Zurich Herald, 1933-09-28, Page 4.70 i[r � iso t CEDAR POST., rir�. and up, 8 foot long 35c x ZURICH HERALD SPE CI AL +1 'WHA' NOT RE -ROOF NOW WITH CEDAR SHINGLES AT THE PRESENT LOW PRICES. ege4 C.KAL `PHONE 69 - A LARGE STOCK ON HAND4 1i, FIEIS ZURICH ie.e.ee+.3.4••F+4••E•h'•g•,fi•.t,.T•s,•fi•,t,.b,or:•§••E•+++•b•1•++•F•.i'.,Q••;..;..g•,fi,•i•.tr.i•'+i..i.'i,.!i,•y.9••t•'A+++ t iktal 1144)4,NOOMaaaa 20 4'a 04S6 11400.10000•••fioli•••••111•6•• e PRANG'S GARAGE • • -We are always at your service for Expert = Garage Work, and Auto Repairing o • Choice Gasoline -- Best of Oils and Greases • • WE ALSO CARRY • • !•! 43 )OCKSHUTT FARM IMPLEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES, ` LIVER PLOWS, ETC. ALSO FLEURY AND BISSELL LINE OF IMPLEMENTS. GET OUR PRICES ON BISSELL DISCS eliND LAND ROLLERS. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. PLOW POINTS ALL MAKES, (No Jobbers' Points) ANLL KINDS OF BLACKSMITH REPAIRING: ACYTELENE WELDING 1 1 NEW DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR, at a Sacrifice. 1 Rebuilt DeLaval Separator in good order, get the price on this one. 4 1 LEVER HARROWS AT COST. 1 4 -Section Diamond Harrows below Cost. Pumps -- Piping -- Pump Work L A. Prang & Son - Zurich Phone, Shop 114 Residence 76 • 0$44.6006011100464900006001:100 004011160110006001110411000000111010 {• ? .F t -� Fes• rimer✓ 'f-++-F•c-•fi ++++++++++ ++ +++++++++++++++++,:}•+++++,;s 4' A ReaOpportunity! 4. To New Subscribers, Paid in Advance, We send, the ZURICH HERALD to the end of 1933 for only .4. 25 Cents +1+4.4 J•++++++++++++ ;.+.14+++ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. 4 4 Will 4.4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 • ZURICH FALL FAIR (Continued from Page One.) SHEEP l•incoln Sheep -Aged ram, T. Bnowden; Geo. Penhale; Shearling acs, J. F. Linden, T. Snowden; Sre- arling ewe, J. F. Linden and 2nd; Ram lamb, T. Snowden, J. F. Lin- den; Ewe lamb, J. Linden and 21d: Eve, having raised lauds, .,J. Linden and. 2nd. Oxford Downs -W. Henry took all the prizes in this class. Shropshire Downs -Aged ram. 0. McCowen, R. D. Hunter; Shearling ram, 0. McGowen, R. L. Hunter; Shearling ewe, 0. McGowen and 2nd Ream lamb, 0. McGowen R. D. Hun- ter; Ewe lamb, R. D. Hunter and 2nd; Ewe, having raised lamb O. kleGowen and 2nd. Leicester Sheep -Aged ram, W. henry, P. Masse and son; Shearling ram, She-arling ewe, Ram lamb. Ewe. rami. Ewe having raised lamb, W. Rete, took first and 2nd in these; Fat t :cep, R. D. Hunter, W. Henry., HOGS 'Yorkshire -Aged sow, H. Claus- ius; Aged boar, A. Warner. Man- son Bros; Spring Boar, A. Warner and 2nd; Spring sow, H. Clausius, J ancon .Bros. Tamworth -Aged Sow, Manson Bros., J. Gelinas and son; Ygen boar ' il'Lanson Bros. Spring sow, J. Gel- inas and son, Manson Bros. Allan Schantz, Waterloo, Judge. POULTRY Black Hamburgs, Cock, ren and Pullett, 0. Battler; S. P. Hamburgs, Cock, hen and Cockrel, L. 0'Z;rein, 7. C. Wilson, pullett, Lee O'Brein and Zed; Utility Barred Rock:: rock and cockrel, pullet, N. Camp:sell and 2nd; Utility White Rocks. Cock. L. O'Brein. Letherland and Bently ken, H. Truemner, Lether]arrd and I entt,y, cockerel C. Courser, pullett C :odea. C. Coursey; Brairmas- CoCi-, Leiherlain1 and Bently, C. Cour ey; Hen, T. C. Wilson and 2nd; • Coekrel, Letherin'id ,cyrl Bently, F: Roc;:em. ; putter, Letr rlaud and J3ent'.y, T. C. Wilson; think k Minor- cas- -Cock. 1?. 