HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-10-19, Page 61. -144".+++14, -***10.9".."1"4"14-0,11r+.• -ra, wo+►•o^o•+� s 0 c a yA44-0,+-+.-01,0)--o-o•a-!w-! .4
Voice of the Press
Canada, The Empire and The World at Large
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The Worst Insect
The Blairinore, Alberta, Enterprise,
seriously describes the visit of *a young
man and his lady friend to a restaurant
one evening•. The youug lady was an-
noyed by a large but lonely house fly
that buzzed round her face and her
food. "Waiter," called the young lady
in a hoity-toity tone of voice, "will you
please remove tbis insect?" Before
anyone really realized who/ was hap-
pening the waiter had thrown the
young man on his head out of the res-
taurant, --Porcupine Advance.
A psychologist declares that
we eat we become. Let's try
rich food. -Ottawa Journal,
Dead Town Comes to Life
After 25 years the post office branch
!n Wawa is to be reopened. The scene
of the first gold rush in Ontario in the
late '90's, Wawa was for a few years
a busy community, but the gold rush
to the Klondike, along with the later
discoveries in other sections, served
for quite a period to divert attention
from it and it became almost a'"ghost
town," Now it is coming into its own
again, with active work going on at
several mining properties in the Michi-
picoten district, including two present
producers and other prospective ones.
It is once more busy and once more it
has its post office. Yes, they do come
back.—Sault Ste. Marie Star,
Pioneers Escaped Something
We have often heard people saying
that the pioneers never got any assist-
ance when they came to this country.
•Probably this is true. They got in here
and had to make it stick. They had no
way of getting out. But there are
other things to consider. The pioneers
were not raying for paved roads. They
were not paying for an expensive
school system. They were not paying
to keep an army of inspectors busy.
They were not buying things on the
installment plan. They did not have to
invest hundreds of dollars in harvest-
ing machinery, nor did they have to
keep it in repair. They did not have to
pay for interest on government bonds.
All honor to the pioneers, but let us re-
member that they bad not bumped in-
to the load of taxation which the farm-
armer of to -day has to carry.—Cornwall
' Standard.
When a Barn is Not a Barn
About once a week for some time
bast, there has been noticed car after
car speeding eastward on. Gore Street,
filled r-ith boys and girls, young men
and ladies, and the wonder for a time
was where they were heading for. It
was later ascertained that a barn
dance was the attraction. An immense
barn has been erected on the farm of
Mr. Alex Mahon, near Portland, in
which old-time barn dances were week-
ly occasions, and so popular have the
assemblies become that hundreds of
young folk have been attracted there.
The barn is completely floored, and it
is rumored that it is not for storing
the season's crops, not at present any-
how; but will be used entirely for the
dances, and that the whole undertak-
ndertaking is conducted by a company.—Perth
Canada's Airports
Canada has ninety-six licensed air-
ports. It is a fair beginning, but over.
an area as wide as this Dominion an
aviator is liable to be a long way from
a lauding field when it is most needed.
The United States has 2,136 airports
and landing fields. Many are lighted
for night use. Canada will need to
push on with this necessary ground-
work to keep abreast of Le times in
aviation as it is coming within the
next few years.—Ottawa Citizen.
yeld this year is estimated at 204,000,-
000 bushels, as compared with savor
400,00Q,000 bushels last year, and other
field crops show a corresponding de-
cline.—Calgary Herald,
Buy Canadian
A useful campaign, which has been
in force for some years, is now being
pursued all over Canada—the cam-
paign to buy Canadian. goods. It is not
necessary to push chauvinism to the
point of boycotting- all merchandise of
foreign origin; this is neither possible
nor practical, Nevertheless it is rea-
sonable, each time we get the oppor-
tunity, to show our preference for what
is manufactured in our own country
by our own fellow-citizens.—La Tri-
bune, Sherbrooke.
