Zurich Herald, 1933-10-12, Page 1al 9., Voi. XXXIV 4o. H.. ZURICH., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 121933, Chester L. Smith, 1?; X1.25 a year, U.S. $1.511 is ititraralL $L50 IW i1MiEARS, *2 MAX *XON •¢ i• Make the Ads. in the Herald your guide for your Fall Purchases Capital Theatre Goderich -- Phone 47 Now Playing—Buck Pones in `°The 'White Eagle % Mon., Tues., and wed NANCY CRROLL and EDMUND LOWE Aided by an all Star east in a suave and modern croak play 1 Love That Man! Thurs., Friday and Saturday 'CHARLIE MURRAY and GEORGE SIDNEY presenting another of their famous character coroefu • `THE COHEN'SI and KELLY'S in TROUBLE" • Coming- A Sensation "KRAAKATOA" (atinees--Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. ST. PETER'S lEvangelicai Lutheran Church ZURICH. -- ONT. "A atangelen Christ •rr .i Chang- ing World" .friday, $h:—Luer League. :Saturday—Choir Piattlice. :SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—German. Sande*, 11:15 a.m.---Su*daf 5Idoesl. 7.30 p.m.—End . Service. Everybody-Weeconne look *11 liee%eico . E. TUERKHEiif. Pastor. Blue Scranton Goal ALL SIZES • . 'etroleum Coke, .u'c`erne • S14,112Zir Coike, :Pocahontas and Midler Creek, always mar heti ;AGRICULTURAL , TIDE and BRICK. Dominion of Canada 1933 Refunding Loan Prospectus on Page Four of this Issue. • -leavy Mushroom Crop In- dicate.s Severe Winter Take it from"Patrolman Samuel de Zenzo, the mushroom expert, we're headed for a severe,old-fashioned winter. De Zenzo predicts his win- ters by mushroom crops. A small crop means a mild winter. An av- erage crop an average winter. But,, when there's a bumper crop growing all over the place, as there is this year—button up your overcoat, ad- vises re Zenzo. Child Sees First Rain A report from Regina states a 3 - year --old child in. Southern. Saskatch- ewan experienced the sight of falling rain a few days ago. for the first" time in her three years. The child cried—Daddy, take me home, quick; someone is throwing water on me. The story is vouched for by the Hon. G. Bryant, Minister of Public Works. Althoughrove all know'that lards of Saskatchewanhave been without rain for long periods, the fact was not driven home until this occurred. Given Time to Raise Fine, But Return To Take Jail Given a week in which to raise money to pay a $10 fine for driving an automobile without an operator's permit. Edward Forrester, a young man from Brussels, on Saturday afternoon walked into Magistate Reid's office,• Goderieh, and said that he warunable to raise the money and asked for commitment paj ers to the feounty Jail. He vvas accommodated :and made the trip .,P unaccom anied to i fGxi R or eynnids':limestone palace, where he will spend the next tea days.. 'Forrester was quite eheerful :Mout it all. "See you in 10 days," dice :called back as he waved his hand and proceeded down North street en ji:xoute to the bastie. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. Thurs., Friday, Sat., Oct. 12, 13, 14 TIM McCOY in "FIGHTING FOR JUSTICE" Comedy — Cartoon — Newsreel Mon, Tues., Wed., Oct. 16, 17, 18 "MEN MUST FIGHT" a Metro Goldwyn Meyer Picture Featuring DIANA WYNYARD, Beautiful Star of Cavalcade, supported by. Lewis Stone and Philips Holmes. Taxi Boys Comedy "Bring em back a wife. Sportreel. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 19, 20, 21 .THE WARRIOR'S HUSBAND Feature Comedy, with Elissa Landi, Ernest Truex, David Manners, Charlie Chase. Comedy. "NATURE IN THE WRONG" Cartoon Coming—"Carnival with . Matheson Lang, noted English Actor." erich Tp. The second breaking in is alleged to have taken place on Sep. 29th, when $5.75 in cash was taken. Sentenced at Walkerton to three years in penitentiary and two years less one day in reformatory. Norval Precious and Charles Kent, respecti- vely were brought to Goderich by Provincial Constable McCoy and Fox and lodged in county jail. Their of- fences were breaking • and- entering and theft. On Friday, Precious and Kent _will appear before Magistrate Reid on sunilar charges, alleged to have been. committed at Grand Bend in August. 