7:.ockents. (), Battlev; Pen I.c t'_••i•land ori 1 13c.•,t>i`y, C. , s •L"7 v Cgcker 1, JI, Teutt".`i«)_^.'r, Coursey; Pullett, F. Kockems, H. Truemner; White Minorcas-Cock, L. O'Brein, C. Coursey; Hen, C. Coursey; Cockerel, L. O'Brein; F.C. Wilson; Pullet, L. O'Brein and 2n. Couchins-Cock, N. Campbell, He and pullet, N. Campbell, T. C. Wil son; Cockerel, N. Campbell and 2n Brown Leghorns-Cockerel, C. Cou sey, Lether]anu and Bently; hen. C 1 Coursey, T. C. Wilson; Pullett, T C. Wilson. Buff Leghorns-Coca 'Leatherland and Bently; Hen, Leth erland and Bently, L. O'Brein; Coc Leatherland and Bently, L O'Brein; Pallet, L. O'Brein, Leath erland and Bently; S. C. W. Leg horns, Cock, C. Coursey; Hen, Lea therland and Bently, C. Coursey Cockerel, T. Wilson, Ce •Coursey; Pu let, C. Wilson, H. Truemner. R. C W. Leghorns,-Hen, T. Wilson; Wht Orpingtons-Cock and hen, T. Wil son and 2nd; Buff Orpingtons-Coc- kerel, 0, Battler, F. Kockems; Hen, Cockrel and Pullet, F. Kockems, 0. Battler. White Wyandottes - C. Coursey, 0. Battler; Hen, T. C. Wilson, Pullet, C. Coursey. Silver Lace Wyandottes-Cock, Hen, Cock - 1 erel, C. Coursey, N. Campbell- An - delusions -Cock, kIen, Coczxerel and. Pullet -0, Battler and 2nd, Pekin China Ducks --.Old, T. Snoden, 0. Battler; Young, 0. Coursey, 0. Bat- tier; Rouen .Ducks --01d and young, C. Coursey, T, Snowden; Ducks, any Variety -C. Coursey, J, ' Grieves;' Geese --Young, 0, Coursey, N. Cam- pbell; old, C. Coursey, R. Geiger; Toulouse Geese -old, 0, Coursey, H. Truemner; Young, 0, Coursey, N. Campbell; Turkeys --Old and Yining C, Coursey, N. Campbell; Wild Ge- ese -old and young, Haberer Bros; and 2nd. Wild Ducks -Old and young, C. Coursey. Judge -Wm, Carter. GRAIN AND SEEDS White fall wheat, Chas. H. Cour- sey, Alf, AMelick; red tall wheat, M. Rader, H. Trueinner; spring wheat, Chas. H. 'Coursey, -\.L. Rader; 6 -rowed barley, M. Rader, 'H. Truemner; white oats, Chas. H. Coursey, W. R. Dou- gall; large peas, H. Desjardine; small peas, Chas. H. Coursey, M. Rader; rye, J. Rattier, H. Desjardine; buck- wheat, M. Rader, Chas.' ,H. Coursey;' red clover seed, H. Truemner, Mrs. L. Pfile; alsike clover seed, Mrs. L. Pfile; sweet clover seed, A. H. War- ner. di Desjardine: timothy seed Ai. Rader, A. W. Melick: white field beans, M.Rader, J. Battler. best col- lection grain in head;, H.Clausius, R. Geiger; a'lfalf'a ' seed, Bert :Klapp, M. Rader. Laird Bros.' Special., mail white beaus, M. Rader. Judge -F. Williams. HORTICULTURAL •PRODUCTS Coll. of any kind of apples, not less than