Fat Years and Lean
Very good reasons will have to be
produced before the Australian farm-
ers will consent to a restriction of
their output. A limited sowing of
wheat may be followed by a bad sea-
son, and the farmer may lose every-
thing. It may be followed by .a bad
season in other countries, , and the
farmer in the country in which the
season has been good will miss the
gain that would have been his had he
sown a full crop. The wheat grower
has to take risks of weather and of
market. Even now, while the subject
is being discussed, news comes fore-
shadowing a partial failure of the
United States' crop. It may be that
nature will redress the balance and im-
pose all the restriction necessary.
Melbourne Australasian.
Many Young Dukes
The Duke of Roxburghe, who will be
twenty on Thursday, is joining the
Royal Horse Guards (the Blues) from
Sandhurst, thus following the example
of his father, who died last September
as the result of wounds received in the'
Great War, and of his uncle, Lord Ala-
stair Innes -Ker. The latter com-
manded the regiment for four years
before receiving his present appoint-
ment as Equerry to the King.
During his two years a. Sandhurst
the young Duke has shown himself a
promising polo player.
It is, by the way, remarkable that a
-number of dukes at the present time
are young and unmarried.
Premier Duke and Hereditary Mar-
shal of England, the. Duke of Norfolk
was twenty-five in May. The Duke of
Northumberland; richest of tbe four,
is just of age, and the Duke of Grafton,
a year younger than the Duke of Rox-
burghe, was nineteen last month. The
bachelor royal Duke, the Duke of Glou-
cester, is thirty-three.
As Disraeli wrote, "Oh to be a duke
and young!"—London Daily Mirror.
New Zealand Sheep
(Sheep flocks in New Zealand have
shrunk 3,064,000 since the peark year,
1930.) The siege'the sheep farmer has
endured has been a desperate one. He
was the first to feel the depression in
all its force, and he has suffered in loss
of income more than any other prim-
ary producer. His flocks were built up
to record heights in 1930 under the in-
fluence of very favourable market con-
ditions in several years preceding.
Their subsequent retreat from that
level is far from being disastrous. If,
as common justice would suggest, and
as the prices for sheepskins, fat stock
and crossbred wool seems to promise,
he is to be among the first to enjoy
an instalment of recovery, to restore
the flocks to their former aggregate
should be neither a difficult nor a very
lengthy process. That they have not
decreased more is indicative of the
tenacity with which the sheep farmer
waits for better times. — Auckland
Weekly News.
Lake Louise
The death at the age of 74 of Tom
Wilson, the man who discovered Lake
Louise and Emerald Lake, brings to us
with full impact realization of the fact
that we are following very closely in-
deed in the tracks of the pioneers.
Fifty years ago Lake Louise, to -day a
holiday resort known in every city of
yhe'land, in every Eut opean capital, wag
looked upon by white men for the first
time.—Calgary Albertan,
Better Health But 200,000 Die -
Often there is grim humor in statin
tical reports. Thus we have a United
States writer building up columns of
figures to prove that "the health of the
American people is improving," and
then going on to show that there have
been 200,000 automobile - accident
deaths on United States' highways
"since the boys came home in the
sluing of 1919,"—Ottawa Journal.
Nature Leads
The part that Mother Nature has
played in the United States' campaign
to reduce natural products is seen by
the final crop figures just issued, Here.
are the results: Wheat—Smallest crop
In 37 years. Oats-Lowe.t production
in 39 years, . Rye—Never so small a
crop in 46 years, Flaxseed --Smallest
in 14 years and only slightly over 1919
low record. Ilariey7,Lower than re
cent years and about equal to average
foi-;:900.1933. Coria .. _Larger than 1901.
and, 1930, but Irma To'wer than aver
age,. In Western Canada the same de
velppuient has occurred. The wheat
Toronto' llllan Bags Eagle
Nira," bald-headed eagle, with 7 -foot wing spread, shot at Kes-
wick, Lake Sintcoe Ontario, by Marvin Clark, 38 Saulter St., Toronto.
Clark is shown here with the ,eagle, said to be •very rare in Ontario,
Germany -France
In Baby Contest
Offer Subsidies for Each Child
In Effort to Increase
Germany and France are engaged in
a race for population which might ,be
amusing if it were not in deadly earn-
est. In Germany the Large Family
League, a State organization to help
parents with many children,has been
called into being to carry out Hitler's
campaign to lighten•the burden of the
family man and increase that of .the
bachelor. Lower railway and tramcar
fares, it is stated, will be granted to
mothers and fathers travelling with•
four or more children. Under recent
decrees marriages are subsidized by a.
