Zurich Herald, 1933-09-07, Page 5Ite Ithiarstfnea September 'Ufa ' ISUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E.111(oLmE$ ismtwisrEtt, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC „ ETC, Street, Just at e Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Attention to Couneel atui Court Work, Holmes may be censeetted at ririgbrich. by Phone, and Phone charges rever. Or. 11. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D.I) S. DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOOX—ZURIOH Syery ThursdaY, FyAsY, SatarasY t HARTLEIB'S BLOCH, DASH:WOOD ?Avery 'Monday, Tuesday and elNedneeday ..41444•4444,444444.7....." ...=4744.44441a...4.444.*4.4. Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 Am IN A POSITION TO CON - elect any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit saver business, and if not satisfied ernil taste no charges far SerikaeS Rene ftrad. t tttat4 4`,t4t 1 -alit/141.M VP,BEIV-4DaSIVWDod 114.T. .— Warichs' MEAT ',Let Us supply you with 'the very Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Etc., always.. on hand— Kept freah in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins IL Yung,blut& Bon Popular ARKET SE 1110 Why We have the Better Class of. Customers ailett4 CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. 11ATTERIES, MOBILE OIL., MAR' WILUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES ViD TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Voorta, Hohnialic ancl Mechanics:IV:ark &owe to Micrometer Setting*, No 4stOarill Werk. Watch tlie cars* that =OP et \VEIN'S, They are all NIGH. CLASS CLIENTELE. sa rrwei IlASHWOOD -- ONTARIO Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co Or WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 'UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at raisk on Dec. e 31st, 1932, $1700,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bona 4221,073.99• litates—”.g* per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Klopp—Zurich Meat, Also Dealer in Lightning Roda sod all kinds ol Fire Insurance L I VE •POU LT RY WANTED Wats* every Day till p.m. gin 'net teed Fowl same rooming when brought ht. hest Cask. Prices —CASH FO— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien .as 101, Res. Si, Umiak THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT 11,111 MIS Warts, For 13allev Loot, Found, Notice* Etc, Ado In ism umtras* uoNr.r FOR SALE A limited quantity of buckwheat honey :for sale a 4e lb.. Bring your -containers. J., Ha.heser NeSons, Two blocks eolith of Dominion Hotel, Zurich. AUCTION . SALE OF FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEMENTS .And Grain, will be held on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th At one o'clock, pan. John Badour, Assignee. R. F. Stade and T. Snowden, Inspectors. C. lfdddleton, Sheriff. FOR SALE A good rebuilt Electric Washer, hand or electric; good rebuilt force - pump. Also a second hand cook stove. Apply to L. A. Prang, Zurich. ,t1t14.' FOUND In Zurich a number of keys in a case. Owner can have same at Her- ald Office by paying this adv. Also a lady's white glove. WANTED PRODUCE - WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices. .. We will grade your eggs as we -receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. giee us a tnal. First house south of Dominion Hotei T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich Fall Fair Dates Ailsa Craig—Sept. 21, 22. Atwood --Sept. 22, 23. Bayfield—Sept. 27, 28 Brussels—Sept. 28, 29. Chesley—Sept. 19, 20 Dungannon—Oct. 5, 6. Exeter, —Sept, 19, 20. Goderich—Sept. 19, 20 Gorrie—Oct. 7. Kirkton—Oct. 3, 4. Listowel—Sept. 20, 21. London Western Fair) -Sept. 11, 1(3 Lucknow—Sept. 23, 29. 