each, 10 varieties, Jas. R. Ster- ling, Laithwaite & Son; isiur varieties fall apples, Jas. R. Sterling, Leith waite & Son; four varieties winter apples, Jas. R. Sterling, F. Triebner; Ring of Tompkins, Laithwaite & Son, Jas. R. !Sterling; snow apples, Laithwaite & Son, J. !Battler; North- ern Spies, .Laithwaite & .Son, Jas. -R. sterling; Baldwins, Jas. R. Sterling, Laithwaite & 'San; R. I. Greenings, Jas, R. Sterling, Laithwaite & Son; Spitzeaburg, E. Willer-, Jas. R. Ster- ling; Canada Reds, F. Triebner, Jas R. Sterling; Ribson Pippin, Laith- waite & Son, Jas. R. ,Sterling; Golden Russets, Jas. R. ;Sterling, Airs. A. Tie - man; Ben Davis. H, Desjardine, Laithwaite & .Son; Swaar., Laithwaite & Son, Jas. R. Sterling; \Vagners, F. Triebner, Jas. R. Sterling; Manns, Jas. R. Sterling, Laithwaite & San; Wolf River,'Jas. 'R. Sterling. 'Laith- waite & Son: Alexanders, Laithwaite & Son, Jas. R. Sterling; Maiden's Slush, ‘Laithwaite & 'Son, Jas. R. Sterling; .Blenheim Pippin. Jas. R. Sterling; 'Laithwaite & Son; 'Pewau kee, Laithwaite & ,Son, F. 'Triebner; Colverts, Laithwaite & Son, Jas. R. Sterling; 20 -oz. Pippin, Ed. \ler ner•, Jas. R. Sterling Talman Sweet, Jas. R. Sterliing, F. I'r ehner, Russet coll- ection, Jas. R. Sterling, F. Triebner; collection fall pears, Laithwaite & San Jas. R. Sterling; collection winter pears. Jas. R. Sterling, Laithwaite Son; collection pears, fall and winter; Jas. R. Sterling, J. Battler; Baar=tlett pear, Jas, R. Sterling, Laithwaite ' Son; 'Flemish 'Beauty, Laithwaite, & Son; Jas. R. ;S•teriti g; peaches, Jas. R. Sterling, prunes, 'H, Tr•ueeiner. !Laith- waite .g San; reel crab apples, H. Des- jardine, Jas. R. .Sterling; grapes, tEd, l,\ialper, Laithwaite & :Son; collection grapes, Peter Haberer, J. Battler; plums, Sam: Oestricher. H. Truenr- ner; collection plums, H. Truemner, Judges --Arthur \Veber, Peter J. Haberer. lner, Anu e Johnson; teas aisettits, l,\. Ueit;er, (:: S'aimon; sugar cookies, Annie Johnson, 'i-laberer 'Bros„ gin•. Rel. cookies, .Auntie Johnson, Hy Flax - bard; fried cakes, Annie Johnson; Hy 'Flanbard; loaf cake, Ed. Haberer•, Bete'' Haberer; dark •layer cake; R. Geiger, \\'m, De.cbcr; Reith' special, R. c=eider; light layer cake, Ed, Hab- erer, Peter ilaberer; cherry pie, \V, H. Smith, 0. Koehler; .coffee cake, R. x(.,eiger, Annie Johnson, Williams spe- c:al. bread, Ed, 1\'alper; tea biscuits,. C. S Amon, • Mc•rt lc,af, ltd., Walper, Peter Tlab- erer, canned rhubarb, Peter laberer, Annie Johnson; canned ras'p'berries, Wm Decher, Annie Johnson; canned strawberries, bars. 'Etncry,. .canned cherries, Mrs. Emery, Wm, Decher; canned pears, Dr. McKinnon, A. II. \\e arner ;. preserved citron, Mrs. L. Pile E. F, IClopp; preserved plums, 1,, C. Iiaibdleisch, 'Mrs. L. Pfile; pre- served peaches, :hiss M, Young, Pet- er Haberer; currant jam, Annie John- son, A. H. Warner; berry jam, H. A. ,Fuss, Annie Johnson; other • native iriuit jam, first prize,-lv[iss M. Young; second prize, no ticket; grape jelly, I4.. Desjardine, -Miss M. Young; red currant jelly, Wm. Decjier, H. Des- jardine; bottle mixed vinegar pickles Dr. McKinnon, Annie Johnson; bottle Mustard pickles, Annie Johnston, D'r. -lloKinnon; bottle catsup, Haberer IBrua., ; H. Desjardine; pickled red cabbage, Mel Smith, A, .T.