State grant ranging up to £50. "^The
grant is nominally a loan, but if child-
ren are born the debt is cancelled at
the rate of £ 12 10s. for each child.
In France a measure of great social
and industrial importance has been'
quietly set going by decree. This is
the family subsidy, which went into
effect throughout the country on Oc-
tober 1, wheff the workmen's depend-
ent children became a charge: on the
payroll of the employers. In each of
the ninety departments of Eastern
France, offices and -funds are nowbeing
established. Employers : will make
compulsory contributions to the local
funds. These funds will be distributed
to the workmen according to the num-
ber of their dependent children up to
the age of sixteen.
At first the Frenchlaw will apply to
certain key industries only, notably
mining, metal working, textiles, chemi-
cals and colors, electrical equipment
and building. It will be extended dur-
ing the Winter to all trades. The
scale of subsidies is fixed by decree.
Though it varies in detail by locality,
it begins at 7s. 6e1. a month for the first
The Great Gold Rush
(Gold is moving to England at the
rate of $20;000,000 weekly). London is
the great gold market of the world.
dere the hoarders come to buy their
precious metal. The fear that the
paper currency they hold may depreci-
ate in value. They would do better to
invest their money in productive en-
terprise and keep trade moving. If
their terrors were well founded. and
trade come to a standstill, their gold
would not• buy theni broad,—London
Daily Express.
Memorable Incident
John McCormack sang at his daugh-
ter's wedding in a London church re-
cently. This is the sort of incident
which can make tbe whole world kin.
It was his only daughter, and the great
tenor must, notwithstanding his happi-
ness, have felt some of that intensity
of emotion which a swan is said to ;
feel in his song of death as he saw his
daughter going from him. This scene
was of the same fabric as opera which
McCormack knew in his younger days,
It was high drama as touching as the
Irish folk songs which have made Mc-
Cormack known and loved. Such inci-
dents tend to elevate tbe hearts of all;
people at least for a moment. What-
ever•his other great achievements be-
tiveen birth and death this incident
will possibly be one of tate few which
most characterize this man and make
him memorable, ---New Voris World-
TelGerona 1
child and increases for each additional
child, without maximum limitation.
The father of four children would re-
ceive between 37s. 6d. and 50s. a
month. Rates for additional children
range from 5s. to 30s. in special cases.
Despondent Scholar
Takes -His Own Life
Simcoe. — Despondent because he
was obliged to attend school with
children younger and smaller than
himself, Clifford Herron, 15, com-
mitted suicide by shooting himself
through the heart with a :22 calibre
The boy's body was found by his
father, Charles Herron in a small
p:..ykouse situated in a barn
back of the family's .home on Col-
borne Street. He had been dead for
several hours.
The boy had often expressed dis-
satisfaction at attending public
scliool, and had planned to leave next
month whenhe would have been 16
years of age. He failed to attend
school one day . last week, and did
not return home for bis meals.
Thinking that he had spent the night
in the barn, his father early in the
morning commenced a search- The
door was bolted from the inside, 'and
on forcing it open he found the body
of his son, On a table was a note
explaining the reason for his- action:
Coroner Dr. J S. Boyd stated there
Will; be no inquest.
Surviving are three brothers Alger,
Harvey arid Glen, and two sisters
Lillian and " Peggy,
Sweden To Break
From Tariff Truce
Stockholm, Sweden.—Sweden in-
tends to denounce the tariff truce
agreed upon at London as a prelimin-
ary to the World Economic Confer=
ence, it was repo:•.ted authoritatively
No Fatalities!
