HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-09-21, Page 5Tit a.r rsfay, c"a+lat•an. i f ?:I.:a, l r 1,. USINESS CARDS Dtr.DLE Y E. E[oLivuel s IKARRIZTER, SOLICITOR, N' T— ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off be Square, GODERICH, Ontario. ;Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. !Mr. Holmes may be consulted at '1 derich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. � Ol o 11. H. C O W E N L.D.S. D.D S. DENTAL SURGEON l DBITZ BLOCK—ZURICH E?vary Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ii used Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex .1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- tict any Auction Sale, regardless !a• to size or article to sell. I solicit eu business, and if not satisfied will Baake no charges for Services Ren- dered. .ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood ;Done 13-57. .Zu ichs' �/� Popular SEAT MARKET Y1103311 ants, ants, For Salle, Lo t, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads LK MB atm FOR SALE We have a number of fine Barred Rock Pullets for quick sale, Apply to Henry Brown, Hay. Tp. LOST A young black Collie Dog, black in. color. :Winder kindly notify, Alex. Masse, Zurich. FOR SALL A litter of fine young pigs ready to be weaned. App1y'to: L+award. Reicnert, Zurich. NOTICE, We request that all our outstand- ing accounts, also all fertilizer ac- counts be paid to us as soon as possible. Please! L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich. MORTGAGE SALE. Of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Stanley. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage wmcn will be produced at the sale, there' will be offered for sale by pub. lis auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 7th, 1933 Let Us supply you with the At 2 o'clock, p.m., at very Choice of Fresh and Cur- i3ERRY'S GARAGE, Ill?UCL`FIELL led Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins The farm property known as Lot Number Eleven (11) in the Fifth (5th) Concession of the Township of Stanley, containing 100 acres more or less.. ;'tris property is convenient to both Varna and Brucefield. It is said to Yuiltghlut & Son be fertile and well suited for farm- . ing. SERVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers WIWI CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. NIA.TTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ;9iil:.ELURE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ,(AND TUBES, GENUINE •IGNI.TION Warts, Hohning and Mechanical Work done to Micrometer Settings, No aaesa work. Watch the cars that 'STOP M WEIN'S, They are al! HIGIi CLASS CLIENTELE. s Gin DASHWOOD ONTARIO 'Western Farmers' Mutual Weaiber Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 1'HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- .PNCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COEPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. _Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1932, 817,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 221,978.99.. bates --$4.5O $1,.000 for 3 years E. F. Kropp ---Zurich ,jtieni, Also Dealer in Lijhtnind Rods sol all kinds al Fire Insurance LIVE POU LTRV WANTED 'Siena every Day till a o'clock, p.m. Na not -feed Forel same morning when brought in. hest Cask Prices TERMS OF SALE 10% of the purchase money at the time of sale, and the balance within 30 days. thereafter. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale. apply to: GLADMAN & S T ANBURY, Hensall and Exeter, Solicitors for Mortgagee. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone •116, Zurich. Fall Fair Dates Ailsa Craig—Sept. 21, 22. Atwood—Sept_ 22, 23. Bayfield—Sept. 27, 28 Brussels—Sept. 28, 29. Chesl.ey—Sept. 19, 20 Dungannon—Oct. 5, 6. i:G'xeter, —Sept. 19, 20. Goderich—Sept_ 19,. 20 Gorrie—Oct. n Kirkton—filet. 3, 4. 'Listowel—Sept. 20, 21:. London (Western Fair) -Sept. 11, 16 Lucknow--Sept. 28, 29. Mildmay—Sept. 19, 20. Milverton—Sept, 14, 15. Mitchell—Sept. 26, 27. New Hamburg—Sept. 15, 16. Ottawa (Con. Can.) -Aug. 21, 26. Palmerston—Sept. 22, 23. Parkhill --Sept. 29. Ripley—Sept. 26, 27.. Seaforth—Sept. 21, 22. Stratford—Sept`,. 18, 20. Toronto (CNE.) Aug. 25, Sept 9. Wingham—Oct. (i, 7. ZURICH—Sept 25, 26. International Plowing Match, Derby Tp., Owen Sound, Grey County Oct. 10, 13. Ottawa. Winter: Fair Nov. 14, 17. Royal (Toronto:)—Nov_ 22,, 30. —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien 'Phone 101, ROB. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT cie ever ready to serve the pub- }1ic with Commercial and fine Aiding. Gat our pukes b' . laving,: your G rder t e BORN Masse --At Hay Towmthip, am Sept- ember 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Masse, a son. Bender—At Hay Township, on Sep - Nether 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bender, a daughter. Campbell—At llay Tow iship, an September 16th„ to Mr. and Mrs Percy Campbell, a daughter. Maier--•A.t DashwecM on Septiembci 18th, na Mr.. and'. Mrs.. EIL. 'tirlaicr, a. daughter.. . • • LOCAL NEWS Miss Ethel Hess was a visitor with friends at Detroit. Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch was a visitor at Kitchener. Mrs, Tinnley of Winnipeg present visiting her friend, Ethel Williams. The day of Thanksgiving has be- en set by the Government as Mon- day, October 9th. Special to Zurich. Fair Visitors -- A thorough Eye Examination and a pair of Modern Styled Spectacles for $5.00.