HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1933-08-24, Page 5Thursd'ay', ,t'trxgust: 2 fr„, 1C9;3r+3 BUSINESS CARDS , DUDL1Y E. HOL 1 S 1RRISTER, SOLICITOR, I'iOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. 1 NTICL Hamilton Street, Jut oft Opt Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Couxncel arid Court Work, Holmes may beornd lte l at t oderich by Phone, charges reversed Dr. II. H. COWEN L. D. $. D. D, ,ENTAL SURGEON .t DEITZ BLOOK_ZURIC i ,y,ery Thursday,. , Friday, Saturday At IIARTLEIB'°S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday ,nnd Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer for Huron and Middlesex AIVI IN A POSITION TON, . • ct any Auction Sale, regardless Mb to size or article to sell. I soiled veto business, and if not satisfied wi'il 'slake no charges for Services Ren- ed'Dashwood ARTHUR WEBER— _. ;fns 18-57. richs' Popular sus Tomo Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads N THIS DOM= HONEY FOR SALE A limited quantity of good flav- ored honey, a little dark in color, for sale, at 6' cents a, lb. Bring your container at once. J. Id.AB1PER & SONS, , One block south of Hotel, Zurich. FOR SALE A good fresh cow for sale. Apply to Theo. Haberer, Zurich. FOI2 SALE A good :rebuilt Electric Washer, hand or electric; good rebuilt force - pump. Also a second haild cook stove. „ AppIy to L. A. Prang, Zurich. • FOUND In Zurich a number of keys in a case. Owner can have same at Her- ald Office by paying this adv. Also a lady's white glove. FOR SALE ARUM .A limited quantity 'VILE, AT oes for sale. Apply 1�J ever or Ry. Howard., Let Us supply you. with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur -1 - • 'Meats, I olognas, Sausa,es, i Etc., always.. on hand... Kept fresh in Electric Rea1" ri,@rcZtl{3Z1 Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Slims . Yungblut & Sou SERVICE . "Why We have the Better Class. of Customers } CLASS GOODS, TTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- 'i•�l^R. bUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION avb, I•lehnins and Mechanical Work ease to Micrometer Settings, No moose work. Watch the cars that TOF at WE1N'S, They axe all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. is :1DASHWOOD of early potat- to Theo. Bab - Zurich. WANTED PRODUCE WANTED We are now in a position to take cream and eggs at n y bonne at Zur- ich, for which we wiS$ pay highest market prices. We will grade your eggs as we receive them, and pay ac- cording to grading. give us a trial. First house south of Dominion Hotel T. H. Meyers, Phone 116, Zurich. Fall Fair Dates Ailsa Craig—Sept.'21, 22, Atwood—Sept. 22, 23. Bayfield Sept. 27, 28 Brussels -Set.. 28, 29. Chesley— -Sept. 29, 20 • Dungannon—O.cl;. 5, 6.. Exeter, —Sept. 19, 20. Goderich—Sept. 19, 20 Borrie—Oct. e_ Kirktom•--Oct. 3, 4. Listowel—Sept. 20, 21_ London (Western Fair) -Sept. 11, 16 Lucknow—Sept_ 2.3e 29- _ Mildmay—Sept. 19, 20. Milverton—Sept. 14, 15. Mitchell—Sept. 26, 27. ONTARIO New Hamburg—Sept. 15, 16. Ottawa (Can. Can.) -Aug. 21, 26. Pahnerston—Sept. 22, 23. Parkhill—Sept. 29. Ripley—Sept. 26. 27. Seaforth—Sept. 21, 22. Stratford—Sept. 18, 20. Toronto (CNE.) Aug. 25, Sept Wingham—Oct. 6, 7. ZURICH—Sept. 25, 26. . International Plowing Match, 'Western Farriers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOINGBUSINESS OF THIS HIND IN ONTARIO. A. -mount of Insurance 1att8 isk 3 n Dec. 31st, 1932, $7 "Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $221,978.99. 1Rates_..-44.50 per $1,000 for 3 years E. F. Kropp—Zurich Abut, Also Dealer in LidIttnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT +R Y WANTLp Waft *miry Day tills 'Meek, p.rs. Se suet feed Fowl" same morning whoa brought in. Ugliest Cash. Prices .--CASH FOR— CREAM . . AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich ' THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT s ever ready to serve the pub- lic with Commercial; and eine Printing. Get our prices be- luga leaving, y • l+se- �+as'' fir' cs �• - ,. J ,Laos, wives& 9. Derby Tp., Owen Sound, Grey County Oct. 10, i3. Ottawa Winter Faix—Nov. 14, 17. Royal (Toronto)—Nov. 22, 30. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY .'WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES --$1.25 s year, strictly in advance; $1.50 to arrears or $2.00 may be charged. U• 3. $1.60 in advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid un• less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is donated an the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made knowr on application. . Miscellaneous. aatidee of not more than four lines, For Sade, Te Rent Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 h s.,$0c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.0( for first month,' $1.00 for each fol towing month. Professional are mot eaceedink i ,< �!i orches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, ane verse floc, 25( lfor each additionalrene; Card of Thanks, 50c. Auction Sales—$2.110 per single nsertion if not over four inches is Length, Address all communications to: TH t I EI .ALI Z(JRICkl+ ,. 1 LOCAL NWS Mr. Wm, Lamont was a Friday visitor at Forest. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Davidson of Goshen Line, spent Sunday with fri- ends at Stafr'a. Mrs. Wm. Burk and two children of Mitchell, spent Sunuay a4 .the home of Mrs. Wrn. Uttley. Miss Jemima Johnston is at pres- ent spending a few weeks with her relatives at Sandusky, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gesello and family were visitors with friends in Pigeon, Mich., the past week. Rev. L. Schiefie of Detroit preach- ed in the Evangelical church on San - day evening. Miss Shirley Koehler of near Hen - sail, spent the week -end with her fri- end, Miss Olive Witmore Mr. and Mrs. Sam Livingood, of Bridgeport, were. .Sunday visitors with Mrs. England. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and fam- ily of St. Joseph, were. Sunday vis- itors with friends at Kitchener. Mrs. Peter Ravelle and family' ',of Grand Bend, were visitors iii tTiSV1i on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Melsaae, of Crediton, were Tuesday visitors' in the village. Mrs. L. W. Hoffman andsuaugliter Dorothy, spent a week o' so awith her sister., Mrs. W. P. Braun, of Forest. Rev. and the Misses E. Fleischauer and B. Gascho are attending the Young People's Convention • in' South Cayuga, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook and dau- ghter and Mr. Ed. Brenner all of ICitchener, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brenner. The date for public and High Schools to re -open this summer is on Tuesday, September 5th. Or in other words, the day after Labor Day. Dr. and Ales. A. J. MacKinnon, and son Archie, and Ross Johnston, who spent a pleasant week's vacation at Rondeau Perk, returned home on Tuesday evening. Mr. W. H. Eckstein, of Port Hur- on, and sister, Mrs. Gardiner, of near Detroit, „pent a few days :est week at the home of 1Ir. and Mrs John Eckstein, Bronson Line. Mr. H. Yungblut & San have re- cently purchased frons 1Ir.. L. A. LOCAL NEWS _ ••••••••*.aasfeeo ew.*** rir lr*r****easel****0.000 0000 Mr, and Ml's, Christ Schwartzen- I Implement Repairs 1 tru.ber motored to t Ty. • where they will be fora ]feFv eek. WHY BUY JOBBERS REPAIRS ' WHEN YOU Mr. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener is I • CAN BUY THE GENUINE AT THE, SAME Idarl r visiting , at the home of 1 ' 121. Ytingblut. PRICES Messrs, Snide & Waldo wish to • 'n -00 advise the public that they are in • a position to to exl;le •t. '."'n, at seed ;t • A painful and Serio ace delft as- i CLIMAX BUG KILLER AT NEW LOW PRICES curred to Mr. Lloyd' Bedard, son of ? ALSO ALL 'KINDS OF INSECTICIDES AS FOL - Mr. Jos.Bedard, Drysr1lie, on Fri- • day, when in ,o,, N',,•'!":' lit c> a fat- a L OWS;---Arsenate of Lead, Arsenate of Lime, .,Preis cleaning at a very small cost. OJimax Bug Kilier ing a threshing inachiee lieut.' treys- it, Green, Etc., Etc. dale, he got his hand caught in the running parts of the machine and an - fortunately severed par'. o: zee. four • fingers and also part of the thine') of 0 PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY NOW WHEN THEY f COAL COAL a his ;?right hand. Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer el AREAT THE ROCKBOTTOM 1 was assisted by Dr. Taylor of Dash- : PRICES S flik wood in dressing the injuries. We:cc •D undi rstand that the young man is 'fie do Custom Seed Cleaning" suffering extensive pains, ;,AsaLii ® Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. $20,000 I ire in Zurich 0 • ..i§x Three large buildings in the bus- : L. Schilbe. ik iness section of Zurich ,.ele,conlple •„ *. 4, 0 w Jew tely destroyed by fire aim a lee& number of other homes and business places .lgered demag,;e on Monday -. afternoon about four thirty when fire was repoeted in the extreme east end of the buildings •adjoining Ha ' bakery c f toe n. In re: pond, to t - call, the local fire enginfi once rushed to the scene of the fisc, but uni'c rtunately it was hent .e l in the north side of the buildle;; \.e- - ere it could do very little, as had f been on the south side, where all the doors lead to, it would have been much more effective. The fire, how- ever, had soon got away to a good start, as there was an east wind blo- wing at the time, and when it ate its way up in the hay loft, it soon spread beyond control, and it soon looked very helpless. i'Iiss Anna Overholt, who was at the telephone switchboard did wonderful work in calling out for assistance in every direction. The Hensel]. and Dashwood tire brigades wore summoned, and arrived on the scene as soon as possible and did splendid work, just when they were I badly needed, these brigades fought heriocally, the Hensall e':nipment:55eavii threw' tons of water on the large L. -fit Schilbe & Son block and was boiuhd to get it under control, but it seem- ed impossible to get at the seat . of! the fire which had started on the Prang, local Feed Dealer, a tine new roof and the building was too high light delivery truck, which they will to reach with ladders to teat open use in their butcher business_ the roof. So it wass all that could be. done was to 'save the surrounding i Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim, of buildings, which were now being va- Zurich, announce the engageinent. of cated,• and men fought hercicly on their eldest daughter, Charlotte' Eliza- the roofs with buckets of water to 7i beth, to Mr. Edwin Gascho, Zurich, keep the fires from spreading:' On .r the marriage to take place the latteh "the Main Street the Dashwood bri- I part of August, gade did splendid work in saving the CARD OF THANKS Mr. Louis home of Mr. Louis Prang which was ; Prang wishes to greatly thank all- only about two feet away from the those people and the Fire Brigades Yungblut butcher shop which was who so nobly and faithfully assisted also a frame building and a mass of him in the saving of his house from flames. Here Mr. Prang with a well being burned on Monday evening • of organized staff were on the inside, this week. Again, Thank You Am •and the firemen on the outside, and - when it was all over we just wonder An interesting. marriage took place how it all happened. The summer at London recently when Miss Netty May Volk of Dashwood was united in marriage to Mr. Edward Thiel, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Thiel, of Zurich. The couple will reside at Dashwood. Mrs. Ayres of London and daugh- ter, Mrs. and Mr. Rowe and two sons of London, spent Friday e"cning supper with Mr. John Deeper of the village. Mrs Ayres was formerly Miss Broderick a neighbour on the Babylon line, and was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Win. Broderiec of Michigan, who is an old lady. Mr. James Masse, of the Blue Water Highway, two miles south of ephSt. Joseph, was taken to St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London on Monday evening by Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer, and. was operated by Dr. Peever mor ap- pendicitis. Pleased to report that Mr. Masse is progressing favorably. WW WaVA W sr. it a W63AW AsIit W i t>' IA Zurich rug Store INSECTICIDES We have a good stock of Drugs and preparations to destroy all kinds of troublesome Insects We have Fly Tox and Fly - 0 - Cede; Paris Green; Arsenate of Lead; Helibore; Insect Pow- der; Black Leaf 40 Evergreen; Bordeaux Mixture; Corrosive Sublimate; Saphine Anti -Mott Discs has been very dry, but regardlessri Dr.this therwasenough watr tZurlh tli tthe enduaone time the whole town Iooked to�s�;���jj■� be