Zurich Herald, 1933-10-19, Page 4i F t . i1MA0r+RL l i! IMOs.N tprr•MN»sMOs are always at your service for Expert Garage Work, and Auto Repairing PBANG'S GARAGE a • (Ch lice Gasoline -. Best of Oils and Greases • • • • • • WE ALSO CARRY , Pumps - Piping —, Pump Work COCKSHUITT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES, OLIVER PLOWS, ETC. ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE 4F 3'LEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS MID LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points) ALL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING. ACYTELENE WELDING I. NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, a a S'acriice. 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one. I. LEVER HARROWS AT COST, 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. L. A. Prang & Son Phone, Shop 114 t'tiafy 411:0000 0r3,000ac300100 WOO Me ,=MA110 x000 - Zurich Residence 76 •eerae•acee••m•• • • • • "7r? a�S. , s 3 , r`• -F•".•✓ •i 1,�.., ;•�• 4 4,-H-4,••:•÷4-1-4-:-44-44-4-1.4.44 4, •1' + + + 4, CE AR POST -- 4!/;-in and up, 8 foot long 35c WHY NOT RE -ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR SHINGLES AT THE + t Y +44+444+444+++++++++.:-+÷+++++++4-:.+++++++++++++++++++ .PRESENT LOW PRICES. A LARGE STOCK ON HAND Ce KALBFLEISC PHONE 69 2cx�+rara CIS ell ZURIC 1 i-44-1-4-+4.4-14++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 A Real Opportunity! To New Subscribers, Paid send the 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 in Advance, We will ZURICH HERALD to the end of 3 4 t 1933 for only 20 Cents t ++++++++++++++++++++ •.'+++++4,+4-++++++++++.. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The W.IVI.S. of Goshen. United ;*Cburch .are preparing a very niter - .ting program to be given in the . church on Friday evening, October '%Oth at 5 o'clock. Following the ;program, 9unch will be served. All ,,are welcome. and Mrs. W. H. Stogdill, of .Ration, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wright of Kennilworth, spent a few ,days last week, with the ladies' mo- liistr, .Mrs. Geo. Dowson and family. Hr. and Mrs. A. E. Erwin of Bay-- aaaa id visited at Mr. Robert McLin- a;nhey's on :Sunday. Mee and Mrs. Ed. Lowden of Ham 'tan..spent a few days wean the lat- 1 Er 's mother, Mrs. Robinson, Sr., i !hast week. and -•Mrs. Dave Kay and fam- •av of .Clinton visited on Sunday tonna Mr. John A. Armstrong and fam %air rirs. (Rev.) Poulter of Varna is ending a week with her brother, •moi~ John ;Smith of Camlachie. DASH W'OOD atm and Mrs. A. E. ' Oestreicher repent a few days in London and :1Dorchester last week. Mr. T. Hoperoft is visiting her feather in Clifford this -week. o Miss; Anna Tiernan spent the we- ; ',mac -crud ha Toronto. fr Mr. Harry Hoffman , assisted ind ' . anniversary Services '''in the UnitesI� t�flua:sh in Elmira on S°uitday. 0 a 'Miss Ella Martinson visited her i t' l;lraren'ts In Elmira on Sunday. Miss Anna less of %uriu,t visited .ice 'town on Thursday. "The annual election of officers of HILLSGREEN (Intended for last week) Miss Mildred Workman has re- turned to her home in Kippen after spendinfg the summer months with , Mr. and Mrs. G. Love. The schools in Hay No. 3 and St- anley No. 7, were closed last week owing to the teachers' Convention in Goderich. Miss M. Wood and Mr. V.Dinnon attending the Convention. Miss Lettie Love spent Friday in Goderich attending the Conversion. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and son of Walkerton visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephenson recently. Mrs. Broderick, her son Rae, Hy. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. Simon visited Petrolia friends. Mr, and Mrs. R, Dick ani son Douglas of Toronto spent the week- end and Thanksgiving with the lat. ter,'s .pare its, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coch- rane. • Miss Katherine Drysdale of Hen - sail spent the week -end with Miss Gladys Jarrott, A number from this vicinity at- tended the anniversary Service in Kippen and Varna churches on Sun- day, and spent the day with friends Also attending the Contata on Mon day night by the Ripley Choir, (This week's News.) W. M. S.