Zurich Herald, 1933-09-28, Page 7,..-e411 PAD NOT DRESS JERSEY. " Neuritis in Left Arm "For neuritis I am using Kruschen Salts," writes a woman of GO years, "And they are a. real benefit, for I could not dress myself sometimes, my left arm was so painful. I take Krus- chen every morning, and the Pain bas now gone. I was recommended by my doctor to take salts of some kind that suited me, and I find Kruschen is the best. In fact it is wonderful. I feel ever eo much better, and I shall always take it. I am 60 years of age, and have not felt go well for years."—K. P, The pains of neuritis and sciatica are a symptom of. deeper trouble ---the same trouble that causes rheumatism, 'gout and lumbago. They are a sign of an impure blood -stream. They show that poisons have) .rept into the blood. Kruschen is a combination of six • natural salts, whiee ensure intc 'nal cleanliness and keep the blood -stream pure. New and refreshed blood Is sent coursing to every fibre of your being. Then, neuritis, sciatica and kindred ills alipass you by._.___.__ Valuable Hints To Dog Lovers An Expert Advises on the ABC's of Training Your Dog in Reader's Digest In training a dog, it is important above all to win his confidence and perfect obedience. From the start make him rely on you and you alone, for everything. Later, when his character is . formed, there will be plenty of time for him to become a family dog. But during the first months of education there must be nobody in the world far him but his. own master or mistress Secondly, teach only one thing at a time, and don't begin any new in- structions until he has grasped each of the former ones so thoroughly that they are part of his nature. A dog more than two years old la more easily taught than the average puppy Ix -amuse he is more capable of understanding what you wish him to do. Mar,' an intelligent dog is spoil- ed by t(p insistent efforts to correct minor faults in the early stages of his training. His spirit is broken before he has an opportunity to learn things worth while. One of the first lessons he must learn is to oome when called, To Inculcate the idea of instant obedi- ence in this, wait until the dog is especially hngry and then put on him a retaining collar with little spikes on the inside, not sharp en- ough to harm thedog but to give him a little discomfort when the Ieash Is taut. Mister . Dog is allow- ed to, roam at the end of perhaps 100 feet of strong cord or rope. The owner whistles or calls, at the same time pulling sharply on the long leash. When the dog arrives, he should be petted and offered food. After a few trials, the dog obeys promptly without the spiked collar or other incentive. This forming of associations may be put to many practical uses. I had friends whose dog would growl and show his teeth at their little boy. They let the boy feed him exclusive- ly for a few days, giving the ani- mal no chance to get food elsewhere, At the end of a week the dog re- garded the boy as his best friend. When about six months old a dog usually feels so friendly toward the world that he may follow anybody who stops to pat him. To break a dog of this habit I once hired a man to entice him away from home, and wben about a block away to hit the dog in the face with his glove. The next day the dog followed an- other man. This man hit him with a small switch. Thenceforth the dog didn't trust anybody who tried to coax him into following. A folded up newspaper makes the finest of all agents for correction. it is perfectly harmless, yet the sud- den report accompanying its sharp slap against hip or sides will scare I, puppy every time, and will put more real fear into him than will a severe beating by other means. Common belief is that a dog may be cured of killing chickens by tying dead chicken around his neck, The trouble with this is that the dog probably has no especial objection 'to a dead dhieken. He might even regard it as a decoration of honor. • 19 28 24 OUR CROSS -WORD PUZZLE 25 16.._. / 20 13 17 21 10 14 22 26 1 SIM // 37 "'✓' 40 zmina211 111 54 • 111111 27 // 29 %%30 3 42 38 39 43 34.. 