A Passenger coach cut some strange capers Mice a Grand 'fru
• Passenger :train collided with three switch • engines, running' tande n
near rentor Mich., recently, but no one was killed and the only
serious injuries were to the engineer and fireman of tha, passenger
locomotive, who jumped
Tenants - Landlord Ccs -operate
Novel:Plan Proves Satisfactory
Unemployed Paint Houses on Street—Reduce Rent Arrears
--Produces Cash
Toronto, Oct, 0, -- Co-operation be-
tweed unemployed tenants on a Tor-
onto street and their landlord, a big
corporation, has resulted in improve-
ment to every house on the street, bet-
terment of the landlord's property, and
has lowered rents arrears and pro-
vided some cash for the families, it
was revealed last night by J.: F. Hen-
drie, teal estate agent for the Canadian
Pacific Railway. '
Possibility of the scheme being
adopted by other owners or holders of
large blocks of properties led to the
explanation by Mr. Hendrie of the sys-
tem evolved by his company and his
tenants on Marlborough Avenue. Ten-
ants, he stated, are pleased with it,
and the company was more than satis-
fied with the results it produced. •
"The C.P.R. is owner of 86 dwellings
on Marlborough, parallelling the tracks
near North Toronto station," he stated.
"Many of the men, handy men or un-
skilled laborers, have been hard hit by
the times and had fallen in arrears on
their rents despite every effort en theii
part to make ends meet and pay tbe
rent. The majority, too, were tenants
of long standing. •
"We had a mutual get-together,
therefore, to seek some solution fol
their problem. We decided that the.
unemployed tenants would paint all 86
houses unded the supervision of one 01
their own number as foreman. The
company siupplied all the material, la
cured the men under the Workmeu'e
Compensation Aot and the work was
"The results have been most grati
fying for all parties," continued Mr.
Hendrie. " "The unemployed tenants
have seen their arrears of rent grad-
ually erased from the ledger, and the
property has been made spick and span
at a reasonable cost. In fact, the
scheme went along so smoothly that
it was decided that all the labor would
not simply be credited on the rent
ledger, but that each man would draw
a percentage in cash to help keep his
family and himself going."
Canada–U.S. To Observe Typists Advised
To Marry Boss
Marie Dressler's Birthday
New York. — Marie Dressler, the
grand old trouper who came out of
Cobourg, Ont,, to entertain audiences
with her slow, catching smile and
ability to turn pathos into mirth, is
to have an international birthday
The idea was hit upon by a group
of New York admirers of the veteran
actress, who has eptertained for close
to half a century in vaudeville on
the. stage and screen, after launch-
ing on a circus career. They thought
movie clubs in the various cities
would join in with informal birthday
Miss Dressler was in New York on
vacation and -they approached her
with the plans. The reaction was
Happy tears, then—
"Pshaw. I'm not that Important.
I've been having birthdays for years,"
But the plans went ahead and pro-
gress is reported. The Syracuse,
N.Y., Herald Movie Club, qu ekly
joined the movement with plans for
a gala party, towering birthday cake
and all, even thonglr Miss Dressier
woa't be able to attend personally.
An invitation was sent President and
Mrs. Roosevelt to Bead the Dressler
Birthday Club of Washington,
German Journalists
Face Strict Rules
Berlin. ---A new law making jour-
nalists public officials and regulating
their rights and duties is interpreted
as ending finally fre ideal of the
press, , as understood in the 'United
In their new status German jour-
nalists must bow to the so-called
"leadership principle," meaning that
they must take orders from the top,
which permits no appeal.
Chancellor Adolf Hitler recently
signed the measure. It put down
iron rules for German journalism, by
which Aryanism and National So-
cialist patriotism were made primary
professional qualifications.
Any infringement may remove the
offender from further opportunity to
pursue his profession. A system of
'registered lists was introduced af-
fording the Propaganda Ministry a
means of keeping a vigilant eye on
War -Time Service
Is Repaid at Last
Monessen, Pa.—Wounded soon after
he went to the front in France 15
Years ago William Fields of Browns-
ville, pleaded with a nurse:
"Please don't let them cut off my
She patted his shoulder reassur-
ingly—and Fields came back home
with his arm intact. He never saw
her again in France.