—The regular monthly meeting of the Womens' Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, R. McAllister on Wednesday. October 11th, with Mrs. (Rev.) Chandler. . presiding. est ding • Z ie meetin pened with Hymn 25. The script re lesson was led by Mrs. R. Love om St. Luke 2; 1-20. Mrs. Chan- ler led in .prayer, ,Hymn 577. The ecretary's report was read and , ad- pted. The roil call' answered by y letter and, was then taken. A letter on relief supplies was read by the president. The business was then +: taken. An invitation from the Kip - inn Auailiizry was received by that Hes to attend their birthday ir thd ay n eet - k on November The th rtoll• ioService - bf.r03 no -ember l • br ,. (I r ;111 .a] i1, '�r 4a t C) 1 t the t , 41, S e. to . 1p eke Tile l t • .-ate . ata= *be itnt-i-can't, Club of'a•the.. 13, Y. ias I veil heheld on Manday rirrninf i in ,ectc«,er 28rd. Ail .nmcntbors and +ate7n••ee avislt .to `oir� r •g, • ti t tis' a tat°e urged to T i ,At+:e,c., I. bi &RICH al Leaflet "We Would See Jesus!" was given by Mrs, W, Turner. Hymn 58, The study leaflets on "Living issues in China" were 'given by Mrs, R. Consitt, Mrs.. II, Tamer, Mrs R. Stephenson, Miss Annie Jarrott,' Mrs, R. Love and Mrs, R. McAlister, The offering was taken, hymn 157. The meeting closed with the Lords Pn or in unison. Mr. and Mrs. Cann and grandson Garth of Crystal City, 1V,ianitoba, are visiting friends in this vicinity, Rev. R. K. and Mrs rove of Kintore visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Love. Miss Lettie Love returning with her brother for a visit. Mrs. R, Hopkins who spent a few days visiting her parents, returned to her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. W. Huxtable of Cen- tralia visited the lattei•'s parents, Mr.; and Mrs. Jas. Love. Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane of Clinton visited their sister, Mrs: H. Fuss. Mrs, D. Nichol of Neiman. visited her niece Miss Annie Jarrott. ' The neighbors were awakened early Tuesday morning on the Parr Line south. When the barn, drive shed and contents of Mr. John Mar- riott were burned. Mr, Marriott went out to the barn early with his lantern to do chores and while putt- ing down feed, the landtern with the high wind sought fire and before much could be saved had got ahead that they could not save the barn. The loss is heavy. A number took in the fowl supper in Varna on Thursday evening from this vicinity. Anyone having clothing or vegeta- bles in this community to send in the 1 car that i s going to the west for re- lief can leave at Jarrott's Store be- fore the end of next week. If the parties who helped themselv- es to gas and cans at the crusher at Welsh's pit, a few nights ago would call back as they forgot the tops for the cans, and they are there and of little use to anyone working there now. 40. HENSALL 1VIr. and Mrs. Alex. 11IcMurtrie Toronto spent the holiday at t home of the former's mother, M A. MCMurtiie. Mrs. Thomas Pearson and dau er, Miss Anna, of St. Marys, we recent visitors in town. of he l's. ght- re Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Dayman, a Miss Mona Miller were visitors Sarnia and Port Huron. Mae McNaughton of Toronto s ent the holiday at her home here. Ferris Cantelon of Stromberg w a visitor at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and famil of Toronto were visitors with Mr Thos. Murdock. Mary Huisser of Clinton spent few days with her parents. Madeline Hotham of Seaforth, was visitor' at the home of Mr, and Mr Geo. Brock. and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 11IcLean o Hamilton were visitors with Mr. an Mrs. John Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale, M i. and Mrs. Garnet Case and Mr. an Mrs. Archie Rowcliffe were holiday ing at Tobermory. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas and dau ghter Nora of Hyde Park spent few days with Mrs. John Johnston. Quite a number from here attend ed th id in p- as y s. a a s. 1 d d a funeral of the late Mrs. Jas O'Brein at Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin of the Thanes Road, was a Sunday visitor with Wm. L. McLaren. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren were holiday visitors with friends at Port Huron. Mr. Petty of the Township of Hay had the misfortune to fall from the barn floor and injure his hip. He was taken to Scott Memorial Hospit- al, where an X-ray was taken. A- bout 12 years ago Mr, Petty had the misfortune to fracture his leg. Large shipinents of sugar beets and turnips are now the order' of the day from our railway station and is quite an asset to the farmers. Hugh McEwen has returned from an extended trip to the Old Country and in Europe and had a very pleas- ant time, the weather being very fav- orable for most of his -trip. He re- ports conditions becoming more fav- orable throughout the districts that he was in and particularly so in Great Britain. Mrs• Herb Kercher was in 13ow- manville attending the funeral of her uncle, also visiting in Toronto. 1VIr, William Beaver, an old time resident of the village, but who has been of late making his home with his daughter dau , n •• g in Kitchener, en, c.x assisting in the , is here preparation of onion end bean shipping and will be here 'or k number of weeks. The paintin of the exterior of the ton hall is ecmpleted and w much to its appearance. adds HERALD k+tr t E+uy, I ctriber 1:0#1u, 1983 Local. records show that PATH F D give unusual S as Rightinyour own community, motor- ists are piling up unusual mileages on Goodyear Pathfinders. These Goodyear lower-priced tires are quality tires built ' r,ith Goodyear Supertwist cords and Goodyear -processed rubber. Don't try to squeeze the last dangerous mile from your old tires. Let us put safe new Pathfinders on your rims NOW. STARE and WEIDO Zurich, Ont. Telephone 92 »pe len+co shot White Man nOdi r 'Ware of ivilization Fatal to metivea; -sot #ho North, [ta Oise n Government supervision of • bo1:Ii azati�ves and traders lies the fu - tura weifare of Canada's Eskimo ebaarges, according to Major L. T. furwush. famous Arctic explorer, arid for many years Northwest Ter- ri'torac 'Branch a investigator. 'While the Eskimo population of the Dominion is holding its own at present, the only hope, he believes, of prev�.enting• their eventual extinc- tion its Government control of trad- e Ing. Denmark took over operation of Greenland's trading posts 160 years' ago, he points out, and the Eskimo population .of the island has Increased .gradually from 3,500 to 17,000.. "kiaiked/difference in the outlook on life of the Arctic aborigines after' short contact with white men im-.. MAJOR L. T. 33URWA'FI.1i pressed Major 33urwash when in 1925 i he met 1:skhnos on King William. 1:iern, In 1884 he was united in money in it the thieves were ill -re-( Island' whom he first saw in 1925:, marriage with Margaret Johns who paid for the trouble of breakingthea Z n "''o`Yc rt kings of their own ccnntry with one son and one daughter Wm. I window and sustaining l f�rtt sears before, they were begging .• a weunded, g,, ,ad -froth the visitor on his second. F. an an adjoining farm and Miss l hand. A bloodsoaked handkerchief vi�:at. Minnie at home, mourn the loss of s was left on the desk and it is sup -Too sudden thrusting of the na-. a kind and loving husband and father I posed that in ettin • in tin party! tiros from getting l y! v haste n:an'saeitia civilisation eval cis Bons to blamed tby He is also survived by six bxethers l cut his hand on the broken glass. and . two sisters. Another of the old landmarks is being torsi down in Creunon. The old flax mill which has stood for so FOURTEEN CAR LOADS OF tie explorer for the transformative .