52 Horizontal 1 -To assail with missiles 5—Hawaiian dish 8—South American rodent 12—Mixture 13—Away 14—Sea of Russia 15—Fortune 16—To pucker 18—Greek letter 19—Forward 20—Manners 21—Chinese general 23—Vessel (abbr.) 24—Frets 2G—To scorch 28—Out of date 29—Club 30—Caustic substance 32—Man's name 33—Seed container 34—Fortune teller 35—Mound 36—Watch charm 56 31 46 37—To pursue 16—Heap 38—Large evening party 17 -To shed 40—Tribe 20—Too 41—Note of scale 22—Article 43—To exist 44—Country of Asia 45—Pronoun 47—Part of play 49—Praises 61—Jutting rock 62 -Sin 55—Demi god 66—Poetic: always 57—Insects Vertical 1—Famous traveller 2—To lengthen 3—Alight 4—Preposition 6—Rains heavily 25—Flower .26—Sor •ful 27—To harvest 28—Vessel 29—To cut 31—Before 33—Poker pool 34—False 36—Burnable substances 37—Rank 39—Siberian rive:: 40—Fruit beverage 41—Narrow board 42—Land measure 44—Certain 45—Open for debate 6—Pronoun 46—Sea eagles 7—Possessive pronoun 48—Sailor 8—Parent 50—To mature 9—Land measure 51—Metal 10—Quartzes 63—Negative 11—Word of sorrow' 54—Synrboi of samarium. The only way to cure him of 'killing chickens is to build up in his mind the notion that it works to his own Ina -mediate disadvantage. One method is to turn him loose among chickens but tied with a piece of twine 60 feet long, and every time he chases a chicken bring him to a sheep halt with this leash Another method is to use a sling shot—an instrument too much neg- lected in the training of dogs. It should be a stout one, and aminnni- tion should be eight or ten pellets of number -six shot. They sting but do no injure. The usual procedure when a dog is discovered in wrong- doing is first yell ,at the dog; then get hold of him; then punish him But often he is captured so long after the crime that you are a bit uneasy as to whether he is making the proper connections in his own mind. But suppose that just as he is licking his chops over a stolen chicken, he is stung to yelping by a half-dozen number -sixes, The con- viction that man can punish even at a distance is most persuasive. If your dog gets into a flight and you can't stop him in any other wsy, roll up a newspaper into a long torch, light it and pass it trndcrneath the dog's jaws. I have stopped some of the most vicious dog fights justthat way without injuryto the dogs themselves. To break a dog of running out to bark at or chase passing cars, fill a garden syringe with a mixture of wa- ter and ammonia, and have a friend drive past in his car and spray tbe dog in his face as tie runs out to neap at the machine. A couple of each experiences are sufficient to effect a permanent cure. A training collar with a long check cord is also most effective in break- ing this habit. Put the collar ' on the dog, coil the check cord up with the end tied to a post in the ground near where the automobiles pass, Hold the dog up close and when an auto- mobile passes let him go, He will race after the car until he reaches the end of the chain, when he will promptly be yanked over on his back. About three doses of that will cure the Worst automobile-ohasing dog without breaking his spirit. A young dog's habit of tearing up pillows, shoes and hats is best cured by sprinkling a little red pepper on the objects to be protected. A few good sneezes and he will let forbid- den things alone forever, A dog's natural desire is to show "MINING INFORMATION SERVICE" TOLD THEIR SUBSCRIBERS TO BUY ACME GAS AT 18c THEY WERE ADVISED TO SELL AT 30c Me`VITTIE-GRAHAM RECOMMENDED AT 70( . NOW SELLING AROUND 90c We are new advising the purchase of two stocks on the Standard Ex - Change Which a.re already moving up, and we confidently predict large pro- fits to those Who get in before the good news is made public. Mining Information Service is now definitely established as one of Can, 2da's outstanding reporting and statistical services. Our subscribers have realized large and consistent profits, and We invite you to enroll while. OTJR SPECIAL OFFER OF 1 MONTH'S '!.'ILIAL IS STILL OPEN. Trial +subscribers also receive semi-weekly Bulletins of the. Industrial. Information Service, which covers all New York Market. ........r..•,.-. — -.s --:. a.-- -.. — %M.O. ._..... 