1V1ildmay—Sept. 19, 20. Milverton—Sept. 14, 15. Mitchell—Sept. 26, 27. New Hamburg --Sept. 15, 16. Ottawa ( Cen. Can.) -Aug. 21, 26. Pahnerston—Sept. 22, 23. Parkhill—Sept. 29. Ripley—Sept. 26, 27. Seaforth—Sept. 21, 22. Stratford—Sept. 18, 20. Toronto (CNEJ—Aug. 25, Sept 9. Wingham—Oct. 6, 7. ZURICH—Sept. 25, 26. . International Plowing Match, Derby Mr, Bill Siebert motoed to Galt on Monday, Messrs. Harry and Robby Welland of Detroit, visited at Mr. and Mrs. T. McAdams on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs..A. Kuntz of Wind- sor, were holiday visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. A. Rose. Mr, and Mrs, E. E. Weido and daughter Dorothy, were holiday Vis- itors at Goderich. Captain John N. Cantin, of Mon- treal, called on friends in town ol Friday. Miss Phoebe Ganes of London, spent a few days with her parent: here. Mr. E. Freyberger of 'Waterloo visited Sunday with Mr, Wm, Lei - bold, Babylon Line. Rev. and Mrs. E. Bua.n arid. son Carl attended the funeral of Mise Sarah Graeb, sister of Mrs. Burn, in Hespler on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and fam- ily of Zurich spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Beaver of the Thames Road. Miss Louise Hartman left last Sat- urday for a month's vacation visit- ing friends and relatives in Romeo LOCAL NEWS Miss jean Truss of Lannon, spent the holiday with friends in town. IVIr. Neil Witmer spent Sunday with his friend Elmore John IVIeBride Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittleholte, we - r.A.GE 'JV! 1 Implement Repairs WHY .BUY JOBBERS' REPAIRS WHEN YOU CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE SAME at Kitchener attending the funeral tilt:' oriner'S fathi:r Saturday. 4./ PRICES Orville Witmer who is at pre:,1 6 eat staying- at London, epent wa ea -end wita hie peeenee • Clithax Bug Killer • Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Gelinas were Senday visitors with U. and Mrs. Leo, Jeffrey, Sr. Labor Day was very quiet and little stirr around town, as mos% o" the citizens were out oi town. Robineon of Brantford, is nYag for a few 11,7'.0k3 ,.vith Mr. J. Decker arid family. M. and Mrs, .^e. eaa, gave their travelogue at Hensall, the • latter part of last vileek, were in it ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICES • Zurich on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and M e.alti:iy. Mr. and Wine Truelnner • aeotored to Milverton over the holi- Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs, c.qt to her horde after a pleasant two • Miss Lenora, Haberer has return- • 1.4V Schilbe & Son ! weeks in Brantford and Tillsonburg. Ile **4107* 4;40~.*4s. veu - **** tel44.1manatacostve oars zee a If CLIMAX BUG KILLER AT NEW LOW PRICES ALSO ALL KINDS OF INSECTICIDES AS FOL- LOWS: ---Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, _Paris • Green, Etc., Etc.' • COAL COAL PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY • 2 "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" and Dearoit, Mich. Mr tied Mr- K. e-oeseaaeiry ehtchener, Clair; Mrs. Morris Durand of Drys- at the home. of Mr. and M. W. vs - dale, visited with Mr. and Mrs,. Jos. 'W...ener this week. Gelinas. Mr. and Mrs. Elkhannah. Kennel „ " "'""'n"r"'r•tal Mr. Sam Schultz and IVIiss Beatrice 74t1Y,..01Vil,r;DCT.,...7.71. • Schultz of Wellesley spent Sunday . . isswetter and Mr. Mrs. E. Mere and family of St. -• • ^- 4." w .einend vtore with frieed., witn iriends on the Bronson Line. Mr.and Mrs.Si ' Thiel of Mit at Milv.)rton aM Eln.11...1. : ., mon eh chcll, encompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ev. Heist is having his hou6e Wilfred Brown of Tavistock, spent renovated that was recently threat - Sunday at the home of Wm. Leibold ereel by fire. The kitchen at the ' • Babylon line. being taken off and rebeilt, and considerable new material will have Mr. and IVIrs. J. W. Merrier and family were holiday visitors with to used. er Elmira friends. Miss Mary ern. who has spent some weeks at 'thai d:t place, returning with the family, mt Miss Meda Surerus and Mr. Ger- 'eh ald Bedard of the Toronto teaching, Itle. and Mrs. S. Witmer were San - y visitors at the home of Mr. aa.l. a. Wilfred Jervis at Hohnesville„ their return they wen. eceompan: hy their grenalaughtae anjeey staff, have returned to that city af- nyie. ter spending their vacations at their Yangblut & Sons have taken en- - te lot from Mr. ,;-)11r. 1)•:11 • :,)rriler onei, al! USt, iN.Qrt.:1 of the bakeshop and are pen- 5; idea of erecting theenon an up -to- -211se ant• Lutcher eleee. Vilna en the et; building will pn)bably