Zurich Herald, 1933-09-28, Page 1Vol. XXXIV No.12 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28 L9331 Chester L. smith, Pablitiasfiv &lab a year, U,3. $1.5e Aka 81.50 IN AliREARS. 32 KAY /312 Make the Ads1 in the, Herald your guide for your fall Purchases Capital Theatre Goderich - Phone 47 Now Playing-"Lookizr' on the Wight Side" with Gracie Fields., England's ace comelienne, Mon., Tues., and -Wed. SYLVIA SIDNEY and GEFIRGE RAFT :Two pleasing and popular stars in an entertaining attraction Now and Forever Thurs., Friday and Saturday JOAN BENNETT,.. JAMES DUNN and HERBERT MUNDIN offer a riot of laughs set in a theat- erical atmosphere: . "From Arizonu to - Broadway" -Coming-Jack Buchanan in, "Yes, Mr. Brown." .Matinees -Wed. and Sat. at 3 p. m. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless Chriit for s Chang- ing World" .Friday, Sh:-Luther Learn*. •••Saturday -Choir Praotico. z:SUNDAY sziormigs 10 a. m. -German 4•ServIco. 11.15 a.m.-Sunday School. 7.80 p.m. -English Service. l'Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Paster. •. Bine Scranton Coal ALL SIZES Petroleum Coke, Sernet Solvay Coke, Pocahontas and Miller Creek, always on. hand., AGRICULTURAL TIZE and BRIM. Highest CASH price paid for Eggs on a Graded Baelfr W. R. DAVIDSON CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Thomas Johnson wish to greatly thank their many friends •and neigh- bors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereavement. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The annual Fowl Supper of the Varna. United Church will this year be held on the evening of Thursday, October 12th. Mr. and Mrs, David Kay and fam- ily of Clinton, spent Sunday at Mr. John A. Armstrong's Mrs. Margaret Erratt has return- ed to the home of her mother, Mrs. Robinson, Sr., after spending the summer months in charge of the Fresh -Air -Camp at Whitby. Mr. Mervyn Keys left on Tuesday to attend Western University at London. Mrs. Manley Jinks of Hensel]; is visiting her monther, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Linchey at present. HILLSGREEN W.M.S-The regular monthly me- eting of the Hillsgreen Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. R. Consitt on. Wednes- day afternoon,, September 20th, Mrs. R. Stephenson presided. The meet- ing opened with Hymn 390. Mrs. R. McAlister led in prayer. The scripture lesson was read from St. Luke 12, 35 to 40. The devotional leaflet. The minister's wife -Pris- cilla was given by Miss Annie Jar- rott. The roll call was answered with verse beginning with the letter R. The Secy and .Treas..reports we - ;re read and adopted:"and' the Offers ing 'taken. The topics on Temper- ance were then given. Hymn 384 Mrs. W. Turner then read a leaflet The plant gratitude. ]t was decided on sending a letter from the Society. to Mrs. Lundy. The study leaflets for the coming year are being sent for. Hyran 376. The meeting clos- ed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. Notes -Rev. E. F. Chandler was in charge of the service in the church on Sunday afternoon and delivered a fine sermon. Communion service will be held on the coming Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Carlile of Hen- sall visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Turner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dick and son of Toronto, visited with their parents., Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane on Sunday. Miss Agnes Love, who visited with her sister, Mrs. W. Bytable in Cen- tralia, returned to her home. Miss Mildred Workman spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Workman in Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weido were vis- ited by friends -from Buffalo and Detroit recently. Mrs'.: A. Smith and daughter, of Brantford are visiting . with their avrants, Mr. and Mr$. J. Richard- ison. iSeveral folks are taking in the locall fall fairs in the surroundin • Phone No. 14 &A.14 GMT. towns. *tram. 1011401••••••••• The Brenner House GRAND BAND INTRODUCES,. A SUPPER DANC. In their Beautiful, Spacious Dining Room Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Night, commencing at 8 pat. NOVELTY PRIZE DANCES Mininium Menu Charge 25c. • Zurich Fall_ Fair Tuesday was the passing of anothL- er milestone in the history of Zurich Fall Fair, and regardless • of