0 NM. ......, — ../.0. .... YMNI ]ENING INFORMATION SERVICE, 304 Sterling TOWert 372 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. $ 2.00 in payment of 1 month's subscription. I enclose .; 7,00 in payment of 6 months' subscription: $12,00' in payment of 1 year's buscr pti'on to MIN/NG XNFORMATION SEI:t'VICIj. ilnd me Ake telegrams on Special Information. Telegrams not, wanted. k which service you desire.) ('Selegran%e to be sent collect.) 1 it 4 ee to treat all your information in confidence, Answers to Last Week Puzzle PES SNOOP •SAT A S U A 0 T •A R it Y 0 0 R %B R A E W E C E D R A 0 E R OS Y'f I S M%i AIDE ERA/ ASSEMB'LED A I E R Bal G A Y% Id R RETIOULARAPUN 8LIDfffS,0P eSIR'S L T H 0 U 0 R R 01R 0 E A D S AVE GIIANT MAD SATES STEB 0 U E his affection by jumping up on you. How should he know the iniquityof muddy paws? If you thoughtlessly repulse his whole uprush of affection by hitting him over the head you may teach him to cringe rather than mere- Iy to forbear. It is better to hold his forepaws in your hands, at the same time Stepping not too harshly on his hind paws. Then, dropping him to all fours, spare a moment to ��,�erfui flastirtgrit fpX •�c1s�� eeexe oke hail battexae$'l• sets of r . e altb e use o lite co ►plea one of at d C9"tn , OIi'i., tour Ilieful i he 6 gash he lionse an$ln et c okes s esa •o Jou' this the caz °x 1 o e c'�ange for rvetVo us Viands, 5atigsN .... T evil rt'yit axon► off• y �•at s 'lain is t?'tts �t�en � cigar"i i > Quality you .mast that's ii1.0 stetYcco and tha exile, este tobacco get inti Fine patg,e of Targe It �, a these fou '0) eooOut•ett�9 ny too roll, a least S0 cls., rail. at 2,0¢'pac s: e• trona a �.e alb} i flogs i .,kithIt ItI 14 1E4 C m ...SMILES... 11 Why Dad's Nose Is Red Two foreign -looking girls, evidently domestics, were discussing their em- ployers. "The misses is fine," said one, "but ber husband is very cross." "He is?" "Yeah. But I get even with him. Every time he scolds me, I put starch in his handkerchiefs." And Mamma Was So Pleased "You must be pretty strong," said Willie, aged six, to the pretty young 'widow who bad come to call on his mother. "Strong? What makes you think so?" "Daddy said you can wrap any man in town around your Iittle finger." Massacre bf the Innocents A little girl, on seeing sawdust .sprinkled on the floor of a meat stove, remarked to her mother: • "Mummy, the man must have broken a lot of dolls!" Boys are waiting until after Hal- lowe'en before starting to wear the halos which they will have—more or less -until after Christmas, pat and make much of him at his Man -"Quick, Doc, my wife bas own level. fainted]" To teach a dog to follow at your Doctor—"What's the trouble?" heels use a leash with a choke col- Man—"She showed me her new hat lar, keeping the dog directly behind and the bill at the same time, and I you and dragging him along, giving 1e.e...,♦ say _ ____ , ., him a rest once in awhile and a lit- tle encouragement. If he runs to It may be possible to write a sons - one side or ahead of you snap him ible love letter, but it would not be up quickly with the check, give the satisfying to th recipient. word "to heel" and pull him around where he' belongs. Continue this I'd rather be a has-been lesson indefinitely until he is pro- Than a might -have -been, by far, ficient. Don't let him "get away For a might -have -been has never been: with It" ever But the has-been was an are. In fact,, in all training never give commands that you are not in a post- Friendship tbat is merely an inter - tion to enforce. If you have told the mittent fever of fervor is not real dog to "lie dawn," see that he does friendship. Nor wind, nor tide, nor It if it takes all of that lesson and ,prosperity, nor adversity, nor joy, nor all of the next Here's where you sorrow, nor any material consideration may lose your temper. Dbn't; be. sways or alters genuine friendship, cause it is a general rule that the than which there is nothing nobler on harder It is to teach a dog anything earth. the longer it will take him to un- learn it. Incidentally, the best times Woman—"Before we were married to give a .dog a lesson are the first you told me I would never want for thing in the morning and again late anything." at night. The night lesson is the Her Husband—"That shows