�{.lj, T..1...FH'..�!..Q".G9,l�,t,�.l lj '"[wR.•,. ��.M".1".fy,�Ni •. �•..,., WE SELL. THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, . Friday and Saturday .p, & G. SOAP, 10 Bars Z9c Clar'k's Pork and Beans, No. 2 tin. .2 Tins 25e Baker's Cocoa Half lb. Tin, per Tin 15c Ingersoll Malted Cheese, Half lb. pkg., 2 pkgs. .....•25c ROYAL YORK Coffee, per lb. 39c Classic Cleanser, Large Tin ; 5e Ginger Snaps Biscuits, per lb. 10c Vanilla Bar Biscuits, 2 lbs, ., 25c Many Flowers Toilet Soap, 4 cakes 25c English Carbolie Soap. per Cake 5c Cross & Blackwell's preoared Mustard 10c St. Croix Castile Soap, cakes 25c June Factory Cheese, p'r lb. 15c Corn, Sweet White, • tin I0c Tomato Soup, Aylmer, '3 Tins 15c Heavy ,Six String Broor•- each 69c Medium Weight Broon^ reach ':,k4, 29c Ibex Blankets 12-4 W11- or Grey per pair 2 15 Fanck Chec` part wool BI<ankets, Special per pair 3.50 Men's Heavy Jumbo IKnitt, all wool Sweater Coats, Extra Special $2.75 Men's F ancy Heavy all wool Sweater Coats, each $2.75 DRIED APPLES WANTED r. NER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme of the Blue Water Highway spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gel- Inas. Mr. and Mrs. Isreal Wilhelm and daughters Marjorie and Helen of Milverton and Mr. Wallace Ross of near Brucefield, were Sunday "vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Rev. Arthur Sinclair, pastor of the United Church at Hensall oc- cupied the pulpit in the Zurich Ev- angelical church on Sunday evening. Mr. Sinclair made an appear, to the people of this community for relief to the western province of Saskat- chewan, after which he delivered a very inspiring sermon to a very large audience. ---+--_ - BUSY FARMER NEWS Higher Prices Indicated As Result of Short Crop A considerable increase in the price of potatoes is indicated for later in the season, according to reports to the Department, due to a distinct shortage in both. Canadian and Am- erican crops. The later Ontario crop is now ar- riving on the market and, while the supply of Dooley potatoes will show a decrease as compared with that of 1932, the quality is particularly good.. During the time of harvest- ing, supplies of potatoes reaching the market will, in all probability, exceed consumptive demand. So far as the consumer is concerned, there- fore, this will be the most advantag- sous period for the purchase of pot- atoes for winter use. Salt Costs Less in Ontario Ontario farmers will likely ute more salt in their farm operations, particularly in live stock production in the future, Col. T. L. Kennedy, Ont. Minister of Agriculture, anno- LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter lb. 24 Eggs 25-21-14 Wheat, bush. 62 Barley, bushel 40 Buckwheat, bush. 40 Flour, cwt. 2.00-2.90 Shorts, ton 20.00 Bran, ton 20.00 Hogs, cwt. 5.50 sumptive demand appears to be re- covering considerably. Export de- mand remains stseady with apparent- ly good prospects for the future. PIowing Matchc Success Jolut; Capton, a Six Nation Indian from„ Oshweken, captured the Eaton Trophy from a field of 37' plowmen at the International Plowing Match held in Derby township near Owen. Sound last week. His victory was a notable one, as many of the most expert plowmen in Ontario were a- mong his competitors. More thaan 164 entries were made in the second day's competition, a record entry,and 15,000 persons packed the field to watch the events. The weather was ideal for plowing and the tented city housing exhibits of farm machinery and other goods was crowded. British Fruit Market Keen competition is to be expected from. Nova Scotia in the British ap- ple market this year, declares And- rew Fulton, overseas fruia repres- entative. The Gravensteins already received from that Province are of very good quality. It was too early to estimate U.S. competition, but at the time of writing the rate of ex- change was depreciated a little fur- ther each day in favor of the Amer- ican exporter. At the same time, the 4s. 2d. per cwt. duty still stands against American fruit entering Gre- at Britain. Since landing early in En- gland early in September, Mr. Ful- ton has been impressed by indication of the disastrous Australian fruit sea- son that is now six million boxes of Australian. and New Zealand apples unced recently. The salt companies have reached the United Kingdom during the past five months. Large quantities were placed in cold stor- age. Recently good varieties of New Zealand have been selling as low as 1-6 to 4-6 per box. Remaining stocks of