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atr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Stephenson
as7T 'Marlette, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs
Alex. Wiley of etroit, are visiting
•Ince* ads in Stanley this wee.:.
The anniversary services held in
Varna United Church last Sunday,
•svere very successful, the weather
heing fine, there was a good attend-
ance, and very fine addresses were
•even by Rev. R. M. Gale of Bay-
•1ield in the morning and Rev. E.
Y urn of Zurich in the evening. Ex-
•eellent music was given by the choir
who were assisted by the Misses
Maxie and Adelene Palmer of Ham-
The W. M. S. of Goshen United
Church are holding an open meeting
in the church at eight o'clock, on
'I3ctober 20th, to which all their fri-
ends are invited. There will be a
,•miscellaneous program consisting of
e agean's, readings, solos, choruses,
• :tc. 'The Blake -Goshen Orchestra
contribute several numbers. Af-
r the program refreshments will
am served. Admission 10c for chil-
e en .and 20c for adults.
I ir, and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Coiling-
-daori :are visiting at the home of Mr.
-;and Mrs. J. W. White.
Lloyd Passmore of Delhi, spent a
Sew days at his home here.
Gordon Dahmes of Milverton was
as 'Visitor -with friends here
Lockwood Petty, of the second
a zaeession,! of Hay Tp., fell while
;Descending a ladder in his barn and
:ix*ured his hip. Mr. Petty was tak-
.u~u fo Seaforth for an X-ray examin-
mon and fortunately his injuries
-were not seriously as at first thought
Chief Constable Geo. Hudson is
:endeavoring to keep the boys and
girls from congregating on the
.streets in their parents' and their
sown. interests. It is very dangerous
as so many cars pass by and it does
newt speak well for the young people
.to be on the streets at a late hour.
Ouxlocal coal dealer, Mr. David -
:song is kept buly supplying the need-
ful with the approaching cold weath-
er, and there is a good demand for
wood which is so much used before
;I;hy really cold hard weather sets in.
Mr. Huntley has disposed of his
'barber shop equipment and good will
Ito a party from near Crediton. Mr.
;and Mrs. Huntley have proved good
residenic of the village and will be
The death occurred at the home of
• is
sister, Mrs. John Zueiie on Wed-
rtesday Last of Joseph Kaiser, after a
abort illness. Deceased was born in
Nark county 80 years ago and had
aM,a4 t, a resident of Saskatchewan for
In;1ii-Mer of year,5. He came to
Here of last r1 1
prnl to make bis tome
•Ierith iris sister hero and enjoyed fair-.
lw pq<; health up till .a few weeks
ago when he began- to decline. He
leaves to mourn his loss one son, of
Detroit, three sister and three broth-
ers. His wife predeceased him soma
years ago. The funeral took place
from the home of 'Mrs. Zuefle , on
Saturday last, interment in the Ba-
ird's cemetery. The Rev. Arthur
Sinclair had charge of the services.
Hensel' Council Minutes
Regular meeting of the Village
Council Was held on Oct. 2nd, in the
evening at 8 p.m. in Council Cham-
ber, all members of Council being
present except Councillor Mickle.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and adopted.
Sydney McArthur appeared •as a
delegation from the Canadian Legion
re: Remembrance Day observance,
also asking for a grant towards the
cost of a band to lead the parade on
said day.
i Motion, that the Reeve issue a
proclamation urging the citizens to
observe Remembrance Day, Novem-
ber 11th, as such. Motion that a
grant of $7.00 towards the cost of a
Band for Remembrance Day to the
r'. G. Bonthron repnrted re the
unpaid taxes- of 1932,
W. Jones reported re several stop
signs as being damaged by children
Constable Hudson was .instructed to
look into this inatter ;t, nonce.