•i. Warner, canned tomatoes, red, Ed. \Valper, H. A. Fuss; canned corn, Annie Johnson, H. Desjardine; collection canned fruit, 6 varieties, A. F. Hess. ,Judge-irs. D. A. .Fowler, Dun- •gannon. 'LADIES' WORK Quilt, pieced cotton, Peter Haberer, Ed. Haberer; quilt, .fancy, cotton, R. Geiger,firs. A, 'Tiernan; comforter, •Mrs, .Darling, R. F. •Stade; bedspread, knit or crochet,` Miss M. Livingston, John Grieve; bedspread, fancy, Mrs. Emery, M. Rader; house dress, cot- ton, Mrs. G. McLean, Mrs. L. Nile man's sleeping garment, J. W. Mer - :nen Airs. L. Pfile; child's made over dress, J. W. .\lerner, W. H. Smith bed sheet, Alrs, Darling, Mrs. Emery kitchen apron, H. A. Fuss, hers. Em eryes ladies' smock, H.A. Fuss, J. W Merner; ladies' dust cap, H. A. Fuss Miss M. Livingston; sweater, Miss \+1. Livingston, H. A. Fuss; wool •k 1I C SiM D 1' sac s, rs. rms rs. ar nig; mitts, Miss M. Livingston, John Grieve darning worn sock, Mrs. E. Dacar. Jr., F. C.:Kalbfleisch; men -ding worn table linen, H. A. Fuss; floor niat, braided, _Miss M. Livingston, Mrs. R. Pfile: floor mat, hooked rags, \\`m, Decher, Airs. H. Smith; floor mat, hooked wool, John Grieve, Mrs. Emery; home laundry, Annie John- son, R. F, Stade. LADIES' FANCY WORT iLace, Irish crochet, Miss Living- ston, Mrs. E. Datars; lace, filet cro- chet, cotton, Mrs. Darling, Miss M. Livingston; lace, knitted, Airs. E. Da - tars, John Grieve; tatting display, Miss. Al. Livingston, Miss M. Young; iFrench embroidery, Mrs. ,Emery, A2, Rader; eyelet embroidery, Mrs, G. McLean Mrs. L.:Pfi'le; Replan cut embroidery, J. W. Mercer, Mrs. L. P•fiilei; Italian relief embroidery, J. W. _M eipier, \\'.,:H, ,Smith•; Bulgarian em- broide:-y, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Emery; French knot embroidery, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Emery; embroidery cross stitch, H A. Fuss, J. W. Merrier; Italian hemstitching, H. A. Fuss, Miss Lii•- ingston; modern beading, -Miss Liv- ingston,Mrs. H. A. Fuss; hand hem- stitch, single, Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs. Dar- ling. Dining Room Furnishings GARDEN VEGETABLES • Lunch set, Mrs. •Darling, F. C. World's Wonder potatoes, H. Des--Ka11�b'fleisch; set table doyleys. Miss jardine. Ai. Rader; .Dooler's potatoes. M. Livingston. Mrs, Darling; table E. Wxillert, 'W. R. Dougall, Rural New mats, Mrs. L. Pride, Mese Darling; York potatoes, 0. Koehler, E. Vii- table cloth, napkins, Miss Livingston, lert: any variety late potatoes, E. Wil- Mrs. H. ,Fuss; tray cloth, Miss M. d lert, H. Desjardine; early potatoes, Young, A[rs. H. Fuss; service tray. 11 M. Rader, Thos. \Meyers; Green M•iss..Livingston, Airs. Pfile; centre