'It is, ehaiged. that th4v entered one home and stole five $50' American bills, using two of the bank -notes for a down payment ria an automobile. This, ani the fact that Precious is said to have tender- ed an American $50 bill as payment for a small tali fare attracted atten- tion and eventually led to their ar- rests. .Both accused reside in God - In Police Court erich. Ilecanzse he failed to signal for a 'Iefthand turn, Thus causing axe acci- deiltekeex. Edgar, 'Gerrie, was fined $2: Jo ^and costs in traffic •court on Saturday 'last by Magistrate ;Reid.Al1 -other traffic cases were adjourned. Charged with breaking and enter- ing by night. Harry Proctor, age '21 and Hedley Prowse 19, Gederich young men, were arrested by Cermr- stable T. Gundry. Appearing be- fore Magis. Reid they were remanded to jail for one week to permit .police' investigation. The accused pair erre alleged to have twice broker into the garage rof 'Jolen Toggar'th, Ratatal0 =11Rghest CASH price paid far Eggs,e ni St. ran the 'first •occasion, wept. 15, a Grade, Bas- 'they are dhargecl widish. stealing :air lelectric drill, one pair of bolt cutt- W. R. DAVIDSON ;Phone Ns. 1• ers and four wrenches with a 'to'ta'l mine of :$bb. 'The eieetale &ill was HEAmy ONT. recovered at Procter's; home nxi Gsad- `a§ Massey -Harris Sales and Service "TIRES, BATTERIES, ion. at Liveand let ICS :P:r ..7 Order your pulper laiives and: Or'i ider plates snow and 4 save exp " Haar :a'boz t mrpiow •'deal!• Wouldd lae xpleased to drdEe gle -new'Na. ,ill's*:g Pill's*:4 ora Disc. Plow iv t"h. _ye tL s cu:, 'V Your REPAIR ACCOUNTS are past 'ea xuaait } . • • fest your ap-pregiation by settling -before Oct., I,sx we as Lave Payments to. meet.. 1. Used I .acthkery Always inn Tisza r8 TeL Shop 149 KL` &SONS Res A.ucttoee g:? IL BET! -0.+464÷÷4'ztVr is i X21-4'.,'?^.rs"error 4.-latr•:tn ,a+lotiae- 0i1 -e. 404. K•of. 7 HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, October 2ncl, with all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. After disposing of the eommunie- ations the following accounts were passed: Township Road's—John Oesch, rd. 8, $3.50; Tp. of Stephen, cement tile $2.70; Dominion Road MViacrnnery Co repairs for crusher, $18.78; E. Erb road 9, $62.89; N. Foster, rd. 6 $12.- 20; R. Adams, rd.10, $18.39; 0. Koehler rd 3, $1.20; W. Fisher, rd. 11, $178.75; G. S:arerus,rd. 9, 866•- 22; T. Dinsmore; rd 15,. $,6.40; S. Martin, rd. 6, $5; G. Armstrong rd. 2, $1.60; R. Miller, rd. 9, $3.50; A. Mousscau, rd. 3, $45.76; W. Farrell, rd, 18, $1.85; A, Smith, rd. 8, $4.40; Bonthron & Drysdale, acct., $3.80; W. J. Jarrott, repairs, etc. $49.99; W. J. Harvey, trucking $258.52; S. 1VIeener, timekeeper at crusher, $24; T. Welsh, gravel $52.16; T. Stein- bach, rd. 8, $12.05; Telephone ac- counts -Bell Telephone Co., Tolls, July, to August, $283.91; Dept. Nat- ional Revenue tax on calls, $8.87; Stromberg-Carlcon Co. supplies $2.- 52; Northern Electric Co'. supplies, $11.99; E. R. Guenther, cartage,', $2.45; Zurich Central, switching, 4 weeks $68; Treasurer Stephen Tp., refund 'i'e- tolls, $1.35; P. Melsaac, sala7d, efe:; 3 months, $605.58; • II. G. Hess,' salary, etc., $138. Gen- eraT Adcounts-�-D. Gestetner• Co., supplies, $5.72; G McCubbin re drain award,, $69; Tp. Clerk, re drain n wards,' etc,, $31.50; wood for town +hall $28; postage on tax notices $.t9 ?,welch Agricultural Society, grant $50; Grand 1341111 School 1''?r. +.:rt. r5; Melick 1 ro3., part paynu nt a- waitl dreitie co:li:act $e5. The Council adjourned to meet rc vein on Monday, ;`.november 6th, at I.:;0 1)'11e, in the, afternoon, A. l+', Hess, Clerk, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ravelle and family of Grand Bend, were m town one day last week. Mr. Daniel Smith, who spent three weeks with friends at New Hamburg. Hamilton, Brantford and Arkona, returned to his home here on Sun-- day. Mr. E. F. Klopp, Secretary Treas- urer of the Zurich Agricultural So- ciety wishes to advise the public that he is now in a position to pay out prize monies, and will be at his home on Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons and evening for the same. Mr. and Mrs. . David Schnell of Aberdeen, Sask., and Mrs. W. C. Wagner were royally entertained by Mr• and Mrs. Harry Hayter, of the Goshen Line, Stanley, to a sumptu- ous fowl dthner one evening' last week, and needless to say everything