• ,�__•i,_,�, state, they should be educated grad -0 Russian t-atl4 to lure In competition with the!, production lags far be- while maze., 1 hind the five-year schedule, but yet The Esidmo imagines himself bet - many years on the Main Street has i it is the only country which shows an ter of in .close proximity to the white., been sold to Wni. Bowden who will I ascending curve during the last three mans Lia—opo er, but in Major' Bur- use the lumber for rebuilding his barn i years. The Soviet has not done wash a3lpiuien be is wrong. Life be - blown down several months ago. what it set out to doo, but the mare- comes more complicated for hint with death occurred at the home of I el is that it has doneso much, each new food or trinket he dis— Theher brother-in-law, M. J. Buttler,thel learned tocovers, t rely on il in a white man'srt time goods.. CATTLE GO TO ENGLAND g Bayfield line, of Mia. Alfred A. to keep him alive. Sccitchmer, in her 47th year. She On Monday afternoon, pct. 9th, However, he still holds to the old' had been in failing health for some the largest shipment of cattle to the Eskimo :custom of having two or.' years and early in the summer was i Old Country market in many years, three if he can afford them., pro -- obliged; ' `to' undergo a very serious f totalling fourteen cars 265 head in Besides taxing his ability as a pro -- operation. She rallied somewhat and all, and comprising seven cars 'Toad- tot "�grves :bring 'another com more ed at Seaforth, tion h t e possessor of • mon- it was hoped that - she might againtwo at Hensel', three than his share may unconsciously in - enjoy at least partially, but suddenly I at Londesboro, and two at Dublin;) 'vite less fortunate natives to make. she began to sink. Mr. and Mrs. ! left Seaforth. bound for Birkenhead' them m'arriageabl�e widows, Killings; Scotchmer have been in the west and Liverpool, England, the shippers of MN sort, Major Burwash says, pro-_ for some years, only coming east a being John II. Scott rgi Son, ';'.Scott, va'de The major crime problem in the• • couple of months ago. The funeral W. V. Jefferson, Jas. Allen, Thomas Arctic, although people custom of doing: away with old people who are be- , took place from the home of Mr. I & McKee, D. McLean, McKercher & Bested to have lived their allotted and Mrs. Bottler on Friday, l Hillebrecht, Seaforth; Jas. Shea, span still ;goes on despite Govern. ID -Alin; J. Caldwell, HensaIli and mane. efforts to stamp it out.. Two young Goderich girls, aged 13 Matt Armstrong, Londesboro. The ' - t and 16, caused their parents and . shipment is in charge of J. H. Scott, guardians much concern when they I Seaforth, assisted by his son, Wilford stayed out all night returning to ;the- of Hullett; Mr. J. Allen of Tucker- ir homes early next morning.. The.I smith and IVIcKercher, Butlin and police were in search, but thgirls Morgan, who will go with the cattle. turned up while the search was in l They were not unloaded i u aviont0 progress, Questioned by the author- but went direct to Montreal undera • ities, they stated they had been to 36 -hour run contract, and, after , Porters Hill with stranger, had spent f resting Wednesday and part of the night in a doorway at ..Holmes- I Thursday, went aboard the Manches ville"and got a chance ride home in 1 ter Citizen Thursday afternoon COUNTY NEWS S Thos, Herr,. a lifelong id 1`CS resident of l3,bortie Ip:,, died at the age of 7. •care, 4 months and 22 day The i'hC St d "i .s 1• ; on 1111) Cession on which hedi died, being son p- tat, hat,., a ton l'boin s and Elizabeth a green car in the morning. They minion Government Inspector Torrie could not remember names, auto- � went over every animal, and all re - mobile -license numbers and were ceived a clean bill of health. Trans - generally very vague en detains;, de` portatfen will/ run about $2.7' per spite repeated questioning. head delivered in Liverpool and' On Sept. 6, an al and highly cov- ering all charges and comanissiom) re- spected resident of Seaforth, passed away in the person of Mrs. Rebecca.