HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-31, Page 8PACE c- WITT ZURICH rEXAta. ,*+••••......,••••••.,...•.••••.... ,,:.�,. The , wgest .31st, fog II YO R++ ll�M�ip4, ' +44 0 ` 440+4,1 4444 44+t� 4+++++44.0 a 1 . : ,. Hardware and Furniture. STO E THE STORE WITH THE STOCK eial Bargains For August New Prints, 36 -in. wide, at per yard 20c Bath Toweling, good quality, yd 15c Special Stripe linen Toweling, yd. 19c All Bathing Suits At CEARING PRICES All Rayons and Voile Dress Goods Greatly Reduced Children's Socks, Reg. 25c for Men's Overalls, Special at pair Men's Sox, Special at pair GROCERIES! Our Special Tea, at lb Try English Breakfast Coffee, lb. Oxydol, large pkg. Colgate's Toilet Soaps, bar Choice M. M. Cookies, per lb. Plain white Cups, each Brooms, 5 string at GROCERIES 19c 88c 15c 39c 30c 19c 5c 15c 5c 29c J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES A SAFE INVESTMENT Debentures issued uQa for gioa and over - 1 to 5 Years 5% Payable twice a Year OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED EVERY WED'NESx)AY AFT- ERNOON DURING JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND TO SEPTEM- BER 13th, INCLUSIVE Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETT Have You MADE YOUR WILL? WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday' and Saturday SINGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2 Tins for MARMALADE, large 40 -oz, Jar LIPTON'S TEA, Black or Mixed; Half lb. pkg CORN SYRUP, No. 5 Pail CROSS & BLACKWELL VEGETABLE SOUP, 2 Tins MAGARONI, READY CUT, 2 lbs CERTO, Per Bottle VANILLA BAR COOKIES, 2 lbs. PALMOLIVE SOAP, 3 Cakes HILLCREST TOILET PAPER, 3 Rolis CHALLENGE CORN STARCH, per pkg. KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, 3 pkgs. STUFFED OLIVES, 13 -oz. Bottle Sundryd Coffee, 1 Ib, Tin GOOD STOCK OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES ON HAND 19c 29c 23c 35c 19c 13c 29c 25c 19c 25e 9c 25c 19c 39c J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Cyrus Colosky is spending a few days in Dashwood this week. Miss Marie Elizabeth Farrell, has returned home from a week's visit at Port Huron. Mrs. Wm. Leihold is spending a few days at Kitchener, also attend- ing Toronto Exhibition. Mrs. Geo. H. Pfile of Dashwood, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Herb Uttley, a few days this week. Mrs. Hugh Berry and daughter, of Kirkton and her. friend Mr. Ander- .son of Mitchell visited with Mrs. C. i Decker and family on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy of town I' attended the big Century of Progress Exhibition at Chicago last week, and enjoyed themselves immensely. 1I Best Assortment of Government Tested Seeds ' W have ever shown, in Red Clover, Timothy, Alslke, Alfalfa, White and Yellow Blossom Sweet as v �. is Gey Lowest Prevailing Prices, According to quality. Get your Supply NOW, or leave your orders. We are also in the Market to buy Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy, Etc. Also do Custom Seed Clean- ing at Lowest Prices. c egra21 eecvaxhl#1 metencas somety Iihomoot3 s steenos: HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE SUMMER NEEDS PAINTS! PAINTS! Full Line of Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, A tso on hour and four hour Enamels. Have also a line of paints at half pints 25c; pints 4Oc; quarts 75c. Frost Tight Lock Wire rencing and Gates and Fencing Supplies and Posts. Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes z WHITE ROSE GASOLENE, ENARCO OILS, Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses' Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line �f heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. I 9 ITV ,„- PP ltd 1'„- FR�.�'CF, + I..V q 1iI Mr..and Mrs. John S. Wilhelm. Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Joh Wilhelm Jr., and daughter Dorothy, of Baden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, St. Joseph. , • Messrs. Louis Schilbe and sons wish to greatly thank those friends who assisted so generously during the' fire last week, and in cleaning up the ruins of the fire this week. The extreme dry weather continues to tarry with us, and while the sum- mer has been dry, at present it is considerable dryer than any time this summer. Rains has visited many sections in Ontario, but in this sec- tion, we have almost forgotten how it looks like to have a good rain. Farmers are, busy getting in their beans, which are not a good crop on the agerage. The fall wheat seeding time is also about here, and we think if a few good showers would visit us a fairly good acreage would again be sown this fall. BUSY FARMER NEWS Graded Beef Popular That Canadian consumers are be- ginning to appreciate the advantages of government graded beef, is borne out by the fact that monthly sales, in the Dominion, now approximately three million pounds. it is also re- ported 'chat the demand is increasing steadily. When all l as: c of live stock do not have access to fresh water, they e,iffei considerably during the hot weather. The owner in turn suffers the animals, deprived of the re- quired amount of water, do not put on flesh or produce milk as they ot- herwise might. A good water sup- ply is a necessity on every live stock farm, and provision should be made to make it available to the animals. Value of Cooling Milk It is a simple nn.tte r to control bacterial 'growth in milk. \t 40 de- grees F. there is practically lie chap- ge in the number of bacteria at the and of 24 hours; at 50 degrees the number increases four fold and at 30 degrees nearly a hundred times as many as at the start. MiIk should :e cooled as promptly as possible, resly drawn milk contains a subst• Ince ,known as lastenin which is able to restrafn bacteria for a certain. aeriod. If the cooling is delayed the Irect soon passes off; by prompt 91„ 9., '�.. ..M�•"Y were be LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Eggs Eggs ..... ... ......