That nurse --Eleanor Schoolhart of
.Monessen=was handed a parking tc-
ket in Brownsville and told to see
the Burgess,
As she placed the tag on the Sar-
gon' desk, that official, the same W11_
Liam Fields she befriended overseas,
looked up and recognized her.
She paid no line.
Has Earned Title
Of "Meanest Thief
St, Thomas. --Another- claimant to
:the title of "meanest thief" is re-
ported here.
This meanest thief entered the home
of a deaf and dumb woman in Oliver
St,, St. Thomas Ont., and took away
her supply of charity fuel, He was
evidently aware of, the woman's
physical .defeats, as he carted awry
the wood under "cover of darkness
without fear of detection. •
Machine Tells Dust Effect
Buffalo, -- Ono month's accumula-
tion of dust on an electric bulb . re-
duces by about 40 per cent the
amount of light which, it diffuses.
This important lhformation for
economical housewives is establish-
ed by a measuring machine exhibit
ed here at the convention of the Na-
tional Association of Power Engi-
Learned Chicago Judge Gives
Stenography Lecture
Chicago.—Judge Edward B. Casey
believes that although a stenographel
be ever so adept with pencil and key
board, she is not 100 per cent. efficient
unless she also understands and prat•
tices the artistic use of paint, powder
and silk stockings.
Casey so informed 1,500 students of
stenography in a lecture here.
Moreover, Judge Casey told his
youthful listeners that a stenographer
interested in promotion and cliaractei
development should plan early to mar-
ry ber boss.
"If you are successful," he said, "you
probably will find you have developed
your finest characteristics."
Canada and U.S. Parley
By Commerce Chambea
Montreal.—Economic questions of
interest to Canada and the United.
States will be discussed at an inform-
al meeting of representatives of the
Canadian and the United States Cham ,
ber of Commerce, it announced here.
The conference will take place at the
Signory Club, Que., during the coming
week -end.
Actress Killed
Hollywood. A young woman struck
down and killed by an automobile
driven_ .by John Huston, 26 -year-old
son of Walter Huston, the 'Toronto -
born actor, is identified as Mrs. Raoul
Roulein, wife of the noted Brazilian
-actor who has been appearing in the
Spanish-speaking films. in Hollywood,
Orders Killing
Of 2,000 Buffalo
The Government has authorized the
slaughter of 2,000 buffalo in Buffalo
National Park, Wainwright, Alberta,
for the 'purpose of keeping the herd
down to specified proportions. Tenders
are now being invited for the purchase
of the skins from the animals to be
slain, comprising 500 males, two years •
of age; 150 males, three_ years of age;
200 females, three years of age; 400
males, four to 15 years of age; 650
females, four years of age and over,
and 100 aged animals. The animals
are to be slaughtered during Novem-
ber and December.
Football Players Act As
Nurses and Housemaids
Butte, Mont.—When they aren't
toting a pigskin, several football play,
ers at Montana School of Mines are
nursemaids, housmaids and firemen.
But six members of the squad haus
added a new• occupation to the list
They offered themselves as profession-
al blood -donors to raise school ex-
penses. -
Foresees A Surplus
In British ;Budget
London.—In a financial statement is.
sued recently, Neville' Chamberlain
chancellor of the exchequer,. stated
that unless a s;etbacit occurs, prospects
exist of a budget surplus next Asiril.
The chancellor reported revenue re
turns for the firstsix months of 2275,-
275,736,000, an increase of more than £7,
000,000 over receipts for the corres
ponding period ast year, and expendi•
tures of £324,326,000, a decrease o1
£ 42,000,000.
Reductioe in the tax on beer was
held responsible for a decline of £8,-
000,000 in excise reveztue, bu"t:treasury.
experts had eapected the loss would
be heavier, ., .
Income tax receipts•were down £3;
000,000, but the: greater7part4pf thesis •
is paid,during the last half of the year;
the statement read. '
New Highway to •Connect : -
Canada and, United States
Montreal,—A View international touts
ist highway connecting Canada -.ailed•
the 'United States is now practically .:
completed andwill be known as the
Sunshine Highway,' This highway is':
the only international project of its;', . .
size east o fuze .Rocky Mountains,