� Davis, . at her home on James st, Ini ` her 83rd year: Deceased was a da- ughter of the late Geo.,Thorntaii of Staffa. Her' '' Husband died 'in Sea - forth 50.,yeahs ago; For 40 years she, had liven% in Seaforth. Surviving are three sons. II. B. Manning, Llinton, represent- ative of the Sun Life Co., has decid- ed to locate in Toronto•and will move there shortly. He will continue his connection with the -company and will have a larger contract. Mr. and Mrs. Manning, who are both natives of Clinton and have never lived any- where else, have a large circle of friends, being likable by all, Henry Strang, clerk of the Town- ship of Usborne, and Secretary of the ar Huron 0 n Weather Ins. n. Co, met with a serious, accident the other day .arid; was rushed to London Hospital. He was assisting in hauling in some corn and was walking' by the side of the:• team While going up the gangway. One of the 15,0rses missed its footing and Mr, Strang was knociteol ,over: the side of the gangway falling soy - t 2F1FTY-`r'W.O SOVERiEIGNS; ti Golden Board Found on Street by • Three 'English Lads. Three boys of Tottenham, England,. feel that their edncation has been: sas33' elected- They think they,' shaaxz'td haske been told that England'. tin tyre• diem dark days before the war, had a little coin called a sove- reign. A pretty little coin 11 was; itoo; even of rarely seen nowadays. The hays fiad, recently, the unen- peeted pleasure of seeing fifty-two ot: them all at once—and they did not; know what they were! They foundl them in, a bag :.hey picked up, a;)a!V thought they were badges" of some mysterious 'order. In fact tlneyw tilitonctl, they had done a good stroke- i� HERALD of fineness -when they sold three tom ZURICH HERALD a ass r-ttq ice* �' shill ng, Sith r most o t e Gtlieas ley; Ifteri . Estaisliisi ed 1000 Lva.35er.11 and drakes, for they irsed to skin oyez the surface ISSUED 'EVERY WEDNESD g►�T of the atter' They shone beautifully. Not until one or them returned, NOON PROM PETE home with one of the "badges" het had se wed as...mement, was the fttll'l Herald Printing Office truth gra wn, Itis father broke it ton him gently—and then reported they S1IBsCRIPTION RATES.—;1.26 ► matte to the souse. year. strictly in advance; $1.50' in i 'M.i, NEW' RL n: arrears or $2.00 May be charged. V. C'tz acts wlao discover ways• oki S. $1.110 in advance. No paper discon makilpez syntZetic products do not; ti? u.ed until all smears are paid un• ;,,,,!rlm, i,.r +astray then secrets of tfieifr• less at option of publisher. The date 1ceeje,y i Irak the men who have Tee -- of which every Subscription ie paid 1 tol'.d' murn1+ making s of .be Amneiriacan Cl emr is denoted on the Label. seal ;3or.ety just haw the fent wear ADVERTISING RATES 'perfbrzaa• The ingredients are sim Display advertising made known tple', zzteay acetylene, . salt' and water.. an application. :But t Process will seem a bit com-• ;glen, to Those unversed in the voca-• AZiscellaneous articles of not more i;ularjf of , 'chem is try,than four lines, For Si.,T. tacfitIyz�x�extoo7 ?)tiocrop-v iodi yymtae Mztay lt on ie 0as t .i: r. Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inset ; thus 25e. 2 las. AOe., i itis. 66c. .fellowed by a treatment with hydro-' k'a as ops Este for ga.0gen! chloride to produce clilorobr'eu'e •` for Bram moRealnth, 1.ta00 for eacleh$2. p(ol0• ]whic3r by centrollerfe rfl polymerization Is:r. ,: tarrneci' aarsio synt3tetac rubber. plakins, f .lowing month. Isynth gXagise seems Considerabl Professional Cards not exceeding ^ ptler.: yeoatba Post: , y sim x; ..Iii inches, per year $4.00x,. - eral feet He struck the bridge oflin Memoriam; one Verge 506,25c his nose on a sharp stone and the lo ent each additional r�erree. Cad, of tire `nose was removed together lks' • with the ::skin from the middle por- •&uetion S*161-42;04 pig; single tion of the face. Hc is however,. Stn- yen insertion ii ash o)t►or<s,four inches iv proving nicely. - '� • A' N garage,. ea><, d tit r Clinton.h11 c a c .a ntonster s Cinti #Inti 1, :, hr osis to: i; ,� was 0 ken into list Sul i atre:ltt,..a,at ntryi being Yanta a hu'ougg a window; ft he,+ 1 clR �. i till was visited but es, there. }vacs DArIi a� Z ' i ° VARIED (,'I. i M A'I' C. 1 Colombia,. ,the third largest eoun- t'ry in ,r,;at% ,America, although with- in the tropics, enjoys all kinds of" elinaat t+'�.1 .� 7Leli the gseat shores rind, la Tow Ronda of the valleys or the► target rivers at e is intense; e, in the tt•tt f►rx�e n ea r The 'h e cordzlleraa the ell - vote its %Wild and temperate, whale it=� '0't k•r,*'ei pre,•:ti;' in 11,0 pt•rititai Or or the WI peaks covered by per- 104;4,4 snow. Laatiegtientlyo in Col-,