was of the best, and a big evening was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. David Schnell of Aberdeen, Sask., who visited for sev- eral weeks with friends here left on Sunday for Kitchener, the first step towards their home, they will also visit at Guelph and Toronto, before leaving for the West. Their many friends in this part enjoyed this gen- ial couple's visit very much this fall. The annual election of officers of the Junior League of the Evangelical Church was held on Thursday, Oct- ober 5th, with Rev. E. Burn presid- ing, and resulted as follows: Presi- dent, Grace Meyers; Vice -President, Allan Gasch`e; Secretary, Mary Mer- ner; Treasurer, Doris Meyers; The meetings are held on Thursday even- ings of each week. The Zurich Agricultural Society held their first meeting• after the an- nual fair last week, and found every- thing in fine ship shape. According to indications the gcsctety will close the year with a nice little balance on head, regardless the hhaavy list of prize winners that have to be paid out. And also considering the de- pressing times we are paseina throug The local builclings are rapidly un- der way. The floor of the business part of the Sehilbe block is' Fed, the roof finished. In the Yungblibt block the veneer bricks are being put up. the roof is also on. In the Itaist block the baking part is' n cring completion. Fire has been in the oven and by the end of the week will be about reday for operations, provided' the machinery arrives. Auditors' Final Report The total shortage in the accounts - of Gordon Young, former caunty treasurer, caw serving a prison teemfor theft, conspiracy and destr`oction• and mutilation of county record?;, is $11,845.21& Of this amount $4,22T.3'3' was taken' in cash and $7,623-.96 by cheque. The figures are contained in the report of F. H. Gibbs, C.A., just completed, a voluminous, one:. It was filed 'with a statement of clbim with the local registrar, supporting•x writ issued some time agcy against Young, which also seeks an injunct- ion to prlevent the convicted' treas.ur_. er from disposing of hie property; The audiit; a copy of which has been forwarded to Warden J. Ballantyne, covers the years 192Ve1930411-32' and up, tint] August 18th, 1933, the date of the Treasurer's arrest. - Partof 19 and all of .1928, ,ring whicle the convicted maw held• vffi'ee, are not included in the''audlt. The audmrs' report given, in minute. de- tail, at the outset -eves' ;a table. off' deilslc.atlons by yeers,• under tree c d• woes of "Receipts;"' mean ng' • cash taken .in and not accounted ` lor,and °"elreques`.' or• money d,rawt frein the County of Hume. accotrrrt by Young and deposited in. leis own current and savings accounts, 'Young alone signed' county cheques while he was treasurer. The table: Receipts Cheques Tota', 111^•..9 .. 708.58 1090.00 1'798.58: 1930 , . 1270.66 1420.00 2090.66 1931 . . 1071.58 1826.50 2898.08 1 >3'2 , . 719.98 2837,46 3557.44 1933 (up to ‘ug. 18) 450.53 450,00 w)(,) 09 •••••••••••••••••••••••••110$00M6. •••••••••••••••••••••••••R••0M6. 04000000406464.6141411.6, • • i • • 1 • • • • • • Own a altham Watch $10.95 buys a 15 Jewel Chrome Cases. $14.95 a 15-jew, gold; ear NO MORE AVAILABLE AT THESE PRICES SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES FOR FAIR DAY ONLY. Ladies and Gents. Popular Makes such as Regina, Elgin, Ycrrk,• Duro, Mars, Pal, Etc. REMEMBER, FAIR DAY ONLY Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich ••••••••• r1•••••NM•••••••••41.064•6•640idNpi *Ssir A to 1 � h man: 6411• ev •.e4. 641....6.40. -,,,.►oma ss•t••••••••••••+••• e NEW SAMPLES HAVE ARRIVED WONDERFUL RANGE MADB-TO -MEASURE $16 50 up Splendid Range Men's Overcoat , r a c $12.00 up W. 11: Iloffiiiaii � S •EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORX c. d!� Seaonab1e Needs! WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS; AND HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. AT LOWEST 49' PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. NEW. GARDEN SEEDS AT 5c and I0c PKG. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAN CRau'e rl ,'1 f RAZ, ' rr PHONE 11 9 A erle w,utlldlssi0Mn.iAxunziiaanKtiCw rv'nir lagazzrn...w.:'ie'i+tt.wm+ti:iwri`+:friY: "an1C":zisrr x•