HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-31, Page 3taa COMMENTS AROUND THE DIAL By AUSTIN, •lV ORAle1 —Assoc. Radio News Syndicate -- EVENTS School Wardrobe 1 By HELEN WILLIAMS, lilustrated Dressvncticin(J Lesson 1%ur- nished with, Tila,i•i/ Pattern. Radio Stars Take Toornto By Storm—Bert Lahr on New Fro- grarin—Will Roger's Popularity Amos 'N' Andy and Countess Albani Ovations . 'cheers and eneoree, greeted those two famous stars of the National Broadcasting Company , . Amos 'n' Andy. These popular artists of the networks • came to Toronto through the arrangements of of- ficials .of the Canadian Radio Commission, and made their appearance at a large theatre, which was packed to capacity. The entire proceeds were handed over to charity , , . the Commission put it's best foot forward when they engineered such a fine entertainment. We had the privilege of meeting these two black -face comedians and having a few words with them, They expressed themselves in this way . . "During our whole career we have not been .accorded a reception from an audience that will compare with the one tendered us by this gathering of Canadian. people. We are going to•return to Toronto and meet all our friends again ars soon as the time will permit". These two chaps are a splendid example of congeniality, and no doubt this has helped in no ,;mall way to bring to them the popularity which they enjoy. Appearing on the same program was Olga Countess Albani, soft voiced soprano of the National Broadcasting Company, Countess Albani was an instant hit with the audience •and received encore after encore, The Countess came to the United States from Spain when :five years old with her parents ... spent most of her earlier years in a convent .. , spent her vacations on her father's sugar plantation in the West Indies .. later studied music at the Horace Mann school in New York, finishing this she sought an interview with the director of a new show and which was an immediate hit,• It was Romberg's "New Moon". After one audition Coun- tess Albani was given the dramatic lead, following this she was quickly signed' by the National Broadcasting Company. Countess Albani has many hobbies., she writes, paints, fences and rides houses, spends most of her spare moments translating ,American songs and ballads into Spanish. Regardless of her love for a career, her six -year -ofd son is the biggest Interest in her busy life. Countess, Albani says—"If I thought my pro- fessional career interfered with. my being a good mother, I would desert the :microphone." * * * * * * Bert Lahr -Stays • Eddie Cantor returns to the Chase & Sanborn Hour, Sept, 10Th, but that isn't going to interfere with Bert Lahr at all. Lahr's sponsors have been so pleased with his work that they have just signed him to a new 65 week contract, and will put him back on the air October 4th, as the star of the Wednesday night Chase & Sanborn Tea program with George Olsen and his music , . , "Funnyman" Lahr's microphone success has followed closely on an equally rapid rise to'*theatrical star stardom. Will Rogers Will Rogers, that'be-splattered dispenser of current humour was, brought back to the air at the request of several senators. Rogers presided over a mock meeting of the Senate during one of his• broadcasts from Washington earlier in the Summer. The Senators enjoyed the fun he poked at them on that occasion so much that when it was announced that he was leaving the air all of them who were available sent him a telegram expressing the hope that "you will return soon with your humourous and wholesome com- ment on national affairs". It is said that Will has a great time with a mouthful of gumbefore he is called to the mike for his program ... Won- der if Will does It for a publicity stunt in the hope that some of, the gum manufacturers might sponsor him on one of their programs. * * * * * We Hear That— Ben Bernie'the "Old _1VIaestro" says the movie producers in Hollywood ire .certainly. practisingeconomy. 'The producers are only. using half-breeds Instead of full-blooded Indians for ,their ,Western films. Ben says "That's sure cutting things in half. The romance of "Jimmie" Melton, NBC tenor and Marjorie McClure, a Cleveland society girl, began at a house party in Cleveland. 'Tis said it was it case of love at first sight and their engagement was' announced three weeks later. Gordon Calder, popular singer on commercial and Commission programs Is to announce the Neilson Hour this fall. . An motor identified with the famous stage star, Irene Bordon, is now in roronto rehearsing a program that is to be commercialized on the air within the next few weeks. ;e * * * ,k * And So On— Frank Crumit—She treats her husband like a Greek god. Julia Sanderson—How so? Crumit She places a burnt offering before him at every meal, * * * * i Georgie Burns—Ch, Gracie, the installment man's here, Gracie Allen—All right Georgie, tel him to take a chair. Georgie—I did Gracie, but he said he'd start with the radio and cleaner. "IN THE. AIR" Radio's All-Star Presentations WAVE LENGTHS Kilo - Station -- Metres cycles CKNC, Toronto ' 291 1030 CFCF, Montreal 291 600 CFCH, North Bay 322 930 • CFCO, Chatham 297 1210 CFRB, Toronto 435 690 CKAC, Montreal 411 730 CKCR, Waterloo 465 645 CRCT, Toronto . 