HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-31, Page 5%Ira -rads% ilargnat Saat, 1932, BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY El...Holum:Es ISAARRISTER, SOLICITOR„ NOT. MY PUBLIC, ETC. DITPICE—Hainilton Street, Just off nia Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to eouncel and Court Work. Me Holmes may be consulted nt PIM YOUR Wants, For Salo, Lost, Found, N tics, Etc. Ads Me 1,240.1131:411 HONEY FOR SALE agidericla Ph°M' 613144 Phmle A 'United qaaatity of good flay - charges reversed. ored honey, a. little dark in color, for sale, at 6 cents a lb. Bring your container at once. •J. HABERER & SONS,. One block south of Hotel, Zurich. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. B. D.DS. DENTAL SURGEON 1St DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH ;livery Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOOR, DASHWOOD 'Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Liceu,sed Auctioneer For Huroi and Middlesex AM IN A POSITION TO CON Lt -any Auction Sale, regardless sus to size or article to sell. I solicit youe business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren- ARTRITR WEBER--Dashwoed ISolione 18-57, • . iurichs' Popularl MEAT MARKET -Let Us supply you with the 'very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats,, Boiovas, Sausages, Etc., always- on hand... Kept, fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 31. Yungblut & Son SRVICE Why We have the Better Class of Customers NIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. SATTERIES, MOBILE OSL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES alk141D TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Warts, Hohning and Mechanical Work 411ose t. Micrometer Settings, No +aguess work. Watch. the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. .DASHWOOD ONTARIO Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST' RESERVE 3,3AL- .ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COKPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of' Insurance at Risk •on Dec. 31st,. 1932, $17,880,729. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.90. States—$.50 per $1,000 for.3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich Aleut, Also Dealer in Lidinnind Rods and ail kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE. POU LT R Y WANTED liMeitess twerp Day tilles'elesek, Ss• not .Seed Fowl same morning' when, brought ha. Highest Cash Prices b.—CAM FOR—. CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 04, Zurich 1 THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT 110 ever reacly.to serve the pub, with Commercial and fine r.riinting. Get our prices be - Aim laving your ardin'eisr- ' 40160** FOR SALE A good fresh cow for sale. Apply to Theo. Haberer, Zurich. FOR SALE A good rebuilt Electric Washer, hand or electric; good rebuilt force - pump. Also a second hand cook stove. Apply to L.. A- Prang, Zurich. FOUND :fn Zurich a number of keys in a case. Owner can have same at Her- ald Office by paying this adv. Also a lady's •white glove. FOR ZUICH filEiRALD LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Thos. Dinsmore and Lim, spent the week -end at Grand Bend. Mr, Earl Smith of Detroit, spent the week -end with xelatives here. Miss Jean Truss of London spent the past week with her cousin, Miss Helen Thiel. Miss Alice Decker of town left for London last week where she will remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Sheen, Mise Myrtle Brown, 'Mrs. Yates and Miss Lusch, of London, were guests j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber. Miss Melvina Schade returned to London, after spending a few weeks at her home on the Blue Water High- way, south. All services in the Evangelical church have been lifted for next Sun- day, as there will be no preaching service, as well as the Sabbath Scho- ol has been lifted. During the big fire n town, number of people are minus 'their pails and other water carrying artic- les, if you have any such around your premises that do not belong to you kindly bring them to the fire hall, where the rightful owners can call for them. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon and son Hugh, Ward 'Fritz and W. L. Sie- bert are on a motor trip to the Co - PAGE $1141 LOCAL NEWS *****.04600.0•001100eelevesnooseto••••••••••itionen Miss Emma Dinsmore spent a few g Implement Repairs : days in Seaforth. Mr. F. j. Wickwire of Exeter cal- 110 led at the Herald Office on Friday. : WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS WHEN YOU j troit were visitors with relatives in 5 Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Smith of Dee! 2, CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT Ti -JE SAME • town last week. 1 0 Mr. and Mr.. Win, O'Brein, and PRICES „ . daughter, Wive, were rscura visitors . with friende in LViss Ruth Turkheim of Waterloo . 0 Climax Bug , i i CLIMAX BUG KILLER AT NEW LOW PRICES ALSO ALL KINDS OF INSECTICIDES AS FOL- i LOWS: ---Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, ..Pais '''' IGreen, Etc., Etc. is spending the week With her par- ents here. Mr. Joseph Campbell of Fairgrove, Vida, ,called on his couein, Mr. Wm. Lamont over the week -end. Mr. Alex. Keerigaa en.1 Mis' Hazel el and •Lena Kerrigan all of London, , spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs; George J. Thiel of town. PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY COAL COAL St. Joseph, enjoyed a MOLO2 trip vis- • Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Denomme, ofa Fe ARE AT THE ROCK BOTTOM PRICFS iting with friends in Mit:111;1in, laet week. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" e' 3Ir. awl Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and se family, of Forest were Sunday visit- ors • at the home of Mr. Wrn, Lamont of town. . • 31r. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Crosswell, Michc., we, Sunday vis- itors aS the home of r . and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein.' Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger sen family end II B. end de • , tea, Miss Pearl, moton Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repair& halt mining district. We do not on Sunday to visit relatives aid 'A- rnow whether these gentlemen are elids. figuring in staking out a claim and start operations, or likely just to see th country, which is usually a good SALE — • tonic to the mind. A. limited quantity of early potat- oes for' sale, Apply to Theo. Hab- erer or Ry. Howald., Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at my home at Zur- ich, for which we will pay highest market prices.. We will grade your eggs as we receive then, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial, First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H.. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. • Fall Fair Dates Ailsa Craig—Sept. 21, 22. Atwood—Sept. 22, 23. Bayfield—Sept. 27, 28 Brussels—Sept. 28, 29. Chesley—Sept. 19, 20 , Dungannon—Oct. 5, 6. Exeter, —SePt. 19, 20. Goderich—Sept. 19, 20 Gorrie—Oct. 7. • Kirkton—Oct. 3, 4., Listowel—Sept. 20, 21.. London (Western Fair) -Sept. 1/, 16 Lucknow—Sept. 2'8', 29. Mildmay—Sept. 19, 20. Milverton—Sept. 14, 15,. Mitchell—Sept. 26, 27. New Hamburg—Sept. 15, 16. Ottawa (Cen.. Can.) -Aug. 21, 26. Palmerston—ept. 22, 23. Parkhill—Sept. 29'. Ripley—Sept. 26, 27. Seaforth—Sept. 21, 22. Stratford—Sept. 18, 20. Toronto (CNE.) --Aug. 25, Sept 9. Wingham—Oct. 6, 7.. ZURICH—Sept.. 25, 26... ,International,Plowing Match, Derby Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Heist have tak- en up living quarters in the house of Mr. Jacob Brown, while Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Geiger enter - Mrs. H. E. Cowen have moved into tallied a few of their Zurich friends part of Mr. G. Koehler's house. Mr. to a watermelon feed, the other ev- and Mrs. L. Schilbe have taken tip ening, the melons being of the very living quarters in the block of Mr. best quality and needless to say, all Herb. Krueger for the present. All those present enjoyed the treat im- these, three families were, rendered mensely, homeless through the fire last Mon - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schneicker, Mon- day evening. . . ' and Mrs. Con. Schneicker of Milver- The following guests called at the ton, and Mr. Chas. Greb and Miss home of Mrs. W. Schade, Blue Water Carrie Brenner of Kitchener, were Highway, south on Sunday last: Mr. visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs and Yrs, Jacob Rate.; Alma and Ruth J. Brenner last week. of Cred7son; Xecob Geiser of Misses Margaret and Grace Ostr- Shipka; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueg- ander of Toronto; Mr. J. MacKintosh er and Mr. Ervin Schode of Hay Tp„ of Hudson Bay; Mrs. Irene Breakey; • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schade and dau- I and children Marion end Keiea from gnter elabel and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. me,e. Ostrander, Ont., visited at the home Metcalf of London; Mr. and Adam Sippel and son Wilfred, aa of :Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobi on Milverton; Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith'My and Mae of Zurich. • Mrs. Harrington Finkbeiner of the Goshen Line, south, and who has The interpertation of the Twenty - Third Psalm on Sunday morning,andireaently been. operated on at Lon- the Travelogue and pictures shown don. Hospital, for appendicitis, has on Monday evening hi the Evangel- returned home and is convalscent. ical church by Mr. Haboush the Gal- I Sorry to report that Mr. Finkbeiner ilean, .was well attended, at both ev- is now laid up with a sore leg which ents the church was well filled, and had become out of joint. it brought us a little ,closer to the I A fine new location for summer Holy Land or Palestine, and the cus- homes has been opened on the farm tomes of living there The pictures Mr. and Mrs. John Ward stud son Ross and Miss H. Sweet or Exeter, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido on Sunday. Mrs. Ward remaining over for a few days. of Mr. John Rau, a few miles north • were well taken and, showed someiof Drysdale, this summer. Already beautiful landscapes as well as the i a few nice summer homes have been principal cities in that notorious co-; erected, and foundations laid for a i untry where the Master walked and i few more. The Hydro lines have lived with the people two thousand been run in, and it is a most beauti- years ago. ful spot for a nice quiet place to Nearly Another Fire spend the summer right on the shore of Lake Huron. The bank at this , For a short time on Saturday ev- place is •not as abrupt as at many ening at about ten o'clock the vil- other places. The beach is /Lice and lage of Zurich was thrown into an- wide with lake sand, and it looks like other panic when the call of "fire" the makings of a real place. was given and the siren of the loca Willing helpers have made it pos- Le Sehil I „ engine was heard going through the ' business section of town. But for - Tp., Owen Sound, Grey County tuneately by the time the engine ars' 13. 14. 17. Oct. 10, :Ottawa:. Winter Fair—Noy. IRoyall (Toxonto)—Nov. 22, 30. ZURICH HERALD , • Established+ 1600' ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION 1ATES—$1.25 a ear, strictly in odrauce; $1.50 In arrears or $2.00 may be charged. S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon- :inued until all arrears are paid un- ess at option of prabAsher, , The date f 'which everg;§utocri, ptipe paid, ts demoted on theLab.L•• ' ADVERTISING RATES Display advertisiog mad* known m application.- , .••• Miscellaneous articles of not mon han four liners, For Sale, T Rent, Vented, Lost, Found, ete., One luster :ion 25e, 2 ins. 40e,„ 2 his. $Oe. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 'or first mends,. V.00 for each fol. owing montk Professionat Car& not exceeding inches, per 'Y'ea? $6,160- • I In Memoriam, one verse 50e, 25( ifor each additio" nat Aviaries; Card 01 rhanks, 50e. Auction Sales --$2.00 per tingle "16 rtion if not over four inches in 1ength., Addrese COMMIfttlitaittieni toe THE ItiERALP ITJRICLiIJ rived the fire was put out. Mr. Milton Deitz was down in the pit of his garage working at a tar, while Mr Earl Thiel was assisting him when a passerby dropped in and lit his cig- •arette and rather thoughtlessly threw ;down the match which immediately ;ignited some gasoline soaked rags on ;the floor and the side of the car on .Which the two men were working at the bottom. A. pail containing some gasoline standing near by also ig- nited', and the flames soared up to Ithe ceiling, and the alarm was , at once given, and Mr. Len. Prang was