how Ut- most important of the two because tie I knew of you then." what a dog learps at night he is apt to wake up wit,. in tbe morning. Removing the teeth will cure some The fundamental thing to renlem- things, including the foolish belief that ber in the dog's training is that, as it will cure everything, a result of his very position in the cosmos, he wants to do 'what you desire. When his actions runs as it seems to you, perversely the chances are many to one that it is merely because you have not made him un- derstand. Punishment is useful, but should be inflicted only with the one end clearly in view of conveying to bis intelligence •your idea in such form that he can grasp it. And punishment must be inflicted the mo- ment an o-mentan offense is committed. Other- Judge—"You say that your husband wise the dog will '1e cowed and will doesn't bu you any Clothes?" learn nothing from it other than that Woman—"No, Judge, If my tongue You are unjust. Woman—"Nora; did you sweep be- bind that door?" The Maid—"Yes, mum. I sweeps everything • bebind that door. were coated it would have to be at my own expense." Joybell---"I've no use for that fellow Robert Cunn' igham." Doroth—"Oh -- whets the matter with him?" Joybell—"He's the ..ort of chap that pats you on the back before your face and hits you in tbe eye behind your back." Ever Try Cobbler's Wax.. Actor ---"Yes, my friends, usually my audiences are glued•to their seats." Friend—"What a quaint way of keeping them there!" Girl—"I can never be yours. I will return your presents." Her Sweetie—"All right, but who's going to return those cigars I bought your father and the dimes I gave your little brother?" • Most men confide their business troubles to their wives, especially when the latter want to buy something. Tramp—"Mister, give me a quarter for a meal. I'm hungrier than a bear." Rich Dyspeptic — "I'11 give you $5,000 for your appetite, my man." Jasper — "Tommy Heitman gets along with his wife very well." Casper—"Why shouldn't he? His dad owns a millinery store." Quite often the mother-in-law Is blamed when what is wrong is a poor son-in-law. September Hail, month of early frost and short- ened days, Thou magic artist, who doth night by night With subtle brush the maples all bedight Scarlet and gold; whose every hour displays Some new enchantment! E'en while it dismays That all so soon the beauty must take Sight, Now on the lambent air comes the delight Of autumn odours, and my loss allays. Though even now confer tbe migrant birds, And on the fields are stooks of gold- en grain, Waiting the coming of the farmer's wain, That tell of summer's going plain as words, Still do I know that this is not the end, And in my purse some beauty have to spend. —George Frederick Clarke in "St, John and Other Poems," Bishop Allows Women To Go Hatless to Church London.—Women may go to church without a hat, and you have the auth- ority of no less than a bishop for that, This is in the diocese of Ipswich, any- way. Rt. Rev. Dr. Walter G. Whitting- ham, Bishop of St. Edmunsbury and Obnoxious Annie opines: "A boy re- Ipswich, writes in his September let - covering from a heartache is like the ter to the diocese: "I have remarked intoxicated person nursing a headache oracular reproofs of certain clergy —he swears ]lever again till the next from time to time on hatless girls in time," church, and have even noted a church -where certain diminutive kerchiefs were provided at the porch that wo- men night put them on before they entered. "I conclude the provision was made on the supposition that Saint Paul's Prohibition applies. St, Paul never dreamed of saying that women were not to appear in church without a hat. He had no knowledge of hats, What he said was they were not to appear in Christian assemblies un- veiled, and that is a different matte:r. Women in England do not come to church veiled." During the year ended June 30, 1932 the inspectors of the Domin- ion Seed Branch under the Fertili- zers Act found 011 the market some 333 different branchs of registered fertilizer, and 1,085 official samples were taken and analysed. Shipments of live stock from West - ten to Eastern Canada for the first thirty'one weeks of 1933- totalled 33,- 9411 as against 23,101 bead in the Corresponding period of last year. Fully Guaranteed. rays Agents tip, to $15 a clay. Save -a -Sole, made in Can - ado:, 'spreads like butter in a. minute—dries, hard and smooth over night. A real hard time se}ler. ,Shoe soles 'need never Wear out, Send 300 for full-size kit, free sample and agency proposition, tl tO WOntarS,• Iterinant lslcig., 'acoronto One herring a day Is said to be suf- ficient to supply al Ithe protein a 111210 needs. Classified Advertising PATENTS. 