tart his fall. respe.tive homes here. Gar. Wood that fast speedboat rac- er of Detroit, again over the week end defended the U.S.A. title of the Harmsworth, trophy, against the English challenger Scott -Pane. The: lace was won in two straight heats. ..710 Mr. Clayton Hoffman, principal of one of the Galt schools, visited with his pnrents here over the week -end. Clayton, accompanied by friends of Calt just • returned from a visit to the big Fair at Chicago, last- week. Miss Jessie E. MacDonald who sp- ent her holidays at her home near Kincardine, has returned to Zurich to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edigheff wee have been the pest tan mw'' at Grand Bend, where Mr. Edighn enn worked at his trade, barber, have returned to town to reside, while Mr.! the Bend. Sorr,y Mrs. Edighoffer is Edighoffer will be the odd days at/ not enjoying her usual good health.' • School re -opened on . Tuesday take up her duties as teacher, and is morning with a goodly number of staying at the home of Mrs. B, Pfile and Miss Pearl. Mr. And Mrs. John 13. Laport of the B1ue Water Highway, near Drys- dale, have just returned fi ma fev week's visit in Chicago, and whilr there they attended the Century o4' ProgreSs Fair. Mr. Laport thinks this Fair is a most wonderful achie- vement and outstanding in its entire makeup. Misty Lvdie Faust of town was pleasantly surpeised when memben3 Pfile of Ann Arbor, Mich; Mr. and of the Faust relation had a serene' Mrs. Ezra Bender, Mr. and 'aim Ver - party in her home. Mrs. W. F. non Schatz of Dashwood; Mrs. • E. Finkbeiner and daughter Miss Hazel Bender and son Edwin of Blyth; Mr. from Stratford; Mrs. W. H. Holl and Mrs. Leslie Flick and daughter of Goderich and Miss Agnes Flick of Colborne; Mrs. Folton of Califor-. nia. The prize lists of the Zurich Fall Fair are now practically completed and ready to be handed out the lat- ter part of the week. We note a number of changes in the poultry, a teiv clause added in the Rules and :aegulations, and a few rules dropped Weadon ot remember of ever seeing such a large list of Special Prizes. This usually makes the competitions more keen and creates a big inter- est. Make Zurich Fair this year the best ever! new beginners in the first room. The • ; staff for the year will be :loom I, Mrs, G. Koehler; Room II, 0. M. O'Brein; Room III, Miss 3. E.' MacDonald teacher; and in the Continuation school Mr. Cole is the teacher, and we wish scholars and teachers a. most beneficial year to- gether. Those who visited .at the home of les. B. Pfile over the week -end were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pfile and son of Garden City, Mich; Mr. and Mrs. W. Oct. 10, IS. man and Mrs. Lee Hoffman and Tp., Owen Sound, Grey County Marjorie, Mrs. Leeroy O'Brein and Billie of Zurich were present. A dainty five o'clock tea was served, and all had a most enjoyable time. Ottawa Winter Fair—Nov. 14, 17. Royal (Toronto)—Nov, 22, 30. Canadian National Railway Earnings The gross revenues of the all-in- clusivee Canadian National Railways System for the 10 -day period ending July 31st, 1933, were $4,248,216 as compared with $3,958,352, for the corresponding period of 1932, an increase of $289,864. The Western Fair There are few people today who can remember the first Western Fair at London, for the annual exhibition which opens in the Forest City on Sept. 11th and continues until Sep. 16th is the 66th exhibition. From the offices at London comes word that the entries this year are particularly heavy, in the live stock departments especially, and the entire Fair pro- mises to be the finest in the history of this old organization. Progressive residents of Western Ontario, par- ticularly the agriculturists, have al- ways set aside the second week in September for a visit to London, for no holiday offers more in education and entertainment. Speed and track events are scheduled for every aft- ernoon before the grandstand and the eland attractions, always a feat- ure of the Western Fair, promise to be even better this year. All the ag- ricultural ancl industrial displays will Owing to the careless tossing a a match after lighting a cigarette, a fire broke