the wet and rainy night, and part of Tu esday morning, the clouds broke uP. in the forenoon and the sky cleared up nicely, so that it made an ideal afternoon for the fair, ana as a consequence, a large crowd was pres- Mr. Leo. Mittleholtz and Claytus ent, considerable more than last year of Kitchener, spent a few days with their brother, Mr. Ted. Mittleholtz The inside exhibits were considered by many as the best in five years, of town. as practically all clases were well Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher and filled, and competition was keen. la daughter Grace. of Detroit, visited the poultry lines there was. a big for a week at the home of Mr. Ed. display, and real good stuff, anriss Axt, Mrs. Fisher's father. the judge stated that the quality was_. of the very best. The live stockw4' J. Gascho and Son are having a also interesting, as some real fine anl•!.. ONE -DAY Coat and Dress Sale, on imals were exhibited, that were wet Tuesday, October 3rd. See their ad. up in flesh, and regardless of thq for particulars. dry summer we had, there was sorn ,good grass and feed at some place .111101•111110.1=1•4...• Mr. Lee Oesch left Tuesday morn- ing for a few weeks visit in Pigeon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gottschalk of Seaforth, were visitors in town the fore part of the week. Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yungblut. Judge T. M. Costello, of Goderich was in town Tuesday morning and presided at the local Division Court. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bender, of Detroit, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. The half holiday season is now ov- to produce this fine quality of stock er around town, and the places of Up the midway there was more thar business will be open on Wednesday usual amount of fakirs, and • it i afternoons as usual. The summer rather regretable that so manypeopl fall for these baits laid for th ' months soon slip by, and soon we will experience colder weather and public. Pretty hard to heat a anal' be obliged toburn fuel for comfort. at his "713: 'game • 'Tl'afnee 'affi'66.11", „Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Eichler, who Norman Lever rioted a bunch of these fellows, and made them give spent a pleasant ten days visit at back the money they illegally took the home of Mrs. Eichler's parents, from some people. The races were Mr. and Mrs. Menno Bechler, and run off towards the last, and :the other friends here, left on Pig- trackWednes- was in a heavy condition, and day morning for their home in eon, Mich. as there were only three horses hi! each race, there was not the usual The concert put on by the Young excitement. However, the days pro- . People of Zurich, on Tuesday even- . ceeds were a little above last year's , ing, Fair Night, was in every way a ' and the Society will again be finan-d big success. The large hal] was ed for another year. The Concertpacked to the doors with an enthus- and deuce in the evening were well iiastic audience. The play put on by patronited and the house was filled !these young people was full of the to capacity for the concert. HORSES General Purpose - Brood mare, accompanied by foal, H. Bender, 3. Gelinas; Foal, H. Bender, C. Erb; 1 yr. old, Wm. Decker, S. Hendrick 2 yr. old, Geo. Becker, E. Restemey- er; 3 yr. old, S. Hendrick; Span, W. Decker. • usual humor and plenty of romance, which seems so popular these days. Each individual taking theirparts very well. OBITUARY There passed peacefully away at his home on Wednesday morning, September 20th 1933, Thomas John - Agricultural -Brod mare and foal son, an aged and highly respected M. Tinney, W. Northcott; Foal, Web- citizen of Zurich.. Mr. Johnson was ster Bros, 3. Gelinas;. 2 yr. old, 3. born in Haysville, Ont., Waterloo Gelinas and 2nd; 3 yr. old, S. Han-. county on December 24th, 1845, ag- drick; Span, Webster Bros. ed eighty-seven years, eight months Heavy Draught -Brood mare and and twenty-seven days. The cause foal, G. Jacobe, 'H. Truemner; Foal, .Of death being hemorrhage due to G.