Mountain :potatoes, H. Desjardine, _\'. piece, Mrs. Darling, A. E. Oestricher; d. Rader: Irish Cobbler potatoes, R. buffet set, ,Mrs, Darling, Mrs. C. r Geiger, T. Alc:l.dam; Fant variety Sims, corn, Elia Heywood. H. Desjardine; •Bed Room Furnishings Dent variety corn, J. Sattler, W. lFi low slips, pair, embroidered, Miss • Mousseau c,veet corn, F. Brock, H. Livingston, Ed. Merrier; pillow slips, 1, Desjardine; Yellow Bantam sweet other hand work, Mrs. Darling, Miss - corn, H. Desjardine, E. Willert; re.' Livingston; ixairey sheets and pillory c- onions, F. Brock, Ella Heywood: v., slips to thatch, Vbiss Livingston, Airs . low onions. J.Battier, B...Desjar dine; Darling; ,towels, embroidered, Miss _ Dutch sets, Mrs. L. •Pfil•e, R. Geiger; Livingston," Mrs. R. Patterson Sr.; Spanish onions. John Nieves, H. Des- guest towels, Mrs. Darling, Airs. IL j$ardine; white field carrot, E. Willert, Fuss; bath towel and wash cloth, - F. Brock; red •carrots, C. Salmon, W. Mrs. Emery, Mrs. C. Sines; dresser Mousseau; red 'nangolee, long, E. runner, Airs. Emery, Mess M. Young; 1 Willert, R. Geiger; Swedish turnips, pair curtains, Mrs. Emery. Mrs. P'file; E. .Willert, R. 'Geiger; intermediate vanity set, Ed.lierner, John Grieve; mangolds, M. Rader, R. Geiger; sug- bedroom set, Mrs. Darling, Ed. Mer- _ ar beet mangolds, W. R. Dougall; C. ner; boudoir cushion, Mrs. Emery, Sa'inian; Oxford cabbage, E. Willert, Miss M. Young; laundry hag. Mrs. Drumhead cabbage, E. Willert; black Emery, Mrs. Darling; night robe, Spanish radish, J. Battler. Ella Hey- Miss M. Young, no ticket; step-ins, wood; white radish. J. Basler, F. Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Fuss; collar and Brack; peck garden beans. Ed. Watp cuff set, Mrs. Fuss, J. W. Merrier; er, F. Kochems & Son; yellow pump,- handkerchiefs, Miss Livingston, Mrs, kin, Ella Heywood, H. Truemner: Fuss; wrist bag, Mrs. Fuss, Sam mammoth pumpkin, Ella Heywood, O BattI estrtcher; negligee jacket, Mrs. area and Pullet, L. O'Brein and 2nd; citron, R. 3 headsr*celery, John Grieve,,l�arling, Miss M. Young; ladies' slip, Reichert; Hub- .Mrs. Fuss, Mrs. Darling; Rhode Island Reds -Cock and Hen, bard squash. H. Truemner. F. :Brock ladies' d scarf, F. Kockems, Leatherland and Bently; Van -moth squash, H. Truemner, H. Airs. Fuss, 'Al.DRader: ladies' dressing Cockerel, Fr. Triebner, F. Kockems„ Clausius: blood beets. A. H. Warner. gown, Mrs. Darling, We C. Sims, Children's Wear Pullet, F. Kockems and 2nd Camp- Dr. MdKinnon; root beets, T. Battier, iBonnet Mrs Darling Mel Smith; Pullet, Lloyd O'Brein; Hen, Leather- _ lou. , eau, Thomas Snowden: red to- ;Fuss; crib cover, Mrs. Darling, land and Bently and 2nd; Anconas- tnatoes, ,F, Triebner. F. Brock: yel- Emery;g, Mrs. Cock and hen, cockrel and pullet; L. low tomatoes, . 