in great peril. The implement I ,,(Ap mp, �wM C Ml'shop of 0. Klopp & Son started to Some time gao tenders were cal- led for courier of R. R. No. 2, Ztir- ich, and word has been received by; the Department that the contract has been granted to Mr. Harvey Gelinas, of the Goshen line north of town. We. understand that Mr. Gelinas' tender. has been considerable less than to what Mr. Josiah Geiger, who has be- en the courtier for a goodly num- ber of years, has been receiving. A SHEPHERD FROM GALILEE A Shepherd from Galilee coming to speak next Sunday Morning at 10 n.m. in Zurich Evangelical Church,.. ind on the following night, he and is party with Madam Haboush will )resent the' All Talking Musical Tra- elogue, "The Seven Wonders of eruselem. and Galilee,” under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. Mr, aaboush is bringing to Zurich the '�rue Story of Galilee and Palestine, old by one who knows it best. He ) rings not onty his exceptional and Milling pictures, but also special lotion pictures. Some of the Dram - ,tie scenes that Mr. Haboush will Chow during his program appear in 'he Xational Geographic Magayine. is something different, the like of wi'ri 1i: dem not. exist. The .public is ivtt cd'. e o as o B t tZurich fire, and the Zurich brigoue went to this place and it was soon out, and on practically every roof, especially wood shingles, there was ane or two persons with pails ready when a blaze should start. In all we Iearn 'of a- bout thirty-three . different places where the flying embers started bur- ning on the roofs. Everybody did their bit, and the fire was confined to three places, namely the Haist Bak ery, which is the heaviest looser, the 'butcher shop of H. Yungblut & Son, and the• Schilbe block. All three of these buildings had most of their contents removed, and are only par- tially artially covered by insurance, and as a consequence, the lossisheavy. Of, the damaged buildings the house oc- cupied by Dr. and Mrs. Cowen and owner by Mr. Haist, was the most ex- tensive sufferer, and it is a miracle that it was saved. Plate glass, win- dows and sidings of other builditrgr were damaged, and we would judge', the entire loss to be over $20,000.1 We regret very much that life was also injured. A wagon passed over, the body of LeeRoy Thiel, son of Mr. George Thiel of town. fir. Gor- don ordon Howard, while protecting• the roof of their house in some fell off and fractured his arm. Mr. Myrvin Stelek of the 14th con., fell off the fire engine and suffered a fracture of his leg, these are the most serious casualties, It was an experience that we hope this present generacton will not again witness in Zurich. Some- one has said it looked much like the battle fields of Firance during the big war, when people moved out on i 11 the roads with their effects t` s CtUr g a beseiging. But the villagers are in- deed very grateful to all those who responded to the S.O.S call, and es- pecially to the Dashwood, Honsall and Clinton fire brigades who were in our 'midst doing what they can, and also to the Zurich and Dashwood teleph- one Centrals for their work, and may we never again be called upon. to, witness such an event,, is our prayers. 4.41 4 •• 4 4 • • • • • • • •p •• • • • • • • e • 0 • • • • • • •• • • h• • • • a • 0 • 4 • • • 0 • •e • • • • 4 • • � r ••••••04•4aoe6' )O .),►4...4,444r.044044e444-44444•154444 ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Pape_ for one Year: Kitchener Daily Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 Toronto Daily Star $7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London Free Press $6.00 London Advertiser $6.00 London, Farmer's Advocate $2.25 Farm and Dairy 32.75 Farmers Sun $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 $2.25 Canadian Countryzx;.a.;. :' ,.15 Weekly Witness • Farmers' Magazine 4)2.50 Huron Expositor, Seaforth •••• 3.75 Aad a great many more that we cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine ,in av you money and can •Y Canada and the United States, tos on the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE - Zurich +•••,+•••••••••••••4.4( '•1 `+ 4.40.4♦4".4, ',10.1t.***** 54404 • • • • A • • •• • • • • • •t ••• • • • •• • • • • • • • • iii