HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-31, Page 1E Vol XXX1V ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST31. 1933. Chester L. Smith, FORUM* 51.25 a year, U.S. $1.5i is *i°, *1.50 INARRl0AR$,12 ALLY D* onasmiro Let the Herald publish all your Summer Visits a2.d Visitors Capital Theatre LOCAL NEWS Miss Hattie Baker of Monroe cal- led at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe, Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Oestreicher of Dashwood were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ehlers.. Messrs. Will. Reith and Jacob Haberer .spent a few days in Tor- onto last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlundt of Dashwoed called on friends recently in the village. A magnificent screens version e a Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haug)/ and world famous story sons of Dashwood were Sunday gu- ests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Zimmerman_ Miss Gertrude Schade of the Blue Water Highway, south, attended the South Cayuga Assembly as one of the Dashwood delegates, last week. Goderich Phone 47 Now Playing—Will ill Rogera as ..,Jubilo in "Too Busy to Work." and Warner Baxter Ina "Dangerously You Mon., Tues., sad Wed. ..The Good Cions J. B. Priestley Wrote this wond'erf Lll tale of Ro- mance, Music. and; Adventure.. 10 Stars -50 Players and a. cast of Over 1000.. Thurs., Friday and: Saturday GEORGE AMISS Ij Greatest of England's. contributions - to stage and screen. in another flaw ,less characterization _ .A► Successful, Calamity Coming—Mae West in. "She Done 1Pmx Wrong". Matinees -Mon., Wed.,. and Sat- 3.p.rn. Mr. Albert Heideman of town. and Mr. Passmore of Hensall, have re- turned after spending some time camping at Pike Bay. Mr. and Mrs_ Henry Bender and daughter and Miss Fran.cis Cartlidge all of Listowell, were recent guests at the home of Mrs. B. Pfile and Mr and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe. Miss Betty Leibold of Stratford, accompanied by Mrs_ Frank Wickie and son Byron" spent the past week at the former's home, Mr. and Mrs. — Wm. Leibold, Babylon Line. FALL FAIR Will be held on September 19th Evangelical Lutheran Church and 20th. ' Those wishing Prize Lists may obtain same from the Secy., of the Women's Institutes at Zurich, "A C6wnt.Ius Christ for a C�=" Bayfield, Hensall or Brncefield. • Friday, Rh:—Luer League- : Saturday—Choir. SUNDAY SERVICES 10. a. Season is. Progressing , GODERICH The Canadian National Exhibition m.—German Seers - 11.15 a.m.—Sunday at Toronto evened their gates on %iT. Friday of • last weekee Next. Tuesday 7.x.0 p.m. Eaglials Service EEverybody Welcome to morning thousands of children and '�"mQ+• students will go back to school, the E. TUERK 4 M Poster. summer is slipping away, and is prac- -- r----- tically gone and the fall fairs will ' soon be the chief attraction. The National Exhibition featured the wo- men's ten mile marathon swim on Friday, the opening day, this was ' won by Ruth Tower Comm, of Tor- . onto. An unusual list of attraction:, are being featured this year. "i"—' -e Hensall Wins Pennant By a score of 3-1 Hensall defeat- ed Hespler last Wednesday in the play-off baseball game played at Preston. This gives Hensall the in- tereounty intermediate "B" champ- ionship. Hensall defeated Hespler in the first game E6--1 and last the second at Hensall 7-4, which caused the ploy -off game resulting in a vic- tory for Hensall. Continuing on in the play-off games l lane 11 ,:'..-.: c �l or Saturday with Sarnia, which game they lost to the Sarnia Red Sex by the score of 12-3. Tile Sarnia slug -- ST. PETER'S ZURICH — own Clamm- ing Worlar Blue Scranton. Cog STANDARD ANTTH A.CfTE - We are unloading a limited ciantit3 Of .CANADIAN PETRO/MU/it COKE Get your winter supply • in now while it is avai'.Ia itre.. Sonet Solvay Coke:. Pocahontas and. Mlles Greek Always an hand. AGRICULTURAL TILE and l R CII. e,(,r:c batted •^I:1.. Henan:,tit Irl :r. "Highest CASH prise paid far Il ;wry son for four runs in the first frame and a Graded Basis. pounded in five and three runs r: - spectively in the seventh and eigth. Hensall, though smart as as ball tears could not seem to get warmed up. W. R. DAVIDSON Phone No. 18 11EE11TSAEJL DIST. II•++ •++•+4esse is 4^t'sa Cels . e.? `a- iso ear •esseeese e -Cies •S 1 "c i -I.4 +4, , 4.