5. Battler, Mel Smith; carriage set,yreel Smith, Airs. O'Brein and 2nd; Black Spanish *ard•en vegetables, J. Battler,F. Fuss; Child's fancy dress, _firs, rens, Cock, F. Kockems; Hen, T. C. Wil- l rick• ung• Airs. E. Deters Jr.; play dress, Judge-iJ. W . Ortw•ein. Mrs. Fuss, J. W. Merner; child's cos - son, F. Kockems; Pullet, F. Kock- twine, Mrs. G Sims. ems. Silver Grey Dorkins-Cock, P. DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCTS Living Room Furnishings 'Kockems, T. C. Wilson; Hen, Cock- Butter, crock or tub, winter use, 25. Centre piece, colored, Miss T-il ing- ere] and Pullet, F. Kockems; Golden 'lbs., Ed \\'alper, H. H. Neeb. batter, Tton, W. H. Smith: table runner, hiss Polish- Cock, Hen and Pullet, L. crock, a pounds. J. Battler, Mel Smith, s. C. Sims. MW. Emery; sofa Dillow. Mrs. C. W. H.:smith; sora prl- ines, Golden -Cock, Cocktvl and A. neichert; watermelons, W. .\Lees- racket and bootees, J. We fierier, =eau, E, W inert; muskmelons, W. Miss Livingston; child's bib, Alrs. \ ac O'Brein anti 9 d i€utter, 3 lbs., perms, \V m. I3e:ker. ; Ban,.anr Booted -: Cock, Lee O'Brein, C. Coursey; Hen,1}ia:,iHaheier ctte::se, honey. ide, Ed. C. Coursey, L. 0 B erer; Ed. honey. :iu tomb rein, Cocker.e1 c = ,1. Haoerer; hone;, extracted, Ed. and pullet, Ler O'Brein. Bantam Tlainerer: honey -display, Pd. Ilaber- Uribooted-Cock, C. Coursey, H, r : maple syrup, J. B . bac-. M. Rad- lousius • He "r • , n, N. Campbell, C. Co -Co-, . , . hens eggs. J. Battler. T. Meyer; ursey; Cockerel and Pullet, N, Camp-InairC dressed chi ken,: R. Geiger, Jas. bell. Any other Variety -Cock, N. T:1Sterlin : � r -e made '.laird soap. Campbell, T. Wilson Hen NT, Camp -Tc C;rir've, H. Deziard;rw.,e. bell, C. Coursey; Cockerel �Letherlan d r- 'A F• }Tess R l; 'Geiger; ous•ca d , p'r•kz Snec a' R. La:r: Pu ns . Rd, 'Walicrer. ' 'fudge -T. W. nrtw and Bently, N. Campbell; Pullet, N Campbell; Collection of Pigeons -H. Clausius, Dr, illacKinnon. 131k. Jere r'nxdESTTC 5r.T.Et ";CB BAKING I." ey Giants ----Coe': •>na p*fillet `'- , 'sal ci•h''e brr of rid. A\r:rloer C. e �. 'a'...tr' ' H... t.."7+ .Y n •,•i; ! C to C Con ° , . ;l � * ,� J •i :. rr r tow, other handwork. Afire. Emery, Afiss. M. YoutnO; lain shade, Mrs. Darling, Arise Livingston, Miscelraneous :o'inele niece needle work Miss Lir- ieeetnn, Airs. Emery: collection of .6 different styles needlework. Mrs, L. Pfi;e, Mrs, Emery; Dr, O'Dwyer's Special, Mrs. Fuss. ART WORK' Oil painting, landscape, Miss M. Livingston, A. E. Oestricher; evil painting. n arise view conn, i(iss M. cingston. .A. E. Oestricher: linter re. scene. hflse Ar. r,irii estoe F•' +,rr, ,' "•tor colors flowers, Mss' Livingston, Mrs, 11' Fuss: water. a31.eptember, 28th, I938' r Both quality tires - made with Goodyear Supertwist cords and Goodyear -processed. rubber. Long, safe service -extra mileage -built into them - More people• ride on Goodyear tires than on aiiy other kind. Let us fit new, safe Goodyear Tires on your car now. You'll be surprisedat the low prices. .raq`li=W�a4otier Tread Pathfinder Tread STADE and WEIDO Zurich, Ont. Telephone 99 colors, animals, Miss M. Livingston_ Mrs. H. Fuss; pastel, Miss M. Liv ingston, Mrs. H. Fuss; crayon, itis Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; pencil draw ing, .Miss ,Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; con von tional design, Miss Livingston basketry, Mrs. G. McLean,Airs. C Sims; wood carving, H. A. Fuss, Mrs L. Pale. Amateur photo, farm scenes, Mrs E. Raters .Jr.; single piece. art work, Miss Livingston, G. J•a•cobi; drawing. maple leaf, H. A. Fuss, Hy Plaxbard; collection moths and butterflies, A. F. Hess, Dr. _MciKinm•an; sepia, H. A. Fuss, Miss M. Livingston, Dr, Mc- Kinnon special, A. F. Hess. FLORAL EXHIBIT'§ - Cut FloWrgys Asters, white, a 'bloom, Ella Hey- wood, Peter Hlaberer; collection o; asters, P:iter Haberer, Ella Heywao.d; dahlias, cacti variety, Ella Heywood; dahlias, decorative; Mrs, Emery, Ella Heywood; gladioli, Ella Heywood; gladioli, 6 b'loom's, different varieties, Ella Heywood; roses, be's.t collection, (Peter. Haberer, Ella Heywood; zin- nias, Ella Ileywood, A. F. Hess;an- nuals, best collection, Peter Haberer, Ella Heywood; perennials, best coll- ection, .Peter Haberer, Ella Heywood; table bouquet, Ella Heywood, Peter Haberer l ,AUCTION• SALE Of - FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS - AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On Lot No.. 2.7, L.R.W., Township of Hay, 1% miles South of St. Joseph;:,. an Blue Water Highway. on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th,, 1938 Potted Plants Begonia Rex, H. 'Trugmner; Beg- onia flowering, Peter Haberer; Col- eus, Peter Haberer, Annie Johnson; single geranium, Peter Haberer, G. Jacobi; double geranium, Mrs. E, Da - tars Jr., Peter Haberer; Fuschia, 1 single, 1 double, Peter Haberer; Fus- ehia, 1 double, Peter Haberer; six house plants, Peter 'Haberer, Annie Johnson. trudge --J. W. Ortsvein. 'CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT RV. Hoffman Sipe -Mal. Albert Claus- ius; collection garden vegetables, R. Geiger, Thomas Snowden; collection mounted weeds, Albert Clausius, A. F. Hess; best dressed doll, E. F. K•lopp; bird house, F. Brock, Albert Clausius; writing, under 10 years, H. 'Flax -bard, Jas. R. Sterling; writing, over 10 years. Thos. Meyers, J. Batt -1 ler; art, aver 10 years old, G. Jacobi, John Grieve. JUNIOR FARMERS' CLASS Pr. of market lambs -C. Gelinas, Mary Snowden, Elizabeth Snowden, J. Gelinas; Pair Bacon Hogs- R. Geiger, Haberer Bros, C. Gelinas. Baby Beef -A, Fisher, 0. Battler. • SPEED CONTESTS Free -For -All -Pet, McGregor by D. A. Coughlin; September Morn., Len, Guy, Green Race -Myrtle Wilkes, J. F. Linden; Teddy Gratton, R. Wein. SPECIALS Milton Oesch-Webster Bros. J. W. Merner-M. Tinney, R. Simpson- Co. -E. Willert. Chester :salmon -J. Meidinger, J. Jacobe, T. Eaton Co. -Wm. Sparks. H. YungbIut and Son-Leatherland and Bently Johnston and K abfleisch -W. Oes- treicker. Bank of •Montreal --0. Battler. Stade and Weido-R, D. Hunter.' W. Reith -R. Geiger. C. Fritz -R. Geiger. Dr. MacKinnon -A, F. Hess. W. H. Hoffman and' Son -A. Claus- ius. Dr. O'Dwyer_ -H. A. Fuss. 0. Klopp and Sore ---Wert. Decker. Albert Hess -W, Mdusseau. Zurich Flour Mills -Bread, E. Wal per; Tea. 13isruits, 0, Salmons. Laird fi oe Beauty Shop-Prerts, M..Israders Rueter:. 