—C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. The annual Fowl Supper of the Varna United Chinch will this year be held on the evening of Thursday; October 12th. re is cent at Miss A very happy event was celebrat- ed on Saturday when Miss Rohain Geiger celebrated her 9th birthday at the home of her Grandma, Mrs. L. Pfile, when some little friends gathered, and had a nice social time An appropriate birthday cake with nine candles was part of the supper. The toast was given by Miss J. E. MacDonald, and was replied by Miss Mae Smith. The Bayfield Fall Fair will be held on the 27th and 28th of this month. The fall fair board has engaged the Dashwood brass band to supply mus= ic. In the evening a play "A Path Through the Woods" will be pres- ented by the Young People of the United Church, Goderich. It looks as if they should have a very good fair this year. A goodly number of special prizes are being offered. Word was received Iast week that Mr. Edward Kinsman, who has been accountant of the Zurich Branch of the Bank of Montreal, is transferred to the Kingsville branch of the same Bank. The many Zurich friends of HERALD. LOCAL NEWS Miss Clara Weber of London, vis- ited her parents here ofer Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Parke of Hen- sall were visitors in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichler, of. Pigeon, Mich., were - isitors with and Mrs. Monro Buehler. Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Schwartz and Eunice of Detro,t were visitors at the home of Mrs, J. Fuss. ii1r. and Mrs. .ienno Bechlar were. visitors with friends at New Ham- burg and Tavistock last week. Mrs. Amelia Fuss had a nmo:• en- joyable visit with friends in Detroit and Pigeon, Mich. Mrs. C. Eilber entertained a num- ber of her friends to a fowl dinner on Thursday evening. Misses Edith Klopp and Alice De- cker of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. Mr. and lairs. Clarence Hoffman and infant of Galt, visited their par- ents here over the week-e:d. Among those attend:::; High Sch- ool at Exeter, from town we notice six in the company, making the trip ,gaily by auto. 1MIr. Hugh MacKinnon is attending Collegiate at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Zimmerman, and Mr. and Mrs. John Eckstein motored to Sebringville and Tavistock, on Sunday. Misses Pearl Wurtz and Jesse Donald were the prize winners r the recent game conte -t at ti wer held in iio.io:' of ..r; ' 1 Gascho. Oln Monday evening a num'ier of young men, friends of Mr. ..:i:_1 Kinsman, who left Tuesday morning for Kingsville, his new station, gath- ered in the rooms of the Dominion House, and presented Mr. Kinsman with a handsome Club Bag, and a social time` was spent. Among the various numbers of the program was short addresses by every one of the boys present. Mr. Albert Kalbfleisch acting as chairman. e ry wee ter seems y right with us, as regardless of how hard it tries to rain, seemingly there is no break in the clouds to let down the rain. On Tuesday morning we hail a little sprinkler. Some fields of fall wheat are coming up, but rather :.potty as it is too dry for the seed to germinate at places. A Iarge muni- t,..r of wells and cisterns are ani dri- np few vs -an': ofa good sh,Avor. i ;9 Mr. Kinsman regret his departure, Th d tl tosta but such is the life of the banker, always promoted a little higher. Mr. Kinsman is being replaced by . Mr. iVfitxger of Barrie. At a recent meeting of the trus- tee Board of the Evangelical church Mrs. Harry G. Hess of town was ap- pointer as Church Organist in place of formerly Miss Ida Routledge,, and now Mrs. L. Birk, of Guelph. Mrs. Hess' dttie commenced September 10th, and she is getting along fine. being well qualified for the position Mrs. Hess hawing previous to he: marriage taken a course in music in the Naperville College. A Few Omissions In Prize List - The local Fall Fair Board wishes to advise the public that owing to an oversight the following om.ssions have been made in the poultry class of the prize list: Black Jersey Giants; Buff Wyandottes; Andelu- sions. Trusting that poultry exhibit- ors will take notice to this announce- ment. HYMENIAL Regier—Deiterich A happy matrimonial event was celebrated in St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich, on Saturday morn- ing, September 16th, when Rev. Father L. Power united in Holy Wed- lock, Miss Ethel Dieterich, daughter of Mrs. S. Deiterich, to Mr. George Regier, son of Mrs. J. Regier, both parties of Hay Township. The sup- porters of the bridal couple were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Regies brother of the groom and sister of the bride. The Maid of Honor was Miss Laura Dieterich. The happy couple left on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, returning home on Tuesday evening. when a reception was held at the bride's home. They will become re- sidents of Zurich, and will take up housekeeping in Mr. Chas. Weber's house in town, r Ducharme—Rau A very interesting matrimonial ev- ent was celebrated at St. Peter's R. C. Church, Drysdale, on Monday morning, September 18th, when Rev. Father L. Marchand united in Hold Bonds of Matrimony, Miss Irene Rau, daughter of Mrs. H. and the late Mr. Harry Rau, north of Drysdale, to Mr. Nelson Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ducharme, of Drys- dale. This happy young couple will make thei home in Drysdale, where they have the wish of their many fri- ends. Coleman—Hudson A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac. Hudson, of Seaforth, • and formerly of .Zurich, when Anna Dorene, elder daughter of of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hudson. was united in marriage to Wilfred Hay Coleman of Tucker - smith, only son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Coleman. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. W. P. Lane, of Unit- ed Church. After a reception follow ing the wedding the couple left on a motor trip to Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman 'will reside on the gro- om's farm in Tuckersmith. An in- teresting feature of the occasion was the presence of the bride's grand mother, Mrs. Hudson, in her 93rd :ear, and the groom's grandmother, Who, is in. her 84th year. $ r • • • • tat ai 1 a • w a 1 • a a a • • • PA GI! kwyw,a evol oli.ot6<vuwk 0000O00000000 'i94 49000ApGl000* Implement Repairs WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE GENUINE, AT „THE SAME PRICES Climax Bug Kilier CLIMAX BUG KILLER AT NEW LOW PRICES ALSO ALL KINDS OF INSECTICIDES AS FOL- LOW S : ---Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, ..Par is Green, Etc., Etc. COAL COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW 'WHEN THEY ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. e e •• L 0 Schil Itiefeibefte gi00416 gal26 r,. R-... .s a• & ion 1 1 • 1 • Building operations are progress - favorably in to -,.n. The new Schilbe block is being run up very rapidly and the foundation is being laid:. for the Yungblrt block- The cidwelling house of Mr. Ev. Haist is nearly complete, and progress is be- ing made at his bake shop. ` Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Koehler and two of their children were in town on Wednesday. PINERY ON FIRE smokeburning in the Pinery between Port Frank and Grand Bend, was to be seen all day Monday, in a thin haze of smoke drifting across high- way No. 4 in the Centralia vicinity. Passing motorists could hardly fail to observe it or miss the distinct odor of smoke from the shrubbery burning 20 miles away. Owing to the very dry weather, the fire has made good headway, a good shower of rain will soon settle it. Zurich Student First Capt. Gillie., came up before noon and tried out the landing field, on J. T. Turner's farm, just west of the town. After the lunch hour the crowd began to assemble on the field and the first passenger to go up was Hugh MacKinnon of Zurich, a Collegiate student, this being his first flight, and he enjoyed it might- ily. He wished he could own one of his own. He has had considerable experience • with motorcycles but seemed to think a flying machine would be more fun.—Clinton News - Record. Huron Official Given Sentence Goderich, Sept. 1G—One year de- finite and six months indeterminate in an Ontario reformatory was the sentence meted out in police court today by Magistrate C. A. Reid to Gordon Young, former treasurer of Huron County. Pleas of guilty to the theft of an unestimated sum, exceeding $5,000, also to the destr- uction and mutilation of county bo- oks and records, and to conspiracy with his 1933 auditors, now await- ing trial, to defraud the county, we- re entered. The sentence on each of the three charges was the same, to run concurrently. Broken in health and spirits, and ruined financially, the 67 -year-old extreasurer, who has been injail for a month, busied his head in his hands and said not a word save "guilty" as the sentences were read, he repeated the word af- ter his counsel, Frank Donelly, had elected summary trial, the courtroom was crowded with his friends and two, W. H. Robertson, editor of the j Signal, and Dr. J. H. Barnett, gave character evidence on his behalf. The cleryman asked for leniency on the e, grounds of Mr. Young's years, his character and financial ruiir and the fact that he is a married man and the father of eight children, four of whom are still dependent ou, hien... MANAMAAMM WW. ad 'AA Wai Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - 0 - CEDE We also have, S h'ne nu.A'-ofIM hD'scs . hr. A. J MacKinnon, Zurich 44ANIMPARkftMiklkfiP WeW Mfnrk IWAWARP ••••••••••••• *4,4..04,041.4.40 o++PO•AAPdc,1g604-4 4,0•%+34.40••••• • •• • 2 ♦ •• • • • ♦ ♦ • e •• • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • e w •• • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ,• •• • • • • • •• • 2 • 1 I • 4 • • i a • IZ • w • • I* • s • • 4 • i• • •• • • • • • • • • • • Ae 4 ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily IVlail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star - $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3 00 Canadian Countryi .a.i . $2.2$ Weekly Witness r 1.15 Farmers' Magazine 2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 And A great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We /nave the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can Save you money on the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich .441•••••• *4 OS • •••• t,t' ••••••3••••••••••••#