Australian apples will naturally' affect values of North American ap- ples until they are cleaned up. Don't Want Fat Hogs It is particularly difficult in these days of lots of feed and low prices to get farmers to realize treat the Market does not want a fat hog, at least not a hog of the fatted type, so popular a decade or so ago. The hog that takes the premium today is the select bacon type, a lean hog weigh- ing 180 to 220 pounds, of cars at stockyards. . Such hogs have a jowl and shoulder light and smooth, a back from neck to tail evenly flesh- ed., a side long dropping straight Dominion Poultry Branch, fresh egg from the back, a belly showing thick production is falling off rapidly and nos of fleshing, a flank well let down there is a good movement of storage., and firm, . a ham full, and a good The market has continued firm with general finish With no excess fat.The prices steadyily advancing. Further best way to understand the type of gains were in evidence on both Tor- I hog that gets the dollar premium it onto and Montreal markets, Toronto to visit 'a stockyard or adattoir or showing to somewhat better a.dyant grading :station where hog grading age than Montreal. The pros*ects is being '• doae and see 'for yourself would seem to be for continuing r{iod-1 the type of hog that nets the dollar ' crate advances in prices and the con- I praerninm. for , ho producer; have just announced a reduction in j the cost of fine salt for farm purposes of about $1.57 per ton at the wells. This will narrow the discrepancy be- tween the price salt is sold to pack- ers and manufacturers and that to fanners for stock raising and other farm purposes. Some time ago, at the request of the United Farmers' Co-operative Company, the Ontario Marketing Board made some enqu- iries into the situation and urged on the salt companies that a larger turnover of salt on farms would prove profitable to them provided a reduction in price was made to bring more in line the cost of salt to farmers and to packers. Fresh Egg Production Down .. Moderate Price Advance Seen According to T. A. Benson, of the 1 3, YOUR re and unthre STORE For One Month Only We are offer. ,. ing a 1 -Ib. Tin of Poliflor Floor Wax with a Tin of Nugget Shoe , Polish for only 50 cents We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat- tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain Prices. Be sure and get your supply before they are All Gone. For some real Bargains, we have a number of good used Dressers that we will sell very cheap. Be sure and see them. Always a good supply of Smoke Cure on Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt. Johnston et Kalbfiejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1111111111111111110111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111@111111111111111111111111111H111111111111111111111111111111(1111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111HM11lliFillE THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice ter:: Rerimming Wagon Wheels, per set $18.00 $5.00 Wagon Tongue each $3.00 Tongue, Harrows, each $1.50 Bolster with Stakes at $3.00 Wagon Reach, long 1.50, Short $1.25 I Spokes, each at .50 1 Double Tree,.. each .75 Whipple Tree .50 Wagon Axle, each HESS, the Repair Man. 1111111iG111111inI0Q44!11111011lO1111t8111111111111111111111111INIIIIIIMIlliPli<lIIUJIIg10!)1111aYII:lI Ei l''IiINI M!!IIi ItilIIIf011111110111111111110111111111111111100111001f11 IN IF r { ++.e.44.4.01•4.+++4.44++++++,e,+•. nb 44,44"44+1,i•+++++++04444+4** P ATTENTION --To To Faarmea s and tractor Owners: We are again this summer fully equipped to supply al/ users of Gasoline in larger quantities with a good stand - and grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at low- - est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in larges and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. tExpert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs on all Makes of Cars watll� Charges Very Reaasoaraclbe. I. Mousseau Zurich #14-soL'+4spo•6� sos++++++4'+iSilslb4,*+ti°p^2dr4.4.++,* (&aleyl.•F^. 4 Nts** > s + + + 11114.11,,e40,16,84••Q,,1m,9P,0,04w S,41o16 .44404.2,14,V,66,,.1.e .A HERALD OFFICE .Do You Know?rir That I am the Master Salesm•n! I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. -- I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. I command the legeors of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever,I get I sow' fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service:- and way Nasne is AOVERTLSz£I '