Communications, .from. Department
of Agriculture and Judge T. M. Cos-
tello, same ' ordered.4iIed.•
• Bills arid accounts: }.sled ens fol-
J. Passmore, Hydro, 4.76; .1.•Spen
cer & Son,' supplies, hall 4.86.4 lllzr
on Expositor, printing 4.00; Win.
Brintnell; wood for hall, $7.50; J.
Passmore, supplies $1.45; H. Foster
Fire Dept., .80; C. Hudson, • Fire
Dept., .80; F. G. Bonthron, postage
and supplies 4.55.
Motion; that we procure two cords
of cord wood to be cut by Transients
when procuring meals.
Motion that we adjourn.
James A. Patterson,.Clerk.
14Ir. and Mrs. Jas. Smith and Shir-
ley and Mrs. Blackwell of Kincard-
ine visited with Mr. J. Hartleib and
Lavada on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mclsaac and
family of Windsor spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs; P. Melsaac.
Mr. Czar Steinhagen of 'Tavistock
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Steinhagen on Saturday.
The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran
Church held a very successful quilt-
ihg bee in the basement of the church
an Thursday afternoon, •
Rev, and Mrs, T. Loft attended
the funeral of the
;,1* F late Mrs, ]4lalin-
y . n Elmira last week,
l.ir, and Mrs. Cita., Calm,
of. Cryg
.tytl. City; Ma,.1','. .,•,1 on frtilndl
town on Sunda.
::U 111-1 „..�
rc+y, October 12th, lila
' da '1
,The Dominion of F `ani.ida offers for public. subscription
Two -yeas° 3;4 Bonds, due 15th October, 1935
Issue Price: 911,50•• and accrued interest,
yielding 3:75% to maturity..
Six-year 4% Bonds, due 15th October, 1939
Issue Price: 99.00 and accrued interest,
yielding 4.19% to maturity.
Twelve-year 4% Bonds, due 15th October, 1945
Issue Price: 96.50 -and accrued interest,
yielding? 4.38% to maturity.
Principal payable without charge i lawful money of Canada, at the office of the; Zit -mister of
Finance and Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver
General at Halifax, Saint John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina,
Calgary or Victoria.
Interest payable half -yearly, 15th April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada;
without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank..
Two-year Bonds, $1,000
Six-year Bonds, $500 and $1,000
Twelve-year Bonds, $100, $500 and $1,000
Cash Subscriptions
Cash subscriptions will be received only for the Six-year 4% Bonds and for the Twelve-year
4% Bonds. All cash subscriptions will be subject to allotment. Following the announcement of the
plan of allotment, delivery of interim certificates against payment in full for the bonds allotted 1011
be promptly effected..
Refunding Subscriptions
Holders of Victory Loan 5%% Bonds due 1st November, 1933, after detaching and retuznaisg•
the coupon due 1st November next, may, for the period during which the subscription lists are.
open, tender their bonds in lieu of cash on subscriptions for a like par value of bonds in one or
more maturities of the new issue and receive allotment in full with prompt delivery. The surrender
value of the Victory 5M% Bonds will be as follows:
100% of their par value on subscriptions for the Two-year 34% Bonds and the
'Six-year 4% Bonds.
100%% of their par value on subscriptions for the Twelve-year 4% Bonds if effected
' on or before 16th October, and 100% of their par value after that date.
No accrued interest on the new bonds will be charged on refunding subscriptions if effected on an.
before 16th October. After that date accrued interest from 15th October will be charged.
Holders will receive in cash the difference between the surrender value, of their Victory Bonds
and the cost of the bonds of the new issue.
The amount of this Loan is limited to 8225,000,000.
The Loan is authorized under Act' of the Parliament of Canada, and both,.prinnipal aa74•f'
interest -are a charge•ort the Consolidated.Pevenue,Pond of Canada-,
The proceeds of this Loan will retire 3169,974,850 Dominion of Canada 534% Bond,
maturing 1st November, 1933, and 540,000,000 short-term Treasury Bilis.