312 960 CHML, Hamilton 840 890 CRCO, Ottawa 1010 CKOC, Hamilton ..,. 475 1010 CKPC, Preston 341 930 CKLW, Windsor -London 555 '540 CPRY, Toronto 357 ' 840 KDKA, Pittsburg 306 930 KMOX, St. Louis y275 1090' KYW, Chicago 294 1020 WABC, New York 349 860 WBBM, Chicago . 389 770 WBEN, Buffalo . 333 900 WEAF, New York 454. 660 WENR, Chicago '345 870 WGR, Buffalo 645 ' 550 WGY, Schenectady 379 790 WHAM, Rochester 261 1150 WKBW, Buffalo , 202 1480 WJZ, New York 394 760 WJR, Detroit 400 750 WLW, Cincinnati 428 700 WMAQ, Chicago 447 670 WTA1V1, Cleveland ...,, 280 1070 lb SUNDAY P.M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time. • 3.00—National Opera Con......... CRCT Symphonic Equi CFRB .; r ,4:00 --Fiddler; Three CRC'it. 1 Cathedral Hour ... CFRB 5.00—Paul Ash Orch. CRCT 6,30—Chicago Knights CFRB 7.00• ---Jules Lane CRC's 8.00—Rubinoff CRCT 10.00—Operetta (CR73C) ......,;CRCT ti.00—01d Polka (CRBC) .... ,.:,, CRCT MONDAY P.M. 7.00—Amos 'n AndY 9.00—Greater Minstrels A. & P. Gypsies 10.00—Contented Hour TUESDAY, P.M. 7.00—Amos 'n Andy 8.00—Blackstone 9.00—Ben Bernie 9.30—Fire Chief 10,00—Lives at Stake Hour of Gaiety WEDNESDAY P.M. _. 7.00—Amos 'n Andy ' 7.45—The Goldbergs 8.00—Chase & Sandborn 10.00—Corn Cob Club One Hour With You THURSDAY P.M. 7.00—Amos 'n Andy 8.00—Rudy Vallee 9.00—Show Boat Radio Rascals Death Valley Days Mark Warnow 10.00 -Willard Robinson' Al Jolson 11.00 Luigi Remanent FRIDAY vacuum CRCT WHAM WBEN WLW CBCT WBEN WGY WLW WTAM CRCT CRCT WBEN CRCT WGY CBOT CRCT CRCT WGY CRCT. WLW CFRB CFRB WTAM CBOT CRCT CRCT WBEN CRCT P.M. 7.00—Amos 'n Andy 8;00—Cities Service 9.00—Musical Store 9;30—Sportviews ' Armour Program Pond's Players 10.00—Carling Program First Nighter 10.30—Frigidaire 2774 ..,SMILES We have often wondered why the corn begins to curl upon a hot day while the cockle burrs remain green and flourish just the same regardless of whether it rains or not. This little rig is particularly smart in eel -gray wool jersey.., The boyish collar and cuffs 'are white pique. Simply baste them to the dress Bo as to be easily removed for laundering. It's very `simple to fashion it with its raglan cut sleeves. Plaits at the front of the skirt lend freedom and swing. Tartan plaided gingham is another. favored idea for fall. It will adapt itself perfectly to this imodel, made with long or short sleeves. Style No. 2774 is designed for sizes 8,'10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2% yards 35 -inch material with % yard 35 -inch con- trasting. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. September Now the glad year's afternoon Hurries on apace, Now the mountain ash tree, With a dainty grace,. Dens her lovely party gown— Coral Beads and lace. No clown in a circus is ever as funny as a dumbbell man or woman who struts around wearing a haughty look. Man --"You seem to be no lover of music, although you have four musi- cal daughters." Neighbor -"If you had four musical daughters you would be no lover of music." Put and Take "Women take to good hearted men," says a writer. Also from, say we. Impatient Man Outside Telepbone Booth—"Can I help you find the num- ber that you want?" Sweet Young Thing—"Oh, no, thank you. I don't want a number. I'm look- ing for a pretty sweet name to give my hew dog," Gauntly waving their withered fronds to the kiss of the gentle breeze That whispers over the granite waste and wanders down to the trees; Calmly ignoring the emerald plains, and the rivers far below, Drawing their life from the lichened stone, the africanders grow. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such ,patterns as you want. Enclose 15e in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number,, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 73 Wet Adelaide St., Toronto; Lum & Abner SATURDAY P.M. - 7.15—Annie, Judy and Zeke 7.30—Kindergarten -- 9.30—K-7 Mystery 10.00—Dancing Party ' 10,1.5—George Wade 10.30—Cuckoo Program * BULOVA time daily over (RCT CKAC WHAM WTAM CRCT KDKA CFRB WBEN WBAI. WEAL WEEN ex b without CRCT ,own, an re ora largest cities of Great Britain, the ! The six salts in Kruschen keep the. .. CFRB ratio being, in Pretoria 30, in Johan-. organs Of elimieation in perfect trim WHAM nesburg 24, and ill Capo Town 22 per and so ensure a regular, gentle and Stations 100,000., London's figure is 15,4 per natural clearance of all fat -forming food refuse. Mental Fitness Goes With Fatness fire?