out in the pasture fields in Dixie which overrun several large fields and threatened further dam- ages before it was got under control last week. Faithful workers turned out with teams and plows and in do- ing so, the fire was stopped from run- ning. Why could not these smokers be more careful with their lighted matches and those cursed cigarettes. The Fall Fair season is about here in some places the fairs are already being held, and these fairs have done well to be held early as the season this year is about two weeks earlier than the average. Toronto Exhibit- ion is now on, this will be followed by the Western Fair at London, and by the way, don't forget the Big Zurich Fair, Monday ,and Tuesday, Sept. 25th and 26th, followed by the Bayfield Fair, Sept. 27th and 28th. Get your exhibits ready now and be all set when these home fairs come along. Auto Accident Automobiles driven by Kenneth Lovie, R. R. 3, Parkhill, and John Shanks, same address, figueed in an accident on the Blue Water Highway last Saturday, Both cars were trav- elling in the same directlea, with Shanks in front. He signalled to make a turn into his °driveway, he states, but apparently Lovio did not tver ready to serve the pub- be in their places on opei.iing day see the s!gcn,al. There was a crash •aa r, _ If 6 and the midweek attractions, the and Lovie car took to the di!ch Model Shows of America, open with and overturned. Both droiets map irafi with t.,onnermai and It all our Prices EPe- thele'h't` Special rates have ed serious injuries, but the imago ex kith* your- Mks Ow been arranged by the railways for to cars is extensive, Traffic Officer iVair Week. Lever investigated. The Zurich Horseshoe Club jour- neyed to London on Thursday even- ing, Aug. 31st, to play the boys of that city a return game, atm ,altho- ugh they were slightly outscored, yet the locals, which are mostly juniors, can feel prdud of the showing they made in this game. The team pitted against Zurich were the best players available in the whole city, and as the' locals used some of the boys still attending school. The score by po- ints were: London 1276, Zurich 1264 Cheer up! Zurich boys a new more games and you will be able to whip these boys from "London on the Thames" the only team that has been able to defeat Zurich the past three years. Iowa Boy Wins Big Swim Marvin Nelson of Ft. Dodge, Iowa winner 'of the swimming marathon at the Canadian National, Toronto, in 1930, was again the winner last we- ek, smashing all records. He finish- ed the 15 -mile race in 7 hours and 37 2-5 seconds, over 19 tninutes a- head Of last year's winner. Ile fin. ished fourth last year, but no doubt kept hi practice during the past year He wins a cheque of 55,000 by his fete. WallWaatAkt MWEVAIVCiWdWt WW WW Zurich Drug Store School' Supplies We have a full Line of .211 the requirements of SClool Supplies PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Perfumizers, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. THE FLY SEASON Why be pestered with Flies and Insects when they can so easily and rapidly be destroyed with either FLY TOX or FLY - 0 - CEDE _We also have, Saphine Anti -Moth Discs. Dr, A, J, MacKinnon, Zurich t /,,(,,(AllotRiwAppww WM' MM MM W PAWPAW g *•••••••••••*••••••••••,0 ,•ooe441-e•eoe-so 60•4+4a04.0.• • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • 2 • • • • • • • • 2 • * 2 • • • • • • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape.. for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5. 10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star • $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy $2.75 Farmers' Sun $230 Family Herald and Weekly Star 32.25 Family Herald for 3 years „, $3.00 Canadian Countryman !t1.25 Weekly Witness t L15 Farmers' Magazine $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2.75 And a great many more that wecannot •num•rat• here. We have the Agency for every. reputahla Magazine .in Canada and the United States, and can MO yen money on the most' of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich • • • • • • • * • • • * • * • • * • • • • • • • • • 1 • 100•400••••••••••••••••••••••**•#vot • 4