soon there with his fire extinguisher, 'and assisted greatly in putting mit th 1ST IT • e aze. nfoitunately Mr Earl • Thiel in fighting the fire got both 01 • his hands and arm up to the elbows badly burned, and was gived medical aid by Dr. A. 3., MacKinnon. Mr. Thiel had a very painful week --end, but his burns are healing nicely. The whole town is glad that this fire was brought under control so rapidly, as it was at a bad place 'to stop once it would have got going strong. There Ire a number of bad socalled fire - `raps in Zurich that are of very lit- tle use, and a bad menace in case of ire, Either sortie of these should be removed of metal roofs and sidings put thereon. And then there is that habitual evil, the cursed cigarette. We personally do not indulge in the • use of thein and seldom do mention • anything in our columns, but for the village of Zurich, the indulgence of this weed sure has meant a lot to a few families in town, and after seeing what hovac this has played in Zurich in a week's time, we cannot help but repeat what a prominent ovangelist•once said: "If you must binoke, in the name of common sena, .nokc a dirty old pipe." • sible to have the debris of the recent fires practically all cleared away nicely in preparation to rebuilding. We are indeed happy to report that at present time thing look very bright • as:pa/ego:peep; ,emesaseeesestne.espe MAMMA/ WA% AVM AiVi4Yt WWe Wthh DrugZurich 'Store S AMIDES We have a 'good stock of Drugs and preparations to destroy all kinds of troublesotue insects 9eXMM60<es.5....r•Ira•Ota,•,..,Dumi411a.imimalst tirmau,paog .arliN49TPAY'04,ffikori.,..1mrp,C..1%.mm9 We have Fly Tox and Fly - 0 - Cede; Paris Green; Arsenate of Lead; Helibore; Insect Pow- der; Black Leaf 40 Evergreen; Bordeaux Mixture; Corrosive Sublimate; Saphine Anti -Moth Discs 1 hill A, J, MacKinnon, Zurich! 1(44 KAPARMWWW PAW? Mpr pAMMIMPJ • ••••••••••••00.0o.•00+•• peoe-coeir,be,o41,04,e41.4se-eoeipan. • • • • • for the three places of business to be rebuilt this fall. Mr. Heist has already started laying foundation for his bake shop which will be put up as fast as possible, while the front part of the building will not be put on for the present. Mr, Schilbe ad- vises us that he intends to rebuild a one story block of veneer brick with fireproof roof and will have his liv- ing quarters on the same floor as the store. Messrs. Yongblut & Son aro noe just certain if, they will build their new butcher shop this fall or next spring. The latter will put up a much different shop to what the former building was, which was a very old building and hot styled after modern architecture. • Auto Accident • Mrs. H. N. Hansen, wife of an ex- ecutive of the Ford Motor Co., Dear- born; Mich., was at the Hotel Sunset, Goderich under the care of Dr. W,F. Gallow recovering from injuries re- ceived in an accident on the Blue water Highway, five miles south of l3ayfield last Sunday. Driving over the brow of a hill the lady and her husband, who was at the wheel, came suddenly upon a ,drove of cattle str- etched across the road. Ile took to the ditch and turned over several tirnes. Farmers rushing from fields found Mr. and Mrs. Hansen buried in the luggage of the back seat, rescued them with some difficulty. Mrs. Han sen suffered a wrenched back and in- jured knee. Her condition is re ported as favorable, Mr. Hansen es- caped with a bad shaking np, cuts and bruises.. The car was badly dam aged. • • • • • 1 • :• 2 • • • * 2 * • • * • • • • • • • • • • ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record • $5. 10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London; Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy • $2.75 Farmers' Sun • $230 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years ..............,... . $3,00 Canadian Countryman . . $2.25 Weekly Witness P1.15 Farmers' Magazine .. . ... $2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth $2,75 And a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine AD Canada Alla the United. States, and can save you money On the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich **••••••••• •••• • ••• • 4.• • • • 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • * • . • 0 v•4+••••••••••••••••••••• •