The balance will be used for the_generalpurposes of the Government.
Subscriptions will be received , and receipts issued by any branch in Canada of a
Chartered Bank and by Recognized Dealers, from whom may be obtained application
forms and copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the
Loan. Applications will not be valid on forms other than those
printed by the King's Printer.
The subscription lists will open on 10th October, 1933, and will close on or before VI.
October, 1933, with or without notice, at the discretion ,of •
the Minister of Finance.
DzPAa7'MVNT or TnaAstes,
OTTAWA, IOTa OCroiErt, 1933.
41.' •
Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk of Guelph,
were week -end visitors with Mr. A.
Birk and Verna.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder of
Windsor, spent a few days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook of Toronto
and Mr. J. Mose and Mrs. Purdoo
and son Everett of Walton were vis-
itors with Mr. and Mi . Robt. Hay-
ter on Wednesday.
Miss Ruth Kleinstiver spent the'
week -end in Toronto.
Mr. Keeler, Miss Martinson, Miss
•Pepper and Miss - Ruth Kleinstiver
attended Teachers' Convention in
Goderich last week.
Mrs. H. Willert ar(d sons, 1Vlessrs.
Ed. and Will Willert of Centralia.
and Mrs. H. Zimmer of Windsor,
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Hayter.
Misses Theda and Grace Hayter
and friend, Mr. Bruce of Windsor,'
were week-endvisitors with •• their
parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Robt. Hayter.
Miss Myrta Hoffman of Kitchener
spent Thanksgiving with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman.
Mr:'Ira Tiernan of Hamilton, Miss
G. Cornwell of Waterloo and Eug-
ene Tiernan of London, were •'week-
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Snaith of Wind-
sor spent the weekend with Mr. and ''
Mrs. R. Baker. Mrs. Baker' return-
ed with then on Monday and will '
spend a few weeks visiting there.
Mr. Merrill of Toronto called on
Miss Lavada Hartleib on Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Meerburg and fam-
ily of Port Flank Were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. Jonas flartleib.
.Miss Lavada Hartleib visittey3 ;fri
ends in Atwood on Sunday.
Mrs, P. $'ussold and daughter .lteta
e tt,
the:week-end in ,;London • ;and'
Mr. L. Bender spent Sunday with' zabeth, to David M. McIntosh, son of good health, but he carried on his
friends in New Hamburg. 1 Mrs. McIntosh and the late Jame% duties until within a few days of his
• Mrs. John Boyce and son Gordon McIntosh, of Seaforth, the marriage deatlywhich was caused by gangr-
of Sebringville and Mrs. John Snider { to take place in October. ene poisoning, following the ample -
of Stratford were Sunday visitors Students of the Exeter Bigli School tation of a toe', and other complicata
with Mrs. Witzel.
Harvest Home services will be con-
ducted in the Lutheran . church on
held an enjoyable weiner roast at l ons. Hewas born at Thessalon 45i
the fair grounds' the other evening, years AN and lived in Colborne Tpc„:.