1:1i. i aberer, J 73E T I dozeir Rfrode. Th Reds,: pullets; 114. dozen White Reels pul- lets; 1 dozen Plymouth Rocks pul- Iets; 1 dozen Rock Roosters. 1 IMPLEMENTS,. : ETC. -Walking IPlow, light wagon, Portland cutter; 1 -horse scuffler, 2 scythes new; 2. sets of single haimes; double set of harness, horse blanket; stoneboat;: whippletrees; water trough, 4• smolt troughs, 2 chicken coops, 2 dozen 6" and 7" tile; rubber tired buggy; rug, , and robe both good; x -cut saw, hand saw, spuare , 2 rolls of 8 -wire h gli: fence; 4 rolls of barb wire; 20 cedar - posts new; quantity of cedar stakes sharpened; wheelbarrow, big heavy,• door with hinges, 1642 -ft. ladder;; crowbar, axe, 3 section harrows, forks, shovels, pair tresels; 5 loads mi::ed Hay, sawhorse, 300 bushels oats more or less,•' 41/2. cords mixed hard wood; 2'Iz cords summer wood',. 5% cords ' hard wood beech and maple; 3 cords soft wood. All wood practically ready for the stove; chop box; 4 storm windows 26" wide 4 -ft. 7" long; 4 windows 6' long 214' wide practically new; 12 shocks of corn,. 12 sheaves to a shock with oobs. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Wash- ing machine and wringer, iron kettle cupboard, carpenter tools, square - table, boiler, onions, grindstone, qu- ilting frames, wooden rake, garden. rake, 2 hoes, ditching spade, organ chcair, pots and pans, leaf table, Galt'. tub, wood box, range stove, wash stand, 5 lamps 1' -dozen silver knives and forks, quantity of other knives and forks, large number of dishes, glass cupboardd, ' drop head sewing machine (Raymond) ; exten- sion table, arm chair, 2 rocking cha- irs, half dozen kitchen chairs, linol- eum 15x20'; large mirror, 7 pair curtains window; large leather roe= ker chair; Phonograph (cabinet) with records; linoleum (dining room) 15x20'; 25 -gallon galv. -tank; Cr gallon crock, 2 3 agllon crocks, to- ilet set," dozen dining room. chairs,.. stand, single bed, window screens,. dresser, quantity of good carpets, . etee, set of chimes, large parlor • amp, ',bureau, wooden bed spun a s p ( bench, apple drier, new pump with 20' piping, and other articles tocr.. numerous' to mention. Terms of Sale --GASH Arthur Weber Auctioneer. Leonard Sararas, Clerk. Ben- Oharette, Proprietor. Commencing ate1 o'clock p.m:. 4. LIVE STOCK -1 black Carriage • Horse, 15 years old, quiet and re • - liable, works single and double. ,•e s 1 nd mattresses, 4 door screens; 14 ealers, preserves, 100 sealers (em - t y), 3 barrels, new Ideal furnace pracitically new), coal scuttle„ A man claims to have ve invertted at.. perpetual machine, but repuires $3,- • 000 to street it. On. r;'-' start al- most .anything ';hehe• cit"tys with $8, - Ott