„ You know QUALITY - .: whether it's tools or cliewing tobacco you're using. In chewing tobacco the best means \'OU IA HGHT AS WELL CHEW Africanders Rapid Transit. St. Peter—"How did you get here?" Citizen—"'Flu.!" Spring Is Here ."Papa, are you growing taller all the time?" "No, my child. Why do you ask?" "'Cause the top of your head is poking up through your hair." Old Ragson Tatters, of Brushville, says he knows night prowlers will never hold his Sary Jane up for any- thing else but her money, so be never gives her any, The telephone bell rang in the fire department. The operator plugged in for the cal]. Timid Voice -"Is this the fire depart- ment?" Fireman (eagerly) — "Yes, that's righty'..,. 'Voice—"Well, I've just built a new rock garden and I've just put in some new fall. ferns—" Fireman (roaring) — "Where's the Remark Caused Much Con- troversy in Medical Cir- cles—Widely Diver- gent Opinions Stout men and women who perspired through the recent hot spell will be cheered to read that, at the meeting of the British Medical Association in Dublin, a doctor declared that mental fitness went with fatness. Dr. H. R. C. Rutherford, of Dublin, after saying that senility was the greatest insanity -producing period of life, added: "In this and other critical periods I would emphasize the import- ance of rest and preach the gospel of fatness which in the earlier periods of life, at any rate, is nearly always ac- companied by mental fitness." Commenting on his address after- wards to a reporter, he said: "Fatness is a bulwark against insanity." Dr. Rutherford's declaration aroused much controversy in medical circles, and widely divergent views on the sub- ject were expressed by. eminent doc- tors in London.. "Getting.OId Quicker." Sir W. Arbutnot Lane was probably the fiercest in his denouncement of fatness. "In my long experience," he said, "I have never found a fat, man or woman more mentallyyfit than people of nor- mal weight, Fatness is no good to any body. Fat people get olcl quicker and become careless and indifferent to life." Dr. King Brown, chairman of the executive of the institute of Hygiene, said he agreed with Dr. Rutherford up to a point. • "Fat people who find they are,•�l er- spiring excessively in hot weather should not worry; it is doing VAC e world of goods' he said. Another health specialist, Dr. gang- compliment from your friends' lips— son Wright, declared that fatness,.,was as this Woman Bid. as much to be avoided as slimness. "A "Since I started . taking Kruschen person who can strike the happy med-1 Salts," she writes, "I have reduced lum will always be healthier than one myself by 37 lbs. I ani still going who over eats or wilder -nourishes him 1 down and hope, soon to be normal ! self,"he declared. weight. My health has greatly im- A Harley Street physican said Fat- proved. My friends see such a differ - nest in middle age is in some degree ace in iris flow. I look yollllger, and! a natural accompaniment Timid Voice (going on)—"Some of these ferns and other fall plants are very expensive and--" Fireman—"Look hete! You want a flower shop." Timid Voice—"No, I don't. I was coming to that in a minute. My neigh- bor's house is on fire, and I don't want your clumsy firemen treading over my new rock garden when you come here." Advertisement: "Wanted — Small apartment by couple with no children until September 1." Minister --"Will you have this wo- man to be your wedded wife?" Groom — "What the mischief yogi think I came here for?" Mother kicked when Daddy first be- came a traveling man, but now she's sorry he didn't decide to be an arctic explorer. Doctor (gazing critically at patient) —"Did you take my advice and sleep with all the windows open?" Patient (murmuring) — "I did, doc- tor," Doctor—"Good. have pretty -well had?" Patient—"No, Doctor, suit, watch and, chain." Thomas—"I hope we'll agree after we're married." Tess—"Maybe you won't at first, but you'll soon learn, dear." And I suppose you lost that cold you Only my best Classified Advertising ID AKERS' OVENS—NEW AND RE - X3 BUILT. write for catalogue and deferred payment plan. Hubbard Oven Company, 103 Bath. •st Street, Toronto. BICYCLES AND AUTO TYZE$. MOBILE �ITires, $2 up. UP. Sport4Goods. Pee Catalogue. Peerless, 195 Dundas West, Toronto. Theirs is no wealth of gorgeous bloom or scents that fill the vale, No children gather garlands there, no bees or birds regale; But (with long spaces in between), shyly, and half -afraid, They crown themselves with the sweetest flow're that ever Na- ture made. —Kingsley Fairbridge, in "Veld Verse." (London: Oxford Uni- versity Press). Pansies Can be Freshened Now Pansies, which have been flowering since early spring, will naturally be getting rather straggly, while the flowers will now"be very small; we may, however, improve matters by cutting out all the old shoots quite close to the ground. After taking off the old shoots, stir the soil around