✓,+ + + dr `1 ,qq ,r .j' '„ xi.t1n 0 r''h*1f+(93 014'3 4s:'p''. PLOW DEEP WlIILE SLUGGARDS ' SLEEP iMMED.I.ei.'1.i 1 Y AFTER HARVEST Look up your oid Gana, Mass, (any maim), bring us an old point and we will get new paints for ytiu. If its an old Masaey-Harris made since 1.&47„ we" meg be able to get points if not on hand. Would be pleases/ tzs a idenzc nstration, with any fanner to' try out a new disc goats best ,near l ixsce 'laza destroy weeds after barvest. Have on hand for quick sale n: teptss'sessed MAL Fertilizer drill, also a slightly used Ceditsisntt 1+ xtilizer Drill at a ssserifiee. AIso used cultivators. Order wide cultivator points and bean &reins early and save express (charges. .j. 4 } ROW ABOUT 1 FLOW TIVAL. TIR:ES,, RA>G')G.teRl S, AT'REDUCER rRICE3m "A DOUAI SAVED 'IS A DOLSAR MARE' Tel. Shop I' 49 Oit.KLOPP.i SONS. Rea. 6Z A1?Ft IT TJ, P.,1;T n 4. W. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER -- ONT. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug . 31, Sep. 1, 2. "BELOW THE SEA" with "Fay Wray" of "Ann Carvers Profession" and Ralph Belamy" Several underwater scenes were. made by Prof. Zimmerman and his party. Prof. Zimmerman will be remembered by those who attended the Canadian Chautauqua as the lec- turer of "Under the Sea." • Fascinating underwater scenes in. technicoior and Giant Octopus fight- ing with a diver for ,its big thrill. "Harry Langdon" in "Tired Feet" all star comedy "His Vacation". Io advanced prices Mon., Tues., Wed., Sep. 4, 5, 6th: JACK HOLT, in "MAN AGAINST WOMAN" T JE hur., Fri., Sat., Sep. 7. 8, and 9th. AN HARLOW & CLARK GABLE In "HOLD YOUR MAN" Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer Picture IN MEMORIAM Surerus--In loving memory of a dear Husband and Father, who pas- sed away one year ago, September third, 1933. Our Husband and father is sleeping so free from all'pain. Oh, wake him not, sweet spirit, to suffer again. He slumbers so soundly, Oh, let 'him •sleep' on; His sickness is ended, his troubles are gone. Just think how he suffered and moan- ed with paid. In the long night hours we soothed hint in vain; Till God in his mercy sent clown from above An Angel that whispered a message of love. Sadly missed, by Wife, Daughter and Sons. In Police Court As a result of a rumpus at Grand Bend at the week -end 3,•le1(ualr Gra- velle last Monday faced a cuirge of attempting to assault Bert Holt, of the same village. He was ; uund ,1•pilty, placed on suspended sentences and bouad cases to lk_'arp In traffic court, Goderich, Charles George, London, was fined y10 and costs for .allowing another to drive his car" without an operator's permit ;'rest birititi' 1'0791:e tshire, ids girl friend whom he was teaching iso (hive when an accident occurred, was as- sessed .10 all without a permit. • Harry Procter of Goderieh, mid Logue ell ala ee, Ji I'ly':• , .•. 1. o ckle ss dri .hig charges, til • 1'- e r tons accident near I)rysdale ,t was stated 1.1 1:11 :1 blowout dila, Prestos's 11 1 a..1 'Cw igith e• hey ditch bodily damaged. I,ar6 tl. 1.'11. }'..'4.(1 ...ir was thrown through the wird - shield and cut about the aryls and head. The cases were acijiMrned to ecure snore a itne ries. As a result of disclosures of short- ages in county funds, variously esti- mated at between 32,400 and 38•- 00, Gordon- Young, treasurer of the County of Huron for the past six years, was arrested by Provincial po- lice. The alleged shortages cover th1e period of 1932 and the first five months of 1933. Chartered account ants conducting the audit, ordered at the June Session, have not delved further. Mr. Young is charged with 1—the theft of $2,400. 2—Destruc- tion and mutilation of the county's books and records. 3 --Failure to account for certain of the county's moneys. Since that time the two .. _.r•'.'