4 N OFPJ2R TO EVERY INVENT(). information sent free. The Rameaaynd fu n pant, World Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada, ZXQVOR MALIT. O^/ PECIAL OFFER — GUARANTEED Rapid Liquor Rome Treatment for FIVE DOLLARS. Established quarter century. References. Write INSTITUTE, 17 Orange, St. John, New Brunswick. T$YLA PRo..17CTS. r' ELIC IOTT S Tki.YLA YEAST .$F "Nerves improved, bowels moving. sleep excellent," writes. 76 -years -old Mrs. Fredrikson, 6413 Bourbonniere St., Mon- treal. "KEEPS INDEFINITELY." Money back guarantee, 12 cakes 46c. TIT -ILA. PRODUCTS, Department 2, Boa 2914, Montreal. CANVASSERS WANTED. REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RE- FINED women over 30 who want t make money; to demonstrate new typ of foundation garment; demand biggest in years; every woman a prospect; we train you. Apply Box 176, Wilson Pub, Co„ 73 Adelaide West, Toronto. Draws the Line When R'obber Demands Kiss Chicago.—It was all right when a robber took Miss Gladys Raymond's purse at the point of a pistol. And she never objected when he re- moved a $250 diamond ring from her finger. But when the same armed gunman asked for a kiss, she slapped him down. Lilac Tree From Quebec Makes Record In West Morris, Man.—A lilac tree, brought from Quyon, Que., 40 years ago, has established a new record here. For 40 years it has blossomed consistently each Spring but this 1'.^.'] blooms ap- pear on it. No capers required! Christmas aril our rex, . 0 per Amen of yourfriend.. Beautiful sam31.00 le abum mpplied FREE conmining folders, parchments. embossed end printed deafens. Starr NOW and teo up your friend. early. W. pay HIO M0NEY and bonus cull year to aegresdve men and women. Rend Stationary Co, 77 Adrldd. St. W., Toronto FARM TRACTORS See our stock of New and Used Trac- tors; special price on overhauled ma- chines, with or without fenders, write or phone Truck and Tractor Equipment Co., Ltd., Melrose 5701. 670 Bloor Street West, Toronto. Gas In The Stomach Gas in the stomach. belching, sour water brash, pain after eating, ete., ran be overcome within three minutes if you will take a little Bisurated Magnesia in water after you eat. The ordinary .Bi- surated Magnesia which you can get al any drug stere will correct acid Indiges- tion immediately. Try it and sec. NERVOUS WOMEN Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "I am so nervous it seems as though I should fly", . . "My nerves are all on edge" ... "I wish 1 were dead" how often have we heard these expres- sions front some woman who has become eo tired and run-down that her nerves can no Ionger stand the strain. No woman should allow herself to, drift into this condition if she can help herself. She should give Lydia E. Fink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. For nearly slaty years women have taken this wonderful tonic to give them renewed strength and vigor. 98 out of every 106 women who reports to us say that they are benefited by thins medicine. Buy a bottle from your drug., gist today ... and watch the results. YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile —No Calomel needed When you feel blue, depressed, sour on the world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. Digestion and elimination are being slowed ep, food is accumulating and decaying inside You and making you feel wretched. Mere bowel -movers Iiae salts, oil, mineral watts, laxative candy or chewing {nim, or coughago, don't go far enough, You need a liver stimulant. Carter's Little Liver Pills is the beat one. Safes Purely vogo.; table. Sure, Ask for thorn by. name. Refuse Substitutes, 20s, al all druggists. 82 ISSUE NP. )8—'33