the plants, at the same time working in a little fertilizer such as old poultry manure, or bone meal and wood ashes. To provide plants for next season, seed may be sown in the open from mid-August until early September, or until the end of September, if a cold frame is used. It is, however, better to get an early start. Presuming that a start is made in August, we will select a• partially shaded position for the seed bed, but keep away from trees. Cover the seed not more than a Quarter of an inch; in fact, one-eighth of an inch will be bet- ter. If the soil is at all heavy, the seed should be covered With a com- post of equal parts of leaf mold and light garden soil. To this add pure sand. 37 lbs. OF : FAT GONE • No Wonder She Looks • Younger ;'How much younger you are look- ing!" What a pleasure .to hear that BUSINESS OPPORTUNI" IES ONFECTIONERY, BAKERY, SODA: N../ Fountain Business, country, $5,000. Cigars, confectionery. Dundas Street, $775. Produce business, $550. Rooming house, city. United Brokers, 2 College,. Toronto. Friendship The value of friendship has never been disputed. Platus, 200 years B.C., quoted the saying that "A friend in need is a friend indeed!" A true friend is a priceless possession. Money cannot buy one. The only way to get one is to be one. When you have a friend to share your pleasures, you,get twice the happiness out of them. Suc- cess without someone to share it with may be empty. Time given to being a friend is never wasted. It is an in- vestment in happiness, and if one you have befriended proves faithless, that is his loss, not yours. You gain by be- ing a friend. You gain by baying a friend. , and is cern-, I have such a fresh look always 1 patible with keen intellect." about my face which 1 never used to 1 ---•S -- have. I take my usual' food, but any The death•rate front road accidents first drink in the morning is my little Is higher in Johannesburg, Cape ; dose of Kruschen Salts, which I will T d Pre i than in the tic u ver e.."—(Mrs.) K. 100,000, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE LOUR AND CHOPPING MILL Brick; steel elevator; electric equip- ment. "Advertiser,' 42 Oakwood, To- ronto. Lake Simcoe Loses Heavily on Hot Days That the sun has been sucking up from half to three-quarters of an inch of water from the surface of Lake Sim- coe on the hot days this summer was the surprising information gleaned by the members of the Orillia Water, Light and Power Commission on their annual visit of inspection to the Swift Rapids, 'when they chanced to fall in with A. L. Killaly, Chief Engineer of the Trent Canal, who was on a similar mission. When it is remembered that an inch of water from the surface of Lake Sirncoe will keep Orillia's power plant running for nearly a month it will be realized what this means.— Orillia Packet and Times. OEX AR SHINGLES persurtcH Z`,r< w3. per eurtcw All exposed portscleor of knot This priaeot' Hnrtltron.Cosromerpaysfre, hr. Wr,refor el livered prices a t you r stot'io,. I4ALIADAN'S HAMlLTOM Dept. 32 FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP Located in Toronto Complete Equipment, Two Forges, f Pneumatic Hammer and Cutter,' Drills, Lathe and a very complete stock of tools, will sell as a going .; concern with favorable lease or will sell machinery separately, en bloc or piecemeal. H. WATKINS, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Silk materials, heavy for outer gar- ments and thin for underwear, are being displayed in the men's wear shops in Italy, shoe Mussolini advo- cated the use of this home -produced material, "Silk" is applied only to the product of the silk -worm. IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL 50, IRETBREO Wake up your Liver Bile NQ Calomel necessary For you to feel healthy and happy, your liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels, every day. Without that bile, trouble starts. Poor digestion. Slow elimination. Poieone in the body. General wretchedness. Hoy, can you expect to clear up a situation like this completely with mere bowel -moving salts, oil, mineral water, laxative candy or chewing ;urn, or roughage? They don't wake up your over. You need Carter's Little Liver Pine. Purely vegetable. Safe. Quick and sure results. Ask [or them by name. Refuel substitutes. 250. at e31 druggists. BURNS is P Mix equal parts of Milard's and sweet oil, castor ofl, or creatn. Spread on brown paper. urn scald. Befo reply ng tithe or 1.8 painful smarting stops "NOW I FEEL FULL OF PEP" After taking Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound That's what hundreds of women say. It steadies the nerves ... makes you eat better ... sleep better .� . relieves periodic headache and backache ... makes trying days endurable. If you are not as well as you Wyant to be, give this medicine a chance to help you. Get a bottle from your druggist today. ISSUE No. 34—'33