-Jartobe, H. Truemner; 1 yr. old, old 'age. Although being about the W•Northcoit; :3 yr old 2nd Man- house the. day previous and seemed son Bros; Span, E. Willert, Goo. quitrvaell, yet he slept peacefully a - Becker. way during early morning. In con - g Roadster -Brood mato and Foal, E. Fawm, R. Geiger; Foal, E. Fawm E. Restemeyer; 3 yr. old, H. True- Span,:W. :McGuire; Single, C. Parke, 3. Gelinas; Lady Driver, E. Willert. Carriage -Broom mare and foal, A. Reichert, Foal, J, Meidnger, Ed. Wainer; 1 yr. old, Manson Bros, 2 • yr. old, E. Walper; 8 yr. old, Man- son Bros; Single, E. Willert, Ed. Walper. , W. S. Steadman, Petrolea, judge. CATTLE Registered Durham -W. Oestreich- er took all prizes including Durham herd. Beef Type Grades -Cow, Fred Hab erer, A. Pfaff; 2 yr. old, A. Pfaff, B. Klopp; Heifer, A. Pfaff, 13. Klopp; Heifer; 13. Klopp; Steer 2: yrs., F. es,+++++++4444434+4-144-ise4+++9 44.0+4++++44+4, +++++++++++44 k .1; i';"assey, bells Sales and Sovvice 4: TIRES, 13ATTERIES, OIL at Live and 1& Live Prices. Order your pulp= knives and Giinder Plates now and save express. How about a Plow deal? Wonld he * pleased to. dernonstratethe:newNo. 7.A. walking plow, or a Disc Plow with you. Your REPAIR ACCOUNTS are -past due; Please mani- fest your appreciation by settling before Oct. 1st; as we have Heavy Payments to meet. Used ISfachierry- Always otn liana Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP -ft SONS, Rea, 6 Auctioneering? 3E1 ni& *++++++ 44-441,-.1+6444Mi.-444+84,..4A.14%P.ItisfssI4414.4,..tssic4s.Niirstatasaiklia Haberer and 2nd; Steer, i yr., A. Btherington and 2nd; Steer calf, 13. Mom), Herd Grade, A. Pfaff, 13. Klopp. ' I Holsteins -Cow, W. Sparks, H. Clausius; °Heifer, 2 yrs. W. Sparks and 2nd; Heifer 1 yr., W. Sparks, H. Clausius; Heifer under i yr., W. Sp- * arks, A. E. 0,estreicker. Jerseys -Milk cow, T. Mittleholtz, IT Flaxbard; Heifer 2 yrs. ol(1, F. Brock and 2nd; Heifer, 1 yr., E. Haberer and 2nd; Heifer calf, E. Haltom . ,(Continued on Page Four) versation Mr. Johnson had a romark- able bright memory and reiered to many instances of the past, as well as more recently: He was united in; marriage with Mary Ann Klein of Baden, Ona., in the New klamhurg Lutheran church, sixty-two years. ago. He was an active business man in Zurich, having conducted a woollen mill and furniture store in the vil- lage for many years, being widely known in the community as an hon- est and upright man in business, he was also a great lover of his home and family; a faithful member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, and for many years was treasurer of Hay Township. Council. Mr, Johnson has the distinetion of being the oldest man in the village of Zurich. The funeral was held on Friday, Septem- ber 22iid, a service at the family residence and also at Baden, both services being conducted, by his pas- tor, Rev. E: Turkheim, and were largely attended by relatives and fri- ends, Surviving are his aged com- panion, Mrs; Johnson; four daughters Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kitchener; Mat- ilda, Alice and Susie at home,;,..two brothers, Oliver Johnson of Goderich and Robert Johnson, of Hallock, Min The bereft family have the sym- pathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their devoted and alfec.-, ionate father. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 313•01100,0000•43430•11011000011043OZOW i Own a Waltham Wats • • • • • • • • • • I I • a • • SPECIAL SALE OF WATCHES. FOR FAIR DAY ONLY. • • Ladies and Gents. Popular Makes such as Regina, Elgin, Yorli, 6 Duro, Mars, Pal, Etc. • REMEMBER, FAIR DAY ONLY 1 Hess, The Jeweller Phone . 74 Zurick $10.95 buys a 15 Jewel Chrome Cases. $14.95 a 15-jew. NO MORE AVAILABLE AT THESEaPRICES gold ea. 0.01140111001101110111114 11111110111111.3011110$011411011111011111061111M0006641111*(WO 406,0 4. 4,4 4.48.41,00.444.....1014.41, 4* NEW ...SAMPLE: g • HAVE ARRIVED WONDERFUL RANGE MADE -TO -MEASURE ,! $1650 up Splendid Range Men's Oyere 12.00 up. offman EMBALME S AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4%. Seronab • ''''''.7.`KZ-WASISSS.s., ..=11=1E.25gr.%el-Mi Needs. WE HAVE A GOOD AND WELL ASSORTIM STOCK OF tRY GOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, AND HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC AT LOWEST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. NEW GARDEN SEEDS AT Sc and 10c PKG. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HANDL R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MEROHANT PHONE 11 - 97 BLAKE aaIlial-a=0"5".40511,4CUaTil=k-WgrWd.rA, ' .73118111MONOUro=led,