- A-7,1.11 ti..d" o heels ar - Mr. T. L. Warm of Toronto, was a week -end visitor in town. Mr. Morris Weber was to Goderich on Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rau, of Detroit, were week -end visitors with the former's parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Schwalm of Seb- waing, Mich., spent a few days at the home of Miss Anna Hess. • Miss Stella. Callfas and friend of Kitchener, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner. Messrs. Daniel and Conrad Thiel, of Kitchener, were recent visitors with friends here. Hay Council will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept- ember 5th in the afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Christ Heist of Cre- diton, and Miss Gertrude Hoist of Goderich, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hess. Miss Ethel Williams attended the !big World's Fair at Chicago during the past week, and enjoyed the most gorgeous sights wonderfully. Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas of the Town Line, and Miss Meda Sur- erus of Toronto, spent a most pleas- ant ten day's camping at Grand Bend. Next Monday, September 4th is a National Holiday, known as Labor Day, when all places of business in town will be closed, and the public is 'called upon to observe a holiday. Rev. and. Mrs. Lloyd Schiefle and 'two daughters of Detroit, who spent their holidays at the home of Mrs. Schiefie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman, have returned to their home in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of Lon- don and Mr. and 1VIrs. O'Neil and family of Hamilton, , and Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cornish of Exeter, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Hoist wish to express their sincere thanks to all, those who assisted on the occasion of the recent fire which destroyed their home and bakeshop. They are also very grateful to those who have and are still assisting in cleaning4 up the debris preparatory to rebu•i,dhas. Mr. Newell Geiger spent a few days camping at Grand Berid, resting up after his accident from falling off the roof while trying to prosect the home from fire last Monday evening. In falling, Newell landed on his feet and the jolt was just a little too heavy for good, and so Newell had to rest up a bit. •••••IP••®•••••0•••• 0011•••• w••w`•••••••• • �. • • Own a Waltham Watch. • 1 • A • • • e a • • Hass, The • At This Price! TWO SPECIALS 16 Size, 15 Jewel Engraved Chrome Cases . $11.95. 16 Size, 15 Jewel Engraved, Gold g Cases $14.95` Yt ONLY A FEW LEFT AT THESE PRICE S AND CANNOT lifE' DUPLICATED Jeweller Phone 74 Zurikh ••••••••••M•••••••••Sss * ••••!•••®••••N•••• 114r. Horace dilopp and family of Stratford; Mr. Wm. Klopp aid lam - of St,Zs "01•d• ?.I1•. T,,•n. dt oar L1,11 family of Waterloo; Mrs. Jacob Wag1. ner of Shakespeare; Mrs. Charlie Shoemaker of Exeter; Mrs. Fray of rii::e1w lei'. w,.1' visiting 14It'b. \Via. Rlopp and other 1 c lath: E's 7n town on Sunday. HYMENIAL On Tuesday, August 21:Cs. at nine seat'+, a. lily at, St. £ ehc:irch, before a chancel, rich with sari -coloured gladioli, au.l i-itll the Rev. E. Tuerkheim, pastor rid fath- er of the bride, officiating, Charlotte Elizabeth Tuerkheim became the wife of Edwin Gascho, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gascho of Zur- ich. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, attended by Miss Geraldine Surerus, niece of the groom. The latter was ably sup- ported by Mr. John Tuerkheim, bro- ther of the bride. Mrs. Harry Hess presided at the organ. The bride was charming in a long beige lace dress over satin, with brown hat and shoes to match. The bridesmaid, was dressed in dark brown crepe with appropriate accessories. Immediat- ely after the 'Ceremony, bride and groom left on a motor trip to Mus- koka. The Herald joins the• ina,� ,1 ,., •••ir••t••!••••••bi.s••••••• Specials ON MEN'S FLANNEL 2 PIECE SUITS `COAT AND TROUSERS 0 ALL WOOL FLANNEL VERY STYLISH, SMARTLY TAILORED, FOR �u. X9075 ONLY A FEW LEFT EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4,4 iAOAa9Ed.9 44905C'45'40C.:041rrtil4,00, ei :Of (01. .4�i4.04'04,(96,14b, 54 c5 <ssass. vw.:itswai+. , „r -.:-.r- ¢ 'r7' n•�.rz'd'i�o-.;:+iL'.SS �i.abl feedo WE HAVE A GOOD K;q,! 3 WELL ASsOR1.L., 04 i: OCK OF DRY GOODS, HAITD y BARE, PAINTS, OILS, SHOES, RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOS'' AND HARNESS REPAIRS, ETC. AT LO F..,`'T PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. NEW GARDEN SEAand S AT Scc lilac PKG. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS , ON HAND R. GENERAL 1 RAL d't ERCHAK T PHONE '1 -97 '�A , 5