about 130 being present. Two bon and in Godessch4or ten years. Heisi
fires were lighted and marshmeIlows survived by'his aged mother and one,
'4' IMr. and Mrs• Arthur Weber and, and weiners with other refreshments brother. . ,..„t6,
family spent Sunday with Mr, •
and l wer, a served' and. a most enjoyable
time was spent:. Victim. of of a purse -snatching fool. --
Mrs: John. Hodgins near: Parkhill.••
Mrs. G. Oestreicher celebrated her Thos. Legg, a former Godercy - .i ad, Mss Elba .Lamport; 18 -year-old(
eightieth birthday on Saturday and butcher, `who has been with • then'3°uth Lyndon girl, formerly of
on Sunday ,,..a. • chicken dinner was Whyte Parking,• Co.,, in Stratford, Crei3iton they' ocher nightwas attack -
prepared in her honor, Covers were since he left., Goderich eleven years ed on `Victoria street, badly mauled
p p ! and robbed of her purse containing
laid for 14. The guests included Mr. ago, is returning and will conduct a • p g
and Mrs, J. Kellerman, Mr. G. Ke- butcher shop on Hamilton street, her money, keys and personal elf
lerman and Rev. and Mrs. A. W. formerly occupied' by Allison & sects. 3llzss Lamport was walking`
Sauer, Kibler. The stand is well establish- west on victor st., near her glace of
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Elliott of ed and modernly equipped. Mr. Legg 'employment, When a man leaped!Thedford spent Thanksgiving with
is a hustler and made a success of from balling a tree, threw a sheet
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reid. his business. over her head, and forced her to' the '
Mr. and Mrs. Yates and Evelyn of The four large buying; agencies in ground. Her unknown assailant al'le edly dragged her half across tiler
Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. B. Kitchen Exeter dealing in eggs; have been street and pummeled her as she str-
and family of ,Toronto visited with steadily advancing the price paid to u
-- week to free herself from the folds
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Kraft last week the fai'rners and .in the past week of the. heavy sheet. .,Before her muf-
The monthly .:,,tea,'• ` given by ; the have raised the price seven cents a: fled .cries brought t neighbors
Bethany Sisters Class of the Dash-' dozen. This would be cheerful 'news to her
wood Evangelical Sunday School was ' for the fanners if the hens would assitltance, the thug had wrenched
held recently at the hor,.e of Mrs. only 'keep up the suply, which Inas the purse from the young lady's hand,
.Marry I?',raft , with Mrs. Marl, Guen-'shown a distinct falling off in. quare::disappeared. -
titer and Mrs Kraft as joint hostel-. toty:.. •
ses -' The pioceeds are to be used L3aac •
Dunsford, of Hay Township
for 'missionary purposes. i met with a painful accident the otlx-
t or day, when be was engaged in
fdrawing in beans and was conveying' men and a woman and 5 race ?tosses•%
them from the wagon to the hay hailing from rum
COUNTY NEWS g Lumsden Sask., the firm:.
claw when the fork with its load of 21cing known as Gibbs linos: aaxl' J,W�..
about half 'a, ton broke striking• ll ti~ Izealeyy 'They covered :lie 1950,•'
An interesting carryall passed
through the county last Wednesday
on its way to Ottawa from Goderich:•.
It vans a 12,000 ib. truck, bearing a
Mrs. Milton McCurdy, of Us"orae Dunsford on the head and thretvlrrg miles to Goderich in four days in
had the misfortune to fall down the I him ten• feet to the floor below wit- train :and 21f days stopped a tot -
that she •suffered a fracture of the fel injuries. at the county town, but the horses
right arm atuthe, wrist. The frac't'-�
The death occurred at G'oderich an were still tired
from the long journ-
uite was ,set an;d• the lady was taken' Friday of Marshall A, Feagan rural..': aid .ca- . ,• ;;
'or p'tured only •ogle-prrze. bst>�:.
to Lendon ;for X ra;' mail carrier. Ont •• of tial ►eh, iust,o tho.torses Ytl` im
•° - , ,� t' ., .,.,,.. the
. ; �t s 2.02 a5'its tante.. • r•
Mf; and APIs. C, J. • Richttrr seers of nsna weeks.after the• deh'fh ..ol,',' 'his 'Tine :truc[ was nearly as big, as at..
., ds'alio, "aiihotuice : •the en;;nt e-,_ fa1115ex who . he succeeded in; theg
''�.�';,' , � ..;. , , ..: , � , , h+ax carr aria was equipped with li:�w-
ment of their .dau hten i ithan Ktt- d: `iakY'; Jnint,' ieklAl g n ;ts oad•.. lis. ry1
b Laasti:QtiL beac.ase
9 •
stairs at her home with the result ere he struck his head inflicting:' pain- al of '7 days, They had twos horses