-. 16-1442 Wheat, bush. 67. Barley, bushel 40 Buckwheat, bush. 40 Flour, cwt 2.00-3.25 Shorts, ton 24.00 Bran, ton 23.00 Hogs, cwt 6.25 16-14-1+1 As a safeguard against the export to Great Britain of apples infested with apple maggot, steamship lines have indicated that they wilt refuse to handle cargoes of apples from in- fested areas, unless certified free of apple maggot by Dominion Fruit I4i atich Inspectors, according to the Ontario Marketing Board. Apple gro- wers, •planning to begin this season's apple export shortly, should note Carefully the new regulations. Separate Sexes Early j?ullets will develop with greater uniformity if separated from the cockerels when they are eight to 12 weeks of age. The males are domin- eering and tend to claim the feed hopper, space. that has been aligned tp the ,females. Furthermore it , , is good economy to sell the males, be- fore they, becone staggy." Weekly Crop Report The recent rains have greatly im- proved pastures and have assisted the spring seeding if cloves and grasses. Lanmton County reports a 25 to 30 per cent increase in the acreage of land prepared for fall wheat. Thre- shing of oats and barley in Kent is practically complete and while yields are below average, they are better than anticipated. Kent also reports that two canning companies are pay- ing five cents a bushel in advance of contract prices for tomatoes. Sum- mer fallow and after harvest culti- vation are receiving a great deal of attention in most districts now. In Lincoln many early hatched poultry .locks are beginning to hty freely and ,some are exceptionally well -grown by the judicious use of the O.A.C. grow .ing mash, The yield of grain is much below normal, according to reports from several districts. Poison Ivy. Poison ivy is rather cllliicult to Cr- adicatc except by persisten<' work, de- clares J. F. Clark, horticulturist lec- turer, Agricultural Soeeties Branch. If the patch is not too large, you can get rid of it by using one of the we- ed killers obtainable at seed stores. This should be aplield according to the directions given, which specify that the ground should be saturated with the liquid. One or two appli- cations applied a week or so apart will usually destroy the weed com• pletely, Under some circumstances it can be exterminated most readily by the use of a plumber's torch i!; the hands *Of someone who is im- mune from poisoning, A thorough burning out of the branches and roots is very effective, especially if an application of some weed killer is made shortly afterwards. Another way of getting rid of this poison plant, when it is growing on the gro- und, is to cover as much of it as possible with boards or heavy I oof- tee; gve e'' Ixr+la 4 e ra he laoslr1s rw? •WE. ARE NOW FINISHED TAKING STOCK ,N AND FIND THAT OUR STolb1 :OF HARDWARE AND ' FURNITURE IS TOO HFA ORDER TO REDUCE IT�, AND IN VERY RAPIDLY WE ARE OFFERING : OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are continuing our Special Prices on Mat tresses, and still have a few left that will go at Bargain tPrices. Be snare and get your supply before they sae AR Geese. For some real Bargains, we have a used. Dressers that we will sell very ch numb of goodseeC thy, ea a. BeBsure and Always a good supply of Smoke Cure CO Hand, Also Old Hickory Smoke Salt, Johnston & Kalbfiojscji Hardware & Futuro. Phone 68 .+444444444++++++++4444#114+41++++++++++++++++++.4401114 11111 NNIJJIN 111111111 1111MINdIIIIIIIIBOE111NffllflillllfIII{uI 11111111111111111 INIIINIIIN11111IfuNNBINNNINRNtJINJNJNNIlef NHN 1111NNINiINIIIifIINI111111U111111NINIIIIIINN1111111, THESE PRICES subject tochange without Notice ? Rerimming Wagon Wheels Wagon Axle, each = per set ..........._...$15:09 WagonTongue each . ........................ $5.00 Tongue, Harrows, each ,...._..... ........................,. $3.00 Bolster with Stakes at •............................. $1.5U Wagon •Reach, long 1:50, w•Short • ..... '$1.00 Spokes, each at ............:.......$1.25 DoubleTree,.. each �.................................. .• .5Q ff Whipple Tree ........... .•........... ._,. .50 _, UESS, the Repair Man IONNNNUNfIlall1INI11iIIR IHIRN1811IllNiiN111111lN11111111N111Mili1IININIM111111NOMINN(JNINHiNNIIINIdJNIIIiIIN(dINNNIINIII104111111NTI- 1 JNI@fIININIIIRNNIDAMI f•++104 440*fig 1,44 ++{•+++1++4411.4-44 o,f. .++++++ +++•1;•P,++44.44 +i* G ATTENTION ----To Farmers and tractor Owners,• , We are again this summer fully equipped to supply all users of Gasoline in larger quantities with a good stand- ard grade of Gasoline from our Delivery Truck at low- est prevailing prices, with Quality Considered. Gasoline and Kerosine always kept on hand in a large and small quantities. Let us .fill your barrels or Containers,. Expert Workmanship on Repair Work, and Overhaul Jobs, on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very . Reasonalbe. oussea urich 1061. 4,9eDebetePet: op DO Yo? ~ON That 1 am the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound ; Merchandisingi And "the World listens when I speak! For `Who have used Me as their. Servant 1 have gathered untold 'millions into their coffers. I command the legeons of ..fashion, mould the styes and lead the World whatlnersoeyer I gel I sow fields for you to reap a Golden :Haarv'esti am Masater Salesman at Your Service,and my Narue 1aw •